The Caledonian Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution Process in Eastern Qinling Orogenic Belt
摘要: 前人基于北秦岭带广泛分布的与加里东期俯冲-碰撞相关的火山-岩浆-变质事件,认为秦岭加里东期造山运动仅仅局限于北秦岭带,中-南秦岭带由于"软碰撞"表现为泥盆系与下伏地层为连续或平行不整合接触关系,不存在加里东造山作用响应.通过对东秦岭地区中-南秦岭带出露的22条泥盆系与下伏地层接触关系剖面进行变形差异和间断缺失特征研究,且对不整合面之间"志留系红层"进行SHRIMP U-Pb年代学和沉积环境研究,结果显示东秦岭地区泥盆系与下伏褶皱基底地层(Pt3-S1)整体上呈区域性角度不整合接触(局部微角度不整合),不整合面之间缺失地层南北存在明显差异,上下地层存在明显不同构造变形特征.而旬阳县关防-公馆一线不整合面之间"志留系红层"时代为中-晚志留世(S2-3,<435 Ma),其为东秦岭加里东期造山运动形成的前陆盆地在南秦岭地区前缘沉积的响应.基于上述事实,证实不仅北秦岭受加里东期造山运动影响且中-南秦岭带也发生强烈褶皱造山作用,从而为更深入地探讨东秦岭加里东期造山及沉积响应演化过程提供依据.Abstract: As the volcanic-magmatic-metamorphic events related to the Caledonian subduction-collision are widely distributed in northern Qinling orogenic belt, Caledonian orogeny was believed to be limited there, and there is no response to Caledonian orogeny in southern-central Qinling orogenic belt, owing to the continuous/parallel unconformable "soft collision" between the Devonian and underlying strata. In this paper, deformation differences and discontinuous loss features of contact relationship between the Devonian and underlying strata of 22 outcrop sections in southern-central Qinling orogenic belt are investegated. In addition, the SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology and sedimentary environment on the "Silurian red strata" in unconformities are analyzed. It is indicated that the contact relationship between the Devonian and underlying folded basement strata (Pt3-S1) is a regional angular unconformity (regional micro-angular unconformity) in general, and the stratigraphic hiatus shows pronounced differences from north to south in eastern Qinling orogenic belt. What's more, different tectonic deformation features are presented in upper and lower strata. It is believed that the age of "Silurian red strata" in unconformities is the Middle-Later Silurian (S2-3, < 435 Ma) along Guanfang-Gongguan in Xunyang County. It should be front sedimentary response with the foreland basin formed by eastern Qinling Caledonian orogeny. It is confirmed that Caledonian orogeny induced strong folding orogeny in all Qinling orogenic belt, which will help us to get a better understanding for Caledonian orogenic-sedimentary evolution process in eastern Qinling mountains.
图 1 东秦岭造山带地质简图(a)和加里东角度不整合接触关系分布(b)
1.秦岭群;2.宽坪群;3.陶湾群;4.二郎坪群;5.丹凤群;6.郧西群和耀岭河;7.震旦系陡山沱和灯影组;8.寒武系-奥陶系;9.志留系;10.下泥盆统(西岔河组和公馆组等);11.中泥盆统(南秦岭带石灰沟组、大枫沟组和古道岭组等);12.中上泥盆统(中秦岭带牛耳川组、池沟组和青石垭组等);13.上泥盆统(中秦岭带刘岭群桐峪寺组和北部泥盆系;南秦岭星红铺组和南羊山组等);14.武关岩群;15.石炭系;16.二叠系;17.三叠系;18.白垩系-古近系;19.新元古代岩浆岩;20.早古生代岩浆岩;21.三叠纪-侏罗纪岩浆岩;22.侏罗纪-白垩纪岩浆岩;23.超基性岩;24.基性岩;25.角度不整合;26.断层;27.缝合带;28.不整合剖面.不整合剖面位置:A.双河镇潘家西北; B.旬阳县双河镇穿洞沟; C.旬阳县庙坪镇核桃园; D.关防镇朝阳沟; E.郧西县上津镇磨沟口; F.山阳县南宽坪镇银厂乡小东沟; G.山阳县莲花池乡蔡家台子; H.山阳县法官乡柳树沟; I.山阳县长沟镇峡凹口村; J.山阳县银花镇烟家沟; K.山阳县银花镇梅子沟; L.山阳县十里铺镇东龙头沟; M.山阳县十里铺镇老沟; N.柞水县石瓮子镇北龙洞沟; O.柞水县石瓮子镇东甘沟; P.柞水县石瓮子镇古道岭村; Q.镇安县云镇峡口腊台沟; R.宁陕县沙坪公社冷水沟小母猪沟; S.镇安县青铜关镇北磨石沟口; T.旬阳县公馆镇龙王滩; U.旬阳县公馆镇北; V.旬阳县桐木街大红岩; 图据张二朋等(1993)和任纪舜等(1999)修改
Fig. 1. Geological map of the eastern Qinling orogenic belt (a) and distribution of the Caledonian unconformity contact relationship (b)
图 2 南秦岭镇安-板岩断裂以南地区下泥盆统西岔河组(D1x)与下志留统梅子垭组(S1m)呈角度不整合接触剖面A、E和F
剖面位置对应图 1b剖面A、E和F;1.志留系梅子垭组片岩;2.泥盆系底部砾岩;3.砂砾岩;4.钙质粉砂岩;5.砂岩;6.粉砂质钙质泥岩;7.石英砂岩;8.灰岩;9.劈理;10.志留系梅子垭组(S1m);11.泥盆系(D)
Fig. 2. The angular unconformity profiles A, E and F of the Devonian Xichahe Formation and underlying Early Silurian Meiziya Formation in the south of Zhen'an-Banyan fault, southern Qinling orogenic belt
图 3 南秦岭镇安-板岩断裂以南地区下泥盆统西岔河组(D1x)与下志留统梅子垭组(S1m)呈角度不整合接触剖面G、H和I
剖面位置对应图 1b剖面G、H和I;1.志留系梅子垭组片岩;2.泥盆系底部砾岩;3.砂砾岩;4.钙质粉砂岩;5.砂岩;6.粉砂质钙质泥岩;7.石英砂岩;8.灰岩;9.劈理;10.志留系梅子垭组(S1m);11.泥盆系(D)
Fig. 3. The angular unconformity profiles G, H and I of the Devonian Xichahe Formation and underlying Early Silurian Meiziya Formation in the south of Zhen'an-Banyan fault, southern Qinling orogenic belt
图 4 南秦岭镇安-板岩断裂以南地区下泥盆统公馆组(D1g)与下志留统梅子垭组(S1m)呈角度不整合接触剖面S和V
剖面位置对应图 1b剖面S和V;1.志留系梅子垭组片岩;2.泥盆系底部砾岩;3.砂砾岩;4.钙质粉砂岩;5.砂岩;6.粉砂质钙质泥岩;7.石英砂岩;8.灰岩;9.劈理;10.志留系梅子垭组(S1m);11.泥盆系(D)
Fig. 4. The angular unconformity profiles S and V of the Devonian Gongguan Formation and underlying Early Silurian Meiziya Formation in the south of Zhen'an-Banyan fault, southern Qinling orogenic belt
图 5 郧西县关防镇朝阳沟“志留系红层”野外接触关系剖面图及地质特征
剖面位置见图 1b剖面D;照片a为下志留统梅子垭组顶部砾岩,砾岩层透入性轴面劈理(S1)发育;照片b为“志留系红层”;照片c为“志留系红层”顶部层位砾岩夹层;1.砾岩;2.砂砾岩或含砾砂岩;3.砂岩;4.钙质粉砂岩;5.志留系红层凝灰质钙质泥岩;6.钙质粉砂质泥岩;7.公馆组灰岩;8.不整合接触关系;9.下志留统梅子垭组;10.“志留系红层”;11.泥盆系西岔河组
Fig. 5. The geological characteristics and contact relationship of sections of the Silurian red strata in Guanfang Town, Yunxi County
图 6 南秦岭镇安-板岩断裂以南地区下泥盆统西岔河组(D1x)与“志留系红层(S2+3s)”角度不整合接触剖面
剖面位置对应图 1b,剖面B、C和U;1.泥盆系底部砾岩;2.砂砾岩;3.钙质粉砂岩;4.砂岩;5.粉砂质钙质泥岩;6.石英砂岩;7.灰岩;8.劈理;9.志留系红层(S2+3s);10.泥盆系(D)
Fig. 6. The angular unconformity profile of the Devonian Xichahe Formation and underlying Silurian red strata in the south of Zhen'an-Banyan fault, southern Qinling orogenic belt
图 7 小磨岭地区泥盆系与下伏基底震旦系-寒武系角度不整合接触剖面
剖面位置见图 1b,剖面N、O、P和R;1.泥盆系灰质底砾岩;2.砾岩;3.砂砾岩;4.钙质粉砂岩和粉砂质泥岩;5.砂岩;6.石英砂岩;7.灰岩;8.劈理;9.寒武系-奥陶系;10.泥盆系
Fig. 7. The angular unconformity profiles of the Devonian and underlying Sinian-Cambrian strata in the Xiaomoling area
图 8 东江口-小磨岭-陡岭古隆起地区泥盆系与下伏基底震旦-寒武系角度不整合接触剖面图
剖面位置对应图 1b,剖面J和M;图例:1.耀岭河群熔结凝灰岩;2.侵位耀岭河群花岗质脉;3.侵位耀岭河群花岗质岩脉;4.泥盆系底部砾岩;5.砂砾岩;6.钙质粉砂岩;7.砂岩;8.粉砂质钙质泥岩;9.石英砂岩;10.灰岩;11.劈理;12.震旦系;13.寒武系-奥陶系;14.泥盆系
Fig. 8. The angular unconformity profiles of the Devonian and underlying Sinian-Cambrian strata in the Dongjiangkou-Xiaomoling-Douling area
图 9 东秦岭加里东不整合面沉积序列及地层对比柱状图
a.太白县北油坊沟地区;b.山阳县十里铺老沟剖面(N:33°29′27.4″,E:109°58′39.3″,H:926 m);c.柞水县石翁子镇北龙洞沟剖面(GPS: N:33°34.842′,E:109°09.981′,H:731 m);d.山阳县法官乡柳树沟剖面(N:33°21′00.4″,E:110°02′54.1″,H:736 m);e.旬阳县小河口镇龙王滩剖面(GPS:N:33°08′50.8″,E:109°13′11.9″,H:471 m);f.旬阳县两河口镇潘家竹桶沟剖面(GPS:N:33°03′42.4″,E:109°35′13.1″,H:393m);g.郧西县朝阳沟剖面(N:33°06′57.1″,E:109°44′59.4″,H:484 m); h.旬阳双河镇蜀小路剖面(N33°04′17.1″,E109°33′48.8″,H:406 m)
Fig. 9. The stratigraphic correlation column and sedimentary sequence of the Caledonian unconformity in eastern Qinling orogenic belt
图 10 东秦岭地区泥盆系与下伏基底地层构造差异性产状要素
Fig. 10. The structural difference factors between the Devonian and underlying basement strata in eastern Qinling orogenic belt
图 12 南秦岭“志留系红层”凝灰质碎屑岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年谐和图、年龄频谱图和锆石CL图像(a和b)和镜下特征(c~f)
a.“志留系红层”锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年谐和图、年龄频谱图和锆石CL图像;b.区域上各个块体锆石年龄频谱图;SQB.南秦岭;NQB.北秦岭;SCC.华南板块;NCC.华北板块;c.灰绿色凝灰质千枚岩(1030-5),正交,5×20;d.紫红色凝灰质粉砂质千枚岩(1031-2),正交,5×10;e.紫红色凝灰质粉砂质千枚岩(1031-16),正交,5×10;f.紫红色凝灰质粉砂质千枚岩(1112-4),正交,5×10
Fig. 12. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating concordia, age spectrum, CL image (a and b) and microscopic structure (c-f) of the tuffaceous clastic rock in the Silurian red strata, southern Qinling orogenic belt
图 13 东秦岭晚古生代沉积盆地沉积-构造演化过程
SCB.扬子板块(华南板块);NCB.中-朝板块(华北板块);NQT.北秦岭带;1.北秦岭带新元古代早期岩浆岩(1 000~900 Ma, 牛角山);2.南秦岭带新元古代中期岩浆岩(700~850 Ma, 小磨岭-板板山-陡岭);3.北秦岭早古生代岛弧基性岩浆岩(534~442 Ma);4.南秦岭带早古生代晚期辉绿岩墙群(439~431 Ma, 大巴山);5.北秦岭早古生代岛弧花岗质岩浆岩;7.蛇绿混杂岩;8.走滑挤压性质断裂;9.逆冲断裂;10.褶皱造山作用
Fig. 13. Sedimentary-tectonic evolution process of the Late Paleozoic sedimentary basin, eastern Qinling orogenic belt
表 1 东秦岭“志留系红层”凝灰质碎屑岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年数据
Table 1. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb data of the tuffaceous clastic rock in the Silurian red strata, southern Qinling orogenic belt
Spot U
238U±% 207Pb*/
235U±% 207Pb*/
206Pb*±% 206Pb/238U
年龄(Ma)± 207Pb/206Pb
年龄(Ma)± 208Pb/232Th
年龄(Ma)± 1031-2(凝灰质粉砂质千枚岩,N:33°04′46.9″、E:109°36′01.0″、H:724 m) 1.1 76 77 1.05 4.8 0.00 0.073 1 2.5 0.614 10 0.060 9 10 455 11 635 220 500 28 2.1 202 105 0.54 28.8 0.12 0.165 7 1.3 1.628 1.8 0.071 25 1.2 988 12 965 25 971 19 3.1 103 112 1.12 8.8 2.43 0.097 1 1.4 0.652 11 0.048 7 11 597.7 7.8 132 270 545 34 4.1 412 159 0.40 118.5 0.17 0.334 3 0.47 5.695 0.80 0.123 56 0.65 1 859.3 7.6 2 008 12 1 616 24 5.1 45 18 0.41 6.0 1.05 0.155 0 1.7 1.49 7.0 0.070 0 6.7 929 15 927 140 823 68 6.1 187 100 0.55 8.8 1.55 0.053 8 2.7 0.317 10 0.042 8 10 337.6 9.0 -180 250 317 24 7.1 301 240 0.83 17.2 0.78 0.065 89 0.72 0.470 4.5 0.051 7 4.4 411.3 2.9 274 100 398 11 8.1 76 102 1.40 10.8 5.65 0.156 7 1.5 1.64 11 0.075 8 11 938 13 1 088 220 945 60 9.1 332 233 0.73 20.7 1.05 0.071 88 0.79 0.549 4.9 0.055 4 4.8 447.5 3.4 430 110 446 14 10.1 479 244 0.53 46.2 2.27 0.109 68 0.69 0.932 4.2 0.061 6 4.2 670.9 4.4 661 90 646 32 11.1 187 272 1.50 41.3 0.30 0.256 4 0.77 3.230 1.7 0.091 4 1.5 1 471 10 1 454 29 1 509 17 12.1 259 130 0.52 29.9 0.10 0.134 37 0.74 1.247 1.8 0.067 3 1.7 812.8 5.7 847 35 805 14 1030-5(凝灰质千枚岩,N:33°00′50.5″、E:109°33′10.7″、H:456 m) 1.1 207 143 0.71 12.5 0.36 0.069 94 10 0.546 3.8 0.056 6 3.7 435.8 4.2 476 82 433 12 2.1 93 97 1.08 11.7 0.15 0.146 5 1.2 1.375 4.0 0.068 1 3.8 881 10 871 79 877 20 3.1 830 489 0.61 51.4 0.25 0.071 88 0.50 0.560 5 1.8 0.056 56 1.7 447.5 2.2 474 37 441.2 5.9 4.1 480 90 0.19 62.9 1.06 0.150 84 0.63 2.204 1.7 0.106 0 1.6 905.7 5.3 1 731 29 939 69 5.1 145 127 0.91 16.2 0.52 0.129 3 1.0 1.116 3.7 0.062 6 3.5 783.8 7.6 695 75 782 37 6.1 97 100 1.06 11.4 0.71 0.135 9 1.9 1.218 4.9 0.065 0 4.5 821 14 775 95 840 27 7.1 179 117 0.68 60.4 0.31 0.392 5 0.76 6.740 1.3 0.124 6 1.1 2 134 14 2 022 19 2 111 36 8.1 104 127 1.27 24.9 0.48 0.277 9 1.9 3.95 2.7 0.103 2 1.9 1 581 27 1 683 36 1 381 130 1112-4(凝灰质粉砂质千枚岩,N:33°05′55.7″、E:109°41′11.0″、H:855 m) 1.1 216 114 0.55 55.4 0.44 0.297 2 0.69 4.921 1.5 0.120 1 1.4 1 677 10 1 958 24 1 556 37 2.1 67 21 0.33 7.0 2.11 0.119 0 3.4 1.004 9.7 0.061 2 9.1 725 23 645 200 652 100 3.1 264 161 0.63 31.3 0.40 0.137 3 1.1 1.229 2.7 0.064 9 2.4 829.4 8.9 772 51 816 20 4.1 38 63 1.70 4.7 4.00 0.136 6 2.3 1.11 17 0.058 7 17 825 18 556 370 791 48 1031-16(凝灰质粉砂质千枚岩,N:33°05′14.4″、E:109°38′07.6″、H:608 m) 1.1 109 81 0.76 14.9 0.71 0.157 3 1.1 1.467 3.4 0.067 6 3.2 941.9 9.6 857 67 912 25 2.1 314 220 0.72 31.3 0.09 0.116 25 0.70 1.033 1.8 0.064 5 1.7 709.0 4.7 757 35 707 11 注:206Pbc(%)指普通铅中的206Pb占全铅206Pb的百分数;应用实测204Pb校正普通铅;表中所有误差为1σ.所有数据在中国地质科学院地质研究所北京离子探针中心“虚拟网络实验室实验室”测定. -
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