Light Hydrocarbon Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of Buried Hill Condensate Oil in Bozhong 19-6 Structural Belt
摘要: 为了明确渤海湾盆地渤中19-6大气田的地化特征和成因,选取研究区潜山凝析气藏7个凝析油样品进行全油色谱分析,剖析其轻烃组成特征,探讨轻烃参数在该区的地质应用.结果表明:渤中19-6凝析油的Mango轻烃参数K1和K2值相对稳定,表明研究区原油成因类型基本一致.C6~C8组成中正构烷烃具显著优势,甲基环己烷指数平均为39%;庚烷值与异庚烷值,正庚烷/甲基环己烷(F)比值较高,反映它们较高成熟度;轻烃参数计算原油生成温度为125.8~128.1 ℃,其相对偏低,可能与取样过程中凝析油的相态变化有关;2-甲基戊烷/3-甲基戊烷,2-甲基己烷/3-甲基己烷比值高,K2值低;凝析油正构烷烃摩尔浓度呈三段式分布,甲苯/正庚烷和原油蜡含量随深度而增加.结合饱和烃参数以及金刚烷参数揭示渤中19-6潜山油气为湖相腐泥Ⅱ1型母质在高成熟阶段(Ro=1.05%~1.30%)的产物,气藏形成后发生一定程度分馏造成油气组分调整.Abstract: In order to clarify the geochemical characteristics and genesis of Bozhong 19-6 gas field in Bohai Bay basin, seven condensate oil samples from buried hill condensate gas reservoir in the study area are selected to conduct the whole-oil GC-MS test, and the light hydrocarbon composition characteristics are analyzed, and the geological application of light hydrocarbon parameters in the area were discussed. The results show that the Mango light hydrocarbon parameters K1 and K2 of Bozhong19-6 condensate oil are relatively stable, indicating that the genetic types of crude oil in the study area have good consistency. The C6-C8 compound component n-alkane has significant advantages, and the average methylcyclohexane index is 39%. Heptane value, isoheptane value and the ratio of n-heptane/methylcyclohexane (F) corresponds to high maturity. According to light hydrocarbon temperature parameters, the hydrocarbon generation temperature is 125.8-128.1 ℃, lower than the actual value maybe due to the phase change of condensate during sampling. The ratio of 2MP/3MP and 2MH/3MH in condensate oil is relatively high, while the K2 value is low. The molar concentration of n-paraffins in condensate oil is distributed in three stages, and the content of toluene/n-heptane and crude oil wax increases with depth. Furthermore, combined with the saturated hydrocarbon parameters and adamantane parameters, it is revealed that the oil and gas in Bozhong 19-6 buried hill were formed in the high mature stage (Ro=1.05%-1.30%) of lacustrine sapropel type Ⅱ1, which is adjusted by fractionation.
Key words:
- light hydrocarbons /
- crude oil /
- organic matter input /
- maturity /
- alteration /
- Bozhong sag /
- hydrocarbon
图 5 渤中19-6太古界原油Pr/nC17和Ph/nC18关系图(据吴小奇等, 2019修改)(a)与Pr/Ph和Pr/nC17和Ph/nC18三角图(底图据王铁冠等,1995)(b)
Fig. 5. Correlation diagram of Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 of Archaean crude oil from Bozhong 19-6 (a) and ternary of Pr/Ph-Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18 (b)
表 1 渤中19-6构造带凝析油C6-C8轻烃化合物组成相对含量
Table 1. Relative contents of light hydrocarbon compounds in condensate oil C6-C8 of Bozhong 19-6 structural belt
井号 层位 深度(m) C6组成(%) C7组成(%) C8组成(%) 碳环优势指数RP(%) nC6 iC6 CyC6 nC7 MCH ∑DMCP nC8 iC8 C8环 3-RP 5-RP 6-RP BZ19-6-A Ar - 45.05 18.12 36.83 46.33 39.00 14.67 40.31 22.39 37.3 22.88 13.66 63.46 BZ19-6-B Ar 3 998.65 46.19 18.39 35.43 47.23 38.65 14.12 40.87 22.47 36.66 23.05 13.13 63.83 BZ19-6-C Ar 4 499.80 45.34 18.34 36.32 47.48 38.79 13.73 41.52 22.19 36.29 22.84 12.58 64.57 BZ19-6-D Ar 3 566.00 45.23 18.69 36.08 45.28 39.46 15.26 38.47 22.34 39.19 22.89 14.88 62.24 BZ19-6-E Ar 4 817.00 43.54 19.27 37.19 44.5 40.76 14.74 40.81 22.14 37.06 22.47 13.20 64.33 BZ19-6-F Ar 5 079.00 44.85 18.68 36.47 43.76 41.68 14.56 40.68 21.74 37.58 22.07 13.17 64.76 BZ19-6-E Ar 5 500.00 44.78 17.90 37.32 44.74 40.76 14.50 40.69 22.24 37.06 22.11 13.04 64.85 注:nC6. 正己烷;iC6. 异己烷;CyC6.环己烷;nC7.正庚烷;MCH.甲基环己烷;∑DMCP.二甲基环戊烷;nC8.正辛烷;iC8.异构辛烷;C8环. 环辛烷;3-RP.异构烷烃;5-RP.环戊烃;6-RP.环己烷. 表 2 渤中19-6潜山原油部分饱和烃参数
Table 2. Partially saturated hydrocarbon parameters of Bozhong 19-6 buried hill crude oil
井号 层位 深度(m) Pr/nC17 Ph/nC18 Pr/Ph(%) Pr/nC17 (%) Ph/nC18(%) MAI MDI BZ19-6-A Ar - 0.30 0.25 70.43 16.15 13.42 0.62 0.37 BZ19-6-B Ar 3 998.65 0.27 0.22 72.64 15.13 12.24 0.62 0.35 BZ19-6-C Ar 4 499.80 0.28 0.23 71.39 15.72 12.89 0.61 0.35 BZ19-6-D Ar 3 566.00 0.34 0.25 71.19 16.53 12.28 0.61 0.34 BZ19-6-E Ar 4 817.00 0.29 0.23 72.05 15.72 12.23 0.60 0.38 BZ19-6-F Ar 5 079.00 0.31 0.24 71.21 16.24 12.55 0.61 0.38 BZ19-6-E Ar 5 500.00 0.31 0.24 71.42 16.03 12.55 0.61 0.37 注:MAI(%)=1/(1+2)-甲基单金刚烷;MDI(%)=4-甲基双金刚烷/(3+4+1)-甲基双金刚烷. 表 3 渤中19-6构造带原油成熟作用及次生作用相关参数
Table 3. The related parameters of crude oil maturation and secondary action in Bozhong 19-6 structural belt
井号 层位 深度(m) I H(%) Ctemp(℃) 2MP/3MP 2MH/3MH F Tol/nC7 BZ19-6-A Ar - 1.77 33.51 126.85 1.69 0.93 1.19 0.85 BZ19-6-B Ar 3 998.65 1.86 34.12 126.97 1.70 0.93 1.22 0.85 BZ19-6-C Ar 4 499.80 1.92 34.43 128.12 1.69 0.94 1.22 0.88 BZ19-6-D Ar 3 566.00 1.6 32.95 126.18 1.71 0.92 1.15 0.75 BZ19-6-E Ar 4 817.00 1.78 31.95 125.79 1.67 0.9 1.09 0.94 BZ19-6-F Ar 5 079.00 1.77 31.53 126.71 1.64 0.92 1.05 0.93 BZ19-6-E Ar 5 500.00 1.81 32.29 127.08 1.64 0.93 1.10 0.95 注:I为庚烷值;H为异庚烷值;F为正庚烷/甲基环己烷;Tol/nC7为苯/正庚烷. -
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