The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 Sedimentary Environment of Central-Southern Area of Hunan and Jiangxi
摘要: 为解决华南湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统沉积环境一直存在的深、浅海之争,通过对8条剖面岩石学特征、放射虫分布和岩相调查,结合地球化学数据等,分析了古水深等沉积环境特征.研究发现,湘赣中部娄底、邵阳、衡阳、萍乡地区可见疑似放射虫化石的分布,化石应沉积于当时的海盆中心区,且Si以生物来源为主.全区广泛发育弱水动力的水平层理,杂砂岩Td平均值为5.94,δ30Si平均值为0.1‰.本区牛蹄塘组、香楠组和牛角河组可划分5种岩相类型、3种岩相组合(海底扇中扇亚相、海底扇外扇亚相、陆隆亚相).结合主量、微量和稀土元素数据等综合分析,认为湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统沉积时期海水滞留缺氧,以半深海陆坡-陆隆环境为主,东南部略浅.Abstract: In order to solve the dispute-"deep sea" or "shallow sea" about the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 sedimentary environment of central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi, this paper further analyzed sedimentary environment such as paleo-water depth by investigating the petrological characteristics, radiolarian distribution and lithofacies of eight sections for these strata. According to the investigation, suspected radiolarians found in Loudi, Shaoyang, Hengyang and Pingxiang areas were deposited in the basin center and the source of Si in these strata are biogenic. Horizontal beddings representing weak hydrodynamic force are developed in central and southern parts of Hunan and Jiangxi; the average value of Td of the greywacke is 5.94; the average value of δ30Si is 0.1‰; five types of lithofacies and three types of lithofacies associations (middle fan subfacies of submarine fan, outer fan subfacies of submarine fan, and continental rise subfacies). Taking major element, trace element and REE contents into consideration, we think that the sea water of the central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi was stagnant; the study area was a continental slope-rise with a bathyal environment in the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2, relatively shallow in the southeast.
Key words:
- South China /
- Cambrian /
- radiolarians /
- siliceous slate /
- bathyal environment /
- sedimentology
图 2 湖南、江西寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统剖面图
地层剖面来源于湖南省地质调查院(2012); 江西省地质调查院(2013)
Fig. 2. The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 sections in Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces
图 3 湖南、江西寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统岩石地层
据湖南省地质调查院(2012); 江西省地质调查院(2013)
Fig. 3. The Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 lithostratigraphy of Hunan and Jiangxi
图 12 湖南牛蹄塘组硅质岩类Al-Fe-Mn图解
底图据文献Adachi et al.(1986)
Fig. 12. Al-Fe-Mn diagram for the siliceous rocks of the Niutitang Formation in Hunan Province
图 14 湘赣纽芬兰统-第二统硅质岩、硅质板岩、碳质硅岩、碳硅质板岩NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土模式曲线图
Fig. 14. NASC-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the chert, siliceous slate, carbonaceous silicalite, and carbonaceous-siliceous slate from the Terreneuvian-Series 2 of Hunan and Jiangxi
图 15 湘赣寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统泥质板岩、碳质板岩、碳质页岩NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土模式曲线
Fig. 15. NASC-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the argillaceous slate, carbonaceous slate, and carbonaceous shale from the Terreneuvian-Series 2 in Hunan and Jiangxi
图 16 湘赣寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土模式曲线图(据McLennan, 1989)
Fig. 16. NASC-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the greywacke from the Terreneuvian–Series 2 in Hunan and Jiangxi(modified from McLennan, 1989)
图 17 湘赣粤寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩综合结构系数(红点处)与成熟度阶段、成熟度体系和沉积环境之间的关系
Pied.山麓(al.洪积,g1.冰川,cv.陆地火山);Bra.辫状河(bs.心滩,ch.河道);Mea曲流河(pb.河漫滩,洪泛平原,eo.风成,ch.边滩,河道);Del.三角洲(ud.上三角洲,ld.下三角洲);Lak.湖泊(hl.潮湿湖,al.干旱湖);Shr.海滩(du.海岸砂丘,fr.前滨,br.后滨,cl.塌坍带,mo.浮冰沉积);Int.潮间带(st.砂质潮坪,tch.潮沟,mt.泥质潮坪);Sbt.潮下带(lg.潟湖,of.开阔海);Sdb.砂坝;Cs.大陆架(ab.沿岸流,bi.生物堆积带,tm.风暴沉积带,mv.海底火山带);Ds.深海(tb.浊积带,mv.海底火山带,ct.等深流带);a.石英颗粒 > 80%;b.长石颗粒 > 25%;c.岩屑颗粒 > 25%,d.颗粒具单向排列趋势;e.颗粒具双向排列趋势;f.颗粒无定向任意排列;g.标准样号的薄片编
Fig. 17. The relationship between Td of the greywacke from the Terreneuvian-Series 2 in Hunan and Jiangxi (red point), stage and system of maturation and sedimentary environment
图 18 湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩K2O/Na2O-SiO2(a)及SiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Na2O(b)构造环境判别图解
Fig. 18. Tectonic setting discrimination diagram of K2O/Na2O-SiO2(a) and SiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Na2O (b) of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 greywacke in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi
图 19 湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩(a)和泥板岩(b)的稀土元素配分模式
球粒陨石标准化参数据Taylor et al.(1985);典型大地构造环境的稀土数据选自Bhatia and Crook (1986)
Fig. 19. Chondrite-normalized distribution patterns of the rare earth elements of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 greywacke (a) and argillaceous slate (b) in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi
图 20 湘赣中、南部纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩主量元素判断函数限定物源区特征的图解
Fig. 20. Source area diagrams of discriminant functions of major element compositions of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 greywacke in central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi
表 1 湘赣粤寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统杂砂岩综合结构系数
Table 1. Td of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 graywackes from Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong
地层 地区 样品号 So Pφ Po Td 值 平均值 寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统 研究区南部 连州 15-6-3 0.51 0.81 2.71 4.90 4.02 15-7-3 0.44 0.69 2.43 4.12 15-11 0.49 0.79 1.72 3.35 15-13 0.50 0.90 1.97 3.63 江华 1-4 0.42 0.88 2.75 3.48 1-8 0.54 0.92 2.62 3.76 1-13 0.50 0.80 2.71 4.23 1-14 0.61 0.74 2.82 5.67 1-15 0.53 0.74 1.78 3.09 研究区中部 崇义至于都 27-1-2 0.64 0.81 3.00 5.91 7.63 27-2 0.60 0.72 3.34 7.42 27-3 0.72 0.75 3.05 8.34 27-4 0.54 0.75 3.02 6.67 27-9 0.53 0.82 2.87 8.17 27-10 0.53 0.79 2.65 8.88 32-3a 0.71 0.78 3.43 8.03 研究区北部 井冈山 34-4-2 0.50 0.94 4.62 8.41 6.60 34-5-2 0.55 0.86 3.97 7.30 34-6 0.56 0.85 4.74 11.50 34-7 0.53 0.82 4.08 5.82 34-9 0.43 0.85 3.95 5.04 34-11 0.47 0.82 3.86 5.82 萍乡 14-7-2 0.64 0.99 2.98 4.03 14-8-3 0.55 0.83 3.35 4.90 表 2 湘赣中、南部寒武系纽芬兰统-第二统硅质岩、硅质板岩δ30Si测试值
Table 2. The δ30Si value of the Cambrian Terreneuvian-Series 2 siliceous rocks from the central-southern area of Hunan and Jiangxi
样品号 δ30Si(‰) 11-33-1 -0.50 11-33-2 -0.22 11-47-1 -0.30 11-47-2 -0.40 11-43-1 -0.30 11-43-2 -0.30 11-44-1 -0.50 11-44-2 -0.30 11-45-1 -0.50 11-45-2 -0.50 11-48-1 -0.40 11-48-2 -0.50 11-50-1 -0.10 11-50-2 -0.10 11-52 -0.10 No.11
平均值-0.34 42-30-1 -0.20 42-30-3 0.01 42-43 0.10 42-48 0.10 42-49 0.10 42-51 -0.10 42-1 -0.10 42-3 -0.20 42-41 0.20 42-42 0.10 42-44 0.10 42-45 -0.10 42-46 0.10 42-47 0.10 42-50 0.10 No.42
平均值0.02 14-35 0.10 14-36 0.10 14-37 0.10 14-38 0.10 14-39 -0.20 No.14
平均值0.04 -
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