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    王国灿 张攀

    王国灿, 张攀, 2019. 蛇绿混杂岩就位机制及其大地构造意义新解:基于残余洋盆型蛇绿混杂岩构造解析的启示. 地球科学, 44(5): 1688-1704. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.056
    引用本文: 王国灿, 张攀, 2019. 蛇绿混杂岩就位机制及其大地构造意义新解:基于残余洋盆型蛇绿混杂岩构造解析的启示. 地球科学, 44(5): 1688-1704. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.056
    Wang Guocan, Zhang Pan, 2019. A New Understanding on the Emplacement of Ophiolitic Mélanges and Its Tectonic Significance: Insights from the Structural Analysis of the Remnant Oceanic Basin-Type Ophiolitic Mélanges. Earth Science, 44(5): 1688-1704. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.056
    Citation: Wang Guocan, Zhang Pan, 2019. A New Understanding on the Emplacement of Ophiolitic Mélanges and Its Tectonic Significance: Insights from the Structural Analysis of the Remnant Oceanic Basin-Type Ophiolitic Mélanges. Earth Science, 44(5): 1688-1704. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.056


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.056

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20160060

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20179607

    中国地质调查局项目 1212011220245


      王国灿(1963-), 男, 教授, 长期从事造山带大地构造的研究



    • 中图分类号: P54

    A New Understanding on the Emplacement of Ophiolitic Mélanges and Its Tectonic Significance: Insights from the Structural Analysis of the Remnant Oceanic Basin-Type Ophiolitic Mélanges

    • 摘要: 蛇绿岩代表了古洋壳的残余,通常被作为识别古汇聚板块边界的重要标志之一.但是,通过对西准噶尔造山带和松潘-甘孜造山带内出露的蛇绿混杂岩的大比例尺填图和构造解析,揭示出并非所有的蛇绿混杂岩带都具有缝合带的大地构造意义.综合前人研究结果,将蛇绿混杂岩划分为缝合带型和非缝合带型2种类型.非缝合带型蛇绿混杂岩带的分布与残余洋盆在闭合过程中的构造过程密切相关.在残余洋盆被巨厚层的碎屑岩填充之后,作为残余盆地基底的大洋岩石圈物质在区域挤压应力作用下,可通过多种形式构造就位于上覆碎屑沉积地层之中,形成具有弥散性分布特点的残余洋盆型蛇绿混杂岩系统.而缝合带型蛇绿混杂岩的就位过程可划分为3种方式,分别是俯冲就位、仰冲就位和碰撞就位.这些不同类型的蛇绿混杂岩带在板块汇聚后的再造山过程中,早期的构造变形会被叠加改造甚至导致蛇绿混杂岩的重新就位,使其分布形式复杂化.因此,正确识别和厘定不同构造过程形成的蛇绿混杂岩带及其对应的大地构造背景,对研究洋陆转换过程和造山带的演化至关重要.


    • 图  1  特提斯及邻区现今残余洋盆及相关蛇绿混杂岩的分布

      Dilek and Furnes(2009); Xu et al.(2013)修改

      Fig.  1.  Simplified map of the Tethyan tectonic domain showing distribution of remnant-oceanic basins and related ophiolitic mélanges

      图  2  西准噶尔地区地质简图(a)和横跨达尔布特和白碱滩蛇绿混杂岩带的构造剖面(b)

      Fig.  2.  Simplified geological map of West Junggar (a) and cross-section through the Darbut and Baijiantan ophiolitic mélange belts showing the relationship of different lithotectonic units (b)

      图  3  克拉玛依后山地区蛇绿混杂岩野外变形特征


      Fig.  3.  Photographs of typical structures of the ophiolitic mélanges in the western Karamay area

      图  4  克拉玛依后山地区蛇绿混杂岩带就位过程示意

      Fig.  4.  Models for emplacement of the ophiolitic mélanges in the western Karamay area

      图  5  松潘-甘孜-巴颜喀拉山地区地质简图及横跨扎拉依蛇绿混杂岩的构造剖面

      Fig.  5.  Simplified geological map of the Songpan-Ganzi-Bayan Har area and the cross-section through the Zhalayi ophiolitic mélange showing the relationship of different lithotectonic units

      图  6  巴颜喀拉山群及其中沿系列断裂分布的蛇绿混杂岩系的构造变形


      Fig.  6.  Typical lithological characters and structures of the Bayan Har Group and the ophiolitic mélanges along a series of faults in the Bayan Har Group

      图  7  巴颜喀拉三叠纪残余洋盆演化及蛇绿混杂岩的就位过程

      Fig.  7.  Models for tectonic evolution of the Bayan Har remnant oceanic basin and emplacement of the ophiolitic mélanges

      图  8  蛇绿混杂岩就位机制分类

      Fig.  8.  Categories for emplacement of ophiolitic mélanges

      图  9  雅鲁藏布江蛇绿混杂岩就位及后期的改造示意

      Xu et al.(2015)修改

      Fig.  9.  Tectonic model for the emplacement and modification of the Indus-Tsongpo ophiolitic mélange

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