Provenance Analysis and Tectonic Setting Judgment in Shanglan Formation of Middle Triassic in Weixi Area
摘要: 前人对于金沙江构造带内三叠纪碎屑岩形成和演化的研究甚少,影响了对金沙江洋盆演化历史的整体认识.维西地区上兰组为砂板岩夹灰岩沉积,与原岩图解结果一致.变质砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布于426~603 Ma、713~980 Ma、1 000~1 600 Ma和1 600~2 500 Ma四个年龄段,年龄信息主要记录了来自扬子陆块及其周缘老基底、同泛非期及加里东期的物质来源;∑REE含量略高于上地壳值且具明显的轻重稀土分异特征,(La/Yb)N=5.23~12.33,具有轻微的δEu异常.碎屑组分特征及判别图解显示其物源主要来自于碰撞造山带及少量火山弧造山带,源岩性质属于再循环的古老沉积物及长英质火山岩类,构造环境为大陆岛弧及活动大陆边缘.以上研究表明上兰组形成于碰撞挤压坳陷构造背景,结合区域构造演化综合判断其为一种弧后前陆盆地构造环境.Abstract: There was little research on the formation and evolution of the Triassic clastic rocks in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt, undermining the overall understanding of the evolution history of the Jinshajiang ocean basin.It is found in this study the protolithes of Shanglan Formation are mainly sandstone and shale, which is in agreement with the classification discriminate diagram of clastic rocks.The U-Pb dating of detrital zircon show 4 age groups, which are 426-603 Ma, 713-980 Ma, 1 000-1 600 Ma and 1 600-2 500 Ma respectively, indicative of the provenance from basement of the Yangtze block and its vincinity, magmatism of homochronous Pan-African and Caledonian.The content of ∑REE are slightly higher compared with that of upper crust.The LREE and HREE show obvious fractionation, (La/Yb)N=5.23-12.33.Meanwhile, δEu is slightly abnormal.The characteristics of detrital component and discrimination diagram show the provenance are mainly from collisional orogenic belt and a little from volcanic arcs.The quality of the matters belong to old sediment and quartz-feldspathic volcanic.The tectonic setting of provenance in Shanglan Formation is mainly continental arc and active continental margin.The information above common indicates that the tectonic setting of Shanglan Formation is depression which was formed by extruding of subduction collision.Combined with regional tectonic evolution, we consider its tectonic environment was retroarc foreland basin.
Key words:
- zircon U-Pb age /
- provenance /
- tectonic setting /
- Shanglan Formation /
- Weixi area /
- geochemistry /
- geochronology
图 2 上兰组岩石学显微镜下特征
a.变长石石英砂岩,粒状变晶结构(+20x);b.绢云变质砂岩,变余细粒砂状结构(+20x);c.绢云变质粉细砂岩,变余细粒砂状结构(+20x);d.绢云变质长石石英砂岩,变余砂状结构(+20x);e.变质细粒岩屑砂岩,变余细粒砂状结构(+20x);f.绢云变质砂岩,变余砂状结构(+20x);g.千枚状绢云石英千枚岩,鳞片粒状变晶结构(+20x);h.千枚状绢云砂质板岩,变余细粒砂状结构(+20x);i.砂质绢云板岩(+20x).图例见表 1
Fig. 2. The characteristics of petrographic microscope of Shanglan Formation
图 3 维西地区上兰组变碎屑岩原岩类型分类图解
底图据Allègre and Minster(1978);Herron(1988)
Fig. 3. Classification on clastic sedimentary rocks of Shanglan Formation
图 6 上兰组变砂岩源区构造背景图解
Fig. 6. Discrimination diagrams for tectonic setting for variable sandstones of Shanglan Formation
图 7 上兰组化学风化和分选作用分析图解
图a据Nesbitt and Young (1982);图b据Taylor and McLennan (1985);图c据Camiré et al. (1993);图d据McLennan (1993)
Fig. 7. Analysis diagrams of chemical weathering and sorting of Shanglan Formation
图 8 上兰组碎屑岩源区判别图解
据Floyd and Leveridge(1987);Roser and Korsch(1988)
Fig. 8. Discrimination diagrams for the provenance of clastic sedimentary rocks of Shanglan Formation
图 9 上兰组变碎屑岩主量元素构造环境判别图
Fig. 9. Major elements discrimination diagrams for clastic sedimentary rocks of Shanglan Formation
图 10 上兰组变碎屑岩微量元素构造环境判别图
Fig. 10. Trace elements discrimination diagrams for clastic sedimentary rocks of Shanglan Formation
表 1 上兰组16件变砂岩的碎屑成分(%)
Table 1. The detrital component statistics (%) of 16 variable sandstone of Shanglan Formation
样品号 Q F L Qm F Lt Qm P K Lm Lv Ls Lvf Lvmi Lvl C/Q P/F Lv/Lt PM06′-1-b2 52 40 8 50 40 10 62.5 7.5 30 5 1 94 6 2 92 0.04 0.19 0.10 PM06′-4-b1 63.7 8 28.3 60 8 32 68 7.4 24.6 5 10 85 22 30 48 0.06 0.93 0.31 PM06′-5-b1 68 20 12 55 20 25 69 6.2 24.8 10 15 75 38 20 42 0.19 0.31 0.60 PM06′-7-b1 42 35 23 30 35 35 49 30.2 20.8 10 20 70 40 10 50 0.29 0.86 0.57 PM06′-7-b2 58 28 14 50 28 22 66 6.8 27.2 8 20 72 41 6 53 0.14 0.24 0.91 PM06′-15-b1 57 18 25 52 18 30 65 16.5 18.5 8 15 77 10 10 80 0.09 0.92 0.50 PM06′-17-b1 70 25 5 65 25 10 75 20 5 2 8 90 5 5 90 0.07 0.80 0.80 PM06′-17-b2 91 5.7 3.3 88 5.7 6.3 94 4.8 1.2 5 2 93 10 10 80 0.03 0.84 0.32 PM06′-19-b1 82 5 13 78 5 17 90 4 6 5 10 85 20 5 75 0.05 0.80 0.59 PM06′-20-b1 72.5 2 25.5 68 2 30 92 1.5 6.5 10 21 69 20 30 50 0.06 0.75 0.70 PM06′-20-b2 69 3 28 65 3 32 90 1.2 8.8 5 5 90 70 5 25 0.06 0.40 0.16 PM06′-22-b1 71 6 23 65 6 29 88 3.1 8.9 3 7 90 96 2 2 0.08 0.52 0.24 PM06′-24-b1 68 20 12 60 20 20 76 15.8 8.2 2 10 88 20 15 65 0.12 0.79 0.50 PM06′-25-b1 65 26 9 60 26 14 70 21 9 3 5 92 30 5 65 0.08 0.81 0.36 PM06′-27-b1 65 24 11 60 24 16 71 18 11 5 8 87 12 10 78 0.08 0.75 0.50 PM06′-28-b1 62 24 14 56 24 20 69 20 11 5 10 85 50 12 38 0.10 0.83 0.50 注:C/Q、P/F和Lv/Lt为比值.Q.单晶石英+多晶石英;Qm.单晶石英;F.长石;L.岩屑(不含多晶石英);Lt.岩屑(含多晶石英);P.斜长石;K.钾长石;Lm.变质岩屑;Lv.火山岩屑;Ls.沉积岩屑;Lvf.具霏细结构的火山岩屑;Lvmi.具微晶结构火山岩屑;Lvl.具板状结构的火山岩屑;C.多晶石英. 表 2 维西地区上兰组主量(%)、微量(10-6)和稀土元素(10-6)分析结果
Table 2. Major elements (%), trace elements (10-6) and rare earth elements (10-6) results from clastic sedimentary rocks of Shanglan Formation in Weixi area
样品号 PM06′-1-H2 PM06′-2-H1 PM06′-4-H1 PM06′-4-H2 PM06′-5-H1 PM06′-7-H1 PM06′-8-H1 PM06′-9-H1 PM06′-10-H1 PM06′-12-H2 PM06′-15-H1 PM06′-20-H1 PM06′-26-H2 PM06′-28-H1 PM06′-29-H1 PM06′-30-H2 SiO2 57.21 64.14 56.18 90.66 70.14 64.09 64.53 68.45 65.92 53.38 60.34 66.53 67.54 68.99 69.33 45.24 TiO2 0.88 0.68 0.86 0.23 0.57 0.71 0.72 0.62 0.65 1.43 0.69 0.65 0.76 0.68 0.64 2.19 Al2O3 20.21 16.44 20.95 2.86 14.48 16.95 17.09 14.76 15.93 14.31 18.09 14.70 13.59 14.79 14.89 16.75 Fe2O3T 5.82 5.76 5.95 0.92 4.57 5.51 5.52 5.47 5.60 10.86 7.29 5.29 3.97 5.02 5.54 8.58 MnO 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.20 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.10 0.03 0.15 MgO 2.81 2.70 2.53 0.70 1.96 2.53 2.77 2.01 2.22 3.87 2.35 2.02 1.14 1.93 0.65 4.68 CaO 0.57 0.70 0.67 2.63 0.26 0.27 0.24 0.30 0.40 8.01 0.37 2.36 2.15 0.60 0.22 9.59 Na2O 0.86 0.50 0.24 0.11 0.33 0.56 0.48 1.47 0.48 2.69 0.29 1.89 1.93 1.44 0.08 3.69 K2O 7.52 5.49 8.29 0.14 3.88 5.04 4.98 3.10 4.84 1.03 5.93 2.86 4.58 3.22 3.64 0.98 P2O5 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.24 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.12 0.14 0.54 LOI 3.15 2.77 3.38 0.76 3.00 3.16 3.10 2.93 2.94 3.12 3.46 2.72 3.30 3.08 3.97 7.26 Total 99.19 99.33 99.22 99.20 99.34 99.00 99.60 99.30 99.12 99.13 98.96 99.22 99.17 99.96 99.11 99.64 Sc 15.9 13.5 17.7 2.3 10.6 14.8 14.6 13.2 15.7 33.9 16.6 15.8 11.9 16.1 14.2 31.7 Cr 95.4 77.1 113.0 13.4 58.3 86.9 84.4 68.9 76.8 32.5 69.7 48.4 31.9 54.8 78.8 151.3 Co 10.6 11.5 10.9 2.2 7.9 11.7 11.0 11.9 13.0 28.2 12.6 13.4 10.0 9.9 12.3 27.1 Ni 31.3 33.2 40.5 5.4 27.4 39.1 35.4 32.9 45.4 6.4 45.6 30.3 16.3 29.1 32.4 77.7 Ga 28.2 23.7 29.8 3.16 19.3 25.6 24.5 19.8 23.2 18.9 24.6 17.6 18.7 19.6 20.8 16.9 Rb 309 219 336 6 154 202 182 141 214 38 275 93 212 103 181 34 Sr 77.0 57.4 85.9 162 21.9 47.3 27.8 58.4 61.2 244 57.7 116 61.4 31.2 47.7 402.8 Y 23.1 28.0 27.1 32.8 19.4 15.7 17.5 17.2 31.1 26.8 30.5 25.9 43.3 27.9 32.1 39.3 Zr 317 206 212 663 204 270 240 164 133 122 168 158 274 163 158 241 Nb 20.3 16.5 20.9 4.98 12.4 18.0 17.4 14.1 14.5 9.19 15.6 10.9 14.4 10.4 14.9 73.6 Cs 5.21 5.64 13.20 0.34 2.44 3.22 3.78 3.98 6.03 1.69 8.92 8.61 5.47 5.32 7.70 3.53 Ba 1026 655 1092 27 432 763 655 476 862 325 835 751 673 386 567 276 La 53.3 45.9 56.7 20.6 27.4 18.6 26.5 24.7 41.9 19.6 51.3 24.1 48.5 29.4 39.8 39.2 Ce 93.0 87.5 87.0 29.2 46.5 36.4 68.0 57.1 85.6 40.2 90.3 50.9 94.8 60.9 77.0 74.0 Pr 12.0 10.1 11.8 4.73 5.92 4.26 6.25 5.70 8.99 4.69 11.3 5.81 10.8 7.14 8.87 8.82 Nd 41.1 36.4 41.6 18.8 21.8 15.6 22.4 20.5 33.0 18.7 41.2 22.5 40.6 27.3 32.2 34.7 Sm 6.66 6.69 6.99 4.74 4.07 2.98 4.23 3.92 6.31 4.24 7.88 4.70 8.45 5.82 6.14 7.07 Eu 1.33 1.14 1.29 0.98 0.73 0.55 0.65 0.64 1.04 1.28 1.49 1.01 1.39 1.17 1.24 2.08 Gd 4.50 5.19 5.33 4.43 3.13 2.42 3.12 3.07 5.10 4.26 6.32 4.12 7.63 4.98 5.32 6.80 Tb 0.75 0.85 0.82 0.78 0.55 0.45 0.54 0.52 0.85 0.72 0.95 0.70 1.23 0.82 0.91 1.14 Dy 4.24 4.80 4.70 4.80 3.26 2.92 3.22 3.14 5.12 4.49 5.53 4.36 7.37 4.96 5.44 7.04 Ho 0.81 0.93 0.90 0.96 0.66 0.59 0.66 0.63 1.01 0.90 1.07 0.89 1.46 0.98 1.07 1.41 Er 2.46 2.77 2.67 2.81 2.00 1.83 2.03 1.97 3.07 2.70 3.17 2.85 4.24 2.94 3.20 4.16 Tm 0.38 0.39 0.38 0.41 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.30 0.45 0.40 0.44 0.44 0.61 0.45 0.46 0.59 Yb 2.54 2.58 2.51 2.72 2.08 1.95 2.13 2.05 2.94 2.68 2.98 3.05 3.97 2.93 3.07 3.90 Lu 0.40 0.37 0.40 0.40 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.33 0.44 0.41 0.44 0.47 0.58 0.46 0.44 0.58 Hf 8.46 5.46 5.70 16.4 5.38 7.02 6.24 4.44 3.61 3.19 4.77 4.43 7.34 4.53 4.46 5.45 Ta 1.57 1.25 1.54 0.39 0.91 1.31 1.24 1.08 1.13 0.63 1.22 0.85 1.18 0.79 1.17 4.03 Pb 31.6 10.6 21.0 100 11.9 8.06 7.09 9.03 11.0 7.17 30.1 12.6 16.5 3.26 5.41 3.40 Th 25.2 18.7 24.4 9.91 14.4 20.6 21.3 17.7 18.0 6.38 20.1 10.8 25.4 10.6 18.2 5.99 U 3.57 3.27 3.96 2.31 2.40 2.96 3.00 2.80 4.10 1.62 4.19 2.49 4.91 2.28 3.17 1.10 表 3 维西地区上兰组变细砂岩碎屑锆石的U-Pb同位素数据
Table 3. U-Pb isotopic data for detrital zircon from clastic sedimentary rocks of Shanglan Formation in Weixi area
样品 元素含量(10-6) 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) 谐和度(%) Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb 1 σ 207Pb/235U 1 σ 206Pb/238U 1 σ 207Pb/206Pb 1 σ 207Pb/235U 1 σ 206Pb/238U 1 σ 1 1 874 742 2.53 0.066 4 0.001 6 1.446 1 0.034 9 0.157 2 0.001 3 820 51.8 908 14.5 941 7.4 96 2 11 319 3 022 3.75 0.058 1 0.001 3 0.736 1 0.016 3 0.091 3 0.000 7 600 50.0 560 9.6 563 4.0 99 3 1 861 1 688 1.10 0.159 8 0.002 7 10.141 8 0.165 9 0.457 7 0.003 4 2 453 29.2 2 448 15.2 2 429 15.3 99 4 774 1 347 0.57 0.071 9 0.001 6 1.696 0 0.034 8 0.170 5 0.001 4 983 44.4 1 007 13.1 1 015 7.8 99 5 845 730 1.16 0.159 1 0.003 0 10.349 9 0.199 5 0.469 3 0.004 6 2 446 31.5 2 467 17.9 2 480 20.4 99 6 718 948 0.76 0.078 5 0.001 9 2.270 0 0.054 1 0.208 7 0.001 9 1 161 48.2 1 203 16.8 1 222 10.0 98 7 164 299 0.55 0.074 5 0.002 7 1.936 5 0.070 2 0.188 0 0.002 1 1 055 69.4 1 094 24.3 1 111 11.2 98 8 761 664 1.15 0.090 0 0.002 2 3.208 9 0.075 4 0.257 2 0.002 3 1 428 41.7 1 459 18.2 1 475 11.7 98 9 287 165 1.74 0.160 6 0.004 3 10.571 4 0.267 3 0.476 6 0.005 2 2 462 45.4 2 486 23.5 2 512 22.9 98 10 8 430 1 266 6.66 0.059 8 0.001 8 0.813 4 0.024 5 0.098 0 0.000 8 594 66.7 604 13.7 603 4.9 99 11 719 926 0.78 0.103 9 0.002 2 4.428 7 0.097 7 0.307 0 0.002 8 1 695 72.4 1 718 18.3 1 726 13.8 99 12 250 345 0.73 0.118 2 0.002 8 6.546 3 0.151 1 0.399 5 0.003 4 1 931 42.4 2 052 20.4 2 167 15.5 94 13 697 326 2.14 0.058 5 0.002 6 0.718 2 0.033 0 0.088 8 0.001 0 546 93.5 550 19.5 549 6.2 99 14 343 199 1.72 0.063 8 0.002 5 1.557 7 0.058 3 0.178 4 0.002 7 744 83.3 954 23.1 1 058 15.0 89 15 525 776 0.68 0.053 7 0.001 7 0.573 6 0.017 7 0.077 5 0.000 8 367 75.0 460 11.4 481 4.7 95 16 580 268 2.16 0.072 7 0.002 9 1.706 7 0.062 8 0.171 4 0.002 2 1 006 82.6 1 011 23.6 1 020 11.9 99 17 697 533 1.31 0.149 3 0.003 0 9.220 3 0.179 2 0.445 3 0.003 6 2 338 33.2 2 360 17.9 2 374 16.2 99 18 1 134 1 059 1.07 0.064 7 0.001 7 1.262 7 0.033 6 0.140 8 0.001 3 765 55.6 829 15.1 849 7.5 97 19 1 243 1 341 0.93 0.072 7 0.001 7 1.727 5 0.040 1 0.171 3 0.001 7 1 006 46.6 1 019 14.9 1 019 9.4 99 20 848 572 1.48 0.076 3 0.002 1 1.960 2 0.052 0 0.185 8 0.002 2 1 106 58.3 1 102 17.8 1 099 11.9 99 21 597 241 2.47 0.064 6 0.002 6 1.208 2 0.047 3 0.136 4 0.001 8 761 85.9 804 21.8 824 10.4 97 22 781 2 140 0.36 0.376 1 0.006 1 45.402 6 0.843 9 0.867 2 0.008 0 3 816 24.6 3 896 18.7 4 025 27.6 96 23 345 348 0.99 0.484 0 0.008 2 70.329 4 1.165 9 1.047 3 0.008 2 4 193 25.2 4 333 16.9 4 619 26.1 93 24 433 1 306 0.33 0.056 6 0.001 7 0.586 4 0.017 5 0.074 7 0.000 8 476 66.7 469 11.2 465 4.9 99 25 849 2 777 0.31 0.150 0 0.002 8 6.838 1 0.125 8 0.328 1 0.002 7 2 347 31.5 2 091 16.4 1 829 13.3 86 26 494 506 0.98 0.068 9 0.002 3 1.274 4 0.041 5 0.133 7 0.001 5 894 63.9 834 18.5 809 8.3 96 27 1 145 1 351 0.85 0.057 0 0.001 8 0.601 7 0.019 2 0.076 1 0.000 9 500 73.1 478 12.1 473 5.4 98 28 886 2 390 0.37 0.061 9 0.001 5 1.152 9 0.027 9 0.134 5 0.001 5 733 51.8 779 13.2 813 8.6 95 29 369 1 068 0.35 0.078 5 0.001 9 2.074 5 0.047 7 0.190 5 0.001 7 1 159 41.7 1 140 15.8 1 124 9.1 98 30 4 395 3 328 1.32 0.072 4 0.001 4 1.721 8 0.034 3 0.171 2 0.001 4 996 40.0 1 017 12.8 1 019 7.6 99 31 1 440 647 2.23 0.073 1 0.001 9 1.765 4 0.045 9 0.174 5 0.001 7 1 017 86.1 1 033 16.9 1 037 9.6 99 32 539 512 1.05 0.068 6 0.002 1 1.475 9 0.045 0 0.155 5 0.001 6 887 64.8 921 18.5 932 9.1 98 33 1 394 2 337 0.60 0.073 9 0.001 6 1.967 8 0.041 3 0.191 9 0.001 5 1 039 44.4 1 105 14.2 1 132 8.2 97 34 1 943 652 2.98 0.064 7 0.002 1 1.221 4 0.041 1 0.136 1 0.001 4 765 68.5 810 18.8 823 8.0 98 35 1 599 1 580 1.01 0.059 9 0.001 6 0.754 2 0.019 7 0.090 9 0.000 9 611 57.4 571 11.4 561 5.5 98 36 996 294 3.39 0.067 9 0.003 5 0.815 2 0.041 6 0.087 4 0.001 2 865 107 605 23.3 540 6.9 88 37 1 112 1 157 0.96 0.161 2 0.003 6 10.418 0 0.233 4 0.466 5 0.004 4 2 468 36.9 2 473 20.8 2 468 19.4 99 38 534 996 0.54 0.192 6 0.004 0 14.448 2 0.301 7 0.541 9 0.004 9 2 765 33.6 2 780 19.9 2 791 20.6 99 39 976 761 1.28 0.074 0 0.002 0 1.734 7 0.046 9 0.169 9 0.001 5 1 043 55.6 1 022 17.4 1 012 8.4 99 40 1 131 905 1.25 0.071 5 0.001 8 1.821 0 0.044 6 0.185 6 0.002 0 972 56.5 1 053 16.1 1 098 10.9 95 41 312 679 0.46 0.079 7 0.002 1 2.192 9 0.057 3 0.199 5 0.001 8 1 191 52.9 1 179 18.2 1 173 9.8 99 42 1 409 2 034 0.69 0.055 8 0.001 4 0.536 5 0.013 2 0.069 8 0.000 6 443 53.7 436 8.7 435 3.8 99 43 686 526 1.30 0.168 2 0.003 4 10.954 5 0.223 5 0.472 4 0.004 2 2 540 33.3 2 519 19.1 2 494 18.3 98 44 251 701 0.36 0.094 8 0.002 2 3.485 1 0.089 6 0.266 1 0.002 6 1 524 43.4 1 524 20.3 1 521 13.1 99 45 841 1 116 0.75 0.102 4 0.002 4 3.910 0 0.096 3 0.276 8 0.002 6 1 669 48.3 1 616 19.9 1 575 13.1 97 46 684 1 159 0.59 0.064 1 0.001 9 1.052 3 0.030 8 0.119 3 0.001 2 746 61.1 730 15.3 727 7.1 99 47 1 068 1 477 0.72 0.077 9 0.001 9 1.991 6 0.049 1 0.185 8 0.001 8 1 143 48.9 1 113 16.7 1 098 9.6 98 48 1 164 1 478 0.79 0.181 9 0.003 4 11.185 0 0.215 4 0.445 3 0.003 4 2 670 31.6 2 539 18.0 2 374 15.4 93 49 2 599 1 683 1.54 0.058 3 0.001 5 0.721 2 0.019 9 0.089 6 0.001 0 539 57.4 551 11.8 553 5.8 99 50 988 1 501 0.66 0.365 1 0.006 1 39.841 9 0.693 7 0.788 3 0.006 0 3 771 26.3 3 767 17.4 3 747 21.6 99 51 394 386 1.02 0.075 3 0.002 6 1.888 2 0.061 6 0.182 2 0.001 8 1 077 70.4 1 077 21.7 1 079 9.7 99 52 1 511 1 745 0.87 0.059 2 0.001 9 0.595 6 0.018 6 0.072 7 0.000 6 572 66.7 474 11.9 452 3.7 95 53 346 1 319 0.26 0.071 3 0.001 6 1.632 1 0.037 4 0.165 1 0.001 4 966 47.4 983 14.4 985 7.6 99 54 893 609 1.47 0.065 1 0.002 3 1.134 9 0.039 3 0.126 3 0.001 4 776 75.1 770 18.7 767 8.0 99 55 1 379 793 1.74 0.074 7 0.002 1 1.751 9 0.046 9 0.169 4 0.001 8 1 061 56.6 1 028 17.3 1 009 9.8 98 56 3 325 3 520 0.94 0.089 8 0.002 0 1.521 9 0.035 1 0.121 9 0.001 0 1 421 43.7 939 14.1 741 5.9 76 57 604 1 016 0.59 0.209 7 0.004 1 15.359 8 0.293 3 0.527 7 0.004 0 2 903 31.8 2 838 18.3 2 732 16.8 96 58 871 656 1.33 0.102 2 0.002 7 3.868 0 0.101 4 0.273 2 0.003 0 1 665 54.5 1 607 21.2 1 557 15.0 96 59 1 004 954 1.05 0.081 3 0.002 1 2.142 8 0.053 8 0.190 5 0.001 9 1 228 49.7 1 163 17.4 1 124 10.3 96 60 841 984 0.85 0.061 1 0.002 1 0.625 6 0.020 9 0.074 2 0.000 8 643 76.8 493 13.0 461 4.7 93 61 1 482 1 151 1.29 0.112 4 0.002 7 4.603 2 0.109 3 0.295 4 0.002 7 1 839 43.982 5 1 750 19.8 1 668 13.3 95 62 495 532 0.93 0.079 1 0.002 6 1.673 7 0.053 7 0.153 6 0.001 7 1 174 66.202 5 999 20.4 921 9.6 91 63 1 178 736 1.60 0.117 4 0.003 2 5.014 1 0.136 8 0.308 0 0.002 8 1 918 16.2 1 822 23.1 1 731 13.6 94 64 374 456 0.82 0.058 1 0.002 7 0.584 3 0.026 8 0.073 3 0.001 0 532 99.1 467 17.2 456 5.8 97 65 905 792 1.14 0.176 4 0.004 4 11.074 8 0.278 4 0.452 6 0.004 1 2 620 41.8 2 529 23.5 2 407 18.4 95 66 444 543 0.82 0.100 1 0.002 7 3.306 6 0.090 5 0.237 8 0.002 2 1 628 49.8 1 483 21.4 1 375 11.3 92 67 2 768 1 066 2.60 0.177 8 0.003 8 11.858 6 0.257 1 0.480 4 0.003 9 2 632 34.7 2 593 20.4 2 529 17.1 97 68 1 102 145 7.63 0.182 9 0.004 9 12.274 3 0.341 4 0.485 0 0.006 2 2 679 44.4 2 626 26.2 2 549 27.1 97 69 476 567 0.84 0.088 1 0.003 0 2.148 1 0.085 0 0.173 8 0.002 3 1 385 66.7 1 164 27.4 1 033 12.6 88 70 1 554 1 339 1.16 0.100 8 0.002 0 3.646 8 0.072 2 0.260 3 0.002 0 1 640 36.3 1 560 15.8 1 492 10.4 95 71 2 588 1 278 2.03 0.063 9 0.002 1 0.774 0 0.024 6 0.087 4 0.000 8 739 36.1 5 82 14.1 540 4.6 92 72 940 980 0.96 0.095 0 0.002 0 3.325 8 0.067 8 0.252 3 0.002 0 1 528 40.3 1 487 15.9 1 450 10.6 97 73 816 25 32.24 0.190 2 0.025 2 2.763 5 0.244 5 0.125 5 0.005 1 2 744 220 1 346 66.0 762 29.0 44 74 1 353 1 177 1.15 0.060 0 0.001 7 0.974 6 0.028 3 0.117 0 0.001 0 606 61.1 691 14.6 713 5.8 96 75 674 701 0.96 0.085 3 0.003 1 2.413 2 0.094 7 0.203 5 0.001 8 1 322 70.4 1 247 28.2 1 194 9.9 95 76 3 919 1 303 3.01 0.072 1 0.001 5 1.694 1 0.036 1 0.169 6 0.001 7 991 43.1 1 006 13.6 1 010 9.5 99 77 428 516 0.83 0.108 9 0.002 4 4.885 6 0.106 8 0.323 9 0.003 2 1 781 39.0 1 800 18.5 1 809 15.5 99 78 1 750 907 1.93 0.058 8 0.002 0 0.758 3 0.025 7 0.093 3 0.001 0 567 75.9 573 14.9 575 5.8 99 79 866 479 1.81 0.078 5 0.002 3 2.173 9 0.064 3 0.200 2 0.002 3 1 158 59.3 1 173 20.6 1 177 12.3 99 80 1 661 1 110 1.50 0.080 3 0.001 8 2.221 6 0.050 7 0.199 7 0.001 9 1 203 40.6 1 188 16.0 1 174 10.1 98 81 878 917 0.96 0.165 2 0.003 4 11.986 4 0.235 9 0.523 0 0.004 5 2 510 34.3 2 603 18.5 2 712 19.1 95 82 2 377 1 128 2.11 0.164 4 0.003 2 10.836 7 0.206 8 0.475 2 0.003 9 2 502 65.9 2 509 17.8 2 506 16.9 99 83 532 1 344 0.40 0.068 9 0.001 6 1.615 9 0.036 6 0.169 2 0.001 4 898 48.2 976 14.2 1 008 7.7 96 84 268 241 1.11 0.268 1 0.004 9 24.731 0 0.453 6 0.666 1 0.006 2 3 295 29.0 3 298 18.0 3 291 24.0 99 85 1 008 1 665 0.61 0.107 2 0.001 9 4.988 6 0.111 3 0.334 6 0.004 0 1 754 31.9 1 817 18.9 1 861 19.5 97 86 788 1 046 0.75 0.069 7 0.001 8 1.773 7 0.044 6 0.183 9 0.001 4 920 52.6 1 036 16.4 1 088 7.8 95 87 847 1 030 0.82 0.076 3 0.001 7 1.877 5 0.042 3 0.177 7 0.001 5 1 102 44.4 1 073 15.0 1 055 8.4 98 88 405 1 513 0.27 0.058 3 0.001 6 0.565 4 0.015 0 0.070 3 0.000 7 539 59.3 455 9.7 438 3.9 96 89 783 1 064 0.74 0.072 1 0.001 7 1.790 5 0.042 5 0.179 5 0.001 5 991 48.2 1 042 15.5 1 064 8.1 97 90 171 552 0.31 0.071 7 0.002 2 1.803 3 0.055 4 0.182 3 0.001 9 977 58.3 1 047 20.1 1 079 10.2 96 91 502 1 208 0.42 0.159 0 0.003 0 9.002 0 0.176 2 0.408 9 0.003 6 2 456 31.8 2 338 18.0 2 210 16.4 94 92 1 331 761 1.75 0.072 1 0.001 9 1.701 4 0.044 9 0.170 9 0.001 7 989 55.1 1 009 16.9 1 017 9.3 99 93 689 880 0.78 0.085 1 0.001 8 2.624 2 0.058 1 0.222 3 0.002 0 1 320 42.4 1 307 16.3 1 294 10.6 98 94 648 1 180 0.55 0.054 9 0.001 8 0.541 5 0.016 7 0.071 4 0.000 7 409 67.6 439 11.0 445 4.2 98 95 2 472 2 599 0.95 0.075 9 0.001 4 1.926 3 0.036 8 0.182 6 0.001 7 1 094 36.0 1 090 12.8 1 081 9.1 99 96 1 135 698 1.63 0.075 0 0.002 6 1.849 8 0.059 3 0.178 9 0.001 8 1 133 73.1 1 063 21.2 1 061 9.8 99 97 3 296 1 754 1.88 0.100 6 0.002 0 4.307 7 0.084 0 0.307 7 0.002 1 1 635 37.0 1 695 16.1 1 730 10.4 97 98 1 076 1 841 0.58 0.075 7 0.001 8 1.892 7 0.044 1 0.179 4 0.001 5 1 088 52.3 1 079 15.5 1 064 8.4 98 99 419 1 253 0.33 0.081 6 0.002 3 2.074 4 0.056 0 0.182 6 0.001 6 1 235 49.8 1 140 18.5 1 081 8.5 94 100 396 103 3.85 0.082 2 0.004 8 1.934 6 0.105 6 0.173 8 0.003 0 1 251 114 1 093 36.6 1 033 16.2 94 101 305 760 0.40 0.059 3 0.002 3 0.563 1 0.021 5 0.068 3 0.000 7 576 80.5 454 14.0 426 4.4 93 102 1 103 1 876 0.59 0.072 2 0.001 7 1.445 0 0.033 5 0.143 7 0.001 4 992 46.3 908 13.9 866 7.9 95 103 968 322 3.00 0.072 8 0.003 0 1.583 5 0.065 9 0.156 7 0.001 9 1 009 89.8 964 25.9 938 10.6 97 104 830 876 0.95 0.107 9 0.002 2 4.582 5 0.091 9 0.305 5 0.002 5 1 765 41.7 1 746 16.7 1 718 12.5 98 105 379 648 0.58 0.163 3 0.003 1 10.382 8 0.193 6 0.457 2 0.003 6 2 490 31.8 2 470 17.4 2 427 16.0 98 106 501 129 3.88 0.077 7 0.004 7 0.958 1 0.051 5 0.093 4 0.001 9 1 139 120 682 26.7 576 11.1 83 107 489 473 1.03 0.058 5 0.003 1 0.561 0 0.029 0 0.069 7 0.000 9 546 115 452 18.8 435 5.4 96 108 804 466 1.73 0.161 9 0.003 6 10.156 1 0.224 1 0.452 1 0.004 1 2 476 37 2 449 20.5 2 405 18.4 98 表 4 上兰组碎屑岩与不同构造背景砂岩的稀土元素特征值比较
Table 4. Comparison of the detrital rocks of Shanglan Formation with the rare earth element characteristics of sandstones under various tectonic settings
构造背景 源区类型 La(10-6) Ce(10-6) ∑REE La/Yb (La/Yb)N ∑LREE/∑HREE δEu 大洋岛弧 未切割的岩浆弧 8±1.7 19±3.7 58±10 4.2±1.3 2.8±0.9 3.8±0.9 1.04±0.11 大陆岛弧 切割的岩浆弧 27±4.5 59±8.2 146±20 11±3.6 7.5±2.5 7.7±1.7 0.79±0.13 安第斯型大陆边缘 上隆的基底 37 78 186 12.5 8.5 9.1 0.60 被动大陆边缘 克拉通内部高地 39 85 210 15.9 10.8 8.5 0.56 本次研究 35.08 67.58 164.14 12.77 9.16 8.45 0.65 注:据Bhatia(1985)修改. 表 5 上兰组碎屑岩与不同构造背景砂岩的微量元素特征值比较
Table 5. Comparison of the detrital rocks of Shanglan Formation with the trace element characteristics of sandstones under various tectonic settings
构造背景 大洋岛弧 大陆岛弧 活动大陆边缘 被动大陆边缘 本次研究 Th(10-6) 2.27±0.7 11.11±1.1 18.8±3.0 16.7±3.5 16.73 U(10-6) 1.09±0.21 2.53±0.24 3.90±0.5 3.2±0.8 3.008 Hf(10-6) 2.1±0.6 6.3±2.0 6.8 10.1 6.056 Rb/Sr 0.05±0.05 0.65±0.33 0.89±0.24 1.19±0.4 0.763 Th/U 2.1±0.78 4.6±0.45 4.8±0.38 5.6±0.7 5.05 La/Y 0.48±0.12 1.02±0.07 1.33±0.09 1.31±0.26 1.332 La/Sc 0.55±0.22 1.82±0.3 4.55±0.8 6.25±1.35 2.778 Th/Sc 0.15±0.08 0.85±0.13 2.59±0.5 3.06±0.8 1.363 注:据Bhatia and Crook(1986)修改. -
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