Mazhala Gold-Antimony Deposit in Southern Tibet: The Characteristics of OreForming Fluids and The Origin of Gold and Antimony
摘要: 马扎拉金-锑矿床是藏南巨型金-锑成矿带的重要组成部分,其矿床成因目前仍存在不同认识.通过主要矿石和蚀变围岩的岩相学、矿相学、流体包裹体和稳定同位素分析,探讨了马扎拉金-锑矿床的成矿流体性质、矿质迁移和沉淀机制.结果表明,马扎拉金-锑矿床成矿流体主要来自岩浆水,主成矿期流体为中温(约255℃)、低盐度(2.8%~3.5% NaCleqv)、富CO2流体,成矿压力约150 MPa,流体演化过程中的CO2与水的不混溶是造成矿质沉淀的主要原因,成矿金属主要来源于地层,特别是区域广泛分布的海相火山岩地层.Abstract: The genesis of Mazhala Au-Sb deposit, which is one of the most important Au-Sb deposits in South Tibet Au-Sb metallogenic belt, is still open to debate. Based on field observation, petrography, microscopy, fluid inclusions, and stable isotopic results, in this paper, it discusses the characteristics of ore-forming fluid, the transportation, and the precipitation mechanism of Au and Sb. It can be concluded that the ore-formng fluid has a dominant magmatic origin, and is of moderate temperature (ca.255℃), low salinity (ca.2.8%-3.5% NaCleqv) and rich in CO2. The estimated ore-forming pressure is about 150 MPa. The unmixing between CO2 and aqueous during the fluid evolution leads to the ore precipitation. The Au, Sb may have been sourced from wall rocks, especially the submarine volcanic rock of them.
图 2 区域地质图及矿床(点)分布
据李应栩等(2018)修改;1.第四系;2.下白垩统拉康组;3.下侏罗统日当组、陆热组;4.中侏罗统遮拉组;5.上侏罗统桑秀组、唯美组;6.三叠统聂如组;7.二叠统曲德贡组;8.淡色花岗岩;9.花岗岩脉;10.断层;11.W-Sn矿点;12. Au-Sb矿点;13.Pb-Zn矿点;14.闪长岩;15.辉绿岩脉;16.遥感解译推测的环形构造;THS:特提斯喜马拉雅;GHS:高喜马拉雅;LHS:低喜马拉雅;SG:北印度沉积岩系;IYS:雅鲁藏布江缝合带;STDS:藏南拆离系;MCT.主中央逆冲断裂;MBT.边界逆冲断裂;MFT.前锋逆冲断裂
Fig. 2. Regional geological map and the distribution of deposits
图 7 矿区主要蚀变的显微镜下照片
a.蚀变围岩中的石英-铁白云石脉及边部的碳酸盐化蚀变;b.石英-绢云母化蚀变;c.围岩中的浸染状绢云母和铁白云石;d.围岩中浸染状绢云母、石墨和铁白云石;e.图 7d的透射光下照片;f.围岩中石英-粘土矿物团块;a~c、e为透射光正交偏光,d为反射光单偏光,f为透射光单偏光;Q.石英;Ser.绢云母;Ank.铁白云石;Gph.石墨;Cly.粘土矿物;Slt.板岩
Fig. 7. Microscopic photos of typical alterations in Mazhala deposits
图 9 围岩中黄铁矿和毒砂的显微镜下照片
a.蚀变围岩中具环带的自形黄铁矿和自形毒砂;b.葵花状黄铁矿,中部为草霉状黄铁矿群;c.图 9b的局部放大照片;d.黄铁矿中包裹自形毒砂;Py.黄铁矿;Apy.毒砂;反射光,单偏光
Fig. 9. Microscopic photos of pyrite and arsenopyrite in altered country rock
图 14 马扎拉金锑矿床主成矿阶段流体包裹体温度-盐度图解
错那洞和扎西康数据引自Xie et al.(2017)
Fig. 14. The temperature-salinity diagram of fluid inclusions for main ore-forming stage in Mazhala Au-Sb deposit
图 17 马扎拉金矿铁白云石和石英流体包裹体中CO2的C-O同位素图解
沉积碳酸盐C-O同位素范围引自Baker and Fallick(1989);原生碳酸岩的C-O同位素范围引自Deines and Gold(1973);沉积有机碳的C-O同位素范围引自Anderson and Arthur(1983)
Fig. 17. C-O isotopic diagram of ankerite and CO2 in fluid inclusions hosted in quartz
表 1 藏南马扎拉金锑矿床碳酸盐矿物和石英中流体包裹体中CO2碳同位素测试结果
Table 1. Carbon isotope results of CO2 in fluid inclusion hosted in quartz for Mazhala Au-Sb deposit
样品号 矿物 样品描述 δ13CV-PDB
(‰)MZL-2025 石英 石英碳酸盐 -5.0 20.1 MZL-1039-2 石英 石英碳酸盐脉 -3.7 19.6 MZL-1008 石英 石英脉 -7.1 19.6 MZL-B127 石英 石英晶簇 -13.8 22.5 表 2 藏南马扎拉金锑矿床铁白云石的碳同位素测试结果
Table 2. Carbon isotope results of ankerite in Mazhala Au-Sb deposit
样品号 矿物 样品描述 δ13CV-PDB
(‰)MZL-2025 铁白云石 石英碳酸盐脉 -7.7 18.3 MZL-1039 铁白云石 石英碳酸盐脉 -3.5 20 MZL-1008 铁白云石 石英碳酸盐脉 -5.0 19.5 表 3 藏南马扎拉金锑矿床硫同位素测试值
Table 3. Result of sulfur isotope assay in Mazhala Au-Sb deposit
样品号 矿物 样品描述 δ34SV-CDT(%) MZL-B124 黄铁矿 地层 -26.9 MZL-B112 黄铁矿 地层 -34.4 MZL-1008 辉锑矿 石英辉锑矿脉 0.7 MZL-B127 辉锑矿 石英辉锑矿脉 1.9 -
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