Southwestern Boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks: Evidence from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages of Early Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks from Qinzhou-Fangchenggang Area, Guangxi
摘要: 广西钦防地区位于扬子地块和华夏地块结合带的西南段,是华南唯一的海相志留系与下泥盆统连续沉积出露区.对钦防地区志留系地层中的沉积岩展开了精细的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学分析和测试.分析结果表明,7个代表性沉积岩样品的年龄频谱图显示出了~2.5 Ga、~1.0 Ga、~0.47 Ga 3个明显的年龄峰值,暗示太古代全球地壳生长事件(~2.5 Ga)、格林威尔期造山运动(~1.0 Ga)以及早古生代构造事件(~0.47 Ga)在华南地区保存有记录.结合锆石的阴极发光图像特征和相关区域地质资料,推测~2.5 Ga、~1.0 Ga和~0.47 Ga碎屑锆石均主要来源于钦防地区东北侧的云开地块,钦防地区与华夏地块具有亲缘性,早古生代时期钦防地区可能为一夭折的裂谷,这一时期华夏与扬子地块西南端的分界线至少位于钦防地区的西北侧.
- 钦防地区 /
- 早古生代 /
- 碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄 /
- 沉积物源 /
- 地质年代学
Abstract: The Qinzhou-Fangchenggang area, located at the southwestern intersection between the Yangtze block and the Cathaysia block, is the only contiguous marine sedimentation during the period of Silurian to Early Devonian in South China. Detailed LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating analyses were carried out on detrital zircons of 7 Silurian sandstone samples from the Qinzhou-Fangchenggang area. Age spectra of the 7 typical sedimentary rock samples show three significant age peaks:~2.5 Ga, ~1.0 Ga and ~0.47 Ga, indicating that the Archean global crustal growth event (~2.5 Ga), the Grenville orogeny (~1.0 Ga) and the Early Paleozoic tectonic event (~0.47 Ga) were recorded in South China. In combination with cathodoluminescence (CL) images and regional geological data, it is suggested that the detrital zircons of ~2.5 Ga, ~1.0 Ga and ~0.47 Ga should be mainly derived from the Yunkai massif, southeastern Cathaysia block. Comparative analysis of age spectra of the Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from this study and Yunkai massif indicates that the Qinzhou-Fangchenggang area has an affinity to the Cathaysia block. These evidences imply that the Qinzhou-Fangchenggang area represented a failed rift during Early Paleozoic and the southwestern boundary between the Cathaysia block and Yangtze block is at least in the northwest of the Qinzhou-Fangchenggang area, rather than in the southeast area. -
图 7 早古生代沉积岩年龄谱对比
a.大明山-大瑶山地区, 据李青等(2009), 邹和平等(2014); b.云开地区, 据周雪瑶等(2015), 韩坤英等(2017); c.钦防地区, 据本文; d.华夏及扬子地块, 据李献华等(2012), Li et al.(2014), Zhou et al.(2015)
Fig. 7. Histograms of detrital zircon U-Pb ages
图 8 早古生代时期扬子与华夏地块西南端分界线
①本文认为的分界线, 即萍乡-永州-桂林-南宁-凭祥一线; ②郴州-临武断裂一线(Wang et al., 2003); ③清江-吉安-泰和-韶关-四会-吴川一线(谢窦克和郭坤一, 1989; Zhang et al., 2005; Zhang and Wang, 2007)
Fig. 8. Southwestern boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks during Early Paleozoic
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