Theory and Technology of Nanogeochemistry for Mineral Exploration
摘要: 纳米地球化学为人类从微观探索和认识地壳发生的地质地球化学过程提供新的理论与方法,开展该领域研究将对资源、环境等领域的研究和应用产生重大影响.纳米地球化学在矿产勘查领域已取得了重要进展.通过总结、归纳前人研究并结合团队最新成果,从自然界纳米金属微粒形成过程、迁移方式、在表生介质中的赋存状态及纳米金属微粒的捕获等几个方面开展了梳理总结,并进一步阐述了纳米金属微粒对隐伏矿勘查的理论与实际应用意义.纳米微粒的迁移机制可总结为:成矿过程中成矿元素可形成纳米金属颗粒,在矿石风化过程中部分纳米金属微粒发生解离而具备活动性,活动性纳米金属颗粒因其巨大的表面能,可吸附于气体分子表面,并通过地气流的垂向运动,穿透矿体上方覆盖层而到达地表;另外,纳米物质所具备的易分散性质可以使纳米金属微粒自身发生垂向迁移而到达地表.到达地表后部分纳米金属微粒仍然滞留在壤中气,部分被土壤中粘土矿物或氧化物膜吸附,此外也可被地表生物所捕获.该迁移机制已通过表生气固介质中大量纳米金属微粒原位观测结果获得证实.在矿产勘查中,通过分离土壤中的纳米金属微粒可实现指示土壤覆盖层和深部矿体的目的,目前已取得一些成功案例.Abstract: Nanogeochemistry can help humans to understand and explore the geological and geochemical processes on the earth from microcosmic point of view, which have a significant impact on the research and application in the resources and environmental issues. Nanogeochemistry has made important progress in the field of mineral exploration. Based on the summarization of previous academic achievements and combined with this study. In this paper, it presents metallic nanoparticels from the formation process, migration patterns, occurrences in supergenic medium, and capture approaches and further states the theory of nanogeochemistry for mineral exploration and its application significance. The migration mechanism of nanoparticles can be summarized as follows:nanoparticles of ore-forming elements or minerals formed in the metallogenic process, released from the orebody of deposits by weathering, formed active metallic nanoparticles, can be adsorbed onto surface of gas molecular because of their tremendous surface energies and then be migrated to the earth surface through covers by their ascending geogas carrier or their gas-like phases, with part of them remained in geogases and other parts trapped into soil geochemical barriers and creature. The migration mechanism has been proven by lots of in-situ observation cases of metallic nanoparticles occurred in supergenic medium. Some successful cases show that separation of nanoparticles of mobile metals could be effectively applied to prospect concealed ore deposits under covers.
图 1 美国内华达卡林型金矿矿石扫描电镜图像
Fig. 1. HRTEM image of gold particles in arsenian pyrite from Carlin-type deposits in Nevada, USA
图 2 不同构造带(构造单元)中有序纳米粒、纳米线和纳米层分级以及分层结构的SEM观察图示(a~d)
Fig. 2. SEM images showing hierarchy and delamination textures of ordered nano particles, nano lines and nano layers in various structure zones (tectonic units) (a~d)
图 3 四川盆地上三叠统须家河组致密砂岩复杂孔隙三维重构图像
据邹才能等(2011).a.微裂缝,缝宽280 nm,缝长30 μm左右;b.致密砂岩复杂孔隙三维几何图,亮绿色为孔隙,黄色阴影为样品基质部分;c.图b中右上方孔隙放大图,为微裂缝三维几何图
Fig. 3. 3D pore reconstruction images in tight sandstone of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, Sichuan basin
图 4 自然界风化伊利石中包含的纳米铜
Fig. 4. Weathered illite containing nanometer-scale copper inclusions
图 5 河南南阳周庵铜镍矿床地气、土壤和矿石中纳米微粒
Fig. 5. Nanoscale particles of metals in gases, soils and ores at Zhou'an Cu-Ni deposit in Nanyang, Henan
图 6 地气流携带纳米金属颗粒迁移模型
Fig. 6. Migration modal of nanoscale metal particles carried by earth gas
图 7 河南南阳周庵隐伏铜镍矿环状异常
Fig. 7. Circular-shaped anomaly over concealed Zhou'an Cu-Ni deposit in Nanyang, Henan
图 8 澳大利亚某金矿上方桉树叶子中的纳米-微米尺度金颗粒
Fig. 8. Nano- and micron-sized Au particles in leaf from specimens of Eucalyptus over a gold mine, Australia
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