The Morphology of Nanoparticles in the Ductile Shear Zone of Red River Fault and Its Tectonic Significance
摘要: 纳米颗粒被发现广泛发育于韧性剪切带内,其发育特征与断层的剪切活动密切相关.为了解红河断裂韧性剪切带内纳米颗粒的发育特征,探讨其形成规律及与红河断裂活动性的关系,我们在不同的区段3次穿越红河韧性剪切带,采集了韧性剪切带内糜棱岩、片麻岩和片岩等近百块样品进行扫描电镜(SEM)的观察,通过对纳米颗粒的统计和分析,在样品中发现了具球粒状形貌特征的纳米单体,这些单体呈分散状分布于岩石表面,同时还发现了多达12种纳米颗粒聚集体,不同的聚集体在形貌特征以及发育阶段上都有着明显的差异,反映了红河断裂带剪切活动过程中不同位置经历不同的构造应力、温度和压力条件.Abstract: Nanoparticles are widely found in the ductile shear zone, and their development characteristics are closely related to the fault shear deformation. To better understand the morphological characteristics of nanoparticles in the ductile shear zone of Red River Fault, the formation law and the relationship with Red River fault activity, we have traversed the ductile shear zone of Red River Fault three times in different sections, collecting almost 100 samples including mylonite, gneiss and schist. One type of nano monomers was found by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which show unique morphology features, including spherulitic monomer. These monomers are scattered over the mineral surface. At the same time, twelve kinds of nanoparticles aggregations were found, with different aggregations showing obvious differences in their morphology features and development stages, reflecting different tectonic stress, temperature and pressure conditions that different areas have experienced in the shear process of the ductile shear zone of Red River Fault.
Key words:
- Red River Fault /
- ductile shear zone /
- nanoparticles /
- aggregation /
- tectonic significance /
- tectonic geology
表 1 红河断裂韧性剪切带纳米颗粒的聚集形态
Table 1. The aggregation morphology of nanoparticles within the ductile shear zone of Red River Fault
聚集形态 大小 发育阶段 能否观察到纳米单体 定向性 球粒状聚集体 单体约20 nm 粒化阶段 能 几乎无定向 珊瑚状聚集体 约200 nm 团聚阶段 能 几乎无定向 草莓状聚集体 直径约200 nm 团聚阶段 能 几乎无定向 花状聚集体 单体约30 nm,聚体约500 nm左右 团聚阶段 能 几乎无定向 铜钱状聚集体 长约200 nm 团聚阶段 能 有一定定向性 棒状聚集体 宽200 nm,厚约20 nm 团聚阶段 能 有一定定向性 放射球状聚集体 直径可达几个微米 团聚阶段 能 几乎无定向呈放射状发散 黏块状聚集体 单个聚集体约200 nm 再生阶段 不能 几乎无定向 片状聚集体 长200~300 nm,厚约20 nm 再生阶段 不能 几乎无定向 膜状聚集体(单体不可见) 厚约20 nm,宽可达几个微米 再生阶段 不能 几乎无定向 膜状聚集体(单体可见) 厚约20 nm,宽可达几个微米 团聚阶段 能 几乎无定向 聚集体共生 直径可达几个微米 再生阶段 能 几乎无定向 -
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