Petrogenesis of Late Permian I-Type Granites in SE Hainan Island and Its Tectonic Implication for Paleotethyan Evolution
摘要: 海南岛地处东古特提斯构造域东缘,是研究古特提斯东缘演化的重要地区.对海南岛东南部长征和陵水花岗闪长岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示两者的结晶年龄分别为251±2 Ma和256±1 Ma,指示其形成于晚二叠世.样品的K2O/Na2O比值较低(0.2~0.9),铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为0.74~0.96,FeOT/MgO约为0.90,CIPW计算结果中标准矿物刚玉分子含量0.00~0.18%,小于1%,岩石薄片镜下可见大量角闪石,而未见白云母、堇青石和石榴子石,并具有相对负的εNd(t)值(-6.0~-3.2)和锆石原位εHf(t)值(-4.4~+0.2),属于准铝质钙碱性I型花岗岩.长征和陵水花岗闪长岩源岩为亚碱性变基性岩,其形成与金沙江-哀牢山-松马-邦溪-晨星古特提斯弧后盆地的闭合有关.Abstract: Hainan Island is located in the convergence zone of the Pacific and Tethys tectonic domains and is a key area for investigating the Pacific and Tethyan evolution of the Indochina and South China blocks. In this paper, a set of new zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic data, along with whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic analytical results for the Changzheng and Lingshui granitoid plutons in Southeast Hainan Island are presented. The Changzheng and Lingshui granodiorites yield Late Permian LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of 251±2 Ma and 256±1 Ma, respectively. They show K2O/Na2O=0.2-0.9, FeOT/MgO ratios of 0.90, A/CNK=0.74-0.96 with 0.00-0.18% corundum. Their εNd(t) values range from -6.0 to -3.2 and in-situ zircon εHf(t) values from -4.4 to +0.2. Such signatures, in combination with the absence of muscovite, cordierite and garnet, suggest that these Late Permian granodiorites are I-type granites. The Changzheng and Lingshui granites were derived from the subalkaline metabasites in response to the closure of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan-Songma-Bangxi-Chenxing branch/back-arc basin during Paleotethyan evolution.
Key words:
- Hainan Island /
- Paleotethyan evolution /
- I-type granite /
- Late Permian /
- Indosinian orogeny /
- petrology
图 1 华南南缘大地构造简图(a)和研究区地质图及采样点(b)
图a和b均改编自Zhang et al.(2011)和He et al.(2017)
Fig. 1. Geological sketch in southern South China (a) and geological sketch of the study area showing the sampling locations (b)
图 4 琼东南晚二叠世花岗质岩石的锆石εHf(t)和TDM2与成岩时间关系图解
亏损地幔演化线的数据来自文献Nowell et al.(1998),平均地壳组分数据参考文献Griffin et al.(2004);其中黑色菱形为本文数据,空心圆温淑女(2013)
Fig. 4. εHf(t)-age and TDM2-age for the Late Permian granites in SE Hainan Island
图 5 琼东南晚二叠世花岗质岩石的QAP(a)和A/NK-A/CNK图解(b)
Fig. 5. QAP (a) and A/NK-A/CNK (b) for the Late Permian granites in SE Hainan Island
图 6 琼东南晚二叠世花岗质岩石的微量元素蛛网图(a)和稀土元素配分图(b)
原始地幔和球粒陨石数据来自文献Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 6. Primitive mantle-normalized spidergram (a) and chondrite-normalized REE pattern (b) for the Late Permian granites in SE Hainan Island
图 7 琼东南晚二叠世花岗质岩石的(87Sr/86Sr)t-εNd(t)关系
蛇绿岩数据来自文献Xu and Castillo(2004),岛弧玄武岩数据来自文献Fan et al.(2010),Lachlan褶皱带I型和S型花岗岩范围参考文献Healy et al.(2004);其中黑色菱形为本文数据,空心圆温淑女(2013)
Fig. 7. Relation of (87Sr/86Sr)t-εNd(t) for the Late Permian granites in SE Hainan Island
图 8 琼东南晚二叠世花岗质岩石的构造判别图
WPG.板内花岗岩;VAG.火山弧型花岗岩;ORG.洋脊型花岗岩;syn-COLG.同碰撞型花岗岩.图据Pearce et al.(1984)和Pearce(1996)
Fig. 8. Discrimination diagrams for the Late Permian granites in SE Hainan Island
表 1 LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果
Table 1. U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS chronological data
测试点 Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 2σ 207Pb/235U 2σ 206Pb/238U 2σ 年龄(Ma) 207Pb/206Pb 2σ 207Pb/235U 2σ 206Pb/238U 2σ 11SY-27 1 0.17 0.051 440 0.001 407 0.280 506 0.008 618 0.039 538 0.001 197 261 61 251 7 250 7 2 0.30 0.051 333 0.001 396 0.288 401 0.008 842 0.040 752 0.001 248 257 63 257 7 257 8 3 0.05 0.051 398 0.001 397 0.280 870 0.008 493 0.039 632 0.001 193 257 63 251 7 251 7 4 0.08 0.051 520 0.001 400 0.281 793 0.008 375 0.039 680 0.001 182 265 56 252 7 251 7 5 0.05 0.051 298 0.001 393 0.278 147 0.008 387 0.039 331 0.001 186 254 66 249 7 249 7 6 0.04 0.051 186 0.001 391 0.275 832 0.008 346 0.039 076 0.001 171 250 61 247 7 247 7 7 0.05 0.051 136 0.001 390 0.277 604 0.008 429 0.039 386 0.001 198 256 63 249 7 249 7 8 0.07 0.051 175 0.001 392 0.276 996 0.008 164 0.039 262 0.001 153 256 63 248 6 248 7 9 0.04 0.051 320 0.001 395 0.274 561 0.008 086 0.038 803 0.001 138 254 63 246 6 245 7 10 0.03 0.052 095 0.001 443 0.280 181 0.008 541 0.038 966 0.001 131 300 58 251 7 246 7 11 0.07 0.051 237 0.001 395 0.287 575 0.009 472 0.040 699 0.001 327 250 68 257 7 257 8 12 0.47 0.051 144 0.001 395 0.274 733 0.008 015 0.038 956 0.001 122 256 63 246 6 246 7 13 0.09 0.051 433 0.001 403 0.283 303 0.008 549 0.039 963 0.001 202 261 63 253 7 253 7 14 0.12 0.051 529 0.001 404 0.283 845 0.008 881 0.039 956 0.001 243 265 56 254 7 253 8 15 0.36 0.051 440 0.001 397 0.270 501 0.007 999 0.038 141 0.001 122 261 61 243 6 241 7 16 0.22 0.051 430 0.001 398 0.284 915 0.008 730 0.040 185 0.001 227 261 61 255 7 254 8 17 0.31 0.051 344 0.001 396 0.278 219 0.008 260 0.039 310 0.001 165 257 63 249 7 249 7 18 0.27 0.051 733 0.001 408 0.277 636 0.008 183 0.038 938 0.001 149 272 68 249 7 246 7 19 0.20 0.051 345 0.001 399 0.288 298 0.008 659 0.040 729 0.001 216 257 63 257 7 257 8 20 0.15 0.052 096 0.001 433 0.290 311 0.008 505 0.040 480 0.001 211 300 58 259 7 256 8 21 0.22 0.051 193 0.001 390 0.284 289 0.008 662 0.040 285 0.001 227 250 61 254 7 255 8 22 0.24 0.051 311 0.001 397 0.290 515 0.009 456 0.041 061 0.001 325 254 63 259 7 259 8 23 0.07 0.051 267 0.001 392 0.276 389 0.008 186 0.039 102 0.001 153 254 66 248 7 247 7 24 0.21 0.051 361 0.001 397 0.281 762 0.008 413 0.039 798 0.001 187 257 61 252 7 252 7 25 0.25 0.051 295 0.001 395 0.285 932 0.008 611 0.040 442 0.001 219 254 66 255 7 256 8 11SY-28 1 0.06 0.053 255 0.000 550 0.298 426 0.005 658 0.040 525 0.000 458 339 22 265 4 256 3 2 0.03 0.051 511 0.000 177 0.286 285 0.003 263 0.040 291 0.000 438 265 7 256 3 255 3 3 0.10 0.051 629 0.000 202 0.287 987 0.003 525 0.040 440 0.000 474 333 9 257 3 256 3 4 0.20 0.051 519 0.000 197 0.288 171 0.004 004 0.040 551 0.000 541 265 9 257 3 256 3 5 0.16 0.052 306 0.000 473 0.292 485 0.005 016 0.040 570 0.000 639 298 20 261 4 256 4 6 0.07 0.051 123 0.000 139 0.285 371 0.003 155 0.040 474 0.000 451 256 7 255 2 256 3 7 0.07 0.051 242 0.000 193 0.286 273 0.004 246 0.040 503 0.000 586 250 9 256 3 256 4 8 0.33 0.051 256 0.000 219 0.285 813 0.003 749 0.040 422 0.000 501 254 9 255 3 255 3 9 0.29 0.051 528 0.000 290 0.287 713 0.004 923 0.040 489 0.000 670 265 13 257 4 256 4 10 0.30 0.051 635 0.000 221 0.287 996 0.004 368 0.040 449 0.000 617 333 9 257 3 256 4 11 0.32 0.051 567 0.000 205 0.285 924 0.002 973 0.040 193 0.000 387 265 9 255 2 254 2 12 0.26 0.051 542 0.000 198 0.288 122 0.003 648 0.040 526 0.000 500 265 7 257 3 256 3 13 0.14 0.051 506 0.000 203 0.287 307 0.003 494 0.040 445 0.000 483 265 9 256 3 256 3 14 0.30 0.051 453 0.000 245 0.286 376 0.004 149 0.040 354 0.000 564 261 11 256 3 255 3 15 0.43 0.051 457 0.000 220 0.286 716 0.003 385 0.040 400 0.000 460 261 42 256 3 255 3 16 0.10 0.051 647 0.000 212 0.313 657 0.005 189 0.044 037 0.000 717 333 9 277 4 278 4 17 0.07 0.051 704 0.000 209 0.289 664 0.004 238 0.040 619 0.000 576 272 9 258 3 257 4 18 0.32 0.051 517 0.000 182 0.289 042 0.003 994 0.040 682 0.000 556 265 7 258 3 257 3 19 0.22 0.053 184 0.000 600 0.297 887 0.006 642 0.040 462 0.000 527 345 26 265 5 256 3 20 0.05 0.051 284 0.000 201 0.284 239 0.002 899 0.040 183 0.000 380 254 3 254 2 254 2 21 0.18 0.051 421 0.000 218 0.286 660 0.003 398 0.040 432 0.000 474 261 42 256 3 256 3 22 0.04 0.051 285 0.000 171 0.287 261 0.004 638 0.040 609 0.000 637 254 3 256 4 257 4 23 0.28 0.051 251 0.000 202 0.286 129 0.004 040 0.040 481 0.000 552 254 9 256 3 256 3 24 0.31 0.051 178 0.000 246 0.284 859 0.004 951 0.040 366 0.000 687 256 11 255 4 255 4 25 0.17 0.051 391 0.000 195 0.287 395 0.004 466 0.040 540 0.000 599 257 42 257 4 256 4 表 2 锆石Lu-Hf同位素测试结果
Table 2. Laser zircon Lu-Hf isotopic analytical results
测试点 176Hf/177Hf 1σ 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf εHf(t) TDM2(Ga) 11SY-27 1 0.282 573 0.000 012 0.025 947 0.000 576 -1.6 1.4 2 0.282 588 0.000 014 0.073 833 0.001 542 -1.3 1.4 3 0.282 561 0.000 012 0.010 089 0.000 273 -2.0 1.4 4 0.282 541 0.000 014 0.014 962 0.000 401 -2.7 1.5 5 0.282 524 0.000 013 0.016 940 0.000 422 -3.3 1.5 6 0.282 510 0.000 014 0.015 009 0.000 394 -3.8 1.5 7 0.282 508 0.000 014 0.030 764 0.000 738 -4.0 1.5 8 0.282 528 0.000 015 0.029 997 0.000 680 -3.3 1.5 9 0.282 528 0.000 014 0.017 063 0.000 410 -3.2 1.5 10 0.282 529 0.000 012 0.009 981 0.000 319 -3.2 1.5 11 0.282 552 0.000 013 0.032 748 0.000 747 -2.4 1.4 12 0.282 511 0.000 018 0.067 414 0.001 721 -4.0 1.5 13 0.282 505 0.000 014 0.024 184 0.000 561 -4.0 1.5 14 0.282 588 0.000 014 0.038 743 0.000 860 -1.1 1.4 15 0.282 572 0.000 016 0.045 993 0.001 002 -1.7 1.4 16 0.282 608 0.000 017 0.089 508 0.001 836 -0.6 1.3 17 0.282 582 0.000 017 0.097 714 0.002 043 -1.6 1.4 18 0.282 525 0.000 015 0.037 837 0.000 841 -3.4 1.5 19 0.282 564 0.000 013 0.060 799 0.001 306 -2.1 1.4 20 0.282 573 0.000 015 0.039 711 0.000 903 -1.7 1.4 21 0.282 571 0.000 017 0.117 783 0.002 441 -2.0 1.4 22 0.282 539 0.000 016 0.050 032 0.001 061 -2.9 1.5 23 0.282 606 0.000 015 0.069 354 0.001 420 -0.6 1.3 24 0.282 529 0.000 013 0.038 771 0.000 855 -3.2 1.5 25 0.282 566 0.000 017 0.055 308 0.001 217 -2.0 1.4 11SY-28 1 0.282 568 0.000 012 0.064 260 0.001 381 -1.9 1.4 2 0.282 500 0.000 011 0.013 130 0.000 370 -4.1 1.5 3 0.282 515 0.000 014 0.007 078 0.000 256 -3.5 1.5 4 0.282 549 0.000 013 0.031 541 0.000 749 -2.4 1.4 5 0.282 503 0.000 021 0.015 386 0.000 430 -4.0 1.5 6 0.282 496 0.000 018 0.014 931 0.000 405 -4.2 1.6 7 0.282 561 0.000 012 0.023 914 0.000 596 -2.0 1.4 8 0.282 568 0.000 011 0.077 415 0.001 682 0.2 1.3 9 0.282 500 0.000 012 0.054 991 0.001 211 -2.6 1.5 10 0.282 515 0.000 016 0.039 121 0.000 851 -4.0 1.5 11 0.282 549 0.000 019 0.023 890 0.000 567 -3.1 1.5 12 0.282 503 0.000 016 0.040 643 0.000 954 -1.7 1.4 13 0.282 496 0.000 014 0.042 283 0.000 947 -3.2 1.5 14 0.282 561 0.000 019 0.034 335 0.000 768 -2.1 1.4 15 0.282 627 0.000 023 0.075 531 0.001 613 -0.6 1.3 16 0.282 544 0.000 018 0.029 350 0.000 665 -3.2 1.5 17 0.282 505 0.000 018 0.031 941 0.000 740 -3.6 1.4 18 0.282 529 0.000 015 0.046 970 0.001 019 -1.9 1.5 19 0.282 571 0.000 013 0.073 668 0.001 562 -3.6 1.5 20 0.282 526 0.000 012 0.029 352 0.000 654 -3.0 1.5 21 0.282 556 0.000 013 0.024 183 0.000 578 -3.1 1.6 22 0.282 604 0.000 013 0.018 838 0.000 474 -4.2 1.4 23 0.282 527 0.000 014 0.058 781 0.001 216 -1.1 1.5 24 0.282 514 0.000 011 0.024 699 0.000 558 -3.1 1.6 25 0.282 565 0.000 015 0.030 502 0.000 703 -4.4 1.4 表 3 主量(%)、微量(10-6)元素及Sr-Nd同位素测试结果
Table 3. Major elements (%), trace elements (10-6) and Sr-Nd isotopic analytical results
样号 11SY-27 11SY-28 SiO2 67.61 65.04 Al2O3 13.51 15.39 CaO 7.51 4.31 Fe2O3 5.12 5.03 K2O 0.49 2.91 MgO 1.96 1.72 MnO 0.08 0.08 Na2O 2.47 3.1 P2O5 0.1 0.37 TiO2 0.63 1.34 LOI 0.43 0.67 Total 99.92 99.95 P 450 1 615 K 4 106 24 176 Sc 12.6 14.8 Ti 3 779 8 004 V 74.8 63.3 Cr 35.4 6.68 Co 9.04 9.32 Ni 23 3.35 Cu 54.1 11.9 Zn 84 125 Ga 14.6 22.5 Ge 1.26 1.46 Rb 22.4 240 Sr 482 302 Y 27.2 46.2 Zr 168 142 Nb 10.9 28.8 Cs 0.98 15.6 Ba 204 248 La 24 29.6 Ce 44.9 66.9 Pr 5.41 8.67 Nd 20.8 33.7 Sm 4.23 8.14 Eu 0.94 1.36 Gd 4.1 7.54 Tb 0.69 1.44 Dy 3.93 7.94 Ho 0.87 1.69 Er 2.39 4.36 Tm 0.39 0.62 Yb 2.5 3.81 Lu 0.37 0.53 Hf 4.04 4.02 Ta 0.59 2.51 Pb 9.75 15.9 Th 8.01 14.5 U 1.91 10 87Rb/86Sr 0.13 2.14 87Sr/86Sr 0.708 82 0.716 53 (87Sr/86Sr)t 0.708 38 0.708 73 147Sm/144Nd 0.12 0.15 143Nd/144Nd 0.512 35 0.512 24 TDM(Ga) 1.3 2.0 εNd(t) -3.2 -6.0 -
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