Metamorphism Evolution and Geological Significance of Amphibolite in Songyang Area of Southwest Zhejiang Province
摘要: 位于浙西南松阳地区八都杂岩的斜长角闪岩是构成前寒武纪基底的主要变质岩之一,但其原岩类型与变质演化特点目前尚不明确.开展了岩相学、矿物微区化学成分及全岩主微量元素研究,发现该斜长角闪岩的原岩类型为高铁拉斑玄武岩,可能形成于岛弧构造环境.石榴石核部保存有进变质信息,峰期变质阶段(M1)矿物组合为石榴石(边部)+浅闪石+斜长石(An=40~43)+单斜辉石+黑云母+钛铁矿;退变质阶段(M2)以阳起石+绿泥石+榍石±黑云母±钛铁矿等退变质矿物组合为特征.结合地质温压计、变质相平衡模拟,获得峰期变质阶段(M1)温压为710~740℃、800~850 MPa,退变质阶段(M2)温压为~440℃、~480 MPa;其变质演化过程具有顺时针型P-T演化轨迹.通过区域对比,八都杂岩斜长角闪岩变质作用时代可能为印支期,并经历了印支-华南-华北板块的俯冲碰撞过程.Abstract: Amphibolite of the Badu complex in the Songyang area of Southwest Zhejiang Province is one of the major metamorphic rocks consisting of Precambrian metamorphic basement, However, its protolith and metamorphic evolution remain unclear. In this study, on the basis of the investigation of petrography, mineral chemistry and whole-rock major and trace element analyses, it is found that the protolith for amphilbolite belongs to high Fe tholeiite, which likely formed in an island-arc setting. The prograde metamorphic information is preserved in the garnet core, showing that peak metamorphic stage (M1) consists of garnet (rim)+edenite+plagioclase (An=40-43) +clinopyroxene+biotite+ilmenite and decompression metamorphic stage (M2) is characterized by the assemblage of actinolite + chlorite + sphene±biotite±ilmenite. By means of phase equilibrium simulation and traditional thermobarometer, it gets P-T conditions of 800-850 MPa and 710-740℃ for M1, ~480 MPa and~440℃ for M2, respectively. These P and T conditions confine a typical clockwise P-T path. Through regional comparison, the amphibolite in Badu complex may have undergone Indosinian metamorphism and the amalgamation of the Indochina with South China and North China blocks.
Key words:
- Badu complex /
- amphibolite /
- island arc basalt /
- metamorphism evolution /
- Southwest Zhejiang Province /
- petrology
图 1 华南(a)及浙西南地区(b)区域地质简图
据Liu et al.(2009)、Yu et al.(2012)和Zhao et al.(2015)
Fig. 1. Geological sketch of South China (a) and Southwest Zhejiang Province (b)
图 4 石榴石的(Alm+Spes)-Gro-Py图解(a)和成分剖面(b)
石榴角闪岩中石榴石据郭腾达等(2018);退变榴辉岩与基性麻粒岩中石榴石据Zhao et al.(2017).剖面位置见图 2c.矿物缩写:Alm.铁铝榴石;Spes.锰铝榴石; Gro.钙铝榴石;Py.镁铝榴石
Fig. 4. (Alm+Spes)-Gro-Py compositional diagram of garnet (a) and profiles of garnet (b)
图 5 角闪石的成分命名(a、b)、Ti-(Na+K) 关系图解(c)和AlⅣ-Ti关系图解(d)
图a、b据王立本(2001)修改;图c、d据靳是琴(1991)修改. 石榴角闪岩中角闪石据郭腾达等(2018);退变榴辉岩与基性麻粒岩中角闪石据Zhao et al.(2017)
Fig. 5. The classification diagrams (a and b), Ti-(Na+K) diagram (c) and AlⅣ-Ti diagram (d) of amphiboles
图 6 单斜辉石Wo-Fs-En图解(a)和AlVI-XMg关系图解(b)
图a据特吕格(1959)修改. 石榴角闪岩和石榴辉石岩中单斜辉石据郭腾达等(2018);退变榴辉岩中单斜辉石据Zhao et al.(2017)
Fig. 6. Wo-Fs-En compositional diagram (a) and relationship between AlVI and XMg (b) of clinopyroxene
图 7 松阳地区斜长角闪岩P-T视剖面图及其反演P-T轨迹
①Bt Amph Grt Zo Sph Pa Ab Q;②Bt Amph Grt Zo Sph Pa Clin Ab Q Ru;③Bt Amph Grt Zo Sph Clin Ab Q Ru Ilm;④Bt Amph Grt Zo Clin Ab Q Ru Ilm;⑤Bt Amph Grt Zo Sph Clin Ab Q Ilm;⑥Bt Amph Pl Grt Zo Sph Clin Ab Q Ilm;⑦Bt Amph Pl Grt Zo Sph Clin Ab Q Ilm;⑧Bt Amph Pl Grt Sph Clin Ab Q;⑨Bt Amph Pl Grt Zo Sph Clin Ab Q Ilm;⑩Bt Amph Pl Grt Sph Clin Ab Q Ilm;⑪Bt Amph Pl Grt Clin Ab Q Ilm;⑫Bt Amph Pl Grt Zo Sph Clin Ab Q H2O;⑬Bt Amph Pl Grt Zo Sph Clin Q;⑭Bt Amph Pl Grt Fanth Clin Q Ilm;⑮Bt Amph Pl Grt Fanth Clin Q Ilm H2O;⑯Bt Amph Pl Grt Zo Sph Q H2O;⑰Bt Melt Amph Pl Grt Sph Di Q Ilm H2O;⑱Bt Amph Pl Grt Di Fanth Q Ilm H2O;⑲Bt Melt Pl Grt Sph Di Q;⑳Bt Melt Pl Grt Sph Di Q Ilm.黑线和箭头代表斜长角闪岩的P-T轨迹,虚线为推测的进变质轨迹,M1为峰期变质阶段,M2为退变质阶段.矿物缩写:Grt. 石榴石;Di. 透辉石;Amph. 角闪石;Bt. 黑云母;Pl. 斜长石;Ilm. 钛铁矿;Clin. 斜绿泥石;Sph. 榍石;Zo. 黝帘石;Ab. 钠长石;Fanth. 铁直闪石;Ru. 金红石;Melt. 熔体
Fig. 7. P-T pseudo section and metamorphism P-T path for amphibolite of Songyang area
图 8 斜长角闪岩的变质作用演化P-T轨迹
P-T格子中各变质相据Oh and Liou (1998),蓝晶石-矽线石-红柱石转化界限据Salje (1986).1.退变榴辉岩,据Zhao et al. (2017);2.泥质麻粒岩,据董云峰等(2018);3.石榴角闪二长片麻岩,据周枭等(2018);4.石榴辉石岩,据郭腾达等(2018).M1为峰期变质阶段,M2为退变质阶段
Fig. 8. Metamorphism P-T path of amphibolite
图 9 斜长角闪岩的原岩恢复图解
a. 据王仁民(1987);b. 据Winchester and Floyd(1977);c. 据Jensen(1976). UMK. 超基性科马提岩; BK. 玄武质科马提岩; HMT. 高镁拉斑玄武岩; HFT. 高铁拉斑玄武岩; TA. 拉斑质安山岩; TD. 拉斑质英安岩; TR.拉斑质流纹岩; CB.钙碱性玄武岩; CA.钙碱性安山岩; CD.钙碱性英安岩; CR.钙碱性流纹岩
Fig. 9. Diagram for initial rock recovery of amphibolite
图 10 TiO2-10MnO-10P2O5图解(a)和Ti/100-Zr-Sr/2图解(b)
图a据Pearce and Peate(1995);图b据Pearce(1982)
Fig. 10. Diagrams of TiO2-10MnO-10P2O5 (a) and Ti/100-Zr-Sr/2 (b)
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