Nanogeoscience: Connotation and Significance
摘要: 纳米地球科学是纳米科技与地球科学的结合,是一门高度综合的交叉学科,很难划分出经典意义上的单科性研究.纳米地球科学的研究对象主要分为纳米物质与纳米孔隙,二者成因多样、尺度效应明显、广泛分布,对于前者,主要通过各类图像表征手段观察其形态、大小、聚集方式,通过各类谱学方法研究其晶体结构、分子结构等;对于后者,则主要通过图像表征手段、流体注入方法与数值模拟的结合来表征孔隙形态、孔径分布、连通性等特征.纳米地球科学的学科内涵主要体现于:在各传统地球科学学科研究的基础和框架上,针对地球不同圈层中纳米尺度微粒形成、运移、聚集和存在形式以及孔隙形成与演化等亟待解决的科学问题开展系统研究,从而加深对矿物、岩石、构造、地化以及资源、灾害、环境等分支学科纳米尺度特性的认知.纳米地球科学的产生与发展使人类在认识和改造自然方面进入了一个新层次,是地球与行星科学发展的必然途径,为矿床勘探、资源开发、新能源利用、环境污染和地质灾害的预防与治理等问题提供了新的理论依据,有着不可估量的科学意义和应用价值.Abstract: Nanogeoscience is a highly comprehensive and overlapping subject, with combination of nanotechnology and geoscience. It is hard to partition nanogeoscience into single discipline of the classical sense. Its research objects mainly include nanomaterials and nanopores, which are widely distributed on the earth and have diverse causes and obvious scale effects. To nanomaterials, researchers use various image analysis methods to observe their shape, size and aggregation model, also investigate the crystal structure and molecular structure through all kinds of spectroscopy methods. To nanopores, researchers use image analysis, fluid invasion combined with numerical simulation methods, to characterize pore morphology, pore size distribution, connectivity and other characteristics. On the basis and framework of traditional geoscience research, the systematic research of nanogeoscience as a discipline is to solve the scientific problems about nanomaterials and nanopores in each sphere of the earth, such as formation, migration, aggregation and existence form of nanomaterials, as well as formation and evolution of nanopores. Consequently, it deepens the cognition of nanoscale characteristics of branches like mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, geochemistry as well as resources, disasters and environment. The emergence and development of nanogeoscience have brought human beings into a new level in understanding and transforming nature. It is the inevitable way for the development of the earth and planetary sciences. Related research has provided new theoretical basis for mineral deposit exploration, resource development, new energy utilization, prevention and treatment of environmental pollution and geological disaster, etc. It has immeasurable scientific significance and application values.
Key words:
- nanogeoscience /
- nanomaterials /
- nanopores /
- discipline connotation /
- research significance
图 1 广泛发育的纳米物质/结构
a.透射电镜图像,埃洛石纳米管(Tian et al., 2015);b.扫描电镜图像,趋磁细菌中发育的磁小体;c.扫描电镜图像,强烈变形的石英片岩(Ju et al., 2017);d.扫描电镜图像,韧性剪切带中副片麻岩剪切面上发现的纳米结构(Liu et al., 2017);e.透射电镜图像,金矿床上方土壤中的金-锌纳米颗粒(Wang et al., 2017);f.透射电镜图像,基于煤岩制备出的枝状碳纳米管(Wang et al., 2006);g.透射电镜图像,青藏高原上空发现的炭黑颗粒(Shao et al., 2017);h.透射电镜图像,海底热液喷口中发现的纳米颗粒(Gartman et al., 2014)
Fig. 1. Widely developed nanomaterials/nanostructures
图 2 地质体中发育的纳米孔隙
a.扫描电镜图像,页岩中的有机质孔(Zhao et al., 2017);b.原子力显微镜图像,烟煤中广泛发育的连通孔隙及较大的孔喉(Pan et al., 2015);c.纳米CT图像,致密砂岩中的孔隙(Zeng et al., 2017);d.透射电镜图像,两个角闪石矿物颗粒边界上发育的纳米尺度通道(Wang et al., 2003)
Fig. 2. Nanopores developing in geologic body
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