Research Status and Application Potential of CO2 Mineralization
摘要: CO2浓度急剧上升成为一个很严峻的问题,因此,降低大气CO2浓度成为当务之急.目前涉及的方案中的海洋封存、地质封存,虽封存潜力巨大,但带来的负面影响也不容小觑.CO2矿化利用实质是模拟自然界岩石化学风化,作为一种新兴的减排方案,既能固定大气CO2,生成具有工业附加值的碳酸盐产品,又能实现环境友好.能够矿化利用的原材料包括天然富钙、镁硅酸盐矿物,工业碱性废固、液,盐湖中的氯化镁资源等,矿化利用的方法也不尽相同.虽然硅酸盐岩的风化是如何控制长时间尺度的气候变化的机制还没有定论,但风化过程中具有固定大量CO2的潜力这一认识已达成共识.对含有大量硅酸盐矿物的尾矿矿化CO2的研究是目前的热点,介绍了尾矿矿化CO2的研究现状及几种重要尾矿矿物的矿化应用潜力.Abstract: The sharp rise of carbon dioxide concentration has become a very serious problem, so reducing the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has become a top priority. Although the potential of marine and geological sequestration is huge, the negative impact of these schemes can not be underestimated. As a new emission reduction scheme, carbon dioxide mineralization can not only fix atmospheric carbon dioxide, generate carbonate products with industrial added value, but also achieve environmental friendliness. Raw materials that can be used for mineralization include natural calcium-rich, magnesium silicate minerals, industrial alkaline waste solids, liquids, magnesium chloride resources in salt lakes, etc. The methods of mineralization are also different. Although the mechanism of how the weathering of silicate rocks can control the long-term climate change has not been determined, there is a consensus that the weathering process has the potential to fix a large amount of CO2. The research on the mineralized CO2 of tailing containing a lot of silicate minerals is a hot spot at present. This paper introduces the research status of mineralized CO2 of tailing and the mineralized potential of several important tailing minerals.
Key words:
- CO2 mineralization /
- alkaline minerals /
- industrial waste /
- tailings /
- carbonation reaction /
- mineral deposite
图 1 CO2地质封存方式的泄漏风险图据(谢和平等,2012修改)
Fig. 1. Leakage risk map for CO2 geological storage(modified from Xie et al., 2012)
图 2 CO2矿化封存示意图(Metz et al., 2005)
Fig. 2. Schematic of a CO2 mineral carbonation operation(modified from Metz et al., 2005)
表 1 用于矿化的工业废固、液主要成分及其反应方程式
Table 1. Main compositions of industrial waste solids and liquids for mineralization and their reaction equations
矿化原料 矿化的主要化学成分 化学方程式 石灰窑粉尘 CaO、MgO CaO+CO2→CaCO3
MgO+CO2→MgCO3煤粉灰 CaO CaO+CO2→CaCO3 钢渣 CaO、MgO CaO+CO2→CaCO3
MgO+CO2→MgCO3电石渣 Ca(OH)2、Mg(OH)2 Ca(OH)2+CO2→CaCO3+H2O
Mg(OH)2+CO2→MgCO3+H2O白泥 Ca(OH)2、Mg(OH)2、CaO Ca(OH)2+CO2→CaCO3+H2O
CaO+CO2→CaCO3盐泥 Mg(OH)2 Mg(OH)2+CO2→MgCO3+H2O 电石废水 Ca(OH)2 Ca(OH)2+CO2→CaCO3+H2O 纺织、印染废水 NaOH NaOH+CO2→Na2CO3+H2O 盐湖苦卤 MgCl2 2NH3·H2O+CO2→(NH4)2CO3+H2O
Mg(OH)2·4H2O+10NH4Cl+CO2+26H2O磷石膏 CaSO4·H2O CaSO4·H2O+2NH3·H2O+CO2→(NH4)2SO4+CaCO3+3H2O 表 2 不同矿化原料矿化反应方程式及最优条件
Table 2. Equations and optimum conditions for mineralization reaction of different mineralized raw materials
原料 媒介 方程式 最优条件 橄榄石 NaCl 2NaCl+2H2O→2NaOH+Cl2+H2
Cl2(g)+H2→2HCl; 4HCl+Mg2SiO4→2MgCl2+SiO2+2H2O
CO2+NaOH→NaHCO3; MgCl2+2NaHCO3→MgCO3+2NaCl+H2O+CO2粒径 < 110 μm
t=90 ℃
盐酸浓度 < 3 mol/L蛇纹石 NaCl 2NaCl+2H2O→2NaOH+H2+Cl2
MgCl2+2NaHCO3→MgCO3+2NaCl+H2O+CO2p=4 MPa
t=150 ℃
粒径 < 30 μm硅灰石 HAc CaSiO3+2H+→Ca2++H2O+SiO2
Ca2++HCO3-→CaCO3+H+p=4 MPa
t=150 ℃
粒径 < 30 μm水镁石 NH4Cl Mg(OH)2+2NH4Cl→MgCl2+2NH3+2H2O
2NH4HCO3+MgCl2+2H2O→MgCO3·3H2O+2NH4Cl+CO2粒径 < 91 μm
t=100 ℃
氯化铵3 mol/L磷石膏 NH3·H2O CaSO4·H2O+2NH3·H2O+CO2→(NH4)2SO4+CaCO3+3H2O t=65 ℃、
氮硫比2.25氯化镁 NH3·H2O 2NH3·H2O+CO2→(NH4)2CO3+H2O
5MgCl2·6H2O+5(NH4)2CO3→Mg(OH)2·4H2O+10NH4Cl+CO2+26H2Ot=40 ℃、
氯氨比1.0、乙醇体积分数30% -
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