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    郑宁 李廷栋 丁孝忠 刘燕学 程木伟

    郑宁, 李廷栋, 丁孝忠, 刘燕学, 程木伟, 2020. 湘赣中、南部寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统沉积环境. 地球科学, 45(7): 2629-2649. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.018
    引用本文: 郑宁, 李廷栋, 丁孝忠, 刘燕学, 程木伟, 2020. 湘赣中、南部寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统沉积环境. 地球科学, 45(7): 2629-2649. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.018
    Zheng Ning, Li Tingdong, Ding Xiaozhong, Liu Yanxue, Cheng Muwei, 2020. The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 Sedimentary Environment of Central-Southern Area of Hunan and Jiangxi. Earth Science, 45(7): 2629-2649. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.018
    Citation: Zheng Ning, Li Tingdong, Ding Xiaozhong, Liu Yanxue, Cheng Muwei, 2020. The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 Sedimentary Environment of Central-Southern Area of Hunan and Jiangxi. Earth Science, 45(7): 2629-2649. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.018


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.018

    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 41402100

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      郑宁(1983-), 女, 助研, 博士, 从事沉积学研究工作.ORCID:0000-0001-8993-6857.E-mail:zhengninglaio@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P56

    The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 Sedimentary Environment of Central-Southern Area of Hunan and Jiangxi

    • 摘要: 为解决华南湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统沉积环境一直存在的深、浅海之争,通过对8条剖面岩石学特征、放射虫分布和岩相调查,结合地球化学数据等,分析了古水深等沉积环境特征.研究发现,湘赣中部娄底、邵阳、衡阳、萍乡地区可见疑似放射虫化石的分布,化石应沉积于当时的海盆中心区,且Si以生物来源为主.全区广泛发育弱水动力的水平层理,杂砂岩Td平均值为5.94,δ30Si平均值为0.1‰.本区牛蹄塘组、香楠组和牛角河组可划分5种岩相类型、3种岩相组合(海底扇中扇亚相、海底扇外扇亚相、陆隆亚相).结合主量、微量和稀土元素数据等综合分析,认为湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统沉积时期海水滞留缺氧,以半深海陆坡-陆隆环境为主,东南部略浅.


    • 图  1  研究区位置图(a)、华南寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统岩相古地理图(b)和构造图(c)


      Fig.  1.  Location of the study area(a), the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 lithofacies paleogeographic map (b) and structural map of South China(c)

      图  2  湖南、江西寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统剖面图

      地层剖面来源于湖南省地质调查院(2012); 江西省地质调查院(2013)

      Fig.  2.  The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 sections in Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces

      图  3  湖南、江西寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统岩石地层

      湖南省地质调查院(2012); 江西省地质调查院(2013)

      Fig.  3.  The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 lithostratigraphy of Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  4  湖南邵阳市新邵县牛蹄塘组剖面岩层照片(邵阳新邵剖面)


      Fig.  4.  Photos of the sections of the Niutitang Formation in Xinshao county, Shaoyang city, Hunan Province

      图  5  湖南衡阳市祁东县牛蹄塘组剖面岩层照片(衡阳祁东剖面)


      Fig.  5.  Photos of the sections of the Niutitang Formation in Qidong county, Hengyang city, Hunan Pprovince

      图  6  湖南永州市江华县香楠组剖面岩层照片(永州江华剖面)

      a.永州江华No.1剖面;b.灰黄色粉砂岩,发育水平层理;c.灰黑色泥板岩,发育水平层理;e.石煤;e, f. No.1剖面照片,薄层黑色碳质泥板岩、黑色泥板岩

      Fig.  6.  Photos of the sections of the Xiangnan Formation in Jianghua county, Yongzhou city, Hunan Province

      图  7  江西萍乡市湘东区牛角河组剖面岩层照片(萍乡湘东剖面)


      Fig.  7.  Photos of the sections of the Niujiaohe Formation in Xiangdong district, Pingxiang city, Jiangxi Province

      图  8  江西赣州市崇义县牛角河组剖面岩层照片(赣州崇义剖面)

      a.赣州崇义No.27剖面;b. No.27剖面标注层位为杂砂岩向泥板岩渐变,泥板岩内见砂岩透镜体;c.砂岩中见碳质砾屑;d.砂岩中见低角度交错层理;e.青灰色杂砂岩

      Fig.  8.  Photos of the sections of the Niutitang Formation in Chongyi county, Ganzhou city, Hunan Province

      图  9  湖南牛蹄塘组疑似放射虫显微特征

      a~d. No.18剖面;e~h. No.11剖面

      Fig.  9.  Microscopic features of the radiolarians from the Niutitang Formation in Hunan

      图  10  湖南牛蹄塘组和江西牛角河组疑似放射虫显微特征

      a~d. No.42剖面;e~h. No.14剖面

      Fig.  10.  Microscopic features of the radiolarians from the Niutitang Formation in Hunan and the Niujiaohe Formation in Jiangxi

      图  11  湘赣中、南部地区寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统岩相

      Fig.  11.  The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 lithofacies in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  12  湖南牛蹄塘组硅质岩类Al-Fe-Mn图解

      底图据文献Adachi et al.(1986)

      Fig.  12.  Al-Fe-Mn diagram for the siliceous rocks of the Niutitang Formation in Hunan Province

      图  13  湘赣寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统硅质岩类Al2O3-Rb、Cs、V、U的关系图

      Fig.  13.  Al2O3-Rb, Cs, V, U diagram for the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 siliceous rocks from Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  14  湘赣纽芬兰统-第二统硅质岩、硅质板岩、碳质硅岩、碳硅质板岩NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土模式曲线图


      Fig.  14.  NASC-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the chert, siliceous slate, carbonaceous silicalite, and carbonaceous-siliceous slate from the Terreneuvian-Series 2 of Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  15  湘赣寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统泥质板岩、碳质板岩、碳质页岩NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土模式曲线


      Fig.  15.  NASC-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the argillaceous slate, carbonaceous slate, and carbonaceous shale from the Terreneuvian-Series 2 in Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  16  湘赣寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土模式曲线图(据McLennan, 1989)

      Fig.  16.  NASC-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the greywacke from the Terreneuvian–Series 2 in Hunan and Jiangxi(modified from McLennan, 1989)

      图  17  湘赣粤寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩综合结构系数(红点处)与成熟度阶段、成熟度体系和沉积环境之间的关系

      Pied.山麓(al.洪积,g1.冰川,cv.陆地火山);Bra.辫状河(bs.心滩,ch.河道);Mea曲流河(pb.河漫滩,洪泛平原,eo.风成,ch.边滩,河道);Del.三角洲(ud.上三角洲,ld.下三角洲);Lak.湖泊(hl.潮湿湖,al.干旱湖);Shr.海滩(du.海岸砂丘,fr.前滨,br.后滨,cl.塌坍带,mo.浮冰沉积);Int.潮间带(st.砂质潮坪,tch.潮沟,mt.泥质潮坪);Sbt.潮下带(lg.潟湖,of.开阔海);Sdb.砂坝;Cs.大陆架(ab.沿岸流,bi.生物堆积带,tm.风暴沉积带,mv.海底火山带);Ds.深海(tb.浊积带,mv.海底火山带,ct.等深流带);a.石英颗粒 > 80%;b.长石颗粒 > 25%;c.岩屑颗粒 > 25%,d.颗粒具单向排列趋势;e.颗粒具双向排列趋势;f.颗粒无定向任意排列;g.标准样号的薄片编

      Fig.  17.  The relationship between Td of the greywacke from the Terreneuvian-Series 2 in Hunan and Jiangxi (red point), stage and system of maturation and sedimentary environment

      图  18  湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩K2O/Na2O-SiO2(a)及SiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Na2O(b)构造环境判别图解

      底图据Roser and Korsch(1986)

      Fig.  18.  Tectonic setting discrimination diagram of K2O/Na2O-SiO2(a) and SiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Na2O (b) of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 greywacke in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  19  湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩(a)和泥板岩(b)的稀土元素配分模式

      球粒陨石标准化参数据Taylor et al.(1985);典型大地构造环境的稀土数据选自Bhatia and Crook (1986)

      Fig.  19.  Chondrite-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 greywacke (a) and argillaceous slate (b) in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi

      图  20  湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩主量元素判断函数限定物源区特征的图解

      底图据Roser and Korsch(1986)

      Fig.  20.  Source area diagrams of discriminant functions of major element compositions of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 greywacke in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi

      表  1  湘赣粤寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩综合结构系数

      Table  1.   Td of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 graywackes from Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong

      地层 地区 样品号 So Po Td
      寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统 研究区南部 连州 15-6-3 0.51 0.81 2.71 4.90 4.02
      15-7-3 0.44 0.69 2.43 4.12
      15-11 0.49 0.79 1.72 3.35
      15-13 0.50 0.90 1.97 3.63
      江华 1-4 0.42 0.88 2.75 3.48
      1-8 0.54 0.92 2.62 3.76
      1-13 0.50 0.80 2.71 4.23
      1-14 0.61 0.74 2.82 5.67
      1-15 0.53 0.74 1.78 3.09
      研究区中部 崇义至于都 27-1-2 0.64 0.81 3.00 5.91 7.63
      27-2 0.60 0.72 3.34 7.42
      27-3 0.72 0.75 3.05 8.34
      27-4 0.54 0.75 3.02 6.67
      27-9 0.53 0.82 2.87 8.17
      27-10 0.53 0.79 2.65 8.88
      32-3a 0.71 0.78 3.43 8.03
      研究区北部 井冈山 34-4-2 0.50 0.94 4.62 8.41 6.60
      34-5-2 0.55 0.86 3.97 7.30
      34-6 0.56 0.85 4.74 11.50
      34-7 0.53 0.82 4.08 5.82
      34-9 0.43 0.85 3.95 5.04
      34-11 0.47 0.82 3.86 5.82
      萍乡 14-7-2 0.64 0.99 2.98 4.03
      14-8-3 0.55 0.83 3.35 4.90
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2  湘赣中、南部寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统硅质岩、硅质板岩δ30Si测试值

      Table  2.   The δ30Si value of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 siliceous rocks from the central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi

      样品号 δ30Si(‰)
      11-33-1 -0.50
      11-33-2 -0.22
      11-47-1 -0.30
      11-47-2 -0.40
      11-43-1 -0.30
      11-43-2 -0.30
      11-44-1 -0.50
      11-44-2 -0.30
      11-45-1 -0.50
      11-45-2 -0.50
      11-48-1 -0.40
      11-48-2 -0.50
      11-50-1 -0.10
      11-50-2 -0.10
      11-52 -0.10
      42-30-1 -0.20
      42-30-3 0.01
      42-43 0.10
      42-48 0.10
      42-49 0.10
      42-51 -0.10
      42-1 -0.10
      42-3 -0.20
      42-41 0.20
      42-42 0.10
      42-44 0.10
      42-45 -0.10
      42-46 0.10
      42-47 0.10
      42-50 0.10
      14-35 0.10
      14-36 0.10
      14-37 0.10
      14-38 0.10
      14-39 -0.20
      下载: 导出CSV
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