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    阿拉善地块东部早古生代(约420 Ma)变质事件的发现及其地质意义:来自独居石与锆石U-Pb定年的新证据

    刘平华 邹雷 田忠华 冀磊 施建荣

    刘平华, 邹雷, 田忠华, 冀磊, 施建荣, 2019. 阿拉善地块东部早古生代(约420 Ma)变质事件的发现及其地质意义:来自独居石与锆石U-Pb定年的新证据. 地球科学, 44(7): 2441-2460. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.092
    引用本文: 刘平华, 邹雷, 田忠华, 冀磊, 施建荣, 2019. 阿拉善地块东部早古生代(约420 Ma)变质事件的发现及其地质意义:来自独居石与锆石U-Pb定年的新证据. 地球科学, 44(7): 2441-2460. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.092
    Liu Pinghua, Zou Lei, Tian Zhonghua, Ji Lei, Shi Jianrong, 2019. Discovery and Geological Significance of an Early Paleozoic (Ca. 420 Ma) Metamorphic Event from the Eastern Alxa Block: New Evidence from Monazite and Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating. Earth Science, 44(7): 2441-2460. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.092
    Citation: Liu Pinghua, Zou Lei, Tian Zhonghua, Ji Lei, Shi Jianrong, 2019. Discovery and Geological Significance of an Early Paleozoic (Ca. 420 Ma) Metamorphic Event from the Eastern Alxa Block: New Evidence from Monazite and Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating. Earth Science, 44(7): 2441-2460. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.092

    阿拉善地块东部早古生代(约420 Ma)变质事件的发现及其地质意义:来自独居石与锆石U-Pb定年的新证据

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.092

    国家重点研发计划重点专项项目 2017YFC0601301

    中国地质调查局地质大调查项目 DD20160121

    国家自然科学基金项目 41602199

    中国地质调查局地质大调查项目 DD20190003

    国家自然科学基金项目 41672191

    中国地质科学院地质研究所基本科研业务经费 J1514


      刘平华(1981-), 男, 副研究员, 博士, 从事变质地质学与前寒武纪地质研究

    • 中图分类号: P581

    Discovery and Geological Significance of an Early Paleozoic (Ca. 420 Ma) Metamorphic Event from the Eastern Alxa Block: New Evidence from Monazite and Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating

    • 摘要: 前寒武纪变沉积岩系是阿拉善地块重要组成部分,准确测定其原岩成岩时代和变质时代,对于进一步认识阿拉善地块起源、形成、演化与亲缘性具有十分重要的科学意义.本文对阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩开展了系统的野外地质调查、岩相学观察和同位素年代学研究.碎屑锆石U-Pb定年和野外地质调查表明,阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组和祖宗毛道组碎屑锆石年龄介于3 306~1 146 Ma,并以出现中元古代锆石年龄(1 800~1 100 Ma)高频区为特征,最小一组碎屑锆石年龄约为1 123 Ma,结合区域上它们被约900 Ma花岗质片麻岩侵入的野外关系,阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组与祖宗毛道组变沉积岩系的沉积时代被限定在1 123~900 Ma之间,为一套中元古代晚期−新元古代早期陆缘沉积建造,具有亲华北板块的特点.此外,变质独居石和变质锆石U-Pb定年和微量元素分析表明,阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石泥质片岩中发育大量变质独居石,它们具有典型变质独居石的稀土元素配分模式(轻稀土元素强烈富集而重稀土元素强烈亏损),其加权平均年龄为419±3 Ma(MSWD=7.1,n=40),类似地,一个锆石变质边也记录了406±7 Ma的206Pb/238U年龄.这些变质年龄被解释为阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩遭受早古生代末角闪岩相变质−变形作用的时代,可能是阿拉善地块与周缘微陆块早古生代末碰撞造山作用的响应.


    • 图  1  阿拉善−狼山地块早古生代岩浆−变质事件分布地质简图

      底图据张建新和宫江华(2018); 数据据以下文献:1据Liu et al.(2016); 2据Zhou et al.(2016); 3据Dan et al.(2016); 4据Wang et al.(2015b, 2016); 5据李俊建(2006);6据张建新与宫江华(2018);7据郑荣国等(2016);8据Duan et al.(2015); 9据魏俏巧等(2013);10据Chen et al.(2015);11据张云等(2019);12为本文结果

      Fig.  1.  Schematic geological map of the Alxa-Langshan blocks with the location of the Early Paleozoic magmatic and metamorphic events

      图  2  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区地质简图

      Fig.  2.  Simplified geological map of the Alatanaobao area in the eastern Alax Block

      图  3  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩−云母石英片岩剖面图及采样位置

      Fig.  3.  Geological cross sections of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area of showing the geologica relationships between the kyanite-bearing garnet mica quartz schists and mica quartz schists with sample locations

      图  4  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组野外(a~c)与手标本照片(d)

      Fig.  4.  Field (a−c) and hand specimen (d) photographs of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area of the eastern Alax Block

      图  5  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组(含蓝晶石)石榴云母石英片岩显微结构照片

      a~d含蓝晶石榴云母石英片岩主期片理由石英−白云母−黑云母−蓝晶石构成,以及基质中同变形生长的石榴子石;e, f.石榴云母石英片岩中石榴子石中石英包体排列方向(Si-1)与基质中片理(Si)斜交,以及石榴子石由筛状变晶结构核和无包体的边组成

      Fig.  5.  Representative photomicrographs of (kyanite-bearing) garnet mica quartz schists of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area from the eastern Alax Block

      图  6  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩锆石阴极发光图像与年龄

      Fig.  6.  Cathodoluminescence images and ages of zircons from (kyanite-bearing) garnet mica quartz schists of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area from the eastern Alax Block

      图  7  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩锆石U-Pb谐和图(a和c)与锆石稀土元素配分模式图(b和d)

      球粒陨石稀土数据据Sun and McDonough(1989)

      Fig.  7.  Concordia diagrams (a and c) and CI-normalized REE patterns (b and d) of zircons from (kyanite-bearing) garnet mica quartz schists of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area from the eastern Alax Block

      图  8  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩独居石背散射电子图像与206Pb/238U年龄

      Fig.  8.  Backscattered electron dqkx-44-7-2441 and 206Pb/238U ages of monazites from (kyanite-bearing) garnet mica quartz schists of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area from the eastern Alax Block

      图  9  阿拉善地块东部阿拉坦敖包地区德尔和通特组含蓝晶石石榴云母石英片岩独居石U-Pb谐和图(a)与独居石稀土元素配分模式图(b)

      球粒陨石稀土数据据Sun and McDonough (1989)

      Fig.  9.  Concordia diagrams (a) and CL-normalized REE patterns (b) of monazites from (kyanite-bearing) garnet mica quartz schists of the Deerhetongte Formation in the Alatanaobao area from the eastern Alax Block

      图  10  阿拉善地块东部约900 Ma花岗质片麻岩侵入祖宗毛道组变沉积岩剖面图(a)、德尔和通特组−祖宗毛道组碎屑锆石年龄直方图(b)与约900 Ma花岗质片麻岩锆石谐和图(c)

      Fig.  10.  Geological cross sections showing metasedimentary rocks of the Zuzongmaodao Formation intruded into by ca.900 Ma granitic gneiss (a), detrital zircon age distributions of the Zuzongmaodao Formation and Deerhetongte Formation(b), and concordia diagram of zircons from ca.900 Ma granitic gneiss in the eastern Alax Block (c)

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