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    刘梦醒 郝芳 王奇 牛成民 田金强

    刘梦醒, 郝芳, 王奇, 牛成民, 田金强, 2021. 渤中19-6潜山构造带凝析油中轻烃地球化学特征及意义. 地球科学, 46(10): 3645-3656. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.033
    引用本文: 刘梦醒, 郝芳, 王奇, 牛成民, 田金强, 2021. 渤中19-6潜山构造带凝析油中轻烃地球化学特征及意义. 地球科学, 46(10): 3645-3656. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.033
    Liu Mengxing, Hao Fang, Wang Qi, Niu Chengmin, Tian Jinqiang, 2021. Light Hydrocarbon Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of Buried Hill Condensate Oil in Bozhong 19-6 Structural Belt. Earth Science, 46(10): 3645-3656. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.033
    Citation: Liu Mengxing, Hao Fang, Wang Qi, Niu Chengmin, Tian Jinqiang, 2021. Light Hydrocarbon Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of Buried Hill Condensate Oil in Bozhong 19-6 Structural Belt. Earth Science, 46(10): 3645-3656. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.033


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.033

    国家自然科学基金重大项目 41821002

    国家自然科学基金重大项目 42002146




      王奇, E-mail: wangqi@upc.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P559

    Light Hydrocarbon Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of Buried Hill Condensate Oil in Bozhong 19-6 Structural Belt

    • 摘要: 为了明确渤海湾盆地渤中19-6大气田的地化特征和成因,选取研究区潜山凝析气藏7个凝析油样品进行全油色谱分析,剖析其轻烃组成特征,探讨轻烃参数在该区的地质应用.结果表明:渤中19-6凝析油的Mango轻烃参数K1K2值相对稳定,表明研究区原油成因类型基本一致.C6~C8组成中正构烷烃具显著优势,甲基环己烷指数平均为39%;庚烷值与异庚烷值,正庚烷/甲基环己烷(F)比值较高,反映它们较高成熟度;轻烃参数计算原油生成温度为125.8~128.1 ℃,其相对偏低,可能与取样过程中凝析油的相态变化有关;2-甲基戊烷/3-甲基戊烷,2-甲基己烷/3-甲基己烷比值高,K2值低;凝析油正构烷烃摩尔浓度呈三段式分布,甲苯/正庚烷和原油蜡含量随深度而增加.结合饱和烃参数以及金刚烷参数揭示渤中19-6潜山油气为湖相腐泥Ⅱ1型母质在高成熟阶段(Ro=1.05%~1.30%)的产物,气藏形成后发生一定程度分馏造成油气组分调整.


    • 图  1  渤中19-6潜山构造带位置图及地层柱状图

      Fig.  1.  Schematic diagrams showing the locations of the Bozhong 19-6 buried hill structural belt and the generalized stratigraphic column

      图  2  渤中19-6地区原油全油和轻烃气相色谱图


      Fig.  2.  Gas chromatograms of whole crude oils and light hydrocarbons in the condensates from the Bozhong 19-6 area

      图  3  渤中19-6构造带原油K1-K2相关图

      Fig.  3.  Correlation diagram of crude oil K1-K2 in Bozhong 19-6 structural belt

      图  4  渤中19-6潜山原油轻烃组成及成因分类

      Fig.  4.  Composition and origin of crude oil light hydrocarbons in Bozhong 19-6 buried hill

      图  5  渤中19-6太古界原油Pr/nC17和Ph/nC18关系图(据吴小奇等, 2019修改)(a)与Pr/Ph和Pr/nC17和Ph/nC18三角图(底图据王铁冠等,1995)(b)

      Fig.  5.  Correlation diagram of Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 of Archaean crude oil from Bozhong 19-6 (a) and ternary of Pr/Ph-Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18 (b)

      图  6  渤中19-6构造带庚烷值和异庚烷值相关图(a)与甲基单金刚烷指数和甲基双金刚烷指数相关图(b)

      Fig.  6.  Correlation diagram of heptane and isoheptane in Bozhong 19-6 structural belt (a) and correlation diagram of MAI and MDI (b)

      图  7  渤中19-6凝析油正构烷烃摩尔浓度半对数分布曲线

      Fig.  7.  Distribution curves of n-alkanes mole concentrations of the condensate oils in Bozhong 19-6

      图  8  渤中19-6凝析油含蜡量随深度分布(a)与甲苯/正庚烷(Tol/nC7)随深度分布(b)

      Fig.  8.  Distribution of wax content (a) and toluene/n-heptane (Tol/nC7) with depth (b) in Bozhong 19-6 condensate

      表  1  渤中19-6构造带凝析油C6-C8轻烃化合物组成相对含量

      Table  1.   Relative contents of light hydrocarbon compounds in condensate oil C6-C8 of Bozhong 19-6 structural belt

      井号 层位 深度(m) C6组成(%) C7组成(%) C8组成(%) 碳环优势指数RP(%)
      nC6 iC6 CyC6 nC7 MCH ∑DMCP nC8 iC8 C8 3-RP 5-RP 6-RP
      BZ19-6-A Ar - 45.05 18.12 36.83 46.33 39.00 14.67 40.31 22.39 37.3 22.88 13.66 63.46
      BZ19-6-B Ar 3 998.65 46.19 18.39 35.43 47.23 38.65 14.12 40.87 22.47 36.66 23.05 13.13 63.83
      BZ19-6-C Ar 4 499.80 45.34 18.34 36.32 47.48 38.79 13.73 41.52 22.19 36.29 22.84 12.58 64.57
      BZ19-6-D Ar 3 566.00 45.23 18.69 36.08 45.28 39.46 15.26 38.47 22.34 39.19 22.89 14.88 62.24
      BZ19-6-E Ar 4 817.00 43.54 19.27 37.19 44.5 40.76 14.74 40.81 22.14 37.06 22.47 13.20 64.33
      BZ19-6-F Ar 5 079.00 44.85 18.68 36.47 43.76 41.68 14.56 40.68 21.74 37.58 22.07 13.17 64.76
      BZ19-6-E Ar 5 500.00 44.78 17.90 37.32 44.74 40.76 14.50 40.69 22.24 37.06 22.11 13.04 64.85
      注:nC6. 正己烷;iC6. 异己烷;CyC6.环己烷;nC7.正庚烷;MCH.甲基环己烷;∑DMCP.二甲基环戊烷;nC8.正辛烷;iC8.异构辛烷;C8环. 环辛烷;3-RP.异构烷烃;5-RP.环戊烃;6-RP.环己烷.
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2  渤中19-6潜山原油部分饱和烃参数

      Table  2.   Partially saturated hydrocarbon parameters of Bozhong 19-6 buried hill crude oil

      井号 层位 深度(m) Pr/nC17 Ph/nC18 Pr/Ph(%) Pr/nC17 (%) Ph/nC18(%) MAI MDI
      BZ19-6-A Ar - 0.30 0.25 70.43 16.15 13.42 0.62 0.37
      BZ19-6-B Ar 3 998.65 0.27 0.22 72.64 15.13 12.24 0.62 0.35
      BZ19-6-C Ar 4 499.80 0.28 0.23 71.39 15.72 12.89 0.61 0.35
      BZ19-6-D Ar 3 566.00 0.34 0.25 71.19 16.53 12.28 0.61 0.34
      BZ19-6-E Ar 4 817.00 0.29 0.23 72.05 15.72 12.23 0.60 0.38
      BZ19-6-F Ar 5 079.00 0.31 0.24 71.21 16.24 12.55 0.61 0.38
      BZ19-6-E Ar 5 500.00 0.31 0.24 71.42 16.03 12.55 0.61 0.37
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      表  3  渤中19-6构造带原油成熟作用及次生作用相关参数

      Table  3.   The related parameters of crude oil maturation and secondary action in Bozhong 19-6 structural belt

      井号 层位 深度(m) I H(%) Ctemp(℃) 2MP/3MP 2MH/3MH F Tol/nC7
      BZ19-6-A Ar - 1.77 33.51 126.85 1.69 0.93 1.19 0.85
      BZ19-6-B Ar 3 998.65 1.86 34.12 126.97 1.70 0.93 1.22 0.85
      BZ19-6-C Ar 4 499.80 1.92 34.43 128.12 1.69 0.94 1.22 0.88
      BZ19-6-D Ar 3 566.00 1.6 32.95 126.18 1.71 0.92 1.15 0.75
      BZ19-6-E Ar 4 817.00 1.78 31.95 125.79 1.67 0.9 1.09 0.94
      BZ19-6-F Ar 5 079.00 1.77 31.53 126.71 1.64 0.92 1.05 0.93
      BZ19-6-E Ar 5 500.00 1.81 32.29 127.08 1.64 0.93 1.10 0.95
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