Tectonic Setting and Genetic Relationship between BIF and VMS-in the Qingyuan Neoarchean Greenstone Belt, Northern North China Craton
摘要: 华北克拉通北缘新太古代清原绿岩带,以产出中国最古老的红透山火山岩型块状硫化物(VMS)铜锌矿床而闻名.但近年同位素年代学研究表明,该绿岩带还发育同期的条带状(BIF)铁矿.对该绿岩带开展BIF铁矿、VMS铜锌矿时空和成因关系及其形成构造背景和海洋环境的研究非常必要.在综述近年笔者及前人获得的清原绿岩带地质剖面观察、典型VMS铜锌矿床和BIF铁矿床地质、锆石U-Pb年代学、主微量元素和Nd-Fe-S同位素地球化学等资料的基础上,总结了清原绿岩带VMS-BIF矿床组合形成的构造背景、成矿物质来源及形成规律.最后建立了新太古代清原绿岩带VMS-BIF弧后盆地系统成矿模式.这对于指导区域找矿预测、了解新太古代陆壳演化和古海洋环境均有重要的科学意义.Abstract: The Neoarchean Qingyuan greenstone belt (QGB) is located in the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). It is characterized by the occurrence of the oldest Cu-Zn volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in China. Recent geochronological data indicates that the QGB also hosts a certain amount of Neoarchean BIF-type iron deposits. Hence,a detailed study on the enigmatic association of VMS and BIF deposits should be conducted urgently. In this study,the previous geological,U-Pb geochronological,element geochemical,as well as Nd-S-Fe isotopic data on the VMS,BIF,and associated lithologies of the QGB was reviewed in detail. Based on the review,we concluded the tectonic setting,source of ore-forming materials,and genesis of the QGB VMS-BIF paragenetic assemblage,and thus established a ore-forming model in a back-arc basin for the QGB VMS-BIF metallogenic system. Generally,this model is significant in assessing regionally metallogenic endowment,and also in better understanding Archean continental crust evolution and marine environment.
图 1 前寒武纪VMS、BIF和地壳增生时间演化
Fig. 1. Histogram showing the abundance of VMS and BIF together with the intensity of crust growth in Precambrian
图 2 北美太古代阿比提毕绿岩带VMS与BIF空间分布
改自Thurston et al.(2008);a.阿比提毕绿岩带;b.绿岩带内代表性地层柱状图
Fig. 2. Geological map showing the spatial relationship of VMS and BIF in the North American Archean Abitibi greenstone belt
图 3 美国亚利桑那州中元古代早期VMS与BIF共生分布
改自Slack et al.(2007);a.美国Arizona州中部地区地质简图,仅显示中元古代地层;b.Jerome地区南部和北部中元古代地层剖面图,为清楚展示VMS与BIF的相对空间位置,矿床规模进行了一定程度的扩大
Fig. 3. Geological map showing the distribution of VMS-BIF paragenetic assemblage in Arizona, USA
图 4 太古代VMS和BIF共生假想成因模式
改自Bekker et al.(2010)、Farquhar et al.(2011)
Fig. 4. Hypothetical genetic model schematic of Archean VMS-BIF paragenetic assemblage
图 5 新太古代清源绿岩带VMS铜锌矿与BIF铁矿空间分布简图
Fig. 5. Geological map showing the distribution of VMS-BIF paragenetic assemblage in Neoarchean Qingyuan greenstone belt, NCC
图 6 清原绿岩带表壳岩系综合柱状图
Fig. 6. Stratigraphic column showing formation and member names for different rock assemblages in the QGB
图 8 下甸子BIF铁矿区代表性地质剖面
Fig. 8. Representative sketch profiles from the Xiadianzi BIF, showing relationships between the BIF and associated lithologies
图 9 下甸BIF与黄铁矿条带的野外和镜下照片
据彭自栋等(2017);a.互层的BIF和蚀变玄武岩,二者之间为整合接触,界线平直;b.由互层的富铁条带、富硅条带和黄铁矿条带构成的含硫化物BIF,三类条带间均为平直接触;c.硅酸盐相BIF的富铁条带由更细的磁铁矿和石英微条带构成,一些粗粒的(0.1~0.2 mm)磁铁矿和铁阳起石通常穿切这些微条带,同时在富硅条带中可见到少量的方解石颗粒(单偏光);d.含硫化物BIF的富铁条带中可见大量板条状阳起石(粒径0.2~0.4 mm)与石英颗粒交互生长,在富硅条带中可见到粉尘状磁铁矿、磁铁矿集合体及少量的方解石颗粒(单偏光);e.半自形-自形黄铁矿颗粒(0.1~0.5 mm)或构成连续的微条带或呈孤立的颗粒沿富铁条带边部分布(反射光);f.由纯净的磁铁矿微条带和石英微条带构成的氧化物相BIF,在磁铁矿微条带内可见到粗粒石英颗粒构成的结核(单偏光).矿物缩写:Mag.磁铁矿;Qz.石英;Act.阳起石;Py.黄铁矿
Fig. 9. Field photo and photomicrographs showing typical textures and petrographic relationships among main mineral phases in the Taiyanggou BIFs
图 10 清原绿岩带变英安岩样品地球化学图解
图a和图b分别为Zr/Y vs. Y和La/YbCN vs. YbCN酸性火山岩类型判别图解,改自Hart et al.(2004);图c和图d分别为Nb vs. Y和Ta vs. Yb酸性火山岩构造环境图解,改自Pearce et al.(1984)
Fig. 10. Geochemical diagrams of meta-dacite samples in the QGB
图 11 华北克拉通新太古代清原绿岩带BIF-VMS弧后盆地系统成矿模式
Fig. 11. Tectonic-sedimentary ore-forming model of VMS-BIF paragenetic assemblage in Neoarchean Qingyuan greenstone belt, NCC
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