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    胡华蕊 邢凤存 侯明才 段金宝 张殿伟

    胡华蕊, 邢凤存, 侯明才, 段金宝, 张殿伟, 2019. 上扬子奥陶纪层序岩相古地理重建及油气勘探启示. 地球科学, 44(3): 798-809. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.338
    引用本文: 胡华蕊, 邢凤存, 侯明才, 段金宝, 张殿伟, 2019. 上扬子奥陶纪层序岩相古地理重建及油气勘探启示. 地球科学, 44(3): 798-809. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.338
    Hu Huarui, Xing Fengcun, Hou Mingcai, Duan Jinbao, Zhang Dianwei, 2019. Ordovician Sequence and Lithofacies Paleogeography Reconstruction in Upper Yangtze Region and Its Implications for Oil and Gas Exploration. Earth Science, 44(3): 798-809. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.338
    Citation: Hu Huarui, Xing Fengcun, Hou Mingcai, Duan Jinbao, Zhang Dianwei, 2019. Ordovician Sequence and Lithofacies Paleogeography Reconstruction in Upper Yangtze Region and Its Implications for Oil and Gas Exploration. Earth Science, 44(3): 798-809. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.338


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.338

    国家自然科学基金项目 41302089

    国家自然科学基金项目 41672103


      胡华蕊(1983-), 女, 博士研究生, 主要从事沉积学、油气储层地质学等方面的研究



    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Ordovician Sequence and Lithofacies Paleogeography Reconstruction in Upper Yangtze Region and Its Implications for Oil and Gas Exploration

    • 摘要: 四川盆地奥陶系岩相古地理格局研究程度偏低、认识出入较大,沉积期古隆起分布有待进一步研究.运用最新的井震及野外资料,在层序地层划分与对比基础上,建立了上扬子地区奥陶纪三级层序地层格架,并重建了重点层位层序岩相古地理.研究揭示,二级层序结构控制了沉积充填结构,每个二级层序的下部地层厚度起伏明显,指示了古地貌明显起伏特征,古隆起区具有明显的三级层序超覆沉积缺失结构;二级层序晚期古隆起范围缩小,填平补齐作用使得三级层序地层厚度总体稳定.岩相古地理分析揭示,奥陶纪总体具有北部、西部和南部三面稳定古隆起环绕中部凹陷区特征,川中古隆起明显分隔中部凹陷区;认为川中古隆起及南北两侧古隆起具有间歇性扩大、川东地区SSQ2早期存在隆起区,而中部凹陷区总体具有持续性沉降及向东迁移的特征.研究表明,早奥陶世桐梓组沉积期继承了娄山关群的总体古地理格局结构,形成了2个膏岩区及古隆起周缘白云石化颗粒滩相带组合,而湄潭组可能存在西部来源的三角洲沉积.


    • 图  1  上扬子地区奥陶系层序地层及沉积体系综合柱状图(P1井)

      Fig.  1.  Comprehensive column of Ordovician sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies in Upper Yangtze region (Well P1)

      图  2  川中古隆起与川北古隆起地层结构

      a.过川中古隆起地震剖面(志留底拉平,剖面位置见图 5aAA′);b.北部TX1井奥陶系柱状图

      Fig.  2.  Stratigraphic structure of paleo-uplift in Middle and North Sichuan

      图  3  过雷波抓抓岩-湖北三峡奥陶系层序地层及沉积体系剖面对比

      剖面位置见图 5BB

      Fig.  3.  Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary contrast of Ordovician across Leibozhuazhuayan—Hubeisanxia section in Upper Yangtze region

      图  4  过Z5-贵州仁怀奥陶系层序地层及沉积体系剖面对比

      剖面位置参见图 5CC

      Fig.  4.  Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary contrast of Ordovician across Well Z5-Guizhourenhuai section in Upper Yangtze region

      图  5  上扬子地区SQ1-SQ3层序(桐梓组)岩相古地理图


      Fig.  5.  Lithofacies paleogeography of SQ1 to SQ3 (Tongzi Formation of the Lower Ordovician) in the Upper Yangtze region

      图  6  上扬子地区桐梓组典型显微镜下照片

      a.白云质石英砂岩,混积滨岸,Wh1井,(+);b.石膏,C7井, (+);c.膏质鲕粒云岩,C7井, (+);d.亮晶砂屑灰岩,WK1井, (-)

      Fig.  6.  Typical photos of Tongzi Formation in the Upper Yangtze region

      图  7  上扬子地区SQ4层序(红花园组)岩相古地理图

      Fig.  7.  Lithofacies paleogeography of SQ4 (Honghuayuan Formation of the Lower Ordovician) in the Upper Yangtze region

      图  8  上扬子地区SQ5-SQ8(湄潭组)岩相古地理图


      Fig.  8.  Lithofacies paleogeography of SQ5 to SQ8 (Meitan Formation of the Lower-Middle Ordovician) in the Upper Yangtze region

      图  9  上扬子地区SQ10层序(宝塔组-临湘组)岩相古地理图


      Fig.  9.  Lithofacies paleogeography of SQ10 (Baota Formation to Linxiang Formation of the Upper Ordovician) in the Upper Yangtze region

      图  10  上扬子地区奥陶系白云岩及烃源岩照片

      a.Wh1-25, 粉晶云岩,Wh1井,O1t,(-);b.湄潭组下部(O1-2m)暗色页岩,贵州正安

      Fig.  10.  Photos of potential Ordovician dolomite and source rocks in the Upper Yangtze region

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