Removal Behavior and Mechanism of Perfluorinated Compounds from Water by Nano-Materials
摘要: 全氟化合物(Perfluorinated Compounds,PFCs)是一类含有强极性碳氟键的阴离子表面活性剂.由于PFCs的高稳定性、高生物累积性和潜在毒性,其在水环境中的广泛存在已经对人类的生命健康造成了极大的威胁.近年来,研究者不断寻找有效的材料和处理技术去除水体中的PFCs.纳米材料因其特殊的结构和效应,比一般材料有更高的反应活性.总结了如碳纳米管、改性粘土矿物、纳米二氧化钛、氧化铟、氧化镓等新型纳米材料在物理吸附、光化学及电化学法去除PFCs中的应用,并比较了上述各材料去除PFCs的优缺点及各自的去除机制,分析了目前纳米材料去除水体中PFCs存在的主要问题并展望了今后的发展趋势.Abstract: Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are one type of anionic surfactants containing strong-polar carbon-fluorine bonds.PFCs widely exist in aqueous environment because of their high solubility and stability, which has potential risk to human health due to the high bioaccumulation and potential toxicity. Recently, various methods have been developed to remove PFCs from aquatic environment. Compared with bulk materials, nano-materials have higher reactivity because of their special structure. In this paper, it presents some nano-materials such as carbon nanotube, modified clay minerals, nano-TiO2, In2O3, Ga2O3, etc., which have been applied for adsorption, nanofiltration, photochemistry, electrochemistry, etc. Their advantages, disadvantages and mechanism are compared in detail. Besides, it also discusses the issues and prospects for PFCs removal from water by nanomaterials.
Key words:
- perfluorinated compound /
- nano-material /
- nano-mineral /
- adsorption /
- catalysis
图 1 不同HDTMAB负载量的有机蒙脱石吸附PFOS前后的结构示意
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for the arrangements of HDTMAB in the different organo-Mts before and after PFOS adsorption
图 2 PFOA在In2O3和TiO2表面可能的降解机理
Fig. 2. Possible degradation mechanism of PFOA on surfaces of In2O3 and TiO2
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