Identification of the Middle Triassic Oceanic Crust of the Sumdo in the Tibet Plateau and Its Constraints on the Evolution of the Sumdo Paleo-Tethys Ocean
摘要: 松多绿片岩分布于拉萨地块中部的松多地区,因对其时代及构造属性研究程度一直较低,严重制约了对松多古特提斯洋演化的认识.在详细野外地质调查基础上,对松多附近的绿片岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测试,以及锆石Hf同位素分析,并开展了岩石学和全岩地球化学研究.在松多绿片岩中获得锆石U-Pb年龄约为232 Ma,为中三叠世,代表了绿片岩的原岩成岩时代.其锆石εHf(t)平均为3.6,显示弱亏损地幔的特征.岩石学和地球化学研究揭示,绿片岩原岩具有拉斑质基性岩特征,在球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分曲线和原始地幔标准化多元素蛛网图中均为平坦型,与N-MORB相似.在各类判别图解上,也都落入N-MORB区域,表明松多绿片岩原岩可能为松多古特提斯洋壳残片.松多中三叠世绿片岩的识别,说明松多古特提斯洋可能在中三叠世时还存在洋盆.Abstract: The Sumdo green schist is distributed in the Sumdo area in the segment of the Lhasa block. Because of the low level of research on its age and tectonic characteristics, it has seriously constrained our understanding of the evolution of the Sumdo Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Based on the detailed field geological survey, petrology, whole-rock geochemistry, LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotope and zircon Hf isotope analysis were carried out on the green schist. The zircon U-Pb age is approximately 232 Ma in the Sumdo green schist, which is the Middle Triassic, representing the protolith's crystallization of the green schist. The εHf(t) of zircons is 3.6 on average, showing the characteristics of a weakly depleted mantle. Petrology and geochemistry studies reveal that the protolith of green schist has characteristics of tholeiite, which appears as a flat curve in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive mantle-normalized trace element spidergrams, similar to N-MORB attributes. In all kinds of discriminative diagrams, they all fall into the N-MORB field, indicating that the protolith of Sumdo green schist may be an oceanic crust fragment from the Sumdo Paleo-Tethys Ocean. The identification of the Middle Triassic green schist in Sumdo indicates the Sumdo Paleo-Tethys Ocean may hold oceanic basin during the Middle Triassic.
Key words:
- Sumdo Paleo-Tethys Ocean /
- green schist /
- geochemistry /
- zircon U-Pb chronology /
- zircon Hf isotope
图 1 西藏松多地区大地构造位置图和地质简图
a.西藏松多地区地质图; b.冈底斯东段构造简图, 据Zhu et al. (2010)修改; BNSZ.班公湖-怒江板块缝合带; SNMZ.狮泉河-纳木错混杂岩带; LMF.洛巴堆-米拉山断裂带; IYZSZ.印度-雅鲁藏布江板块缝合带
Fig. 1. Geotectonic location and geological map of Sumdo, Tibet
图 4 岩石类型判别图解
a. SiO2-Nb/Y图, 据Winchester and Floyd(1977); b. Th/Yb-Zr/Y图, 据Ross and Bédard (2009)
Fig. 4. Diagram of discriminating rock type
图 5 绿片岩球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式图和原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图
榴辉岩数据引自Li et al.(2009); N-MORB和E-MORB数据引自Sun and McDonough (1989); 球粒陨石和原始地幔数据引自Sun and McDonough (1989)
Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive mantle-normalized trace element spidergrams for the green schist
图 7 绿片岩锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图和稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线
a. ST15-1锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图; b. ST15-1锆石稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线; c. ST15-2锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图; d. ST15-2锆石稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线; 球粒陨石和原始地幔数据引自Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 7. U-Pb concordant diagram of zircons from the green schist and chondrite-normalized REE patterns diagram
图 8 绿片岩原岩源区判别图解
a. Nb-Zr图解, 据Le Roex et al. (1983); b. La/Sm-Sm图解, Aldanmaz (2000)
Fig. 8. Source region discrimination diagram of green schist
图 11 绿片岩构造判别图解
a.Th/Yb-Nb/Yb判别图, 据Pearce(2008); N-MORB.正常大洋中脊玄武岩; E-MORB.富集大洋中脊玄武岩; OIB.洋岛玄武岩; b.Nb×2-Zr/4-Y判别图, 据Meschede(1986);板内碱性玄武岩落在AⅠ和AⅡ区,板内拉斑玄武岩落在AⅡ和C区,P-MORB落在B区;N-MORB落在D区,火山弧玄武岩落在C和D区; 榴辉岩数据引自Li et al. (2009)
Fig. 11. Structural discrimination diagram of green schist
表 1 松多绿片岩(ST15)全岩地球化学测试结果
Table 1. Whole-rock geochemical test results of Sumdo green schist (ST15)
样品号 ST15H1 ST15H2 ST15H3 ST15H4 SiO2 50.83 44.81 49.03 41.61 TiO2 1.92 2.10 1.96 3.43 Al2O3 13.87 15.80 14.80 14.67 Fe2O3T 10.52 13.29 10.18 17.94 MnO 0.21 0.19 0.22 0.27 MgO 5.99 7.46 6.53 6.06 CaO 9.35 9.45 9.90 7.88 Na2O 4.24 4.55 4.51 3.20 K2O 0.51 0.71 0.49 1.76 P2O5 0.19 0.29 0.21 0.48 LOl 1.75 1.61 1.56 2.21 total 99.38 100.27 99.39 99.51 Li 12.55 11.69 8.46 25.84 Sc 49.08 50.48 49.82 56.22 Ti 12 272 12 556 12 766 23 540 V 389 415 416.16 614 Cr 97.56 108 104 43.56 Co 76.00 61.94 75.00 67.22 Ni 114 74.54 86.62 34.26 Cu 66.04 31.80 73.68 28.32 Zn 117 119 116 198 Ga 19.35 19.57 20.48 25.65 Rb 9.19 12.22 8.73 33.78 Sr 122 109 116 163 Y 36.16 37.26 40.38 66.84 Zr 114 113 120 251 Nb 3.04 2.804 2.91 6.82 Cs 0.34 0.39 0.28 1.15 Ba 54.24 61.02 48.58 124 La 4.72 4.24 4.67 9.47 Ce 15.06 13.60 15.04 30.14 Pr 2.54 2.34 2.54 5.11 Nd 12.25 11.24 12.27 24.04 Sm 4.08 3.85 4.09 7.84 Eu 1.27 1.23 1.29 2.30 Gd 4.80 4.64 4.99 8.80 Tb 0.81 0.78 0.85 1.47 Dy 5.44 5.3 5.68 9.75 Ho 1.17 1.16 1.23 2.08 Er 3.30 3.34 3.59 5.93 Tm 0.48 0.49 0.53 0.87 Yb 3.03 3.06 3.29 5.41 Lu 0.46 0.47 0.51 0.81 Hf 2.75 2.67 2.83 5.72 Ta 0.19 0.16 0.21 0.43 Pb 0.81 0.46 0.65 1.09 Th 0.24 0.17 0.18 0.45 U 0.13 0.17 0.09 0.24 注:主量元素单位为%,微量元素单位为10-6. 表 2 松多绿片岩锆石(ST15-1和ST15-2)LA-ICP-MS原位稀土元素(10-6)分析结果
Table 2. In-situ rare earth element (10-6) analysis results of zircon LA-ICP-MS in Sumdo green schist (ST15-1 and ST15-2)
样品 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu ∑
REEST15R1 0.01 0.74 0.05 0.63 3.64 0.05 15 14 212 88 419 104 1 066 158 2 081 ST15R2 0.05 10.88 0.29 6.40 8.84 2.75 24 16 192 69 298 68 708 96 1 500 ST15R3 0.14 13.07 0.45 8.93 15.79 4.43 35 21 240 84 353 80 837 116 1 809 ST15R4 0.00 6.85 0.06 1.08 2.11 0.45 5 4 49 19 88 21 234 33 463 ST15R5 0.23 12.44 0.15 2.65 4.24 1.26 11 8 101 39 174 42 447 63 906 ST15R6 0.06 9.80 0.35 6.28 10.59 2.68 25 17 184 67 287 67 693 95 1 465 ST15R7 0.02 18.15 0.14 1.95 4.60 0.26 11 8 94 34 140 31 304 41 688 ST15R8 0.07 13.94 0.45 5.70 12.68 2.82 28 18 206 72 308 70 719 96 1 552 ST15R9 0.22 14.45 0.45 7.32 12.61 3.41 28 18 201 71 301 69 738 99 1 562 ST15R10 0.43 54.29 0.20 1.79 4.36 1.43 15 12 168 70 356 95 1 141 187 2 106 ST15R11 0.03 7.43 0.20 4.06 6.75 2.15 18 12 134 48 205 47 515 70 1 070 ST15R12 0.13 64.09 0.48 8.27 16.70 0.89 45 30 330 114 450 93 889 114 2 154 ST15R13 0.03 13.21 0.39 6.15 10.86 2.98 27 18 208 74 320 74 777 104 1 635 ST15R14 0.01 2.41 0.03 1.00 3.58 0.07 13 10 132 50 219 51 535 77 1 093 ST15A1 0.85 68.51 1.33 9.84 10.26 6.10 56 19 238 94 445 97 940 173 2 158 ST15A2 0.11 8.59 0.07 1.69 1.30 0.38 15 5 61 22 97 22 215 43 493 ST15A3 0.05 11.13 0.46 5.12 11.15 2.45 52 18 196 74 322 68 642 116 1 517 ST15A4 0.38 21.88 0.41 3.51 16.12 1.05 85 29 345 118 472 97 773 128 2 091 ST15A5 0.06 18.17 0.08 1.68 3.34 1.40 28 11 140 54 253 56 531 100 1 197 ST15A6 0.06 12.62 0.48 7.24 13.28 3.81 61 23 248 92 405 87 802 146 1 901 ST15A7 440.50 1 705.95 273.01 1 321.98 337.79 29.99 328 56 355 72 197 31 241 35 5 424 ST15A8 0.01 8.56 0.03 0.29 1.21 0.37 6 2 33 15 78 19 210 49 423 ST15A9 0.05 14.46 0.19 3.56 6.23 1.77 35 13 156 61 278 60 568 105 1 301 ST15A10 0.11 10.72 0.44 6.22 10.44 3.38 54 19 225 82 367 77 735 136 1 727 表 3 松多绿片岩(ST15-1和ST15-2)LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Th-Pb测试结果
Table 3. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb test results of pine poly green schist (ST15-1 and ST15-2)
点号 Pb
U同位素比值 同位素年龄(Ma) 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/ 235U 1σ 206Pb/ 238U 1σ ST15R1 96.74 42.35 309.73 0.14 0.581 3 0.012 0 0.070 6 0.001 1 465.3 7.7 439.9 6.4 ST15R2 64.18 466.15 349.74 1.33 0.259 3 0.008 0 0.036 2 0.000 6 234.1 6.5 229.3 3.6 ST15R3 57.421 389.76 291.93 1.34 0.258 3 0.006 6 0.037 1 0.000 6 233.3 5.3 234.8 3.6 ST15R4 38.458 176.73 195.21 0.91 0.260 9 0.006 9 0.037 7 0.000 6 235.4 5.5 238.7 3.6 ST15R5 58.973 449.69 305.14 1.47 0.257 3 0.006 1 0.036 8 0.000 6 232.5 4.9 233.2 3.5 ST15R6 52.834 342.63 284.02 1.21 0.256 9 0.007 9 0.036 6 0.000 6 232.2 6.4 231.8 3.6 ST15R7 192.77 126.14 179.49 0.71 2.628 6 0.041 7 0.209 1 0.003 0 1 308.7 11.7 1 224.1 16.1 ST15R8 81.13 545.34 387.93 1.41 0.262 0 0.006 4 0.037 4 0.000 6 236.3 5.1 236.8 3.5 ST15R9 65.48 433.06 336.47 1.29 0.257 8 0.007 0 0.036 4 0.000 6 232.9 5.6 230.7 3.5 ST15R10 324.36 1 830.74 1 891.25 0.97 0.258 8 0.004 6 0.037 0 0.000 5 233.7 3.7 234.2 3.3 ST15R11 39.595 233.38 217.24 1.08 0.261 3 0.010 6 0.035 7 0.000 6 235.7 8.6 225.9 3.7 ST15R12 415.36 263.65 341.64 0.77 2.939 8 0.044 6 0.230 6 0.003 2 1 392.2 11.5 1 337.9 17.1 ST15R13 85.34 582.87 433.66 1.34 0.247 4 0.006 1 0.035 5 0.000 5 224.4 4.9 224.7 3.2 ST15R14 116.12 113.06 391.11 0.29 0.412 6 0.007 8 0.056 8 0.000 8 350.8 5.6 356 4.9 ST15A1 330.21 3 164.4 2 121.22 1.49 0.260 18 0.012 61 0.036 64 0.000 6 234.8 10.2 232 3.7 ST15A2 1 133.18 146.32 415.77 0.35 10.375 5 0.134 73 0.467 77 0.005 69 2 468.9 12.1 2 473.8 24.9 ST15A3 63.41 431.4 346.68 1.24 0.257 97 0.042 37 0.036 49 0.001 46 233 34.2 231 9.1 ST15A4 322.78 201.56 256.46 0.79 2.558 1 0.044 12 0.209 83 0.002 61 1 288.8 12.6 1 227.9 13.9 ST15A5 72.05 23.87 68.62 0.35 0.262 68 0.039 06 0.037 25 0.001 35 236.8 31.4 235.8 8.4 ST15A6 61.62 459.46 356.16 1.29 0.256 16 0.016 48 0.036 48 0.000 68 231.6 13.3 231 4.2 ST15A7 61.14 217.49 281.09 0.77 0.865 85 0.027 22 0.036 15 0.000 62 633.3 14.8 228.9 3.8 ST15A8 44.97 163.96 276.07 0.59 0.252 36 0.032 29 0.036 14 0.001 08 228.5 26.2 228.9 6.7 ST15A9 78.23 535.2 468.04 1.14 0.251 6 0.020 88 0.036 07 0.000 69 227.9 16.9 228.4 4.3 ST15A10 58.72 420.99 346.1 1.22 0.255 31 0.028 21 0.036 6 0.000 96 230.9 22.8 231.7 5.9 表 4 松多绿片岩锆石(ST15-1)Lu-Hf同位素组成
Table 4. The Lu-Hf isotope composition of zircon of green schist (ST15-1) in sumdo
点号 年龄(Ma) 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf 2σ εHf(0) εHf(t) 2σ TDM(Ma) fLu/Hf ST15-1 229.3 0.070 160 0.002 640 0.282 733 0.000 018 -1.4 3.3 0.6 769 -0.92 ST15-2 234.8 0.085 231 0.003 219 0.282 685 0.000 026 -3.1 1.6 0.9 855 -0.90 ST15-3 238.7 0.060 783 0.002 223 0.282 792 0.000 024 0.7 5.6 0.9 674 -0.93 ST15-4 236.8 0.091 874 0.003 397 0.282 738 0.000 028 -1.2 3.5 1.0 779 -0.90 ST15-5 234.2 0.056 043 0.001 992 0.282 748 0.000 029 -0.9 4.0 1.0 734 -0.94 -
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