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    徐洋 曹养同 刘成林

    徐洋, 曹养同, 刘成林, 2021. 库车盆地早始新世成盐期卤水温度及其意义. 地球科学, 46(11): 4188-4196. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.026
    引用本文: 徐洋, 曹养同, 刘成林, 2021. 库车盆地早始新世成盐期卤水温度及其意义. 地球科学, 46(11): 4188-4196. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.026
    Xu Yang, Cao Yangtong, Liu Chenglin, 2021. Brine Temperature of Early Eocene Salt Formation Period in Kuqa Basin and Its Significance. Earth Science, 46(11): 4188-4196. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.026
    Citation: Xu Yang, Cao Yangtong, Liu Chenglin, 2021. Brine Temperature of Early Eocene Salt Formation Period in Kuqa Basin and Its Significance. Earth Science, 46(11): 4188-4196. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.026


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.026

    中国地质科学院基本科研业务费项目 YYWF201716

    国家自然科学基金项目 41902064

    国家自然科学基金项目 41902065

    国家自然科学基金项目 41602100

    中央公益性基本科研业务费项目 KK2016

    东华理工大学博士科研启动基金项目 DHBK2018029


      徐洋(1991-), 男, 讲师, 博士, 主要从事流体包裹体、盐湖等研究工作.ORCID: 0000-0001-7667-865X.E-mail: geologyxu@163.com


      刘成林, ORCID: 0000-0003-2233-4274.E-mail: liuchengl@263.net

    • 中图分类号: P611.4

    Brine Temperature of Early Eocene Salt Formation Period in Kuqa Basin and Its Significance

    • 摘要: 古气候和古卤水温度条件与盐湖成钾有着密切的联系,定量化重建库车盆地早始新世成盐期古卤水温度演化特征对评价盆地成钾潜力具有重要的科学意义.因此,首次以库车盆地西部QL1井下始新统石盐岩为研究对象,在详细的岩相学研究的基础上,开展石盐原生流体包裹体均一温度的定量分析工作.分析结果显示,来自钻孔不同深度的6个样品共有135个均一温度数据,介于21.2~57.8℃,平均值为31.8℃,剖面垂向上自底向顶整体上呈现一个稍微升温的趋势.本研究测定的温度范围、平均温度以及最高温度特征均与同时期特提斯海水温度数据吻合,进一步说明温度数据的可靠性和合理性.另外,高温条件有利于水体发生强烈的蒸发浓缩作用,这点与库车盆地始新世初期沉积的巨厚蒸发岩系和钾盐矿物相符.


    • 图  1  库车盆地简要地质图(Xu et al., 2019

      Fig.  1.  Simplified geological map of the Kuqa basin (Xu et al., 2019)

      图  2  库车盆地QL1井石盐中条带状原生流体包裹体特征

      Fig.  2.  Petrographic characteristics of band-like primary fluid inclusions in halite from core QL1, Kuqa basin

      图  3  库车盆地QL1井下始新统石盐原生流体包裹体均一温度特征

      Fig.  3.  Th data characteristics of primary fluid inclusions from Lower Eocene halite in core QL1, Kuqa basin

      图  4  流体包裹体直径大小与Th之间的关系

      Fig.  4.  Cross-plot of the Th data plotted against size of fluid inclusions

      表  1  库车盆地QL1井下始新统石盐原生流体包裹体Th(℃)

      Table  1.   Homogenization temperatures (℃) of Lower Eocene halite primary fluid inclusions from core QL1, Kuqa basin

      序号 深度(m) Th /直径(μm) ThMAX ThMIN ThAVG ThRANGE
      S1 5 545 38.3 34.3 36.4
      FIA 1 34.4/12; 34.5/10; 34.7/15; 36.1/16; 36.5/18; 37.2/12; 37.7/13; 38.1/15; 38.3/16 3.9
      S2 5 572 52.6 22.3 31.8
      FIA 1 28.2/23; 28.8/22; 28.9/22; 29.3/16; 29.5/16; 29.8/17; 29.9/15; 30.2/24; 30.6/20; 31.4/22; 31.6/22; 31.7/23; 31.7/18; 32.0/19; 4.8
      FIA 2 22.3/28; 24.5/32; 24.7/30; 24.8/28; 25.1/16; 25.2/18; 25.2/17; 25.6/14; 25.8/14; 26.1/17; 26.2/18; 27.2/17; 27.3/17; 27.6/21; 27.9/22; 28.2/14; 28.4/14; 28.5/13; 28.6/13; 29.1/18; 29.1/18; 29.2/32; 29.2/34; 29.3/34 7.0
      FIA 3 31.2/30; 31.6/30; 32.1/28; 32.2/26; 33.5/32; 35.4/27; 36.7/22; 37.8/23; 39.4/18; 40.5/18 9.3
      FIA 4 47.2/24; 48.3/23; 48.9/23; 50.6/25; 50.8/19; 52.6/18 5.4
      S3 5 596 32.7 24.2 28.8
      FIA 1 24.2/13; 25.9/12; 26.3/13; 26.4/12; 26.7/15; 27.7/16; 28.5/14; 28.6/14 4.4
      FIA 2 27.8/18; 28.1/28; 28.3/29;30.1/26; 30.2/26; 31.3/27; 31.3/24; 31.5/17; 32.4/8; 32.7/12 4.9
      S4 5 612 57.8 21.2 37.3
      FIA 1 21.2/10; 25.4/12; 26.7/13; 27.1/8; 27.5/7; 27.6/8; 27.8/13; 28.0/24; 28.2/18; 28.4/28 7.2
      FIA 2 34.9/27; 36.8/28; 39.7/24; 41.3/15; 42.1/16; 44.6/24 9.7
      FIA 3 47.3/22; 48.2/25; 50.8/26; 54.2/20; 55.9/21; 57.8/23 10.5
      S5 5 638 35.8 22.4 29.2
      FIA 1
      FIA 2
      22.4/14; 22.8/16; 22.8/16; 23.1/15; 28.7/15; 28.9/13; 29.3/26; 30.8/18
      29.8/24; 30.4/22; 31.6/16; 32.2/18; 34.5/19; 35.1/15; 35.8/22
      S6 5 674 34.5 22.8 28.1
      FIA 1 22.8/24; 23.2/28; 24.2/27; 26.2/24; 27.6/26; 28.1/28 5.3
      FIA 2 27.8/32; 27.9/30; 27.9/28; 28.3/15; 28.3/17; 28.5/16 0.7
      FIA 3 29.1/19; 30.4/20; 30.8/24; 32.6/19; 34.5/22 5.4
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