Detrital Zircon U-Pb Age of the Lower Carboniferous Akeshake Formation in Wenquan Area, Chinese West Tianshan, and Its Tectonic Implications
摘要: 天山造山带位于中亚造山带西南部,是了解中亚造山带增生造山过程的一个窗口.中国西天山温泉地区出露的下石炭统阿克沙克组碎屑岩是西天山造山带早石炭世盆地演化和造山过程的重要物质记录.运用LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年方法,对阿克沙克组糜棱岩化砂岩中碎屑锆石进行测试分析.结果显示,碎屑锆石206Pb/238U表面年龄介于428±5 Ma~331±4 Ma,表现出较宽的年龄谱,按照年龄及频率分布特征可以划分为3组:428 Ma、381~364 Ma和343~331 Ma.综合分析锆石的形态特征、内部结构、元素含量和区域地质资料,取得以下认识:(1)西天山温泉地区出露的阿克沙克组形成于早石炭世晚期,与其中的古生物化石时代一致;(2)阿克沙克组的物源为中酸性火山岩和沉积岩,主要来源于下伏的大哈拉军山组,属于近源沉积,形成于活动大陆边缘.Abstract: The Tianshan orogeny, which is located in the southwestern part of the Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB), is a window to explore the accretionary orogenic process of the CAOB. The Akeshake Formation clastic rocks, widespread in the Wenquan area, is an important geological record for the study of the Early Carboniferous basin and orogenic evolution of Chinese West Tianshan. Zircon LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of mylonitic sandstone from the Akehsake Formation shows that the detrital zircons have a wide range of zircon ages from 428±5 Ma to 331±4 Ma, which can be divided into 3 groups:428 Ma, 381-364 Ma and 343-331 Ma. Based on the dating results, combined with the mineralogical characteristics and CL images of the detrital zircons as well as the regional geological data, we propose that the deposition age of the Akeshake Formation is the later Early Carboniferous, which is consistent with the fossil record. It is also inferred that the detrital materials of the studied sandstone were mainly derived from intermediate to acidic volcanic rocks and sedimentary rock of the Dahalajunshan Formation. Therefore, the formation of sedimentary rocks of Akeshake Formation was in the active continental margin.
图 1 中亚造山带构造位置图(a)及中国西天山造山带地质简图(b)
图a据Şengör et al.(1990)、Windley et al.(1990, 2007);图b据新疆维吾尔自治区地质矿产局(1993)修编
Fig. 1. Simplified map of the Central Asian orogeny (a) and simplified geological map of the Chinese West Tianshan (b)
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