Composition Variations of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basalts in Northern Great Xing'an Range: Implications for Thermal Evolution of Mantle
摘要: 近年来,东北地区地幔热演化过程的相关研究相对较少,而揭示东北地区地幔热演化过程的有效手段就是研究东北地区玄武岩的成分变异特征.系统总结并对比了大兴安岭北段早白垩世玄武质岩石和新生代玄武质岩石的化学成分变异,以便揭示研究区中生代晚期-新生代的地幔热演化过程.大兴安岭北段早白垩世玄武岩在化学上属于拉斑玄武岩系列,以亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素为特征,它们的La/Nb和La/Ta比值分别介于1.8~5.6和30~87,暗示岩浆起源于岩石圈地幔;它们的初始87Sr/86Sr值、εNd(t)和εHf(t)值分别介于0.704 5~0.706 9、-1.52~+3.60和+1.74~+7.77,表明岩浆源区属于弱亏损-弱富集的岩石圈地幔;早白垩世玄武质岩石的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素成分指示岩浆源区是由DM和EMⅡ型地幔端元混合而成,并经历了俯冲流体的交代.表明大兴安岭北段早白垩世玄武质岩浆源区为受早期俯冲流体交代的岩石圈地幔.新生代超钾质和钾质玄武岩具有Nb-Ta的弱负异常,87Sr/86Sr值为0.704 7~0.705 7、εNd(t)值为-6.3~-0.8,而地幔捕掳体具有Sr-Nd同位素亏损特征;钠质玄武岩具有Nb-Ta的正异常,较超钾质和钾质玄武岩具有低的87Sr/86Sr(0.703 5~0.704 2)以及高的εNd(t)值(+3.4~+6.6),类似MORB的同位素组成,这些特征说明大兴安岭北段新生代玄武质岩石起源于软流圈地幔.综上所述,大兴安岭北段早白垩世和新生代玄武质岩石成分的差异不仅指示其岩浆源区从岩石圈地幔转变为软流圈地幔,更为重要的是它揭示了研究区地幔的热演化过程——从早白垩世高的地温梯度到新生代低的地温梯度的转变.这一过程也是岩石圈从中生代晚期到新生代逐渐增厚的过程.结合区域构造演化,可以得出大兴安岭北段早白垩世的玄武质岩浆作用与岩石圈伸展、减薄形成的裂陷作用相关,而新生代玄武质岩浆作用则与陆内裂谷作用相关.Abstract: Recently, few researches have been made on the thermal evolution of the mantle in Northeast China. An effective means to solve this issue is to study the variation characteristics in composition of basalts in Northeast China. In this paper, it summarizes and discusses the composition variations of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range, with the aim of revealing the thermal evolution of the mantle within the study area. The Early Cretaceous basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range geochemically belong to tholeiitic series, which are characterized by depletion in high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta and Ti).Their La/Nb and La/Ta ratios range from 1.8 to 5.6 and from 30 to 87, respectively, implying the basaltic magmas originated from the partial melting of the lithospheric mantle. Their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.704 5-0.706 9, εNd(t) values of -1.52-+3.60 and εHf(t) values of +1.74-+7.77 further indicate that the magma source is weakly depleted-weakly enriched lithospheric mantle. Additionally, the Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions of the Early Cretaceous basalts suggest that their magmatic sources are characterized by mixing between DM and EMⅡ modified by subduction-derived fluids.Taking the above-mentioned into consideration, it is suggested that the Early Cretaceous basaltic magma was derived from partial melting of a lithospheric mantle metasomated by subduction-related fluids.The Cenozoic ultrapotassic and potassic basalts have weakly negative Nb-Ta anomalies, 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.704 7-0.705 7 and εNd(t) values of -6.3 to -0.8 whereas the mantle xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic ultrapotassic and potassic basalts show the depleted Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics. The Cenozoic sodium basalts have positive Nb-Ta anomalies, and lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.703 5-0.704 2 and higher εNd(t) values of +3.4-+6.6 than those of the ultrapotassic and potassic basalts, similar to those of MORB. These geochemical features suggest that the Cenozoic basaltic magmas in the northern Great Xing'an Range were primarily produced by melting of asthenospheric mantle. The composition variations of the Early Cretaceous and Cenozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range not only indicate that the basaltic magma sources had changed from lithospheric to asthenospheric mantle, but also reveal the thermal evolution of the mantle in the study area, i.e., high geothermal gradient in the late Early Cretaceous changed to low geothermal gradient in the Cenozoic. Combined with the regional tectonic evolution, it is concluded that the Early Cretaceous basaltic magmatism in the northern Great Xing'an Range is related to the taphrogeny caused by the lithospheric extension and thinning, while the Cenozoic basaltic magmatism is related to the intracontinental rifting.
Key words:
- northern Great Xing'an Range /
- Early Cretaceous /
- Cenozoic /
- basalts /
- thermal evolution of the mantle /
- petrology
图 1 大兴安岭北段中-新生代玄武质岩石分布
据Wu et al.(2011); Xu et al.(2013)
Fig. 1. Distribution of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 2 大兴安岭北段中生代玄武质岩石的TAS图解(a)和SiO2-K2O图解(b)
图a据Le Bas et al.(1986); 图b据Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976; 数据来源:未发表数据;Fan et al.(2003);Zhang et al.(2008);葛文春等(1999, 2000);林强等(2003);孟恩等(2011);徐美君等(2011);阴影区代表大兴安岭北段新生代玄武质岩石,引自Zhang et al.(1995); Chen et al.(2007); Ho et al.(2013); Kuritani et al.(2013); Sun et al.(2014); Zhao et al.(2014); Li et al.(2018)
Fig. 2. Plots of TAS (a) and SiO2 versus K2O (b) for the Mesozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 3 大兴安岭北段中生代玄武质岩石的Sm/Nd-εHf(t)图解
数据来源见图 2
Fig. 3. Plot of Sm/Nd-εHf(t) for the Mesozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 4 大兴安岭北段中生代玄武质岩石的Hark图解
数据来源见图 2,不包括塔河玄武岩
Fig. 4. Hark diagrams for the Mesozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 5 大兴安岭北段中生代玄武质岩石的La-La/Sm图解
数据来源见图 2,不包括塔河玄武岩
Fig. 5. Plot of La-La/Sm for the Mesozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 6 大兴安岭北段中-新生代玄武质岩石球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分图(a); 原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图(b)
图a中标准化数值据Boynton (1984); 图b中标准化数值据Sun and McDonough (1989); 中生代玄武质岩石数据来源见图 2;新生代玄武质岩石数据为平均值, 来源:Zhang et al.(1995); Chen et al.(2007); Ho et al.(2013); Kuritani et al.(2013); Sun et al.(2014); Zhao et al.(2014); Liu et al.(2017)
Fig. 6. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns (a) and primitive-mantle-normalized trace element spidergrams (b) for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 7 大兴安岭北段中-新生代玄武质岩石的εNd(t)-εHf(t)(a)和(87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)(b)图解
A.新生代超钾质-钾质玄武岩;B.新生代钠质玄武岩;BSE.全硅酸盐地球值;MORB.洋脊玄武岩;OIB.大洋岛屿玄武岩;IAB.岛弧玄武岩;全球阵列参考线εHf(t)=1.36εNd(t)+2.95,引自Vervoort and Blichert-Toft (1999);Basin and Range.美国盆岭地区新生代火山岩,引自Hawkesworth et al.(1995)和Rogers et al.(1995);PM.原始地幔;EMI.I型富集地幔,EMII.II型富集地幔,引自Zindle and Hart (1986)
Fig. 7. Plots of εNd(t)-εHf(t) (a) and (87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)(b) for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 8 大兴安岭北段中-新生代玄武质岩石全岩Sr-Nd-Pb同位素协变图
图例见图 7;A.新生代超钾质-钾质玄武岩;B.新生代钠质玄武岩;HIMU.高238U/204Pb值地幔;EMI、EMII、MORB数据来自GEOROC
Fig. 8. Variations of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
图 9 大兴安岭北段中生代玄武质岩石的SiO2-Zr/Y(a)和SiO2-Sr图解(b)
图例见图 7;美国盆岭地区新生代火山岩和日本岛弧火山岩引自Hawkesworth et al.(1995)和Rogers et al.(1995)
Fig. 9. Plots of SiO2-Zr/Y (a) and SiO2-Sr (b) for the Mesozoic basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
表 1 大兴安岭北段早白垩世玄武质岩石定年结果
Table 1. Geochronological data for the Early Cretaceous basalts in the northern Great Xing'an Range
样品号 采样位置 岩性 年龄(Ma) 测年方法 文献 12ER21 50°09′40″N 120°11′58″E 玄武安山岩 119±1 40Ar-39Ar 未发表数据 ER1 49°59′57″N 120°06′50″E 粗安岩 128±2 LA-ICPMS 徐美君等,2011 ER3 50°19′57″N 120°15′01″E 玄武粗安岩 125±3 LA-ICPMS 徐美君等,2011 ER5-1 50°26′01″N 120°00′54″E 安山岩 114±3 LA-ICPMS 徐美君等,2011 ER19-1 50°42′37″N 120°12′52″E 玄武安山岩 127±1 LA-ICPMS 徐美君等,2011 MZ10-1 49°23′56″N 117°25′21″E 辉石安山岩 125±2 LA-ICPMS 孟恩等,2011 MZ21-1 49°26′42″N 117°02′31″E 橄榄玄武岩 129±2 LA-ICPMS 孟恩等,2011 14ER19-1 51°43′05″N 120°44′43″E 玄武安山岩 132±2 SIMS Zhao et al., 2016 14ER20-1 51°43′05″N 120°44′43″E 玄武安山岩 126±2 SIMS Zhao et al., 2016 FW04-420 48°16′31″N 123°38′12″E 玄武安山岩 123±2 LA-ICPMS Zhang et al., 2008 GW04257 48°09′13″N 121°14′44″E 玄武岩 128±8 LA-ICPMS Zhang et al., 2008 GW04027 48°51′11″N 121°37′27″E 玄武岩 112±2 40Ar-39Ar Zhang et al., 2008 GW04032 49°07′01″N 120°55′43″E 玄武岩 118±1 40Ar-39Ar Zhang et al., 2008 ELC04-1 50°40′04″N 122°35′57″E 玄武岩 125±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 TH08 52°19′30″N 124°40′40″E 玄武岩 124±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 TH24 52°39′38″N 124°19′38″E 玄武安山岩 126±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 TH22 52°39′39″N 124°19′42″E 玄武岩 122±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 GH07 50°19′54″N 120°14′53″E 玄武岩 123±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 GH10 50°26′23″N 120°48′13″E 玄武岩 121±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 YKSNQ04-4 49°12′22″N 120°36′50″E 玄武岩 116±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 YKSNQ04-1 49°12′47″N 120°36′50″E 玄武安山岩 114±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 ZLT04-8 48°00′18″N 122°48′23″E 玄武安山岩 122±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 YKS04-3 48°50′47″N 121°34′58″E 玄武粗安岩 106±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 GH04-1 50°21′32″N 120°26′49″E 粗玄岩 124±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 GH04-4 50°59′17″N 121°19′16″E 玄武粗安岩 115±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 JGD04-4 49°56′53″N 124°22′48″E 玄武岩 115±1 40Ar-39Ar Wang et al., 2006 -
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