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    郭伟 林贤 胡圣虹

    郭伟, 林贤, 胡圣虹, 2020. 单个流体包裹体LA-ICP-MS分析及应用进展. 地球科学, 45(4): 1362-1374. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.199
    引用本文: 郭伟, 林贤, 胡圣虹, 2020. 单个流体包裹体LA-ICP-MS分析及应用进展. 地球科学, 45(4): 1362-1374. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.199
    Guo Wei, Lin Xian, Hu Shenghong, 2020. Advances in LA-ICP-MS Analysis for Individual Fluid Inclusions and Applications. Earth Science, 45(4): 1362-1374. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.199
    Citation: Guo Wei, Lin Xian, Hu Shenghong, 2020. Advances in LA-ICP-MS Analysis for Individual Fluid Inclusions and Applications. Earth Science, 45(4): 1362-1374. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.199


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.199

    国家自然科学基金面上项目 41873072

    国家重点研发计划 2016YFE0203000


      郭伟(1982-), 男, 研究员, 主要从事分析地球化学研究

    • 中图分类号: P599

    Advances in LA-ICP-MS Analysis for Individual Fluid Inclusions and Applications

    • 摘要: 独立封存的单个流体包裹体,能够准确地反演被捕获时期的流体信息.激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)是单个流体包裹体微区分析的重要手段,展现了原位、实时、高空间分辨率、高灵敏度、高精密度、低检出限、多元素同时检测的优点.单个流体包裹体组成信息的LA-ICP-MS测定技术,在单个流体包裹体选取、激光剥蚀采样方式、气溶胶传输与电离、质谱瞬时信号采集效率、定量校准与内标元素准确测定等方面逐步突破,且该技术应用于成矿元素来源及分配、成矿流体来源及特征、建立成矿模式等方面的研究广泛.因此提高单个流体包裹体分析成功率、降低小体积流体包裹体元素检出限、测定矿石矿物流体包裹体成分等成为该分析技术亟待解决的问题.


    • 图  1  典型的单个流体包裹体LA-ICP-MS技术示意图

      Fig.  1.  Typical LA-ICP-MS diagram of individual fluid inclusions

      图  2  典型的2种打开单个流体包裹体策略示意图

      a~d.分段剥蚀;e~h.直接剥蚀.图a~d修改自Günther et al. (1998); 图e~h修改自Pettke (2008)

      Fig.  2.  Two typical strategies for opening fluid individual inclusions

      图  3  随深度增加表面污染和包裹体信号分离示意图

      Fig.  3.  Schematic diagram of surface contamination and inclusion signal separation with increasing depth

      图  4  阶梯式预剥蚀清除气溶胶残渣

      Fig.  4.  Stepwise pre-ablation procedure for cleaning of the aerosol debris

      图  5  纳秒激光不可控剥蚀(a)、飞秒激光冷冻可控剥蚀(b)和加热均一流体包裹体可控剥蚀(c)S

      Fig.  5.  ns-laser of fluid inclusions (a), fs-laser of fluid inclusions with the freezing technique (b) and ns-laser of fluid inclusions with the heating technique(c)

      图  6  Cu和Au在气相和液相之间的分配与流体密度差异对照(a)和宿主石英中流体包裹体的H+、Na+和Au+再平衡扩散示意图(b, c)

      图a引自Pokrovski et al. (2013), Schlöglova et al. (2017b);图b、c引自Guo and Audétat (2018)

      Fig.  6.  Partitioning of Cu and Au between vapor and brine (lgKV/L) based on the fluid density contrast (lgρV/L) (a); diffusion paths of H+, Na+ and Au+ of fluid inclusions through the host quartz(b, c)

      图  7  LA-ICP-MS测定天然流体包裹体的卤素摩尔含量比值与来源分析

      引自Fusswinkel et al. (2018)

      Fig.  7.  Halogen of natural fluid inclusions analyzed by LA-ICP-MS

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