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    微观非均质性对砂砾岩储层致密化的影响机理: 以准噶尔盆地东道海子凹陷DN8井区上二叠统梧桐沟组为例

    曹江骏 罗静兰 马迪娜·马吾提汗 盛伟琰 毛倩茹 杨涛 邸文渊 宋昆鹏

    曹江骏, 罗静兰, 马迪娜·马吾提汗, 盛伟琰, 毛倩茹, 杨涛, 邸文渊, 宋昆鹏, 2021. 微观非均质性对砂砾岩储层致密化的影响机理: 以准噶尔盆地东道海子凹陷DN8井区上二叠统梧桐沟组为例. 地球科学, 46(10): 3435-3452. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.388
    引用本文: 曹江骏, 罗静兰, 马迪娜·马吾提汗, 盛伟琰, 毛倩茹, 杨涛, 邸文渊, 宋昆鹏, 2021. 微观非均质性对砂砾岩储层致密化的影响机理: 以准噶尔盆地东道海子凹陷DN8井区上二叠统梧桐沟组为例. 地球科学, 46(10): 3435-3452. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.388
    Cao Jiangjun, Luo Jinglan, Madina Mawutihan, Sheng Weiyan, Mao Qianru, Yang Tao, Di Wenyuan, Song Kunpeng, 2021. Influence Mechanism of Micro-Heterogeneity on Conglomerate Reservoir Densification: A Case Study of Upper Permian Wutonggou Formation in DN8 Area of Dongdaohaizi Sag, Junggar Basin. Earth Science, 46(10): 3435-3452. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.388
    Citation: Cao Jiangjun, Luo Jinglan, Madina Mawutihan, Sheng Weiyan, Mao Qianru, Yang Tao, Di Wenyuan, Song Kunpeng, 2021. Influence Mechanism of Micro-Heterogeneity on Conglomerate Reservoir Densification: A Case Study of Upper Permian Wutonggou Formation in DN8 Area of Dongdaohaizi Sag, Junggar Basin. Earth Science, 46(10): 3435-3452. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.388

    微观非均质性对砂砾岩储层致密化的影响机理: 以准噶尔盆地东道海子凹陷DN8井区上二叠统梧桐沟组为例

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.388

    国家科技重大专项 2017ZX05008-004-004-001

    国家自然科学基金面上项目 41972129


      曹江骏(1993-), 男, 在读博士, 主要从事沉积学与储层地质学研究.ORCID: 0000-0002-8018-362.E-mail: 282945358@qq.com


      罗静兰(1957-), E-mail: jlluo@nwu.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P624

    Influence Mechanism of Micro-Heterogeneity on Conglomerate Reservoir Densification: A Case Study of Upper Permian Wutonggou Formation in DN8 Area of Dongdaohaizi Sag, Junggar Basin

    • 摘要:



    • 图  1  研究区位置及地层柱状图(地层柱状图据孙晓晨,2017

      Fig.  1.  Diagrams showing location and stratigraphic column of the study area (after Sun, 2017)

      图  2  DN8井区梧桐沟组砂砾岩类型三角图(图版据桑隆康等,2012


      Fig.  2.  Diagram showing sandy conglomerate types and components from the Wutonggou Formation in DN8 area

      图  3  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层岩石学非均质性特征

      Fig.  3.  Characteristics of petrological heterogeneity of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      图  4  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层胶结物镜下特征

      a.DN11井,4 727.00 m,蜂窝状伊/蒙混层矿物胶结孔隙,扫描电镜;b. DN081井,4 028.20 m,针叶状绿泥石膜附着于孔隙表面,扫描电镜;c.DN12井,3 447.57 m,丝状伊利石胶结孔隙,扫描电镜;d. DN1井,2 666.50 m,粒间充填书页状高岭石,扫描电镜;e. DN2,2 612.65 m,方解石胶结孔隙,正交偏光;f. DN081井,4 028.20 m,粒间充填的嵌晶状方解石胶结物,扫描电镜;g. DN13,4 107.65 m,无色浊沸石胶结孔隙,单偏光;h. DN13井,4 105.23 m,板柱状浊沸石胶结孔隙;i. DN13,4 107.65 m,石英二级加大边,单偏光

      Fig.  4.  Microscopic characteristics of the cements in the Wutonggou Formation reservoir

      图  5  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层微观孔喉非均质性特征

      c.DN13井,4 103.50 m,砂质砾岩,以粒间溶孔为主,面孔率为8.23%,平均孔隙直径226.12 μm,喉道宽度介于0.91~49.50 μm,平均为27.70 μm,平均孔喉比为3.82,平均配位数为1.41; d.DN081井,4 020.07 m,砂质砾岩,以粒间溶孔为主,面孔率为2.76%,平均孔隙直径121.76 μm,喉道宽度介于0.91~47.52 μm,平均为15.56 μm,平均孔喉比为4.92,平均配位数为0.56; e.DN8井,3 957.76 m,砂质砾岩,以粒间溶孔为主,面孔率为0.85%,平均孔隙直径70.20 μm,喉道宽度介于1.58~45.98 μm,平均为11.81 μm,平均孔喉比为5.33,平均配位数为0.13; f.Ⅰ型曲线,门槛压力为0.16 MPa, 最大进汞饱和度为86.56%,压汞曲线形态低平宽缓; g.Ⅱ型曲线,门槛压力为0.32 MPa, 最大进汞饱和度为67.10%,压汞曲线形态较为窄小; h.Ⅲ型曲线,门槛压力为0.85 MPa, 最大进汞饱和度为51.48%,压汞曲线形态高陡窄小

      Fig.  5.  Characteristics of micro pore throat heterogeneity of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      图  6  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层岩心及成像测井照片

      a.DN1井,2 647.41 m,含砾砂岩,发育倾斜裂缝,裂缝密度为5.56条/m;b. DN2井,2 613.40 m,含砾砂岩,发育高角度裂缝及水平裂缝,裂缝密度为4.00~7.69 m/条;c. DN2井,2 611.95 m,含砾砂岩,发育高角度裂缝,裂缝密度为2.86 m/条;d. DN12井,3 503.00~3 504.00 m,砂岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为7.76%,渗透率为1.95×10-3 μm2;e. DN14井,4 000.00~4 008.00 m,砂质砾岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为5.70%,渗透率为2.00×10-3 μm2;f. DN8井,3 957.00~3 958.00 m,砂质砾岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为7.90%,渗透率为4.40×10-3 μm2;g. DN081井,4 021.00~4 023.00 m,砂质砾岩,发育高角度裂缝,孔隙度为10.43%,渗透率为24.78×10-3 μm2

      Fig.  6.  Photos from the core and imaging logging of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      图  7  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层岩石学非均质性对孔隙度的影响

      a.砾石、岩屑含量与初始孔隙度相关性; b.磨圆度与初始孔隙度相关性; c.分选性与初始孔隙度相关性; d.主要粒径与初始孔隙度相关性; e.岩屑含量与压实减少的孔隙度相关性; f.砾石含量与压实减少的孔隙度相关性

      Fig.  7.  Influence of reservoir petrological heterogeneity on porosity of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      图  8  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层胶结作用对孔隙的影响

      Fig.  8.  Influence of reservoir cementation on porosity of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      图  9  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层物性非均质性特征

      Fig.  9.  Characteristics of quality heterogeneity of the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      图  10  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层致密化过程模式(埋藏热史图乔锦琪,2017

      Fig.  10.  Model showing reservoir densification process of the Wutonggou Formation in DN8 area

      图  11  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层成岩综合指数及地层脆性指数与物性相关性

      a. 成岩综合指数与孔隙度相关性; b. 成岩综合指数与面孔率相关性; c. 成岩综合指数与渗透率相关性; d. 裂缝脆性指数与孔隙度相关性; e. 裂缝脆性指数与面孔率相关性; f. 裂缝脆性指数与渗透率相关性

      Fig.  11.  Correlogram between diagenetic parameters and fracture brittleness index and reservoir quality of the Wutong Formation in DN8 area

      表  1  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层压汞曲线参数统计

      Table  1.   Statistics of capillary pressure parameters from the Wutonggou Formation reservoir in DN8 area

      曲线形态 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 分选系数 变异系数 中值压力(MPa) 中值半径(mm) 最大孔喉半径(mm) 排驱压力(MPa) 最大进汞饱和度(%) 退汞效率(%) 微观非均质性 样品数(个)
      Ⅰ型 9.96~12.74(10.79) 0.86~21.50(10.36) 0.95~1.82(1.24) 0.07~0.15(0.10) 2.53~16.56(6.36) 0.05~0.48(0.17) 0.69~2.48(1.08) 0.10~2.69(0.67) 55.02~95.46(74.63) 20.55~50.22(33.39) 6
      Ⅱ型 7.15~10.80(8.67) 0.25~5.44(1.09) 0.58~3.59(1.94) 0.04~0.35(0.17) 3.66~19.33(7.87) 0.01~0.31(0.13) 0.35~2.01(0.64) 0.25~3.44(1.86) 30.62~89.63(54.13) 8.81~48.87(27.43) 60
      Ⅲ型 1.54~7.21(5.92) 0.01~1.32(0.19) 0.91~3.45(2.21) 0.04~0.42(0.27) 2.99~19.38(9.31) 0.01~0.11(0.06) 0.27~2.32(0.46) 0.50~5.11(2.74) 15.05~60.71(40.39) 9.54~39.78(19.97) 37
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      表  2  DN8井区梧桐沟组储层致密化程度综合评价

      Table  2.   Comprehensive evaluation for the reservoir densification of Wutonggou Formation in DN8 area

      致密化程度 地层脆性指数 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 成岩综合指数 孔隙度/% 面孔率/% 压汞曲线类型 微观非均质性 储层类型
      Ⅰ级 > 0.8 > 10 > 4 > 10 > 8 Ⅰ类 低孔、低渗
      Ⅱ级 0.3~0.8 1~10 3~4 8~10 5~8 Ⅱ类 特低孔、特低渗
      Ⅲ级 < 0.3 < 1 < 3 < 8 < 5 Ⅲ类 超低孔、超低渗及致密
      注:不同类型压汞曲线所对应孔喉结构参数见表 1.
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