Shale Gas Accumulation Conditions and Target Optimization of Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Formation in Yichang Area, West Hubei
摘要: 鄂西宜昌下寒武统水井沱组页岩具有良好的气体显示,页岩气成藏条件研究薄弱.利用最新钻探的井下资料、周边露头地质调查资料及大量样品的分析测试结果,从富有机质页岩区域展布、地球化学特征、岩石储集特征、含气性、保存条件等方面研究鄂西宜昌地区下寒武统水井沱组页岩气聚集条件.研究区水井沱组形成于陆棚-斜坡相带,厚度为50~140 m.有机碳含量高(TOC值为0.43%~10.45%,平均值达2.65%),TOC大于2%的优质页岩有效厚度为28~41 m,有机质热成熟度为2.4%~3.2%,处于高演化阶段.页岩脆性矿物含量高,石英含量平均值为29.33%,碳酸盐含量平均值为25.94%,黏土矿物含量平均值为35.06%,且以伊/蒙间层为主.水井沱组富有机质页岩孔隙度为0.96%~3.32%,平均值为2.08%,页岩渗透率为0.01×10-3~3.05×10-3 μm2.氩离子抛光电镜与吸附测试表明,页岩孔隙发育具有成因类型多、孔径尺度小的特点,有机孔孔径主要集中在10~50 nm范围内.水井沱组页岩气层顶、底板条件良好,区域构造稳定、断裂不发育,页岩气保存条件优越.钻井过程中水井沱组气显频繁,解析含气量为0.31~5.48 m3/t,连续含气量大于2 m3/t的累计厚度达44.05 m.水井沱组水平井压裂获工业气流,页岩气组分中CH4含量为87.17%~92.75%,C2H6为0.83%~0.94%,N2为5.86%~9.37%,CO2为0.05%~2.25%.总体上宜昌地区下寒武统水井沱组页岩气成藏条件较好,是四川盆地外页岩气新的勘探区.Abstract: Good gas shows in the Cambrian Shuijingtuo Formation indicate the resources potential in Middle Yangtze region. The weakness of basic research on the shale gas accumulation constrains gas exploration and development in this area. In this paper,it focuses on the geological characteristics of Shuijingtuo shale gas in Yichang area by integrating geological and geochemical data from latest exploration well and outcrop. The gas potential is discussed based on preliminary evaluation of lithofacies,geochemical characteristics,reservoir features,and shale gas content. These organic-rich intervals are concentrated along and between continental shelf and slope. Thermally mature strata of the Shuijingtuo shale attain thickness between 28 and 41 m,with a total organic carbon (TOC) exceeding 2%. Organic matter within Shuijingtuo shale is high,which contains an average of 2.65% TOC,with present-day thermal maturity between 2.4% and 3.2% equivalent vitrinite reflectance (Ro),which is in the high mature of dry thermogenic gases dominated stage. The Shuijingtuo shale is noted for having generally high silica content. Mineral composition of shale consists of 29.33% quartz,25.94% carbonatite calcite/dolomite,35.06% clay minerals. Illite smectite mixed layer is the major clay mineral. The gas shale reservoir has an extremely low porosity and permeability. Porosity ranges from 0.96% to 3.22%,with an average value of 2.08% at the bottom of Shuijingtuo Formation. The effective permeability in gas shale is (0.01-3.05)×10-3 μm2. Through scanning electron microscope observation and isothermal adsorption,pores in shale also show multiple genetic types and small size of multi-pore diameter. Fractal dimensions of the organic pores vary from 10 to 50 nm. Overlying formations and underlying strata are favorable for shale gas preserved. The tectonic stress field is regionally very stable and short of fault activity,which all indicates favorable preservation conditions for Shuijingtuo shale gas in gentle slope of Yichang area. Measurement of total hydrocarbon and methane through mud logging indicates anomaly. The measured gas content of the Shuijingtuo shale in Well Yiye-1 ranges between 0.31 to 5.48 m3/t. Thermally mature strata of the Shuijingtuo Formation attain thickness of 44.05 m,with a continuous gas content exceeding 2 m3/t. Well Yiye-1 tested an industrial gas flow after horizontal well fractured. Methane is the main constituent of gas sample and varies in concentration from 81.17% to 92.75%. Ethane ranges from 0.83% to 0.94%,nitrogen in non-hydrocarbon gas ranges from 5.86% to 9.37%,and carbon dioxide ranges from 0.05% to 2.25%. It is concluded that it could be the favorable area for shale gas accumulation in the Middle Yangtze region,and it's a new area for shale gas exploration outside Sichuan basin.
Key words:
- Yichang area /
- Lower Cambrian /
- Shuijingtuo Formation /
- shale gas /
- shale reservoir /
- accumulation condition /
- petroleum geology
图 2 宜昌地区北东向(2017HY-Z3和Z6)地震剖面A-B
测线位置见图 1
Fig. 2. Interpretation of the NE trend seismic profile in Yichang slope area
图 3 早寒武世水井沱组页岩厚度和EW向沉积剖面
a.宜昌地区水井沱组近EW向连井剖面;b.水井沱组沉积相与黑色页岩厚度分布;c.近EW向沉积剖面; 据翟刚毅等(2017b)和陈孝红等(2018)修改
Fig. 3. Early Cambrian Shuijingtuo shale thickness and east-west sedimentary section
图 9 宜昌地区地震构造剖面
①宜都-随州地震地质解释大剖面;②2015ZG-L0地震地质解释图,据文献(邓铭哲等,2018);③当阳复向斜DY2014-1西段北东向地震解释图,据文献(邓铭哲和何登发,2018);剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 9. Interpretation of the seismic profile around Yichang slope area indicating the stability of regional tectonic
表 1 宜昌地区典型井页岩参数对比
Table 1. Parameters of comparison between typical wells in study area
表 2 宜页1井水井沱组CO2和N2等温吸附孔隙体积与比表面积数据
Table 2. Main pore structure parameters measured by low pressure gas (CO2 and N2) adsorption
样品深度(m) 1 809.00 1 827.00 1 843.50 1 854.50 1 859.00 1 870.58 CO2吸附 DFT孔隙体积(cm3/g ×10-2) 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.40 0.30 DFT比表面积(m2/g) 7.59 11.97 11.37 5.93 12.78 10.40 DFT微孔孔体积(cm3/g ×10-2) 0.25 0.39 0.38 0.24 0.49 0.43 N2吸附 BJH介孔孔体积(cm3/g ×10-2) 0.74 1.17 1.09 0.52 1.24 0.93 BJH介孔比表面积(m2/g) 2.48 4.57 4.04 1.69 4.67 4.08 BJH大孔孔体积(cm3/g ×10-2) 0.98 1.13 1.47 0.78 2.46 0.78 BJH大孔比表面积(m2/g) 0.36 0.44 0.51 0.29 0.81 0.28 表 3 宜页1井水井沱组页岩气组分数据
Table 3. Analysis results of gas component of shale gas in Shuijingtuo Formation of Well Yiye-1
气样编号 气体组分(%) CH4 C2H6 C3H8 He N2 Ar CO2 G1 91.17 0.94 0.03 0.19 6.90 0.08 0.70 G3 90.60 0.94 0.03 0.11 7.13 0.07 1.12 G4 87.17 0.87 0.03 0.20 9.36 0.13 2.25 G6 90.52 0.86 0.02 0.20 7.43 0.08 0.90 G7 90.78 0.86 0.02 0.01 7.31 0.06 0.96 G10 89.61 0.86 0.02 0.02 8.13 0.09 1.27 QJ-024 88.02 0.83 0.02 0.20 9.37 0.04 0.85 QJ-036 89.23 0.88 0.03 0.20 8.11 0.05 0.80 QJ-051 92.75 0.89 0.04 0.31 5.86 0.11 0.05 注:气体组分采用气相色谱仪测定,测试精度2%.其中G系列由中国科学院兰州地质研究所气体地球化学重点实验室完成,QJ系列由江汉油田分公司勘探开发研究院石油地质测试中心完成. -
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