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    牛志军 王志宏 张仁杰 林小明 李出安 杨文强 严成文 何垚砚 宋芳

    牛志军, 王志宏, 张仁杰, 林小明, 李出安, 杨文强, 严成文, 何垚砚, 宋芳, 2018. 粤西云开地区中奥陶世双壳类动物群的发现及其意义初探. 地球科学, 43(7): 2195-2205. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.538
    引用本文: 牛志军, 王志宏, 张仁杰, 林小明, 李出安, 杨文强, 严成文, 何垚砚, 宋芳, 2018. 粤西云开地区中奥陶世双壳类动物群的发现及其意义初探. 地球科学, 43(7): 2195-2205. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.538
    Niu Zhijun, Wang Zhihong, Zhang Renjie, Lin Xiaoming, Li Chu'an, Yang Wenqiang, Yan Chengwen, He Yaoyan, Song Fang, 2018. A Preliminary Study on Middle Ordovician Bivalves from Yunkai Area, Western Guangdong, South China. Earth Science, 43(7): 2195-2205. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.538
    Citation: Niu Zhijun, Wang Zhihong, Zhang Renjie, Lin Xiaoming, Li Chu'an, Yang Wenqiang, Yan Chengwen, He Yaoyan, Song Fang, 2018. A Preliminary Study on Middle Ordovician Bivalves from Yunkai Area, Western Guangdong, South China. Earth Science, 43(7): 2195-2205. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.538


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.538

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      牛志军(1970-), 男, 研究员, 主要从事区域地质、地层古生物学研究

    • 中图分类号: P52

    A Preliminary Study on Middle Ordovician Bivalves from Yunkai Area, Western Guangdong, South China

    • 摘要: 在粤西云开地区东冲组内发现以双壳类占绝对优势的中奥陶世动物群,包括双壳类:Praenucula cf.sharpei Babin and Gutierrez-Marco,P.sp.,Homilodonta regularis(Portlock),Similodonta similis(Ulrich),S.cf.cerys Cope,S.sp.,Trigonoconcha acuta Sanchez,Concavodonta sp.,Arcodonta sp.,Sthenodonta cf.eastii(Tata),S.sp.,Nuculites cf.cylindricus(Portlock),N.sp.,Phestia sp.,Cardiolaria? sp.,Inaequidens cf.davisi Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson,I.sp.,Mytilarca? sp.,Cyrtodonta sp.,Modiolopsis spp.,Carminodonta sp.,Famatinodonta sp.等及若干未命名的新属,同层产出的还有三叶虫和腕足类等.双壳类化石个体小、丰度高、分异度高,以古栉齿类占绝对优势,该发现丰富了我国及世界中奥陶世双壳类动物群,为研究区中-上奥陶统的划分对比以及华南板块古地理重建增添了新的古生物学证据,特别是为研究双壳类的早期演化和奥陶纪早期双壳类辐射演化提供了关键信息.


    • 图  1  研究区交通位置及大地构造位置


      Fig.  1.  Location of the studied area

      图  2  郁南县干坑村奥陶系东冲组、兰瓮组实测剖面

      Fig.  2.  Measured stratigraphic section of the Ordovician Dongchong and Lanweng formations at Gankeng, Yunan

      图  3  郁南县干坑奥陶纪东冲组双壳类化石

      1.Praenucula cf. sharpei Babin and Gutierrez-Marco,右内模侧视,室内号Ng718,bar=2 mm; 2.Homilodonta regularis (Portlock),左内模侧视,室内号Ng65,bar=2 mm; 3.Homilodonta sp.,右内模侧视,室内号Ng835,bar=2 mm; 4.Similodonta similis (Urlich),左内模侧视,室内号Ng001,bar=5 mm;5.S. cf. cerys Cope,右内模侧视,室内号Ng411,bar=2 mm; 6.Trigonoconcha acuta Sanchez,左内模侧视,室内号Ng1082,bar=2 mm; 7.Concavodonta sp.,左内模侧视,室内号Ng17,bar=2 mm; 8.Arcodonta sp.,右内模侧视,室内号Ng1089,bar=2 mm; 9.Sthenodonta sp.,左内模侧视,室内号Ng575,bar=2 mm; 10.Nuculites cf. cylindricus (Portlock),右内模侧视,室内号Ng35,bar=5 mm; 11.Phestia sp.,右内模侧视,室内号,Ng801,bar=2 mm; 12.Hemiconcavodonta cf. minuta Sanchez.,左内模侧视,室内号Ng669,bar=2 mm; 13.Inaequidens cf. davisi Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson,右内模侧视,室内号Ng478,bar=2 mm; 14.Nucularca sp.,左内模侧视,室内号Ng860,bar=2 mm; 15.Modilopsis sp.,右内模侧视,室内号Ng434,bar=5 mm; 16.Mytilarca? sp.,左内模侧视,室内号Ng409, bar=5 mm; 17.Carminodonta sp.,右内模侧视,室内号Ng401,bar=5 mm; 18.Famatinodonta sp.,右内模侧视,室内号Ng414,bar=5 mm

      Fig.  3.  Ordovician bivalve fossils from Dongchong Formation at Gankeng, Yunan

      图  4  郁南县干坑奥陶纪东冲组三叶虫和腕足类化石

      1.Calymenesun tingi (Sun),头盖,室内号Ng362,bar=2 mm; 2.Lonchobasilicus sp.,尾部,室内号Ng361,bar=2 mm; 3.Nileus sp.,头盖,室内号Ng360,bar=5 mm; 4.Asaphopsis? sp.,头盖,室内号Ng368,bar=5 mm; 5.Paralenorthis sp.,背内模,室内号Ng339,bar=5 mm; 6.Aegiria? sp.,背视,室内号Ng358,bar=5 mm; 7.Leptellina sp.,背视,室内号Ng331,bar=5 mm; 8.Leptellina? sp. 1,背内模,室内号Ng313,bar=5 mm; 9.Leptellina? sp. 2,腹内模,室内号Ng311,bar=5 mm; 10.Leptellina? sp. 3,腹内模,室内号Ng312,bar=5 mm

      Fig.  4.  Ordovician trilobite and brachiopoda fossils from Dongchong Formation at Gankeng, Yunan

      表  1  郁南县干坑村中奥陶统东冲组实测剖面

      Table  1.   Measured stratigraphic section of the Middle Ordovician Dongchong Formation at Gankeng, Yunan

      上奥陶统兰瓮组(O3lw)厚>4.8 m
      19~20.灰白、浅肉红色石英粉细砂岩,上部浮土掩盖,产少量化石碎片4.8 m
      中奥陶统东冲组(O2d)厚>143.0 m
      22.黄褐、暗紫色薄-中薄层状泥质粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩,产丰富的双壳类化石及少量腕足类、三叶虫、海百合茎等(名单见下文)54.7 m
      23.灰黄、浅肉红色中层状细粒石英砂岩,单层厚多30~40 cm,产化石碎片4.9 m
      24.黄褐、暗紫色薄层状泥质粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩67.5 m
      25.浮土5.6 m
      26.黄褐、暗紫色薄层状泥质粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩10.3 m
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