Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology and Tectonic Significance in Yemaquan Area, East Kunlun
摘要: 通过对东昆仑西段野马泉地区所获得的5个磷灰石样品的裂变径迹分析, 探讨该地区构造演化特征.磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分为153.8 Ma、106.8~81.0 Ma、48.7~44.4 Ma 3个年龄组, 其中153.8 Ma记录了班公湖-怒江洋闭合事件; 106.8~81.0 Ma是拉萨地块与羌塘地块碰撞拼合事件对东昆仑地区的远程效应; 48.7~44.4 Ma是印度-欧亚大陆碰撞之后伸展事件的体现.野马泉地区热历史分为3个阶段:第1阶段(130~110 Ma)持续隆升, 对应班公湖-怒江洋闭合后拉萨地块与羌塘地块拼合事件; 第2阶段(110~14 Ma)持续隆升, 90 Ma之前隆升速度较快, 与阿尔金断裂走滑及西大滩断裂韧性变形有关, 90 Ma之后进入一个时间较长的平稳抬升期; 第3阶段(14 Ma至今)受青藏高原新近纪以来强烈构造活动的影响, 快速隆升.3个阶段的隆升速率和隆升量分别0.021 mm/a和0.42 km、0.01 mm/a和1.0 km、0.1 mm/a和1.43 km, 平均隆升速率为0.028 mm/a, 总隆升量为2.86 km.Abstract: We present the tectonic evolution characteristics of Yemaquan area, which is located in west of the East Kunlun Mountains, according to apatite fission track thermochronology analysis.The results show that apatite fission track ages mainly are divided into three groups, including 153.8 Ma, 106.8 to 81.0 Ma, and 48.7 to 44.4 Ma, respectively.The Bangonghu-Nujiang ocean closure event happened in 153.8 Ma, then the collision and combination of Lhasa block and Qiangtang block on the East Kunlun area mainly ranged from 106.8 to 81.0 Ma, and post-orogenic stretching events after the collision between the India-Eurasia occurred during 48.7 Ma and 44.4 Ma.In addition, the analysis results also indicate that three stages of thermal history of Yemaquan area are mainly ranged from 130 to 110 Ma, 110 to 14 Ma, and 14 Ma to now, respectively.The first stage, 130-110 Ma, corresponds to collision activity between the Lhasa and the Qiangtang block after the closed up of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin.The second stage, 110-14 Ma, rised continuously, with strike-slip movement of Alkin fault and the ductile deformation of the Xidatan fault occurred during 110-90 Ma.And the last stage, 14 Ma to now, uplifted rapidly, and affected by strong tectonic activity of Tibetan plateau since Neogene.Uplift rates and uplift ranges for these three stages are estimated of 0.021 mm/a and 0.42 km, 0.01 mm/a and 1.0 km, and 0.1 mm/a and 1.43 km, respectively, with the average uplift rate and the total uplift height of 0.028 mm/a, and 2.86 km, respectively.
Key words:
- fission track /
- tectonics /
- thermal history simulation /
- uplifting /
- apatite /
- East Kunlun
图 1 野马泉地区区域地质图
1.第四系;2.上三叠统鄂拉山组;3.下-中二叠统打柴沟组;4.上石炭统缔敖苏组; 5.下石炭统大干沟组;6.上泥盆统牦牛山组;7.寒武系-奥陶系滩间山群; 8.蓟县系狼牙山组; 9.下元古界金水口岩群; 10.晚三叠系世花岗斑岩; 11.晚三叠系世正常花岗岩; 12.晚三叠世似斑状二长花岗岩; 13.晚三叠世二长花岗岩;14.晚三叠世花岗闪长岩;15.晚三叠世闪长岩;16.早二叠世似斑状二长花岗岩;17.早二叠世花岗闪长岩;18.晚泥盆世花岗闪长岩; 19.晚泥盆世石英闪长岩; 20.不整合接触地质界线; 21.断层; 22.大断裂; 23.背斜; 24.向斜; 25.水系; 26.地层产状; 27.片麻理产状; 据张爱奎(2012)修改
Fig. 1. Regional geological map of Yemaquan region in East Kunlun Mountain
图 2 研究区地质简图与样点位置
1.第四系;2.新近系油砂山组;3.上三叠统鄂拉山组;4.中-下二叠统打柴沟组;5.上石炭统缔敖苏组; 6.下石炭统大干沟组; 7.上泥盆统牦牛山组; 8.寒武系-奥陶系滩涧山群; 9.中-古元古界狼牙山组; 10.中-古元古界金水口群; 11.燕山期钾长花岗岩; 12.印支期二长花岗岩; 13.印支期斑状二长花岗岩; 14.印支期花岗闪长岩; 15.印支期闪长岩; 16.华力西期斑状二长花岗岩; 17.华力西期二长花岗岩; 18.华力西期花岗闪长岩; 19.华力西期辉长岩; 20.闪长岩脉; 21.花岗闪长岩脉; 22.花岗岩脉; 23.辉绿岩脉; 24.闪长玢岩脉; 25.地质界线; 26.断层; 27.背斜; 28.向斜; 29.水系; 30.地层产状; 31采样点及编号; 图改自高永宝等(2014)
Fig. 2. Geological map and sample locations in Yemaquan region
表 1 磷灰石裂变径迹分析结果
Table 1. Apatite fission track analysis results
原样品号 高程(m) 颗粒数(n) ρs(105/cm2)
(Ni)ρd (105/cm2)
(Nd)P(χ2)(%) 中心年龄±1σ
(N)K13-1 3 002 28 5.144
(1 757)8.478
(2 896)13.549
(9 117)0.9 143±9 12.5±1.8
(101)K19-1 4 410 28 7.370
(1 194)27.673
(4 483)13.727
(9 117)0 66±5 11.0±1.8
(103)K21-2 4 330 26 3.693
(1 366)13.904
(9 117)54.2 90±7 12.3±2.1
(74)K21-3 4 082 4 5.389
(9 117)38.4 81±10 11.8±1.9
(20)K38-1 4 508 16 2.795
(1 263)15.150
(9 117)0 71±11 11.7±1.9
(49)注:ρs为自发径迹密度;ρi为诱发径迹密度;ρd为标准径迹密度;Ns为自发径迹数;Ni为诱发径迹数;Nd为标准径迹数;N为径迹长度数;P(χ2)为χ2检验值. -
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