Characteristics of Thermal Maturity of Graptolite-Bearing Shales in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations on Northern Margin of Xuefeng Mountain
摘要: 五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石富有机质页岩是中国目前最成功和最重要的页岩气勘探目标.由于缺乏镜质体,该地层的成熟度一直存在争议.以雪峰山西侧北缘富含笔石的五峰组-龙马溪组页岩为例,采用笔石表皮体反射率来表征其成熟度特征.该套页岩笔石含量丰富,以非粒状笔石表皮体为主,其具有二轴晶光性特征,最大反射率(GRmax)和双反射率之间表现出正相关关系,成熟度越高的笔石表皮体表现出更强的各向异性.同时,该套地层中也含有丰富的沥青颗粒,其随机反射率与笔石表皮体的最大和随机反射率也呈现了正相关性,其各向异性更弱,但其成因复杂,且颗粒细小,测定较困难,因此,相对而言,作为热成熟指标,笔石表皮体反射率更占优势.雪峰山西侧北缘五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石页岩的成熟度较高,EqVRo值均为3.10%以上,达到了过成熟阶段,是页岩气勘探的有利区.Abstract: The maturity of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation organic-rich shales with graptolites, which is now one of the most successful and important shale gas exploration targets in China, has been controversial due to the lack of vitrinite. In this paper, taking this formation shale located on the northern margin of Xuefeng Mountain as an example, the graptolite reflectance is used to represent the maturity characteristics. It is concluded that this shale is rich in graptolite, mainly composed of non-granular graptolites which have biaxial optical characteristics, and its maximum reflectance (GRmax) and bireflectance are positive. In addition, the higher the maturity of the graptolites, the greater the anisotropy of graptolite reflectance. At the same time, this formation is also rich in asphalt particles, and its random reflectance value is also positively correlated with the maximum and random reflectance of the graptolites, and its anisotropy is weaker than the former. However, the reflectance of asphalt particles is difficult to measure because of its complicated formation factor and smaller size. Relatively speaking, the graptolite reflectance is more dominant as a thermal maturity indicator. The Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation shales located on the northern margin of Xuefeng Mountain is a favorable area for shale gas exploration because of its high maturity. The equivalent vitrinite reflectance values (EqVRo) of this shale has reached more than 3.10%, reaching the over-mature stage.
Key words:
- shale gas /
- graptolite reflectance /
- Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations /
- thermal evolution /
- petroleum geology
图 2 JY1井龙马溪组综合柱状图中TOC等指数变化与笔石带的对照
Fig. 2. Composite column chart of Longmaxi Formation with a correlation between TOC index and graptolite biozones in the Well JY1
图 4 雪峰山西侧北缘五峰组-龙马溪组页岩典型显微组分照片(油浸,反射白光,×50)
a.断续状分布笔石表皮体与固体沥青(TB18);b.断续线状分布笔石表皮体,可见黄铁矿充填几丁虫体(XLD-48); c.笔石表皮体(XLD-56); d.分段笔石表皮体(XLD-74); e.笔石表皮体与固体沥青(J101-4083-V); f.纺锤层结构的笔石表皮体,局部沥青浸染(J101-4083-H); g.断续线状笔石表皮体(J102-3124-V); h.含纺锤层结构的笔石表皮体(J102-3124-H)
Fig. 4. Graptolite fragments in Wufeng-Longmaxi shales (oil immersion, polarized light, ×50)
图 6 研究区五峰组-龙马溪组页岩笔石表皮体双反射率十字图解
据Kilby(1988); a=Rmax; b=Rint; c=Rmin
Fig. 6. Reflectance crossplots and relevant cross-sections across GRIS
表 1 样品信息
Table 1. Sample information
序号 样品编号 地点 深度(m) 层位 岩性 TOC(%) 1 TB-18 田坝剖面 -- S1l 黑色页岩 5.11 2 TB-20 田坝剖面 -- S1l 黑色页岩 2.81 3 XLD-48 湖南龙山 1 488.8 S1l-LM5段 硅质页岩 1.09 4 XLD-56 湖南龙山 1 493.2 S1l-LM5段 硅质页岩 0.86 5 XLD-74 湖南龙山 1 502.7 S1l-WF2段 硅质页岩 3.67 6 J101-4079 湖北远安 4 079 龙一段3小层 黑色页岩 2.63 7 J101-4083-V* 湖北远安 4 083 龙一段2小层 黄灰色硅质页岩 1.06 8 J101-4083-H** 湖北远安 4 083 龙一段2小层 黄灰色硅质页岩 1.06 9 J102-3114 湖北远安 3 114 龙一段2小层 灰黑色泥页岩 2.53 10 J102-3124-V* 湖北远安 3 124 O3w 灰黑色页岩 3.72 11 J102-3124-H** 湖北远安 3 124 O3w 灰黑色页岩 3.72 注:V*为垂直层理方向的切片,H**为平行层理方向的切片. 表 2 样品成熟度的校正
Table 2. The calibration of sample maturity
样品编号 GRran
(%)GRmax-GRmin(%) GRmax平均值
(%)测点 EqVRo* TB-18 3.50 0.92 6.88 5.96 5.70 20 3.64 TB-20 3.34 0.68 6.34 5.66 5.44 20 3.47 XLD-48 2.99 0.48 5.62 5.14 4.93 20 3.10 XLD-56 3.03 0.56 5.88 5.32 4.92 20 3.14 XLD-74 3.05 0.76 6.01 5.25 5.28 20 3.16 J101-4079 3.50 0.73 6.66 5.93 5.41 20 3.64 J101-4083-V 3.89 0.55 7.84 7.29 6.29 22 4.05 J102-3114 3.52 0.60 6.09 5.49 5.38 20 3.66 J102-3124-V 3.35 0.45 6.69 6.24 5.75 21 3.48 注:*EqVRo=1.055×GRran-0.053 (GRran为随机反射率,%)( Luo et al., 2018 ). -
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