The Genesis of Two Types of Quartz Veins in Banxi Antimony Deposit and Their Prospecting Significance
摘要: 板溪矿区内广泛发育无矿石英脉,其与含矿石英脉空间关系密切,但人们对两者是否具有成因联系并不清楚.围绕该问题作者开展了二者形成时代、成分组成及物质来源等方面的对比研究,结果发现含矿石英脉旁侧总是发育与其平行的无矿石英脉,二者无穿插关系,但存在连接二者的石英脉,结合区域地质资料认为无矿石英脉形成于燕山期,与含矿石英脉形成时代一致;无矿石英脉局部含微量辉锑矿±黄铁矿,脉体发育绢云母化、硅化等围岩蚀变,与含矿石英脉一致;无矿石英脉流体包裹体均一温度(143~266℃)和盐度(1.7%~8.5% NaCl eqv.)较含矿石英脉的均一温度(185~332℃)和盐度(3.3%~7.7% NaCl eqv.)略低,但二者均为中低温、低盐度的流体体系;激光拉曼分析显示两者流体气相组分均为H2O±CO2±CH4±N2,LA-ICP-MS测试结果显示无矿石英脉与含矿石英脉均含Sb、Fe、As等元素;无矿石英脉包裹体的δD值(-74.4‰~-69.7‰)、δ18OH2O值(2.6‰~3.4‰)、硫化物δ34S值(3.04‰~4.87‰)与含矿石英脉包裹体的δD值(-140‰~-107‰)、δ18OH2O值(5.9‰~8.4‰)、硫化物δ34S值(3.46‰~6.12‰)相似性较高,指示二者具有相同的物质来源.两类石英脉应属同一成矿热液系统,其差异是成矿流体混合的结果,因此其他热液矿床,特别是矿田范围内的无矿石英脉可能对矿脉具有指示作用,应引起重视.Abstract: The Banxi antimony deposit is located in the Central Hunan Sb belt,which is a quartz vein type deposit that has been mined for more than 100 years. Like many hydrothermal deposits,the Banxi deposit has many ore-free quartz veins,which are parallel with the ore-bearing quartz veins at a relatively fixed distance. However,the genetic connection between ore-free and ore-bearing veins is not clear. Based on the comparison of the forming age and fluid components of the two types of quartz veins,the genetic relationship between the two types of quartz veins and the possible geological significance of the ore-free quartz veins are discussed. Field observations,examination of fluid inclusions and hydrogen,oxygen,and sulfur isotope analyses reveal that the two types of quartz veins has no interpenetrating relationship,but the ore-free and ore-bearing veins are physically connected. Integrated with regional geological data,it is concluded that the ore-free vein was formed in Yanshanian period,which was consistent with the ore-bearing vein. The ore-free quartz veins contain a small amount of stibnite and pyrite. Sericitization,silicification and other types of wall rock alteration are both developed on the side of the two types of veins. Micro thermometric analyses of fluid inclusion in ore-free quartz veins yield homogenization temperature ranges of 143-266 ℃ and salinities of 1.7%-8.5% NaCl eqv.. While ore-bearing quartz veins inclusions have ranges of 185-332 ℃ with salinities of 3.3%-7.7% NaCl eqv.,showing that both types of veins formed in medium-low temperature and low salinity fluid systems. Laser Raman analyses of a fluid inclusion from both types of veins show that the gas phase components of both fluids are H2O±CO2±CH4±N2. LA-ICP-MS test results confirm that both types of veins contain the same elements (Sb,Fe,As,etc.),and that their fluid components are very similar. The values of δD and δ18OH2O of the ore-free quartz veins vary from -69.7‰ to -74.4‰,and 2.6‰ to 3.4‰,while the values in ore-bearing quartz vein vary from -140‰ to -107‰,and 5.9‰ to 8.4‰. The values of δ34S of sulfide are 3.04‰-4.87‰ (ore-free quartz vein) and 3.46‰-6.12‰ (ore-bearing quartz vein). Previous geologic work and field observations during this study indicate that quartz porphyry veins in the mining area developed without significant magmatic activity. This suggests that the original fluid for both types of veins was metamorphic water,and that the nature of quartz veins changed with time,regional cooling and different levels of meteoric water participation. In both types of veins,sulfur found in sulfides was derived from the host formation. The spatial relationship between the two types of quartz veins and their similar components and sources of ore-forming materials indicate that the two types of quartz veins are close to the same age of formation and belong to the same metallogenic hydrothermal system. The slight difference in geological and geochemical characteristics between the two types of quartz veins is the result of the continuous evolution and differentiation of ore-forming fluids. The study of the genetic relationship between the two types of quartz veins provides an example for the study of the ore-forming fluid mixing of this type of deposit. The distribution characteristics of the two types of quartz veins parallel at a relatively fixed distance not only provide a new mark for prospecting for banxi antimony deposit,but also enlighten us to pay attention to the possible indicating role of ore-free quartz veins in some deposits of this type or in the new exploration area for the ore-bearing quartz veins.
图 1 板溪锑矿床地质简图
a.板溪锑矿区域地质图(彭建堂等, 2008);b.板溪锑矿矿区及边部地质图(Li et al., 2018);c.板溪锑矿8线石英脉空间关系剖面图;d.板溪锑矿19中段石英脉空间关系平面图;e.板溪锑矿17中段石英脉空间关系平面图. 1.三叠系-泥盆系地层; 2.元古界地层; 3.志留系-震旦系地层; 4.花岗岩; 5.锑矿点; 6.断层; 7.板溪群五强溪组上段第三亚段; 8.板溪群五强溪组上段第二亚段; 9.板溪群五强溪组上段第一亚段; 10.蚀变带; 11.勘探线; 12.含矿石英脉; 13.无矿石英脉; 14.巷道; 15.钻孔; 16.采样位置
Fig. 1. Geologic sketch map of the Banxi antimony deposit
图 2 板溪锑矿两类石英脉野外地质特征
Fig. 2. Field geological characteristics of ore-free and ore-bearing quartz veins in Banxi antimony deposit
图 9 板溪锑矿石英H-O同位素图解
Fig. 9. Plot of δD-δ18OH2O of the fluids in the Banxi antimony deposit
表 1 板溪锑矿包裹体样品采集位置
Table 1. Sampling location of the Banxi ore deposit
样品号 采样位置 石英脉类型 矿物组合 BX1 19中段20与16线间穿脉脉壁 无矿石英脉 石英 BX2 18中段20线脉外巷 石英 BX3 17中段20与22线间脉外巷 石英+辉锑矿(微量)+黄铁矿(微量) BX4 16中段20线附近沿脉 石英+辉锑矿(微量) BX5 11中段19线 含矿石英脉 辉锑矿+石英 BX6 8中段2-2号矿体西端尾部 辉锑矿+石英 BX7 17中段28线 辉锑矿+石英+黄铁矿+毒砂 BX8 14中段2-1号矿体 辉锑矿+石英+黄铁矿 12D19S1 15中段22线 辉锑矿+石英 21D1S1 15中段11线 辉锑矿+石英 17D8S2 17中段32线至28线 辉锑矿+石英 802-1S1 17中段东端12线 辉锑矿+石英 表 2 板溪锑矿床流体包裹体显微测温结果统计
Table 2. Microthermometric data of fluid inclusion in the Banxi Sb deposit
石英脉类型 样品编号 包裹体类型 数目 大小(μm) Tm(℃) Th(℃) w(NaCl eqv.)(%) ρ(g/cm3) 范围 平均值 范围 平均值 范围 平均值 范围 平均值 无矿石英脉 BX1 Ⅰ 20 2~9 -5.5~-0.4 -2.8 159~262 210.6 0.6~8.5 4.5 0.86~0.92 0.891 BX2 Ⅰ 20 3~12 -3.8~-1.9 -2.9 155~239 180.5 3.1~6.1 4.8 0.89~0.96 0.927 BX3 Ⅰ 20 2~10 -4.1~-0.2 -2.6 142~232 189.6 0.3~6.5 4.2 0.88~0.96 0.911 BX4 Ⅰ 18 2~10 -4.9~-1.2 -3.1 143~216 181.2 2.0~7.7 5.0 0.89~0.96 0.932 含矿石英脉 BX5 Ⅰ 20 2~8 -4.9~-2.0 -3.7 185~332 244.6 3.3~7.7 6.0 0.74~0.92 0.863 BX6 Ⅰ 19 2~13 -4.7~-3.3 -4.0 203~320 257.3 5.3~7.4 6.3 0.59~0.90 0.829 BX7 Ⅰ 20 3~11 -3.7~-2.1 -3.1 203~293 236.1 3.4~5.9 5.0 0.77~0.91 0.863 BX8 Ⅰ 20 2~15 -2.7~-3.7 -3.2 202~249 225.3 4.4~5.9 5.2 0.86~0.90 0.880 注:流体的盐度和密度由FLINCOR程序(Brown,1989)计算所得. 表 3 板溪锑矿流体包裹体LA-ICP-MS分析结果(10-6)
Table 3. LA-ICP-MS analysis results of fluid inclusions in the Banxi antimony deposit (10-6)
石英脉类型 序号 Fe Ni As Rb Sr Sn Sb Te Cs Ba W 无矿石英脉 1 2 626.7 39.5 28.3 6.2 17.0 45.6 412.5 44.2 7.7 13.2 0.4 2 1 447.7 63.3 171.7 8.9 44.9 196.9 1 058.0 13.5 10.5 23.7 5.3 3 2 501.0 41.7 155.0 16.9 24.1 41.9 166.2 8.0 3.7 16.2 4.2 4 2 943.0 250.8 76.9 14.1 58.2 101.9 864.0 56.8 8.4 43.0 11.4 5 4 205.8 38.9 23.3 5.8 31.0 37.1 46.3 15.5 18.1 50.1 4.0 6 534.9 20.8 13.7 2.4 29.3 84.7 697.7 10.7 25.2 5.0 2.8 7 9 732.4 112.2 25.5 5.9 131.6 289.9 269.9 134.6 53.4 15.6 28.5 8 853.7 77.5 - 5.3 19.0 27.9 208.6 - 1.9 12.1 0.9 均值 3 105.7 80.6 70.6 8.2 44.4 103.3 465.4 40.5 16.1 22.4 7.2 含矿石英脉 1 - 1 011.6 160.1 - 82.7 125.9 4 631.1 - 34.9 - 102.5 2 13 809.5 - 476.3 34.0 - - 2 999.2 742.7 - - 2.6 3 5 331.9 228.7 608.4 0.3 88.7 92.2 3 058.1 400.4 33.9 127.3 - 4 9 761.5 53.7 370.7 12.3 15.0 341.5 791.4 4.4 - 303.7 22.2 5 8 333.8 71.5 369.7 62.6 74.9 - 3 237.7 - 61.1 237.0 5.1 均值 9 309.2 341.4 397.0 27.3 65.4 186.5 2 943.5 382.5 43.3 222.7 33.1 注:“-”为低于检测限;表中数据使用SILLS软件( Guillong et al., 2008 )处理.表 4 板溪锑矿石英脉H-O同位素组成
Table 4. H and O isotope composition of quartz vein in the Banxi antimony deposit
样品编号 石英脉类型 测试矿物 δDV-SMOW(‰) δ18OV-SMOW(‰) δ18OH2O(‰) 均一温度(℃) BX2 无矿石英脉 石英 -69.7 15.6 2.6 181 BX3 -70.8 15.4 3.4 195 BX4 -74.4 15.2 2.2 181 12D19S1 含矿石英脉 石英 -140 17.2 8.4 253 21D1S1 -124 16.5 6.7 233 17D8S2 -121 15.9 6.5 240 802-1S1 -107 16.1 5.9 225 表 5 板溪锑矿硫化物S同位素组成
Table 5. S isotope composition of sulfides in the Banxi antimony deposit
样品号 硫化物类型 石英脉类型 δ34S (‰) BX-3-1 辉锑矿 无矿石英脉 3.18 BX-3-2 辉锑矿 3.04 BX-4-1 辉锑矿 3.10 BX-4-2 辉锑矿 3.20 BX-3-3 黄铁矿 4.87 BX-3-4 黄铁矿 4.64 BX-3-5 黄铁矿 4.87 BX-7-1 辉锑矿 含矿石英脉 3.46 BX-7-2 辉锑矿 3.60 BX-7-3 辉锑矿 3.46 BX-7-4 黄铁矿 6.06 BX-7-5 黄铁矿 6.04 BX-7-6 黄铁矿 6.07 BX-7-7 毒砂 6.12 BX-7-8 毒砂 5.99 BX-7-9 毒砂 6.12 -
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