Zircon U-Pb Chronology, Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Neoarchean High-Mg Andesites and Magnesian Diorites in Qinglong-Shuangshanzi Area, Eastern Hebei
摘要: 冀东地区位于华北克拉通北缘,学术界对该地区新太古代岩浆作用的成因模式及构造背景一直存在争议,因此对冀东青龙-双山子地区的新太古代变质表壳岩及侵入岩进行了系统的同位素年代学及岩石地球化学研究.锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学结果显示变安山岩的形成时代为2 576 Ma,辉长闪长岩-英云闪长岩-石英闪长岩的侵入时代为2 484~2 535 Ma.岩石地球化学特征显示,较早期的变安山岩部分属高镁安山岩类,源自俯冲板片脱水流体交代地幔楔的部分熔融;而稍晚的侵入岩类为具有埃达克质岩石特征的镁闪长岩类,源区具有熔体交代地幔楔部分熔融的特征;整体构成高镁安山岩-埃达克质镁闪长岩组合.结合区域上的同位素年代学及地球化学报道,冀东青龙-双山子地区新太古代应处于活动大陆边缘构造背景.Abstract: Eastern Hebei Province is located in the northern margin of the North China Craton, but magmatic genesis and tectonic setting of Neoarchean igneous rocks in the area still remain controversial. Systematic geochronologic and geochemical study of Neoarchean supracrustal and intrusive rocks in Qinglong-Shuangshanzi area, eastern Hebei are presented in this paper. Zircon LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic dating reveals that the meta-andesite erupted at 2 576 Ma, and the intrusive rocks (gabbro-diorites, tonalites and quartz diorites) emplaced in a range of 2 484 Ma to 2 535 Ma. Part of the early-formed meta-andesites shows high-Mg andesite geochemical characteristics, which indicates these rocks were generated from partial melting of mantle wedge peridotite metasomatised by fluids from dehydration of the subducted slab. The magnesian diorites show adakite characteristics, which suggests they have source characteristics of partial melting of mantle wedge peridotite metasomatised by felsic melts of the subducted slab. Both of the high-Mg meta-andesites and adakite like magnesian diorites belong to a suite of island arc assemblages. Combining previous regional studies, it is concluded that Qinglong-Shuangshanzi area was under a tectonic setting of active continental margin during Neoarchean era.
Key words:
- eastern Hebei /
- high-Mg andesites /
- adakite like rocks /
- magnesian diorites /
- zircon U-Pb chronology /
- geochemistry
图 1 大地构造简图及区域地质简图
图 1a为大地构造单元划分简图,修改自Zhao et al.(2012);图 1b为遵化-青龙新太古代表壳岩及侵入岩分布,修改自Bai et al.(2016)、Lu et al.(2017)及Yang and Wei(2017);文献采样点郭荣荣等(2014)、Bai et al.(2016)及Guo et al.(2017)
Fig. 1. Tectonic and regional geological sketch
图 7 岩浆岩TAS分类图解(a)及SiO2-FeOT/MgO图解(b)
Fig. 7. TAS rock classification diagram (a) and SiO2-FeOT/MgO diagram (b)
图 9 MgO-SiO2判别图解(a)和(La/Yb)N-K2O图解(b)
图a底图据邓晋福等(2010),区域对比数据郭荣荣等(2014)、Guo et al.(2015)及Bai et al.(2016);图b底图据Martin et al.(2009),区域对比数据郭荣荣等(2014),Guo et al.(2015)及Bai et al.(2016)
Fig. 9. MgO vs. SiO2 diagram (a) and (La/Yb)N vs. K2O diagram (b)
图 10 (La/Yb)N-YbN图解(a)及S/Y-Y图解(b)
图b据Martin(1999);区域对比数据郭荣荣等(2014),Guo et al.(2015)及Bai et al.(2016)
Fig. 10. (La/Yb)N vs. YbN (a) and S/Y vs. Y (b) diagrams
图 11 Nb/Y-La/Yb图解(a)及Sr/Y-Mg/(Mg+Fe)图解(b)
图a据Martin et al.(2009);区域对比数据郭荣荣等(2014),Guo et al.(2015)及Bai et al.(2016)
Fig. 11. Nb/Y vs. La/Yb (a) and Sr/Y vs. Mg/(Mg+Fe) (b) diagrams
表 1 样品基本信息
Table 1. General information of samples
采样单元 岩性 采样坐标 样品序号 测试手段 双山子群鲁杖子组 变质安山岩 N40°19′49.05″;E119°08′39.92″ 14JD20-1 锆石U-Pb定年/地球化学 变质安山岩 N40°19′49.05″;E119°08′39.92″ 14JD20-2 地球化学 变质玄武岩 N40°19′49.05″;E119°08′39.92″ 14JD20-4 地球化学 石英闪长玢岩 N40°20′04.61″;E119°08′35.99″ 14JD21-1 地球化学 石英闪长玢岩 N40°20′04.61″;E119°08′35.99″ 14JD21-3 地球化学 朱杖子群褚杖子组 斜长角闪变粒岩 N40°29′26.28″;E119°14′17.56″ 14JD28 地球化学 变质侵入岩 变质中细粒英云闪长岩 N40°20′20.54″;E119°10′07.07″ 14JD16-1 锆石U-Pb定年/地球化学 变质中细粒石英闪长岩 N40°21′39.16″;E119°09′28.48″ 14JD17-1 锆石U-Pb定年/地球化学 变质细粒辉长闪长岩 N40°20′31.80″;E119°08′45.20″ 14JD18-1 地球化学 变质细粒辉长闪长岩 N40°20′31.80″;E119°08′45.20″ 14JD18-2 地球化学 变质细粒石英闪长岩 N40°19′38.18″;E119°07′29.44″ 14JD23-1 锆石U-Pb定年/地球化学 变质细粒石英闪长岩 N40°19′38.18″;E119°07′29.44″ 14JD23-2 地球化学 变质石英闪长玢岩 N40°17′35.73″;E119°06′12.49″ 14JD25-1 地球化学 -
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