The World-Class Huoshaoyun Nonsulfide Zinc-Lead Deposit, Xinjiang, NW China: Formation by Supergene Oxidization of a Mississippi Valley-Type Deposit
摘要: 火烧云矿床是我国新发现具有超大型规模的非硫化物铅锌矿床,成因倍受关注.矿床主要由菱锌矿和白铅矿组成,形成块状及少量纹层状和角砾状矿石,构成了层状矿体.赋矿围岩为中侏罗统含沉积石膏的台地相碳酸盐岩,为密西西比河谷型矿床的典型赋矿围岩,而非喷流沉积型矿床的赋矿围岩.矿石中普遍出现被白铅矿交代的方铅矿残留,表明原生矿化为硫化物.方铅矿δ34SV-CDT值为-34‰~-18‰,显示还原硫的来源与细菌还原作用作用有关,这在MVT矿床中较为常见,而在与岩浆作用有关的铅锌矿床中少见.同时,矿床也不具有与岩浆有关的热液矿化和蚀变特征,故矿床的原生硫化物矿化应为MVT型.通过菱锌矿和白铅矿的O同位素组成,计算出形成这两种矿物的流体具有低温、低δ18O值的大气降水的特征,结合白铅矿交代方铅矿的这一现象,表明目前观察到的由菱锌矿和白铅矿构成铅锌矿体系是在表生作用下直接交代原生硫化物矿体形成.Abstract: Huoshaoyun is a newly discovered world-class nonsulfide zinc-lead deposit in Xinjiang, NW China, so its genesis attracts many geologists'attentions. Conformable orebodies in the deposit contain massive and minor stratiform and breccia-hosted ores that are dominated by smithsonite and cerussite. Ores are hosted by Middle Jurassic sedimentary gypsum-bearing platform facies carbonate. Clearly, the carbonate is typical host for Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposit rather than for sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) deposit. Galena is common in the ores and was replaced by cerussite, implying that precursor mineralization in the deposit was zinc and lead sulfides. δ34SV-CDT values of the galena range from -34‰ to -18‰, indicating that derivation of reduced sulfur was related to bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) process, which is common in MVT deposits but is scarce in magmatic -related Zn -Pb deposits. Together with the absence of magmatic -related hydrothermal alteration and mineralization, it suggests that primary mineralization at Huoshaoyun is of MVT origin. Oxygen isotopic compositions of water that reached isotopic equilibrium with smithsonite and cerussite are low in temperature and light in δ18O values, implyimg that meteoric water was involved in the two mineral formations. Combined with the observation that galena was replaced by cerussite, we suggest that the smithsonite and cerussite were the result of intensive supergene oxidization of primary znic and lead sulfides of MVT origin.
Key words:
- smithsonite /
- cerussite /
- galena /
- platform carbonate /
- Mississippi Valley-type /
- supergene oxidization /
- Huoshaoyun /
- deposits
图 1 青藏高原沉积岩容矿铅锌矿床分布
Fig. 1. Distribution map of sedimentary zinc-lead deposits in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
图 2 火烧云铅锌矿床区地质简图
1.第四纪沉积物;2.石膏层;3.中侏罗统龙山组上段第三岩性层:青灰色细晶灰岩和生物碎屑灰岩,局部见泥灰岩,见厚层石膏;4.中侏罗统龙山组上段第二岩性层:灰-深灰色细晶灰岩,局部泥灰岩;5.中侏罗统龙山组上段第一岩性层:灰色细晶灰岩和生物碎屑灰岩,局部夹鲕粒灰岩、泥灰岩;6.中侏罗统龙山组下段:紫红色、红褐色砾岩、砂岩;7.上三叠统克勒青河组:深灰色、灰绿色泥质粉砂岩、砂岩;8.图 3剖面图位置;9.地质界线;10.不整合地质界线;11.地表出露的铅锌矿体;12.平移断层;13.正断层;14.主矿体投影边界;15.钻孔;16.地层产状据;范廷宾等(2017)修改
Fig. 2. Geological map of the Huoshaoyun zinc-lead deposit
图 5 火烧云主要铅锌矿石特征
a.块状矿石,可见矿石发育孔洞,Ⅲ1矿体;b和c.条带状矿石,表现为褐色和白色菱锌矿互层产出,Ⅱ2矿体;d.角砾状矿石,表现为菱锌矿胶结灰岩角砾,Ⅲ1矿体;e.角砾状矿石,表现为方铅矿(蓝灰色)、白铅矿、菱锌矿(深褐色)胶结菱锌矿化的灰岩角砾,Ⅲ1矿体;f.白铅矿(蓝灰色)交代方铅矿(亮白色),残留的方铅矿呈他型的“蠕虫状”,反射光,照片位置见图 5e;g.扫描电镜下的方铅矿(立方体晶型,颜色浅灰白色)与白铅矿(较深的灰色),白铅矿形成在方铅矿表面,方铅矿具有被“溶蚀”的特征(如箭头所指位置);h.胶状/皮壳状菱锌矿充tu填孔洞,矿物从早到晚向残留孔洞方向生长,反映胶状/皮壳状菱锌矿沉淀晚于方铅矿和白铅矿,反射光,照片位置见图 5e
Fig. 5. Lead-zinc ores and mineralization in the Huoshaoyun deposit
图 6 火烧云矿床C-O同位素组成
Fig. 6. Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of smithson-ite, cerussite, and limestone in the Huoshaoyun deposit
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