Metamorphic Mafic Dykes from Tianzhen-Huai'an Area: Transformation Criteria of the Late Paleoproterozoic Collision to Extension in the North China Craton
摘要: 古元古代是华北克拉通形成过程中重要的造山构造演化阶段,该阶段形成的基性岩墙群,为深入理解裂解-俯冲-碰撞-抬升的造山构造-岩浆过程提供了重要信息.本文报道了天镇-怀安地区广泛分布于新太古代-古元古代变质基底中的变质基性岩墙(二辉麻粒岩),野外产状与区域主期构造面理协调一致,主要由单斜辉石、斜方辉石、斜长石和少量角闪石组成.LA-MC-ICPMS锆石U-Pb同位素定年获得变质基性岩墙的变质年龄为1 820~1 834 Ma,与区内麻粒岩相变质事件一致,结合区域基性岩墙年龄记录,推测其原岩形成年龄为1.95~1.91 Ga.根据岩石地球化学特征可将变质基性岩墙划分为高Mg低Ti型和低Mg高Ti型两类,两者经历了不同程度的橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜长石的分离结晶.两类基性岩墙均亏损高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、Ti、Zr和Hf),结合锆石Hf同位素分析,研究表明基性岩墙来源于俯冲流体交代的岩石圈地幔或者受到过地壳物质的混染.华北克拉通古元古代存在2.16~2.04 Ga和1.97~1.83 Ga两期基性岩墙侵位事件:早期代表在初始克拉通基础上发生的板内裂解过程,晚期记录了由俯冲碰撞到伸展的转换过程,即碰撞造山构造体制由水平挤压转变为垂向抬升,构造转换时限大致介于1.95~1.91 Ga.Abstract: Paleoproterozoic is an important orogenic tectonic evolution stage during the formation of the North China Craton. The mafic dyke swarms formed during this period provide important information to understanding the tectonic-magmatic process of rifting-subduction-collision-exhumation of the orogeny. This study reports the metamorphic mafic dykes (two-pyroxene granulite) widely distributed in the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic base in the Tianzhen-Huai'an area. These dykes occur consistently with regional main tectonic foliation in the field and are mainly composed of clinopyroxene+orthopyroxene+plagioclase+amphibole. The metamorphic age of the mafic dyke is 1 820-1 834 Ma obtained by LA-MC-ICPMS zircon U-Pb isotope dating, which is consistent with the granulite facies metamorphic event in the study area. Based on the analyses of regional mafic dyke age data, we consider that the emplacement age is around 1.95-1.91 Ga. This study documents two types of metamorphic mafic dykes: high Mg low Ti type and low Mg high Ti type. They have experienced different degrees of fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Both types of mafic dykes show negative anomalies in high-field-strength elements (such as Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, and Hf). According to the zircon Hf isotopic and the geochemical features, we suggest that the mafic dykes originated from a lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subduction fluids, or/and they were contaminated by the crust. Two episodes of metamorphosed mafic dykes are identified in the North China Craton: 2.16-2.04 Ga and 1.97-1.83 Ga. The early stage represents an intra-plate rifting process that occurred on the basis of the initial Craton; in contrast, the later period records transformation from subduction-collision to extensional setting, that is the collisional orogenic tectonic regime changed from horizontal compression to vertical uplift, and the tectonic transition time is roughly around 1.95-1.91 Ga.
Key words:
- mafic dyke /
- Paleoproterozoic /
- orogeny /
- geochemistry /
- North China Craton
图 1 华北克拉通构造单元划分图(a;据Zhao et al., 2005);晋冀蒙交界地区早前寒武纪地质简图(b);天镇-怀安地区地质简图(c;据张家辉等,2019b修改)
Fig. 1. Tectonic subdivision of the North China Craton (a; modified from Zhao et al., 2005); Precambrain geological sketch of the Shanxi-Hebei-Inner Mongolia border area (b); geological sketch of Tianzhen-Huai'an area (c; modified from Zhang et al., 2019b)
图 5 变质基性岩墙样品岩石分类Zr/TiO2×0.000 1-Nb/Y(a;Winchester and Floyd, 1977)和Al2O3-(TFeO+TiO2)-MgO图解(b;Jensen, 1976)
Fig. 5. Zr/TiO2×0.000 1-Nb/Y(a; Winchester and Floyd, 1977) and Al2O3-(TFeO+TiO2)-MgO diagram(b; Jensen, 1976) of the metamorphic mafic dykes
图 6 变质基性岩墙样品的稀土元素配分图(a)及微量元素蛛网图(b)
Fig. 6. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns (a) and primary mantle-normalized trace element spider diagram (b) of the metamorphic mafic dykes
图 11 变质基性岩墙微量元素Th/Yb-Nb/Yb(a;Pearce, 2008)和Th-Hf/3-Nb/16(b;Wood, 1980)图解
Fig. 11. Th/Yb-Nb/Yb(a; Pearce, 2008) and Th-Hf/3-Nb/16(b; Wood, 1980) diagrams of metamorphic mafic dykes
表 1 华北克拉通古元古代(2.16~1.83 Ga)(变质)基性岩墙分布数据表
Table 1. Summary of Paleoproterozoic (2.16~1.83 Ga)(metamorphic) mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton
期次 地区 位置 岩性 样品号 原岩年龄 变质年龄 定年方法 引用文献 早期基性岩墙群 大青山 哈达门沟 变质辉长岩 NM0906 2 162±10 1 827±7 SHRIMP Wan et al., 2013 冀东 石门 变质基性岩墙 JD20-2 2 162±27 1 820±7.8 SHRIMP 杨崇辉等, 2017 辽宁 海城-南芬 变质基性岩 DZ78-1 2 161±45 1 896±22 LA-ICP-MS Meng et al., 2014 辽宁 海城-南芬 变质基性岩 DZ91-1 2 161±12 LA-ICP-MS Meng et al., 2014 辽宁 海城-南芬 变质基性岩 DZ73-1 2 159±12 1 900±17 LA-ICP-MS Meng et al., 2014 辽宁 海城-南芬 变质基性岩 DZ85-1 2 157±17 1 899±26 LA-ICP-MS Meng et al., 2014 五台 横岭 变质玄武岩 2 147±5 SHRIMP Peng et al., 2005 辽宁 海城-南芬 变质基性岩 DZ74-1 2 144±16 LA-ICP-MS Meng et al., 2014 辽宁 海城 基性岩墙 YK12-1-4 2 125±6 CAMECA Yuan et al., 2015 吕梁 方山 变质基性岩墙(斜长角闪岩) 12FS-31 2 116±15 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2014 吕梁 方山 变质基性岩墙(斜长角闪岩) 12FS-26 2 116±13 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2014 辽宁 海城 基性岩岩基 598XLLZ2 2 115±3 CAMECA Wang et al., 2016a 辽宁 鞍山-弓长岭 变质辉长岩 A1102 2 110±31 SHRIMP 董春艳等, 2012 胶东 西留 变质辉长岩 QX2-2 2 102±3 1 907±16 LA-ICP-MS 刘平华等, 2013b 河北赞皇 北水峪 变质辉长岩 225BSY1 2 090±3 CAMECA Peng et al., 2017 山东蒙阴 孟良崮 变质基性岩墙 2 084±15 LA-ICP-MS Yang et al., 2019 恒山 义兴寨 辉长岩 07FS01 2 060±5 1 884±9 CAMECA Peng et al., 2014 恒山 义兴寨 基性岩墙 02SX109 2 060~2 035 ~1 869 SHRIMP Peng et al., 2012 晚期基性岩墙群 大青山 茅湖洞 变质辉长岩 NM0814-2 1 968±8 1 906±13 SHRIMP Wan et al., 2013 集宁 凉城红庙子 变质辉长岩 06LC17 1 964±9 1 907±37 SHRIMP Peng et al., 2010 集宁 1 954±6 1 925±8 CAMECA Peng et al., 2010 大青山 变质辉长岩 NM0915 1 951±9 1 884±11 SHRIMP Wan et al., 2013 吕梁 方山 变质基性岩墙(斜长角闪岩) 11FS-08 1 949.9±9.6 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2014 吕梁 变质基性岩墙(斜长角闪岩) 11FS-02 1 944±17 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2014 吕梁 方山 变质基性岩墙(斜长角闪岩) 11FS-12 1 939.6±8.2 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2014 集宁 凉城郭林窑 辉长苏长岩 P09GLY1 1 936±4 1 913±6 CAMECA Peng et al., 2014 集宁 徐武家 变质闪长岩 02SX021 1 931±8 1 862±19 SHRIMP Peng et al., 2010 大青山 立甲子 变质基性岩墙 BT35-2 > 1 930 1 892±9 LA-ICP-MS 刘平华等, 2013a 大青山 哈达门沟 变质辉长岩 NM0811 1 924±17 1 853±13 SHRIMP Wan et al., 2013 大青山 石拐 变质辉长岩 NM0911 1 831±13 SHRIMP Wan et al., 2013 吕梁 庞泉沟 变质基性岩墙(斜长角闪岩) 12PQG-29 1 919±18 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2014 天镇-怀安 西赵家窑北 变质基性岩墙 TW9001-2 ~1 918(?) 1 820±10 LA-ICP-MS 本文 朱家沟 变质基性岩墙 16ZJG-1 1 834±9 LA-ICP-MS 集宁 西沟 变质辉长岩 06JN05 1 857±4 SHRIMP Peng et al., 2010 中条山 变质基性岩墙 ZT03 1 847±14 LA-ICP-MS 张少华等, 2019 山东蒙阴 野店 变质基性岩墙 05SD-21 1 841±17 LA-ICP-MS Wang et al., 2007 大青山 东坡 辉长苏长岩 P09DP2 1 801±8 CAMECA Peng et al., 2014 中条山 陶家窑 基性岩墙 1 838±32 LA-ICP-MS 冯娟萍等, 2020 辽宁 国华 基性岩墙 FX12-25-1 1 826±7 CAMECA Yuan et al., 2015 注:原岩年龄和变质年龄单位为Ma. -
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