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    张敏 旷健 肖志才 王帅 祁士华 陈孝雄 李立峰 唐灵

    张敏, 旷健, 肖志才, 王帅, 祁士华, 陈孝雄, 李立峰, 唐灵, 2021. 广东惠州燕山期以来地质构造演化:对华南构造的新启示. 地球科学, 46(1): 242-258. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.016
    引用本文: 张敏, 旷健, 肖志才, 王帅, 祁士华, 陈孝雄, 李立峰, 唐灵, 2021. 广东惠州燕山期以来地质构造演化:对华南构造的新启示. 地球科学, 46(1): 242-258. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.016
    Zhang Min, Kuang Jian, Xiao Zhicai, Wang Shuai, Qi Shihua, Chen Xiaoxiong, Li Lifeng, Tang Ling, 2021. Geological Evolution since the Yanshanian in Huizhou, Guangdong Province: New Implications for the Tectonics of South China. Earth Science, 46(1): 242-258. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.016
    Citation: Zhang Min, Kuang Jian, Xiao Zhicai, Wang Shuai, Qi Shihua, Chen Xiaoxiong, Li Lifeng, Tang Ling, 2021. Geological Evolution since the Yanshanian in Huizhou, Guangdong Province: New Implications for the Tectonics of South China. Earth Science, 46(1): 242-258. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.016


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.016

    中国地质调查局地调项目 DD20190287

    中国地质调查局地调项目 1212011220014


      张敏(1983-), 男, 高级工程师, 主要从事地质找、地热勘查和城市地质工作.ORCID:0000-0002-3140-9875.E-mail:276846411@qq.com


      唐灵, ORCID:0000-0001-7884-9352.E-mail:tanglingwt@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P319;P54;P59

    Geological Evolution since the Yanshanian in Huizhou, Guangdong Province: New Implications for the Tectonics of South China

    • 摘要: 为揭示广东惠州燕山期以来的地质构造演化,以惠州石坝-黄沙洞地区为例,并综合基础地质调查、大地电磁学、岩石地球化学、年代学等方法来分析研究.大地电磁结果显示研究区深部存在连为一体厚超5 km的燕山期花岗岩体岩床,并被新生代断裂切割;丹霞组底砾岩矿物磨圆较差显示出近源沉积特征;谐和年龄及年龄谱图揭示底砾岩年龄约160 Ma;具有与研究区>150 Ma的花岗岩的稀土元素配分模式图和蛛网图显示底砾岩为燕山期花岗岩体剥蚀产物.在中国华南大陆及邻区构造演化基础之上,建立了研究区自燕山期以来地质历史演化概念模型.燕山期超大规模的岩体侵位造成地壳抬升,先前沉积地层长期遭受剥蚀,致使侵位在古生代、中生代地层中的花岗岩暴露并被剥蚀.剥蚀产物形成丹霞组地层.新生代印度欧亚板块碰撞产生超大规模的粤桂剪切作用和菲律宾板块北漂,形成了河源深断裂带、紫金-博罗断裂和莲花山断裂带等一系列深大断裂,并切穿燕山期花岗岩岩体.多期次活动共同塑造了现今研究区地形.


    • 图  1  (a) 研究区及周边大地构造图; (b)惠阳-梅县坳陷盆地及周缘地形图; (c)河源断裂埔前段巨大断层三角面

      F1.吴川-四会断裂; F2.恩平-新丰断裂; F3.阳江-河源断裂; F4.紫金-博罗断裂; F5.政和大浦断裂; F6.长乐-南澳断裂; F7.人字石断裂; F8.惠州断裂; F9.佛冈-丰良深断裂带; 数字为高程(m)

      Fig.  1.  (a) Grotectonic map of the study area and adjacent areas; (b) Topographic map of Huiyang-Meixian depression basin and its surrounding; (c) The triangle facet of Heyuan fault

      图  2  (a) 研究区及周边大地构造图; (b)研究区剖面图

      RF.人字石断裂; HF.河源断裂; HZF.惠州断裂; ZBF.紫金-博罗断裂; 花岗岩点及年龄数据来源旷健等(2020)

      Fig.  2.  (a) Tectonic map of the study area and adjacent areas; (b) GHI profile in the study

      图  3  侏罗系地层被褐铁矿(a)和石英脉充填(b);石炭系测水组(C1c)中断裂被硅质岩脉充填(c)和断裂带被褐铁矿胶结(d);震旦系地层被石英脉充填(e, f)

      Fig.  3.  Fractures in Jurassic strata are filled by limonite (a) and siliceous veins (b); Fractures in the sandstone of Carboniferous Ceshuiformation (C1c) are filled by siliceous veins (c) and fracture zone are cemented by limonite (d); Fractures in sandstone of Sinian strata are filled by siliceous veins (e, f)

      图  4  平整的丹霞组地层

      Fig.  4.  The flat Danxia Formation

      图  5  (a, b)紫金-博罗断裂带附近,丹霞组地层倒转,白色虚线为丹霞组内层状地层界线; (c)地层倒转示意图; 显示出地层倒转特征; (d,e,f)断裂带处丹霞组底砾岩样品, 采集地点均为观音阁东江西岸处,挑选较为特征性的长石石英砂岩S-01及英安岩S-02进行薄片鉴定及锆石分选工作; (g,h)偏光镜和正交镜下S-01;(i, j)偏光镜和正交镜下S-02

      Fig.  5.  (a, b) The reverse of Danxia stratum in the ZBF fault zone; White dashed line is the layer boundary of Danxia strata; (c) A cartoon chart to show the position of (b) at the hinge zone of the ZBF; (d, e, f) Basal conglomerates samples of the Danxia Formation in the fault zone.The sample locations were all on the west bank of the East River of the Guanyin'ge; The more characteristic feldspar quartz sandstone S-01 and dacite S-02 were selected for thin identification and zircon sorting; (g, h), images by polarizing and orthographic mirrors of S-01;(i, j) images by polarizing and orthographic mirrors of S-02

      图  6  MT剖面反演图

      反演深度15 km.红星为2 000 m的钻孔位置; 白色实线为花岗岩或断层的界面; 白色虚线是推断出的裸露花岗岩界面或玄武岩展布特征,Id-30印支期花岗岩的根部被燕山期花岗岩破坏

      Fig.  6.  MT inversion profile

      图  7  代表性锆石阴极发光照片,打点位置及年龄

      Fig.  7.  The Cathodoluminescence images, analyses dot and age of representative zircons

      图  8  S-01,S-02谐和年龄图

      Fig.  8.  Concordia age map of S-01 and S-02

      图  9  S-01,S-02年龄谱图

      Fig.  9.  Age spectrum of S-01 and S-02

      图  10  底砾岩及研究区年龄大于150 Ma岩体稀土配分模式图及微量元素蛛网图

      其中S-01-1为S-01的测试结果,S-01-2为S-01实验室测试的重复样; 岩体野外采样点信息及镜下信息参照旷健等(2020),实际点位信息见图 2a

      Fig.  10.  REE distribution patterns and trace element spider diagram of S-01, S-02

      图  11  莲花山断裂及周缘构造

      Fig.  11.  Tectonic map of Lianhuashan fault and its surroundings

      图  12  早侏罗统粉砂岩与晚侏罗世花岗岩接触面


      Fig.  12.  Contact face between siltstone of Early Jurassic and Late Jurassic granite

      图  13  S-01,S-02研究区中生代花岗岩,华南中生代花岗岩年龄谱图

      Fig.  13.  Age spectrum S-01, S-02, Mesozoic granite in the study area, and South China Mesozoic granite

      图  14  研究区构造演化模式图

      Fig.  14.  A tectonic evolution model of the study area

      图  15  研究区新生代构造演化简图

      a.新生代早期,断裂右旋剪切性质的形成; b.新生代早期软流圈上涌形成惠阳-梅县坳陷及玄武岩墙; c.新生代晚期,断裂左旋剪切性质的形成

      Fig.  15.  A sketch map of Cenozoic tectonic evolution in the study area

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