U-Pb Dating and Geological Significance of Detrital Zircons from the Nanwan Formation, Zhenping County, East Qinling Mountains
摘要: 东秦岭位于秦岭造山带与大别造山带的结合部位,其构造演化对于了解华北陆块与扬子陆块的碰撞拼合起着至关重要的作用;而南湾组是了解东秦岭构造过程的一个重要窗口,目前却少有关于其区域物质组成差异的研究.对东秦岭镇平县望火楼一带南湾组碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究.结果表明,锆石年龄峰值主要集中于2 757~2 500 Ma、2 500~2 400 Ma、2 150~1 800 Ma、1 800~1 700 Ma、1 520~1 165 Ma、1 100~1 000 Ma、1 000~880 Ma、840~630 Ma、550~471 Ma,原岩物质主要来源于华北陆块、北秦岭构造带和南秦岭构造带.对比镇平县南湾组、秦岭地区刘岭群、信阳地区南湾组及大别山造山带北侧佛子岭群的年龄峰值及物质组成,结果显示均存在一定的差异.因此,四者是否具有真正意义上的可对比性需要进一步研究.Abstract: The East Qinling Mountains, located at the junction of the Qinling Orogenic Belt and the Dabie Orogenic Belt, had undergone complex tectonic evolution, and plays an important role in understanding the collision of the North China Block and the Yangtze Block. The Nanwan Formation plays an important role in understanding the tectonic process of the East Qinling Mountains, however, few studies have been done to analyze the regional differences in material composition. In this paper, the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology analyses of the detrital zircons from the Nanwan Formation in the Wanghuolou, Zhenping County, East Qinling, show that the zircon age peaks are mainly concentrated in 2 757-2 500 Ma, 2 500-2 400 Ma, 2 150-1 800 Ma, 1 800-1 700 Ma, 1 520-1 165 Ma, 1 100-1 000 Ma, 1 000-880 Ma, 840-630 Ma and 550-471 Ma, respectively. The original rock material is mainly from the North China Block and the North Qinling Orogenic Belt and South Qinling Orogenic Belt. There are some differences among the age peaks and material composition of the Nanwan Formation in Zhenping County, the Liuling Group in the Qinling Mountains, the Nanwan Formation in the Xinyang area, and the Foziling Group in the North Dabie Orogenic Belt. Therefore, further studies should be carried out to evaluate whether the four can be compared.
Key words:
- detrital zircon /
- Nanwan Formation /
- U-Pb dating /
- Zhenping County /
- East Qinling Mountains /
- geochronology
图 5 刘岭群、南湾组及佛子岭群区域地层对比
望火楼图为本文所作,六安图据戴圣潜等(1992),其他图据河南省地质矿产局(1989). 1.白垩系;2.震旦系-下古生界肖家庙组;3.新元古界龟山组;4.复成分砾岩;5.石榴斜长黑云母片岩;6.黑云石英片岩;7.二云石英片岩;8.绢云石英片岩;9.石榴黑云石英片岩;10.钙质片岩;11.钙质绿泥石英片岩;12.石榴白云母片岩;13.石榴二云母石英片岩;14.石榴斜长二云母片岩;15.斜长白云母片岩;16.斜长二云母片岩;17.斜长角闪片岩;18.黑云变粒岩;19.斑点状变粒岩;20.大理岩;21.绿帘石化;22.韧性构造接触
Fig. 5. Regional lithostratigraphic correlation for the Liuling Group, Nanwan Formation and Foziling Group
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