Challenges of Geological Prospecting Big Data Mining and Integration Using Deep Learning Algorithms
摘要: 基于深度学习的地质找矿信息挖掘与集成已经成为数学地球科学的前沿领域.深度学习作为一种具有多级非线性变换的层级机器学习算法,在地质找矿大数据挖掘与集成中仍处于探索阶段,还有一系列问题亟需解决.以卷积神经网络为例,探讨了基于深度学习的地质找矿大数据挖掘与集成过程中两大挑战:训练样本不足和深度学习网络模型构建困难,重点分析了基于复制和添加噪声的地质找矿数据增强技术并开展了多组对比实验,构建了适用于地质找矿大数据挖掘与集成的训练样本和卷积神经网络模型.该模型对闽西南铁多金属成矿区的地质、地球物理和地球化学等多源数据进行了特征提取与集成融合,圈定了找矿远景区,为该区进一步找矿提供了科学依据.Abstract: Mining and integrating geological prospecting information using deep learning algorithms (DL) has become a frontier field of mathematical geoscience. DL,which is a machine learning algorithm with multiple hidden layers,starts to be used in mining the geological prospecting big data in recent years,and there are a series of issues to be solved in this field. In this study,we took the convolutional neural network (CNN) as an example to discuss two challenges of DL on mining geological prospecting big data,which include insufficient training samples and how to construct deep learning network structure. In this study,the data augmentation methods were applied to generate training dataset,duplicating and adding noise,and a number of number of experiments were carried out for determining the optimal hyper-parameters of a CNN model for mining and integrating geological prospecting big data. A case study from Southwest Fujian Province,China,was carried out to mine and integrate the geological,geophysical and geochemical multi-source prospecting information. The results obtained by CNN can provide clues for mineral exploration in this area.
图 4 研究区地质简图
Fig. 4. Simplified geological map of the study area Xiong et al.(2018)
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