Complex Evolution of Metamorphic Rocks from Lower Part of Akeyazi Valley, SW Tianshan: Implications from Thermometry Based on Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material
摘要: 西南天山造山带是塔里木板块和伊犁-中天山板块聚合碰撞的产物,经历了长期复杂的演化.伊犁-中天山陆块南缘的变质作用研究对于揭示西南天山的地质演化历史具有重要意义.这一地区变质岩分布广泛,但目前的变质作用研究主要集中于木扎尔特的高级变质岩,位于同一构造带上其他变质岩的演化和分布特点缺少详细的研究,尚不清楚它们是作为高温变质带的一部分还是来自造山带的其他构造单元.针对该问题,在详细的岩相学分析基础上,利用碳质拉曼光谱(Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material,RSCM)温度计对木扎尔特东侧的阿克牙孜河下游地区多个剖面开展了变质温度研究.根据结构构造特征将这些岩石分为具有变余沉积结构构造且发生不同程度糜棱岩化的浅变质碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩系列和具有变质结晶结构的片岩-变粒岩系列.RSCM温度计显示前者经历的峰期温度为465~597℃,原岩很可能为卷入造山带的石炭纪地层,抬升过程中局部发生糜棱岩化.后者峰期温度为552~617℃,绿片岩相叠加期间发生C-O-H流体活动,可能属于伊犁-中天山的变质基底那拉提岩群.研究表明,伊犁-中天山南缘的阿克牙孜下游一带的变质岩具有不同的变质演化历史,它们来自不同的构造单元,并不是木扎尔特高温变质带的延续.Abstract: As a result of the collision between the Tarim plate and the Yili-Central Tianshan plate, the orogenic belt of Southwest Tianshan has experienced secular complex evolution. Metamorphic studies at the southern margin of the Yili-Central Tianshan plate are significant in deciphering the geological history of this orogenic belt. Although metamorphic rocks are widely distributed in this region, study focuses are mainly on the Muzhaerte high-grade rocks. The spatial distribution and tectono-metamorphic evolution of other metamorphic rock types from the same tectonic belt are poorly known. Whether they occur as part of a coherent high-temperature terrane or any other tectonic nappes is fundamental to reconstruct the orogeny of Southwest Tianshan. To resolve this issue, we carry out detailed petrography and temperature estimates using the RSCM (Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material, RSCM) thermometry for metamorphic rocks from several sections of the lower part of the Akeyazi valley. Based on textural and structural observations, two types of metamorphic rocks are grouped. Type 1 rocks consist of meta-sedimentary rocks (i.e., meta-siliciclastic and meta-carbonate rocks), with rounded detrital minerals (e.g., quartz and feldspar) and bedding structure locally modified by strong shearing. Type 2 rocks include mica schists and quartzofeldsparthic rocks, uniformly consisting of metamorphic minerals with lepidoblastic to granoblastic texture and well-developed schistosity. The RSCM thermometry suggests that peak temperatures of the former group are 465-597 ℃. They were probably derived from the Carboniferous strata and were locally subjected to mylonitization. Peak temperatures of the latter group are 552-617 ℃, probably as part of the pre-Cambrian basement (the Nalati Group) and they were infiltrated by C-O-H fluids during shearing at shallower levels. This study suggests that the metamorphic rocks of the Lower Akeyazi River have contrasting metamorphic histories and come from different tectonic units, not as an eastern extension of the Muzhaerte high-temperature belt.
Key words:
- carbonaceous material /
- Raman spectroscopy /
- thermometry /
- graphitization /
- metamorphic unit /
- Southwest Tianshan /
- petrology
图 2 西南天山阿克牙孜流域及邻区地质简图(a)及采样位置(b)
修改自新疆地质矿产局(1993)和Gou and Zhang(2016);图中标注了研究区花岗岩体的锆石年龄(据Gao et al.,2009;Gou and Zhang, 2016;李平,2011)
Fig. 2. Geological sketch of the Akeyazi valley and adjacent area, southwestern Tianshan (a), showing sample localities (b)
图 3 阿克牙孜河下游地区变质岩的显微结构
Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of the metamorphic rocks from the lower part of the Akeyazi valley
图 4 阿克牙孜下游地区变质岩碳质的产状(单偏光)
a.绿泥石集合体中密集的碳质;b.平行面理的长束状白云母(单颗粒长度超过1 mm)中的细脉状和散点状碳质;c.长束状交织在一起的绿泥石、白云母和黑云母中的碳质;d.白云母中的团块状碳质集合体.内置的BSE图像显示钛铁矿呈板条状,周边为碳质、金红石和榍石;Ttn.榍石;Ilm.钛铁矿;Rt.金红石.其他矿物缩写与图 3相同
Fig. 4. Textures of CM in the metamorphic rocks from the lower part of the Akeyazi valley
图 7 阿克牙孜下游地区变质岩退变质阶段RSCM温度直方图
该阶段的碳质多与交代黑云母形成的绿泥石和白云母等退变质含水矿物共生(见图 4),很可能与C-O-H流体活动有关
Fig. 7. Histograms showing frequency distribution of the RSCM thermometry for retrograde temperatures of some metamorphic rocks from the lower part of the Akeyazi valley
表 1 阿克牙孜下游地区的主要含碳质变质岩类型及其矿物组成
Table 1. Main CM-bearing rock types and their mineral modes from the lower part of the Akeyazi valley
采样位置 岩石类型 样品编号 碳酸盐矿物 碳质 黑云母 斜长石 石英 钾长石 白云母 绿泥石 基质* 点位1 二云母石英片岩 A192-5 + + 7% 10% 65% - 15% 3% - 点位2 长英质初糜棱岩** Q194-1 + + - 25% 45% 10% - + 20% 板状碳质千糜岩 Q194-4 1% + 2% + 1% 96% 石英大理岩*** Q194-5 75% + - 5% 15% - 5% + - 点位3 千糜岩 Q193-24 + 2% + 10% + 88% 点位4 石英大理岩*** A193-9 72% + - 1% 8% - 3% 16% - 点位5 黑云母片岩 A191-15 + + 20% 10% 60% + 3% 7% - 注:*对于糜棱岩类岩石,只统计矿物斑晶(包括脉体矿物)含量,难以辨别的细小(粒径 < 0.1 mm)矿物集合体包括碳质、微晶石英和针状云母类矿物等均划为基质,不单独统计基质矿物的各自含量(表中以空格表示).**原岩很可能为杂砂岩; ***原岩为砂质灰岩; +.含量低于1%;-.不存在. 表 2 阿克牙孜河下游地区变质岩的碳质有序度参数及不同RSCM温度计结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of ordering parameters and RSCM thermometry for CM in the metamorphic rocks from the lower part of the Akeyazi valley
样品编号 碳质成因 R1 R2 RSCM温度(℃) Beyssac et al. (2002) Rahl et al.(2005) Aoya et al.(2010) A192-5 变质
462±41Q194-4 变质 0.484~0.659 0.360~0.438 464±8 465±11 454±9 Q194-5 变质 0.006~0.923 0.107~0.485 485±36 497±40 477±40 Q193-24 变质 0.122~0.766 0.167~0.461 501±30 525±37 495±33 A193-9 变质
509±45A191-15 变质 0.060~0.551 0.098~0.438 540±28 552±45 540±33 -
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