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    程杨 肖庆辉 李廷栋 郭灵俊 李岩 范玉须 庞进力

    程杨, 肖庆辉, 李廷栋, 郭灵俊, 李岩, 范玉须, 庞进力, 2019. 中亚造山带东缘迪彦庙俯冲增生杂岩带早二叠世洋内弧岩浆作用及构造背景. 地球科学, 44(10): 3454-3468. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.085
    引用本文: 程杨, 肖庆辉, 李廷栋, 郭灵俊, 李岩, 范玉须, 庞进力, 2019. 中亚造山带东缘迪彦庙俯冲增生杂岩带早二叠世洋内弧岩浆作用及构造背景. 地球科学, 44(10): 3454-3468. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.085
    Cheng Yang, Xiao Qinghui, Li Tingdong, Guo Lingjun, Li Yan, Fan Yuxu, Pang Jinli, 2019. Magmatism and Tectonic Background of Early Permian Intra-Oceanic Arc in Diyanmiao Subduction Accretion Complex Belt in Eastern Margin of Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Earth Science, 44(10): 3454-3468. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.085
    Citation: Cheng Yang, Xiao Qinghui, Li Tingdong, Guo Lingjun, Li Yan, Fan Yuxu, Pang Jinli, 2019. Magmatism and Tectonic Background of Early Permian Intra-Oceanic Arc in Diyanmiao Subduction Accretion Complex Belt in Eastern Margin of Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Earth Science, 44(10): 3454-3468. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.085


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.085

    内蒙古自治区地质矿产勘查基金 2017-YS01


      程杨(1988—), 女, 工程师, 主要从事洋板块地质及成矿作用研究



    • 中图分类号: P59

    Magmatism and Tectonic Background of Early Permian Intra-Oceanic Arc in Diyanmiao Subduction Accretion Complex Belt in Eastern Margin of Central Asian Orogenic Belt

    • 摘要: 洋陆转换岩石学证据(洋内弧)的发现使识别、重建、研究洋盆转化为大陆成为可能.对中亚造山带东缘迪彦庙俯冲增生杂岩带内蛇绿岩开展岩石地球化学、Sr-Nd同位素以及锆石U-Pb年代学研究,识别出一套洋内弧火成岩组合.MORB-Like玄武岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为286.1±6.1 Ma,代表洋内初始俯冲时代;HMA锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为283.7±4.7 Ma,代表首次岩浆作用后、俯冲程度加深的岩浆作用时代;岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT)锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为241±5 Ma,指示古亚洲洋早三叠世逐渐向着正常岛弧岩浆作用转换的大陆化方向发展.从MORB-Like玄武岩到HMA再到IAT的岩石组合序列代表了洋内俯冲作用由浅到深的递进演变以及洋盆向大陆边缘岛弧逐步演化的洋陆转换过程.


    • 图  1  研究区大地构造位置示意图(a)和迪彦庙俯冲增生杂岩带地质图(b)


      Fig.  1.  Geological map showing the tectonic units of study area (a) and geological map of subduction-accretionary complex in Diyanmiao area (b)

      图  2  迪彦庙俯冲增生杂岩岩石组合野外露头

      a.玄武岩与蛇纹石化橄榄岩构造接触; b.枕状玄武岩; c.弱蛇纹石化橄榄岩以构造透镜体形式夹裹于强片理化蛇纹岩中; d.辉长岩, 堆晶结构; e.玄武岩中夹灰岩透镜体; f.纹层状灰岩, 沉积旋回; g.浊积岩; h.硅质岩

      Fig.  2.  Field characteristics of rock assemblage of subduction accretion complex in Diyanmiao area

      图  3  迪彦庙蛇绿岩镜下显微照片

      a.辉绿岩, 辉石呈他形柱状, 填隙状分布于斜长石格架间, 构成辉绿结构; b.辉长岩; c.玄武岩, 斑晶为斜长石, 基质为斜长石、辉石, 辉石填隙状分布于斜长石格架间, 构成似间粒结构; d.玄武岩, 见椭圆状杏仁体

      Fig.  3.  Photomicrographs of the ophiolite in Diyanmiao area

      图  4  迪彦庙蛇绿岩Zr/TiO2-Nb/Y图(a)和K2O-SiO2图(b)

      图a据Winchester and Floyd(1977); 图b据Peccerillo et al.(1976)

      Fig.  4.  Zr/TiO2-Nb/Y diagram (a) and K2O-SiO2 diagram (b) of the ophiolite in Diyanmiao area

      图  5  迪彦庙蛇绿岩球粒陨石标准化稀土配分图(a, c)和原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图(b, d)

      Chondrite数值据Taylor and Gorton(1977); primitive mantle和N-MORB数值据Sun and McDonough(1989); Mariana MORB-Like和Boninite数值据Reagan et al.(2010); Mirdita MORB-Like和Boninite数值据Dilek and Furnes(2009)

      Fig.  5.  Chondrite-normalized REE patterns (a, c) and primitive mantle-normalized trace element spider diagrams(b, d) of the ophiolite in Diyanmiao area

      图  6  迪彦庙高镁安山岩SiO2-MgO(a)和SiO2-FeO*/MgO(b)图解

      Deng et al.(2009); 图a, PQ线为HMA在SiO2给定时MgO最低值(即下边界); 竖虚线表示SiO2=52%;MgO=11%的虚线表示从实验熔体统计得到的LT-HMA(低温高镁安山岩)与MT-HMA(中温高镁安山岩)的分界线; MgO=15%的虚线表示MT-HMA与HT-HMA(高温高镁安山岩)的分界; 图b, 直线为CA与TH分界线, 据Miyashiro(1974); 强CA系列据Yogodzinski(1994, 1995); 双点划线为CA与(LF-CA)系列的边界, 据Arculus(2003)

      Fig.  6.  SiO2-MgO diagram(a) and SiO2-FeO*/MgO diagram(b)of the HMA in Diyanmiao area

      图  7  迪彦庙蛇绿岩87Sr/86Sr(i)-(143Nd/144Nd)t同位素组成

      地幔演化线据Papanastassiou et al.(1977), 图中各端元范围划分参照Rollinson(1993). DDM.亏损地幔; HIMU.高μ值(238U/204Pb值)地幔; EMI.富集地幔I; EMII.富集地幔II; PREMA.普通地幔; BSE.硅质地球

      Fig.  7.  Sr-Nd isotope compositions of the ophiolite in Diyanmiao area

      图  8  迪彦庙蛇绿岩锆石CL图像(a)和锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图(b~d)

      Fig.  8.  CL image of zircons (a) and U-Pb age concordia diagrams (b-d) of zircons of the ophiolite in Diyanmiao area

      图  9  迪彦庙蛇绿岩Th/Yb-Nb/Yb图(a)和V-Ti图(b)

      图a和b据Pearce(2014)肖庆辉等(2016)修改; 图b中Izu-Bonin-Mariana洋内弧数据引自Ishizuka et al.(2014)

      Fig.  9.  Th/Yb-Nb/Yb diagram (a) and V-Ti diagram (b) of the ophiolite in Diyanmiao area

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