Evaluation of Phreatic Evaporation in Manas River Basin Plain by Bromine Tracing Method
摘要: 潜水蒸发是干旱内陆盆地区地下水的主要排泄方式,但其定量评价存在很大的不确定性,是水均衡分析和水资源评价的难点.在新疆玛纳斯河流域平原区,以溴离子为示踪剂于2017年5月在不同土地利用类型区试验点投溴化钠,分别于2017年8月和2018年8月采样测定溴离子垂向分布,根据溴离子垂向运移速率确定潜水蒸发速率.试验点溴离子的浓度在垂向剖面上的分布呈现单峰形态且峰值上移,根据其峰值上移距离计算得出非沙漠区年平均潜水蒸发量为33.59 mm;不同土地利用类型潜水蒸发由强至弱依次为棉田、荒地、林地和沙漠,年平均蒸发量分别为41.71 mm、34.01 mm、11.28 mm、8.58 mm.溴离子示踪法评价潜水蒸发量的结果与前人相符;潜水蒸发速率与土地利用类型、包气带岩性、土壤体积含水量和潜水埋深有关,岩层粘粒含量越高、含水量越高、越靠近细土平原低地势区,潜水蒸发作用越强.Abstract: The phreatic evaporation is the main discharge way of groundwater in arid inland basins,but its quantitative evaluation has great uncertainty,which leads to the difficulty of water balance analysis and water resources evaluation. In the plain area of the Manas River Basin in Xinjiang,saturated sodium bromide was applied at different sites in different land use types as a tracer in May 2017, and soil samples were collected in August 2017 and August 2018 for measuring bromide concentration. The evaporation rate of the phreatic water is determined based on the vertical migration of the bromide peaks. The vertical profiles of bromide ion concentration profiles show mainly a single peak moved upward. According to the upward moving distance of the peak,the annual average phreatic evaporation in the non-desert area is calculated as 33.59 mm. The evaporations of different land use types from strong to weak were cotton field,uncultivated land,forest and desert,and the annual average evaporations were 41.71 mm,34.01 mm,11.28 mm,8.58 mm,respectively. The results of bromide ion tracing method for evaluating the evaporation of phreatic water are consistent with the relevant literature. The phreatic evaporation rates are related to the land use type,the lithology of the aeration zone,the volumetric water content of the soil and the phreatic depth. The higher the clay content of the rock formation is,the higher the water content is,the closer to the low-lying area of the fine soil plain,the stronger phreatic evaporation is.
Key words:
- bromide ion tracer /
- Manas River Basin /
- phreatic evaporation /
- hydrogeology
表 1 溴示踪计算潜水蒸发速率
Table 1. The phreatic evaporation rates estimated by bromide tracing
土地利用类型 编号 P+I (mm) 时间间隔(d) 上移深度(cm) θ Er (mm/d) E (mm) 沙漠 M-02 42 365 7.3 12.96 0.025 9 9.45 沙漠 M-03 42 365 0.5 12.33 0.001 7 0.62 沙漠 M-04 42 365 7.5 26.32 0.054 1 19.75 沙漠 M-19 42 365 6.0 17.90 0.029 4 10.73 沙漠 M-20 42 365 10.0 4.86 0.013 3 4.85 沙漠 M-24 42 365 5.5 11.00 0.016 6 6.06 棉田 M-14 336 365 15.0 36.18 0.148 7 54.28 棉田 M-16 336 365 9.8 29.71 0.079 8 29.13 林地 M-18 106 365 4.5 30.28 0.037 3 13.61 林地 M-21 106 365 4.2 21.30 0.024 5 8.94 荒地 M-06 106 365 5.0 30.73 0.042 1 15.37 荒地 M-07 106 365 38.0 25.54 0.265 9 97.05 荒地 M-11 106 365 14.5 13.75 0.054 6 19.93 荒地 M-12 106 365 15.2 35.94 0.149 7 54.64 荒地 M-17 106 365 5.0 35.13 0.048 1 17.56 荒地 M-23 106 365 21.5 30.29 0.178 4 65.12 荒地 M-25 106 365 10.0 12.23 0.033 5 12.23 荒地 M-32 106 365 5.5 27.75 0.041 8 15.26 注:P+I为试验期降雨量与灌溉量之和(mm),E为潜水平均年蒸发量(mm). 表 2 斯皮尔曼相关系数
Table 2. Spearman correlation coefficients
P+I(mm) 上移深度
(cm)θ Er(mm/d) P+I(mm) 1.000 0.283 0.672** 0.658** 上移深度(cm) 0.283 1.000 0.140 0.696** θ 0.672** 0.140 1.000 0.711** Er (mm/d) 0.658** 0.696** 0.711** 1.000 注:**表示在置信度(双测)为0.01时,相关性显著. 表 3 新疆潜水蒸发量计算结果比较
Table 3. Comparison of the phreatic evaporations of Xinjiang derived from different methods
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