Formation Mechanism of Shuiwangzhuang Gold Deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula: Constraints from S-H-O Isotopes and Fluid Inclusions
摘要: 为探讨胶东水旺庄金矿床成因,对载金黄铁矿和石英进行了S-H-O同位素组成及流体包裹体的测试分析,研究表明:黄铁矿δ34S介于7.0‰~8.5‰,流体的δD介于-91.7‰~-82.6‰,δ18O介于2.6‰~5.6‰,发育气-液两相流体包裹体、含CO2流体包裹体和含子矿物流体包裹体等3类,流体盐度介于1.2%~13.8%(NaCleq),均一温度主要集中于290~350 ℃,成矿期流体为中高温、低盐度的H2O-CO2-NaCl±CH4体系,具有深部岩浆来源特征.流体的不混溶或沸腾作用导致了金的沉淀富集.受中生代太平洋板块俯冲及后撤影响,胶东地区发生了大规模岩浆活动和强烈的地壳隆升,所产生的热隆-伸展构造为该区大规模金矿集中爆发成矿提供了有利条件.在主拆离断层中主要形成破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床,在主拆离断层下盘主要形成石英脉型金矿床.Abstract: In order to discuss the genesis of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula, S-H-O isotopic compositions of gold-bearing pyrite and quartz were carried out, and the fluid inclusions in quartz during ore-forming period were analyzed in this study. The results show that the δ34S of pyrite ranges from 7.0‰ to 8.5‰, with an average value of 7.7‰. The sulfur may be mainly from mantle sulfur and mixed with a small amount of crust sulfur. The δD of fluid in quartz ranges from -91.7 ‰ to -82.6 ‰, and δ18OH2O ranges from 2.6 ‰ to 5.6 ‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluid is mainly magmatic water, and meteoric water was mixed in at the later stage of mineralization. Three types of fluid inclusions in quartz are recognized during the main metallogenic period, including gas-liquid two-phase fluid inclusions, CO2-bearing fluid inclusions, and liquid rich fluid inclusions with daughter mineral. The salinity of fluid is between 1.2% and 13.8% (NaCleq), and the homogenization temperature is mainly concentrated between 290 and 350 ℃, indicating the main ore-forming fluid is H2O-CO2-NaCl±CH4 system with medium-high temperature and low salinity. The immiscibility (phase separation) or boiling of fluid leads to the precipitation and enrichment of gold. In the Mesozoic, under the influence of the subduction and rollback of the paleo-Pacific plate, large-scale magmatic activities and strong crustal uplift occurred in Jiaodong Peninsula, and the resulting thermal uplift-extensional structure provided favorable conditions for the concentrated mineralization of large-scale gold deposits. In the main detachment fault, the high degree of rock fragmentation is conducive to atmospheric water infiltration, circulation and mixing with deep fluid to form altered rock type gold deposit in fracture zone. In the footwall of main detachment fault, the fracture scale is small and the connectivity with the surface is poor, which is not conducive to the infiltration of meteoric water. The ore-forming fluid is mainly deep-source fluid, forming quartz vein type gold deposit.
图 1 胶东地区区域地质及金矿床分布
据宋明春等(2020)修改.1.第四系;2.白垩系火山‒沉积岩系;3.古元古界和新元古界变质基底;4.新元古代含榴辉岩的花岗质片麻岩;5.太古宙花岗‒绿岩带;6.白垩纪崂山型花岗岩;7.白垩纪伟德山型花岗岩;8.白垩纪郭家岭型花岗岩;9.侏罗纪花岗岩类;10.三叠纪花岗岩类;11.整合/不整合地质界限;12.断层;13.以往探明的浅部金矿床位置(金矿符号大小依次代表资源储量≥100 t的超大型金矿床、20 t≤资源储量 < 100 t的大型金矿床、5 t≤资源储量 < 20 t的中型金矿床和资源储量 < 5 t的小型金矿床);14.新探明的深部金矿床位置(金矿符号大小含义同图例13);15.蚀变岩型/石英脉型/蚀变角砾岩型金矿;ME1.胶西北成矿小区;ME2.栖‒蓬‒福成矿小区;ME3.牟‒乳成矿小区;F1.三山岛断裂;F2.焦家断裂;F3.招平断裂;F4.西林‒陡崖断裂;F5.金牛山断裂
Fig. 1. Regional geological sketch map and distribution of gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula
图 2 胶西北地区地质和金矿分布
Fig. 2. Geological map and distribution of gold deposits in northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula
图 3 招平断裂带北段地质简图(a)和水旺庄金矿床26线剖面图(b)
a.据范家盟等(2018); b.据刘国栋等(2017).1.新生代第四系;2.新太古代细粒奥长花岗岩;3.古元古代细粒变辉长岩;4.中生代玲珑型花岗岩之片麻状细中粒含石榴二长花岗岩;5.中生代玲珑型花岗岩之含斑粗中粒二长花岗岩;6.伟晶岩;7.绢英岩化花岗岩;8.黄铁绢英岩化花岗岩;9.黄铁绢英岩化花岗质碎裂岩;10.黄铁绢英岩化碎裂岩;11.钻孔/孔深;12.矿体;13.矿床范围及名称
Fig. 3. Regional geological map of north segment of Zhaoping fault belt (a) and geological section of the No. 26 exploration line in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit (b)
图 9 胶东地区主要金矿床及围岩硫同位素组成
Fig. 9. Diagram showing sulfur isotopic compositions of typical gold deposits and country rocks in Jiaodong area
图 10 水旺庄金矿床δ18OH2O-δD图解
Fig. 10. δ18OH2O-δD diagram of the Shuiwangzhuang and other typical gold deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula
表 1 水旺庄金矿床流体包裹体显微测温结果
Table 1. Micro thermometric data of quartz fluid inclusions in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit
样品编号 包裹体类型 大小(μm) 气液比(%) 完全均一温度(℃) 盐度(wt% NaCl) 17S23 Ⅰ型 8~25 15~30 186~315 4.18~13.83 Ⅱ型 6~18 10~70 318~389 4.87~10.29 Ⅲ型 15~17 10~30 子晶未化 17S19 Ⅰ型 4~24 10~35 180~315 2.07~12.73 Ⅱ型 8~22 15~60 268~410 5.59~9.39 Ⅲ型 10~18 20~30 子晶未化 17S21 Ⅰ型 6~24 5~40 172~315 1.22~11.58 Ⅱ型 8~20 15~35 271~379 5.05~9.54 17S20 Ⅰ型 6~16 15~30 213~312 2.74~10.98 17S57 Ⅰ型 4~10 15~35 185~250 4.65~6.59 17S55 Ⅲ型 10~15 15~30 子晶未化 表 2 水旺庄金矿床H-O同位素组成
Table 2. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit
样品编号 取样位置
(m)测试矿物 δDV-SMOW(‰) δ18OV-SMOW(‰) δ18OH2O(‰) 18ZKC6-1 -1 895 石英 -91.7 9.5 2.57 18ZKC6-2 -1 900 -89.1 10.5 3.56 42ZKC11 -1 612 -82.6 11.9 4.95 34ZKC9-1 -1 479 -87.5 12.0 5.05 34ZKC9-3 -1 534 -89.3 12.6 5.65 34ZKC9-4 -1 553 -86.3 10.9 3.96 34ZKC9-7 -1 667 -87.0 11.8 4.85 表 3 水旺庄金矿床硫同位素组成
Table 3. Sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrite in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit
序号 样品编号 取样位置(m) 岩性 测试
对象δ34SV-CDT (‰) 1 18ZKC6-1 -1 895 SJH 黄铁矿 7.5 2 18ZKC6-2 -1 900 SJH 8.0 3 42ZKC11-1 -1 612 SγJH 7.5 4 34ZKC9-2 -1 479 SγJH 8.1 5 34ZKC9-3 -1 534 SJH 7.0 6 34ZKC9-7 -1 553 SJH 8.5 7 34ZKC9-6 -1 667 SJH 7.4 注:SγJH.黄铁绢英岩化花岗质碎裂岩;SJH.黄铁绢英岩化碎裂岩. -
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