Evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean: Evidences from Paleontology and Stratigraphy
摘要: 古亚洲洋的南缘跨越我国新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、黑龙江等地.对位于中国境内的古亚洲洋构造格局及其演化的研究成果进行了详细分析和总结,并归纳出存在的主要分歧.通过分析古亚洲洋构造域地层出露情况和古生物(放射虫、腕足类和古植物)地理分布,提出了2点认识:(1)早古生代,古亚洲洋西段在中国境内的主洋盆可能位于天山地区,东段的主洋盆可能位于艾力格庙-贺根山-林西-黑河一线;晚古生代,古亚洲洋西段的主洋盆位于南天山,东段的主洋盆位于索伦-温都尔庙-西拉木伦-延吉一线.(2)古亚洲洋西段洋盆关闭的时间大概是早石炭-中二叠世,东段洋盆关闭的时间是晚二叠世;其中,北山北部和南天山西南段的洋盆延续至晚二叠世,洋盆关闭的时间可能在二叠纪末或更晚.此外,针对古亚洲洋构造域上古生界地层出露及其研究现状,提出了古生物学和地层学在未来古亚洲洋演化研究中可能发挥的作用及其具体方法.Abstract: The southern margin of the Paleo-Asian Ocean spanned Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and other places of China. This paper summarizes the history of Paleozoic tectonic evolution of Paleo-Asian Ocean and addresses the debates on the evolution. Based on the analysis of outcrops of the Upper Paleozoic and researches on paleontology (including brachiopods, radiolarians and plants) through the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain in China, two conclusions are made. Firstly, during the Early Palaeozoic, the main basin of the Paleo-Asian Ocean might be located in the Tianshan area within western China and in the Airgin Sum-Hegenshan-Linxi-Heihe area within middle and eastern China. During the Late Paleozoic, the main basin of the Paleo-Asian Ocean might be located in the South Tianshan area within western China and in the Solonker-Ondor Sum-Xar Moron-Yanji area within middle and eastern China. Secondly, the west part of the Paleo-Asian Ocean might have been closed in the Early Carboniferous to the Middle Permian while the east part has been closed in the Late Permian. However, the north part of the ocean in Beishan area and the southwest part of the ocean in the South Tianshan persisted to the end-Permian at least. Additionally, this study proposes the potential application of palaeontology (i.e., radiolarians, fusulinids, corals) and of palaeoecology of benthic faunas in the evolution of Paleo-Asian Ocean.
Key words:
- Paleo-Asian Ocean /
- tectonic evolution /
- Paleozoic /
- brachiopod /
- radiolarian /
- ancient plant /
- stratigraphy
图 1 中国境内中亚造山带晚古生代地层出露和古生代蛇绿混杂岩分布
地层分布和蛇绿岩数据主要参考张克信等(2016); 地层露头分布据黄崇轲等(2002)
Fig. 1. Outcrops of the Late Palaeozoic strata and distribution of Palaeozoic ophiolitic mélanges from the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China
图 2 中国境内中亚造山带腕足类Tuvaella动物群和哲斯动物群的分布
腕足动物群的产地及其参考文献见表 1
Fig. 2. Occurrences of brachiopod Tuvaella fauna and Zhesi Fauna from the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China
图 3 中国境内中亚造山带晚古生代放射虫的分布
放射虫的产地和时代以及参考文献见表 2
Fig. 3. Occurrences of the Late Paleozoic radiolarians from the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China
图 4 中国境内中亚造山带石炭纪至中二叠世安加拉植物群和华夏植物群的分布
Fig. 4. Occurrences of the Angara and Cathaysia Floras along the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China during the Carboniferous and Middle Permian
图 5 中国境内中亚造山带晚二叠世安加拉植物群和华夏植物群的分布
Fig. 5. Occurrences of the Angara and Cathaysia Floras along the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China during the Late Permian
表 1 中国境内中亚造山带腕足类Tuvaella动物群和哲斯动物群的产地
Table 1. Occurrences of brachiopod Tuvaella and Zhesi Faunas along the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China
编号 动物群名称 化石产地 文献来源 1 Tuvaella动物群 新疆富蕴 王宝瑜和李恒海,1989 2 Tuvaella动物群 新疆卡拉麦里 王宝瑜和李恒海,1989 3 Tuvaella动物群 新疆巴里坤 张梓歆等,1983 4 Tuvaella动物群 内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗 Wang et al., 2011 5 Tuvaella动物群 内蒙古兴安伊尔施 Wang et al., 2011 6 Tuvaella动物群 内蒙古额尔古纳黑山头 Wang et al., 2011 7 Tuvaella动物群 黑龙江爱辉县 薛春汀等,1980 8 Tuvaella动物群 黑龙江小兴安岭关鸟河 苏养正,1981 9 哲斯动物群 内蒙古额济纳旗 卜建军等,2011 10 哲斯动物群 内蒙古哲斯敖包 王成文和张松梅,2003 11 哲斯动物群 内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗 王成文和张松梅,2003 12 哲斯动物群 内蒙古科尔沁右翼前旗得伯斯 王成文和张松梅,2003 表 2 中国境内中亚造山带晚古生代放射虫的产地及地质时代
Table 2. Late Palaeozoic radiolarian faunas discovered in the Paleo-Asian Ocean Domain within China and their occurrences
编号 化石产地 化石时代 蛇绿混杂岩名称 文献来源 1 新疆克拉玛依以西约15 km
(N45°34’52”,E84°40’06”)晚泥盆世 克拉玛依 Zong et al., 2016 2 新疆奇台 晚泥盆世-早石炭世 克拉玛依 舒良树和王玉净,2003 3 新疆精河县城以南约30 km 晚泥盆世 未命名 王玉净等,2013 4 新疆阿合奇县西缘 石炭纪-二叠纪 未命名 李曰俊等,2005 5 内蒙古索伦敖包 早二叠世 索伦山 李钢柱等,2017 6 内蒙古巴彦敖包 中二叠世 索伦山 王惠等,2005 7 内蒙古西拉木伦河北部双井下场乡杏树洼 中二叠世 西拉木伦 王玉净和樊志勇,1997 8 内蒙古锡林浩特市东北部毛登牧场 中二叠世 林西 尚庆华,2004 9 内蒙古达茂旗哲斯(满都拉附近) 中二叠世 索伦山 尚庆华,2004 10 甘肃北山墩墩山 中泥盆世 牛圈子 何世平等,2004 11 内蒙古恩格尔乌苏 早二叠世-晚二叠世 恩格尔乌苏 谢力等,2014 注:编号1~11与图 3中放射虫产地的编号一一对应. -
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