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    王涛 黄河 宋鹏 吴欢欢 张建军 童英 杜開明 秦切

    王涛, 黄河, 宋鹏, 吴欢欢, 张建军, 童英, 杜開明, 秦切, 2020. 地壳生长及深部物质架构研究与问题:以中亚造山带(北疆地区)为例. 地球科学, 45(7): 2326-2344. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.172
    引用本文: 王涛, 黄河, 宋鹏, 吴欢欢, 张建军, 童英, 杜開明, 秦切, 2020. 地壳生长及深部物质架构研究与问题:以中亚造山带(北疆地区)为例. 地球科学, 45(7): 2326-2344. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.172
    Wang Tao, Huang He, Song Peng, Wu Huanhuan, Zhang Jianjun, Tong Ying, Du Kaiming, Qin Qie, 2020. Studies of Crustal Growth and Deep Lithospheric Architecture and New Issues: Exemplified by the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (Northern Xinjiang). Earth Science, 45(7): 2326-2344. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.172
    Citation: Wang Tao, Huang He, Song Peng, Wu Huanhuan, Zhang Jianjun, Tong Ying, Du Kaiming, Qin Qie, 2020. Studies of Crustal Growth and Deep Lithospheric Architecture and New Issues: Exemplified by the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (Northern Xinjiang). Earth Science, 45(7): 2326-2344. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.172


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.172

    国家重点基础研究发展计划 2017YFC0601301

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      王涛(1959-), 男, 研究员, 构造地质学专业, 主要从事构造地质、花岗岩与大地构造研究.ORCID:0000-0002-7268-8671.E-mail:taowang@cags.ac.cn

    • 中图分类号: P541;P548

    Studies of Crustal Growth and Deep Lithospheric Architecture and New Issues: Exemplified by the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (Northern Xinjiang)

    • 摘要: 岩浆岩区域多元同位素示踪填图是探索地球深部物质组成架构、研究地壳生长的重要途径.中亚造山带作为全球最大、最典型的显生宙增生型造山带,发育巨量岩浆岩,是研究造山带深部物质组成架构及地壳生长的天然实验室.介绍了在中亚造山带西段的北疆地区同位素示踪填图的成果,并探讨了存在和需要研究的新问题.阿尔泰-准噶尔-天山的花岗岩同位素廊带填图初步揭示,阿尔泰中部深部物质较老,准噶尔年轻,东天山-北山更老,这种物质组成结构是同造山水平生长和后造山垂向生长的结果.西天山及邻区Hf同位素填图揭示了同一微陆块内部复杂的新老地壳组成架构,提出周期性地壳生长/再循环模式.同位素填图揭示的深部物质组成类型——尤其是年轻地壳的组成类型——仍需进一步探索.需要探索多元同位素示踪、填图结果的异同、关联性及其影响因素,并与地球物理探测、岩石学实验模拟结果相结合,最终构建以岩石探针和同位素示踪填图为核心的,结合地球物理探测、深部钻探和深部过程模拟的岩石圈三维物质与结构探测的理论和技术方法体系.


    • 图  1  造山带类型划分为3个相互关联的端元类型:碰撞、增生和克拉通内部造山带(Cawood et al., 2009

      Fig.  1.  Classification of orogenic belt types into three interrelated end-members: coalitional, accretionary and intracratonic(modified from Cawood et al., 2009)

      图  2  全球部分主要造山带不同年龄地壳分布区

      可见:中亚造山带是最大、最年轻的区域;北美、格陵兰、欧洲标出的年轻地壳年龄都在1.9~1.7 Ga;中亚造山带地壳年龄比这些标出的年轻地壳更为年轻(很多为显生宙); 据Patchett(2003)

      Fig.  2.  Distribution of the crust with different ages around the world

      图  3  中亚造山带花岗岩

      同位素填图鉴别出准噶尔-西南蒙古为最大的年轻地壳区(主体 < 0.8 Ga,个别地带含古老物质信息);据Wang et al.(2017a)

      Fig.  3.  Distribution map of granitoids in the Central Asian orogenic belt

      图  4  阿尔泰-准噶尔-北山花岗岩的εNd(t)值图(a)、Nd同位素模式年龄剖面(b)和Hf同位素模式年龄剖面(c)


      Fig.  4.  Isotopic map of Altai-Junggar-Beishan granitoids in north Xinjiang, China(a) and profiles of whole rock Nd(b) and zircon Hf model age section(c)

      图  5  中亚造山带北疆及邻区花岗岩质岩石Nd模式年龄

      Fig.  5.  Nd model ages for granitoids in north Xinjiang and adjacent regions, Central Asian orogenic belts

      图  6  阿尔泰-东准噶尔花岗岩类εHf(t)值图和TDMC

      Song et al.(2019)

      Fig.  6.  εHf(t) values and Hf model ages for the granitoids in the Altai and East Junggar regions

      图  7  阿尔泰-东准噶尔及邻区古生代中酸性岩浆岩中识别的捕获/继承锆石年龄分布(据Zhang et al., 2017).

      Fig.  7.  Ages of xenocrystic/inherited zircon grains from granitoid rocks and felsic volcanic rocks in the Chinese Altai, East Junggar and nearby regions(modified from Zhang et al., 2017)

      图  8  阿尔泰-东准噶尔及邻区岩浆岩捕获/继承锆石年龄省示意图(据Zhang et al., 2017

      Fig.  8.  The inferred framework of old zircon xenocryst provinces, based on the variations in spatial characteristics of age and Hf isotopic compositions (tDMC) of xenocrystic zircons within Palaeozoic felsic igneous rocks(modified from Zhang et al., 2017)

      图  9  新疆西天山花岗岩和长英质火山岩的Hf同位素模式年龄等值线图

      图中ABCD折线为Hf同位素剖面位置;b.穿过北天山和伊犁地块的Hf同位素(模式年龄)剖面(详情见正文)(Huang et al., 出版中); 根据各岩体和火山岩单元的锆石Hf同位素的中位数值生成

      Fig.  9.  Hf isotope contour map showing the spatial variation of crustal Hf model ages for the Paleozoic granitoid rocks and felsic volcanic rocks in some areas of the West Tianshan

      图  10  新疆西天山伊犁地块北缘(a)和南缘(b)古生代长英质岩石的年龄-到缝合带距离图解

      据Huang et al.(出版中)

      Fig.  10.  U-Pb rock age versus distance to the suture of Paleozoic granitoid intrusions and felsic volcanic suites in the (a) northern and (b) southern parts of the Yili Block, showing development and migration of continental arc and back-arc magmatism

      图  11  库鲁克塔格-虎拉山-中天山一带εHf(t)和二阶段Hf模式年龄随纬度变化图(左图);花岗质岩体的二阶段Hf模式年龄(TDMC)填图(右图)

      Fig.  11.  Cross section of Hf isotopic data [εHf(t) and TDMC] across the northern Quruqtagh-Hulashan-Central Tianshan (left) and Hf isotopic map showing crustal model ages of granitoids

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