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    马欣悦 王梨名 祁昆仑 郑贵洲

    马欣悦, 王梨名, 祁昆仑, 郑贵洲, 2021. 基于多尺度循环注意力网络的遥感影像场景分类方法. 地球科学, 46(10): 3740-3752. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.365
    引用本文: 马欣悦, 王梨名, 祁昆仑, 郑贵洲, 2021. 基于多尺度循环注意力网络的遥感影像场景分类方法. 地球科学, 46(10): 3740-3752. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.365
    Ma Xinyue, Wang Liming, Qi Kunlun, Zheng Guizhou, 2021. Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Based on Multi-Scale Cyclic Attention Network. Earth Science, 46(10): 3740-3752. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.365
    Citation: Ma Xinyue, Wang Liming, Qi Kunlun, Zheng Guizhou, 2021. Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Based on Multi-Scale Cyclic Attention Network. Earth Science, 46(10): 3740-3752. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.365


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.365

    国家自然科学基金项目 42130309

    国家重点研发计划项目 KZ21KA0002

    国家重点研发计划项目 2020111052


      马欣悦(1998-), 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为遥感影像解译、机器学习.ORCID: 0000-0002-6765-6384.E-mail: Maxy@cug.edu.cn


      郑贵洲(1963-), ORCID: 0000-0002-2890-6395.E-mail: zhenggz@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P237

    Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Method Based on Multi-Scale Cyclic Attention Network

    • 摘要: 高分辨率遥感影像场景分类一直是遥感领域的研究热点.针对遥感场景对尺度的需求具有多样性的问题,提出了一种基于多尺度循环注意力网络的遥感影像场景分类方法.首先,通过Resnet50提取遥感影像多个尺度的特征,采用注意力机制得到影像不同尺度下的关注区域,对关注区域进行裁剪和缩放并输入到网络.然后,融合原始影像不同尺度的特征及其关注区域的影像特征,输入到全连接层完成分类预测.此分类方法在UC Merced Land-Use和NWPU-RESISC45公开数据集上进行了验证,平均分类精度较基础模型Resnet50分别提升了1.89%和2.70%.结果表明,多尺度循环注意力网络可以进一步提升遥感影像场景分类的精度.


    • 图  1  遥感影像场景分类流程图

      Fig.  1.  Flow chart of scene classification of remote sensing image

      图  2  多尺度循环注意力网络结构

      Fig.  2.  Multi-scale cyclic attention network structure

      图  3  APN作用机制

      Fig.  3.  Mechanism of APN

      图  4  UC Merced Land-Use数据集部分样本示例

      Fig.  4.  Samples of UC Merced Land-Use dataset

      图  5  NWPU-RESISC45数据集部分样本示例

      Fig.  5.  Samples of NWPU-RESISC45 dataset

      图  6  不同尺度组合的图像训练网络的分类精度变化曲线(UC Merced Land-Use)

      Fig.  6.  Classification accuracy curve of image training network with different scale combinations (UC Merced Land-Use)

      图  7  不同尺度组合的图像训练网络的分类精度变化曲线图(NWPU-RESISC45)

      Fig.  7.  Classification accuracy curve of image training network with different scale combinations (NWPU-RESISC45)

      图  8  在UC Merced Land-Use数据集上的类别间错分率对比

      a.单尺度模型的混淆矩阵(OA=98.1%);b. 多尺度模型的混淆矩阵(OA=98.57%)

      Fig.  8.  Comparison of misclassification rates between categories on UCM dataset

      图  9  在UC Merced Land-Use数据集上的易混淆类别

      Fig.  9.  Misclassified samples on UC Merced Land-Use dataset

      图  10  在NWPU-RESISC45数据集上的类别间错分率对比

      a.单尺度模型的混淆矩阵(OA= 90.62%);b.多尺度模型的混淆矩阵(OA= 91.18%)

      Fig.  10.  Comparison of misclassification rates between categories on NWPU dataset

      图  11  在NWPU-RESISC45数据集上易混淆类别

      Fig.  11.  Misclassified samples on NWPU dataset

      表  1  Resnet50网络配置

      Table  1.   Resnet50 network configuration

      layer name 50-layer
      Conv1 7×7, 64, stride 2
      Conv2_x 3×3 Max Pool, stride 2
      $ \left[\begin{array}{c}1\times \mathrm{1, 64}\\ 3\times \mathrm{3, 64}\\ 1\times \mathrm{1, 256}\end{array}\right] $ × 3
      Conv3_x $ \left[\begin{array}{c}1\times \mathrm{1, 128}\\ 3\times \mathrm{3, 128}\\ 1\times \mathrm{1, 512}\end{array}\right] $× 4
      Conv4_x $ \left[\begin{array}{c}1\times \mathrm{1, 256}\\ 3\times \mathrm{3, 256}\\ 1\times \mathrm{1, 1}\mathrm{ }024\end{array}\right] $ × 6
      Conv5_x $ \left[\begin{array}{c}1\times \mathrm{1, 512}\\ 3\times \mathrm{3, 512}\\ 1\times \mathrm{1, 2}\mathrm{ }048\end{array}\right] $ × 3
      GAP, k-d FC, softmax
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      表  2  两个数据集的相关信息

      Table  2.   Information about two datasets

      Datasets Scene Images per class Total images Sizes Training rate
      UC Merced Land-Use 21 100 2 100 256×256 80%
      NWPU-RESISC45 45 700 31 500 256×256 10%
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      表  3  基于UC Merced Land-Use不同尺度特征的分类精度

      Table  3.   Classification accuracy of different scale features on UCM dataset

      number scale A-OA (%)
      1 S_128_256 97.85$ \pm $0.67
      2 S_160_256 98.10$ \pm $0.39
      3 S_192_256 98.51$ \pm $0.11
      4 S_224_256 98.33$ \pm $00.14
      5 S_256 98.18$ \pm $00.09
      6 S_288_256 98.10$ \pm $00.39
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      表  4  基于NWPU-RESISC45不同尺度特征的分类精度

      Table  4.   Classification accuracy of different scale features on NWPU-RESISC45 dataset

      number scale A-OA (%)
      1 S_128_256 91.04$ \pm $0.03
      2 S_160_256 90.86$ \pm $0.19
      3 S_192_256 91.18$ \pm $0.02
      4 S_224_256 90.19$ \pm $0.31
      5 S_256 90.25$ \pm $0.20
      6 S_288_256 90.85$ \pm $0.27
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      表  5  不同方法对UC Merced Land-Use的分类精度

      Table  5.   Classification accuracy of different methods for UC Merced Land-Use

      Method OA (%)
      BoVW(Yang and Newsam, 2010 76.80
      GoogleNet(Nogueira et al., 2017 92.80
      CaffeNet(Xia et al., 2017 95.02$ \pm $0.81
      Resnet50(Zhang et al., 2019 96.62$ \pm $0.26
      GLM16(Yuan et al., 2019 94.97$ \pm $1.16
      VGG-VD16+MSCP(He et al., 2018 98.36$ \pm $0.58
      AlexNet + MSCP(He et al., 2018 97.29$ \pm $0.63
      The model of this paper 98.51$ \pm $0.11
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      表  6  不同方法对NWPU-RESISC45的分类精度

      Table  6.   Classification accuracy of different methods for NWPU-RESISC45

      Method OA (%)
      BoVW(Cheng et al., 2017 41.72$ \pm $0.21
      Fine-tuned AlexNet(Cheng et al., 2017 81.22$ \pm $0.19
      Fine-tuned GoogleNet (Cheng et al., 2017) 82.57$ \pm $0.12
      Fine-tuned VGGNet-16(Cheng et al., 2017) 87.15$ \pm $0.45
      Resnet50(Zhao et al., 2020 88.48$ \pm $0.21
      VGG-VD16+MSCP(He et al., 2018 85.33$ \pm $0.17
      AlexNet + MSCP(He et al., 2018 81.70$ \pm $0.23
      The model of this paper 91.18$ \pm $0.02
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