Influence Mechanism of Micro-Heterogeneity on Conglomerate Reservoir Densification: A Case Study of Upper Permian Wutonggou Formation in DN8 Area of Dongdaohaizi Sag, Junggar Basin
Abstract:The quantitative evaluation criterion for the conglomerate reservoir was established on the basis of studying the micro heterogeneity characteristics of reservoir, in order to understand micro heterogeneity and quantitatively evaluate the degree of densification for the conglomerate reservoir of the Upper Permain Wutonggou Formation int DN8 area of the Dongdaohaizi sag, eastern Junggar basin, based on identification of blue epoxy resin-impregnated thin sections, analysis of scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) of minerals, high-pressure capillary pressure, combined with previous research results. The results show that the micro heterogeneity of reservoir mainly includes petrological heterogeneity, pore throat heterogeneity and fracture heterogeneity. In petrological heterogeneity, the rock structural heterogeneity caused by the difference of rock structural maturity restricts the initial physical property of reservoir. The degree of reservoir densification is affected by types and contents of gravels, cuttings in synsedimentary interstitial matterial and cements after compaction and cementation. The degree of current reservoir densification is affected by the pore throat heterogeneity and fracture heterogeneity, which caused by the difference of diagenesis-pore evolution process after dissolution and the fracture development density. The diagenetic comprehensive parameter (DCP) and formation brittleness index (FBI) are thus put forward to characterize densification degree of the reservoir, which can be divided into three grades. The DCP is greater than 4.0 and the FBI is greater than 0.8 in the first grade of densification. The DCP is between 3.0-4.0 and the FBI is between 0.3-0.8 in the second grade of densification, and the DCP is less than 3.0 and the FBI is less than 0.3 in the third grade of densification. The tight reservoir of the first grade is with the best pore throat structure and the highest quality, thus of the weakest micro heterogeneity, which is the favorable conglomerate reservoir in the study area.
图 2 DN8井区梧桐沟组砂砾岩类型三角图(图版据桑隆康等,2012)
Fig. 2. Diagram showing sandy conglomerate types and components from the Wutonggou Formation in DN8 area
图 4 DN8井区梧桐沟组储层胶结物镜下特征
a.DN11井,4 727.00 m,蜂窝状伊/蒙混层矿物胶结孔隙,扫描电镜;b. DN081井,4 028.20 m,针叶状绿泥石膜附着于孔隙表面,扫描电镜;c.DN12井,3 447.57 m,丝状伊利石胶结孔隙,扫描电镜;d. DN1井,2 666.50 m,粒间充填书页状高岭石,扫描电镜;e. DN2,2 612.65 m,方解石胶结孔隙,正交偏光;f. DN081井,4 028.20 m,粒间充填的嵌晶状方解石胶结物,扫描电镜;g. DN13,4 107.65 m,无色浊沸石胶结孔隙,单偏光;h. DN13井,4 105.23 m,板柱状浊沸石胶结孔隙;i. DN13,4 107.65 m,石英二级加大边,单偏光
Fig. 4. Microscopic characteristics of the cements in the Wutonggou Formation reservoir
图 5 DN8井区梧桐沟组储层微观孔喉非均质性特征
c.DN13井,4 103.50 m,砂质砾岩,以粒间溶孔为主,面孔率为8.23%,平均孔隙直径226.12 μm,喉道宽度介于0.91~49.50 μm,平均为27.70 μm,平均孔喉比为3.82,平均配位数为1.41; d.DN081井,4 020.07 m,砂质砾岩,以粒间溶孔为主,面孔率为2.76%,平均孔隙直径121.76 μm,喉道宽度介于0.91~47.52 μm,平均为15.56 μm,平均孔喉比为4.92,平均配位数为0.56; e.DN8井,3 957.76 m,砂质砾岩,以粒间溶孔为主,面孔率为0.85%,平均孔隙直径70.20 μm,喉道宽度介于1.58~45.98 μm,平均为11.81 μm,平均孔喉比为5.33,平均配位数为0.13; f.Ⅰ型曲线,门槛压力为0.16 MPa, 最大进汞饱和度为86.56%,压汞曲线形态低平宽缓; g.Ⅱ型曲线,门槛压力为0.32 MPa, 最大进汞饱和度为67.10%,压汞曲线形态较为窄小; h.Ⅲ型曲线,门槛压力为0.85 MPa, 最大进汞饱和度为51.48%,压汞曲线形态高陡窄小
Fig. 5. Characteristics of micro pore throat heterogeneity of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area
图 6 DN8井区梧桐沟组储层岩心及成像测井照片
a.DN1井,2 647.41 m,含砾砂岩,发育倾斜裂缝,裂缝密度为5.56条/m;b. DN2井,2 613.40 m,含砾砂岩,发育高角度裂缝及水平裂缝,裂缝密度为4.00~7.69 m/条;c. DN2井,2 611.95 m,含砾砂岩,发育高角度裂缝,裂缝密度为2.86 m/条;d. DN12井,3 503.00~3 504.00 m,砂岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为7.76%,渗透率为1.95×10-3 μm2;e. DN14井,4 000.00~4 008.00 m,砂质砾岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为5.70%,渗透率为2.00×10-3 μm2;f. DN8井,3 957.00~3 958.00 m,砂质砾岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为7.90%,渗透率为4.40×10-3 μm2;g. DN081井,4 021.00~4 023.00 m,砂质砾岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为10.43%,渗透率为24.78×10-3 μm2
Fig. 6. Photos from the core and imaging logging of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area
图 10 DN8井区梧桐沟组储层致密化过程模式(埋藏热史图乔锦琪,2017)
Fig. 10. Model showing reservoir densification process of the Wutonggou Formation in DN8 area
表 1 DN8井区梧桐沟组储层压汞曲线参数统计
Table 1. Statistics of capillary pressure parameters from the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area
曲线形态 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 分选系数 变异系数 中值压力(MPa) 中值半径(mm) 最大孔喉半径(mm) 排驱压力(MPa) 最大进汞饱和度(%) 退汞效率(%) 微观非均质性 样品数(个) Ⅰ型 9.96~12.74(10.79) 0.86~21.50(10.36) 0.95~1.82(1.24) 0.07~0.15(0.10) 2.53~16.56(6.36) 0.05~0.48(0.17) 0.69~2.48(1.08) 0.10~2.69(0.67) 55.02~95.46(74.63) 20.55~50.22(33.39) 弱 6 Ⅱ型 7.15~10.80(8.67) 0.25~5.44(1.09) 0.58~3.59(1.94) 0.04~0.35(0.17) 3.66~19.33(7.87) 0.01~0.31(0.13) 0.35~2.01(0.64) 0.25~3.44(1.86) 30.62~89.63(54.13) 8.81~48.87(27.43) 中 60 Ⅲ型 1.54~7.21(5.92) 0.01~1.32(0.19) 0.91~3.45(2.21) 0.04~0.42(0.27) 2.99~19.38(9.31) 0.01~0.11(0.06) 0.27~2.32(0.46) 0.50~5.11(2.74) 15.05~60.71(40.39) 9.54~39.78(19.97) 强 37 注:括号内为平均值. 表 2 DN8井区梧桐沟组储层致密化程度综合评价
Table 2. Comprehensive evaluation for the reservoir densification of Wutonggou Formation in DN8 area
致密化程度 地层脆性指数 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 成岩综合指数 孔隙度/% 面孔率/% 压汞曲线类型 微观非均质性 储层类型 Ⅰ级 > 0.8 > 10 > 4 > 10 > 8 Ⅰ类 弱 低孔、低渗 Ⅱ级 0.3~0.8 1~10 3~4 8~10 5~8 Ⅱ类 中 特低孔、特低渗 Ⅲ级 < 0.3 < 1 < 3 < 8 < 5 Ⅲ类 强 超低孔、超低渗及致密 注:不同类型压汞曲线所对应孔喉结构参数见表 1. -
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