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    张再天 孙亚东 赖旭龙

    张再天, 孙亚东, 赖旭龙, 2018. 西南地区晚三叠世卡尼期牙形石研究进展. 地球科学, 43(11): 3955-3975. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.248
    引用本文: 张再天, 孙亚东, 赖旭龙, 2018. 西南地区晚三叠世卡尼期牙形石研究进展. 地球科学, 43(11): 3955-3975. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.248
    Zhang Zaitian, Sun Yadong, Lai Xulong, 2018. Progresses on Carnian (Late Triassic) Conodont Study in Southwest China. Earth Science, 43(11): 3955-3975. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.248
    Citation: Zhang Zaitian, Sun Yadong, Lai Xulong, 2018. Progresses on Carnian (Late Triassic) Conodont Study in Southwest China. Earth Science, 43(11): 3955-3975. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.248


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.248

    国家自然科学基金项目 41830320

    国家自然科学基金项目 41572002

    国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFA0601100

    国家自然科学基金项目 41602026

    "111"引智计划项目 B08030


      张再天(1985-), 男, 博士, 主要从事中、晚三叠世牙形石生物地层学和事件地层学研究

    • 中图分类号: P52;P534

    Progresses on Carnian (Late Triassic) Conodont Study in Southwest China

    • 摘要: 我国西南地区海相中-上三叠统沉积记录良好,但晚三叠世卡尼期牙形石生物地层划分和对比研究较为薄弱.通过对云南省罗平县和贵州省贞丰县、关岭县等地4条剖面的杨柳井组、竹杆坡组以及瓦窑组进行高精度的牙形石采样,以及牙形石生物地层学和系统分类学研究,共描述牙形石3属23种.结合前人研究材料,由下至上共建立了8个牙形石带,分别为:Paragondolella foliata带,Quadralella polygnathiformis带,Quadralella tadpole带,Quadralella praelindae带,Quadralella aff.auriformis带,Quadralella robusta带,Quadralella noah带和Quadralella ex gr.carpathica带.以此为基础,对西南地区卡尼期地层进行区域内和跨大区的对比和划分研究以及对牙形石分子演化规律进行探讨.


    • 图  1  研究剖面地理交通

      Fig.  1.  The location of studied sections

      图  2  西南地区卡尼期牙形石生物地层划分及对比

      Fig.  2.  The subdivision and correlation of Carnian conodont biostratigraphy in Southwest China

      图  3  西南地区拉丁期-卡尼期牙形石图版

      图序中的a为口视, b为侧视, c为反口视;样品编号中CZ代表菜籽塘剖面,NR代表踊跃剖面,WL代表卧龙岗剖面.1a~1c.Quadralella wayaoensis(王红梅, 2000)WL-2 001;2a~2c.Paragondolella inclinata(Kovács, 1983)CZ-40 021; 3a~3c.Quadralella uniformis(孙作玉, 2006)CZ-31 039;4a~4c.Paragondolella inclinata(Kovács, 1983)CZ-40 123; 5a~5c.Quadralella cf. langdaiensis(杨守仁等, 2002)NR-92 064; 6a~6c.Gladigondolella malayensis (Nogami, 1968) NR-51 109; 7a~7c.Quadralella shijiangjunensis(孙作玉, 2006)NR-95 085; 8a~8c.Quadralella jiangyouensis(王志浩和戴进业, 1981)CZ-40 004; 9a~9c.Quadralella jiangyouensis(王志浩和戴进业, 1981)CZ-40 129; 10a~10c.Gladigondolella malayensis (Nogami, 1968) NR-66 069; 11a~11c.Quadralella uniformis(孙作玉, 2006)NR-66 050; 12a~12c.Quadralella maantangensis(田传荣等, 1983)NR-72 127; 13a~13c.Quadralella maantangensis(田传荣等, 1983)WL-7.500 1

      Fig.  3.  SEM photos of conodonts from the Ladinian-Carnian strata of Southwest China

      图  4  西南地区拉丁期-卡尼期牙形石图版

      图序中的a为口视, b为侧视, c为反口视;样品编号中CZ代表菜籽塘剖面,NR代表踊跃剖面,TS代表天硕剖面,WL代表卧龙岗剖面.1a~1c.Quadralella acuminatus(Orchard, 2007a)CZ-42 067; 2a~2b.Quadralella polygnathiformis(Budurov and Stefanov, 1965)WL-4 003; 3a~3c.Quadralella spp. CZ-35 020; 4a~4c.Quadralella spp. TS-33 067; 5a~5c.Quadralella polygnathiformis(Budurov and Stefanov, 1965)NR-93 016; 6a~6c.Quadralella aff. acuminatus(Orchard, 2007a)NR-93 023; 7a~7c.Quadralella yongyueensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2017 NR-67 030; 8a~8c.Quadralella wanlanensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2017 NR-32 157; 9a~9c.Quadralella wanlanensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2017 NR-54 090; 10a~10c.Quadralella jiangyouensis(王志浩和戴进业, 1981)CZ-40 134; 11a~11c.Quadralella aff. zonneveldi(Orchard, 2007a)NR-93 017; 12a~12c.Paragondolella foliata (Budurov, 1975) NR-95 006; 13a~13c.Paragondolella foliata (Budurov, 1975) CZ-42 088; 14a~14c.Quadralella tadpole(Hayashi, 1968)NR-67 012

      Fig.  4.  SEM photos of conodonts from the Ladinian-Carnian strata of Southwest China

      图  5  西南地区拉丁期-卡尼期牙形石图版

      图序中的a为口视, b为侧视, c为反口视;图序编号中CZ代表菜籽塘剖面,NR代表踊跃剖面,TS代表天硕剖面. 1a~1c.Quadralella intermedius(Orchard, 2007a)NR-95 003; 2a~2c.Qudralella aff. polygnathiformis magna(Igo, 1989) CZ-19 075; 3a~3c.Quadralella spp. CZ-19 021; 4a~4c.Quadralella tadpole(Hayashi, 1968) NR-11 130; 5a~5c.Quadralella postica Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a TS-4 032; 6a~6c.Quadralella postica Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a TS-4 033; 7a~7c.Qudralella yongningensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a TS-11 039; 8a~8c.Qudralella yongningensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a TS-11 045; 9a~9c.Quadralella polygnathiformis(Budurov and Stefanov, 1965)CZ-42 173; 10a~10c.Quadralella spp. CZ-42 158; 11a~11c.Quadralella spp. CZ-43 116; 12a~12c.Quadralella aff. auriformis(Kovács, 1977)CZ-31 036; 13a~13c.Quadralella polygnathiformis(Budurov and Stefanov, 1965)CZ-31 049; 14a~14c.Quadralella praelindae(Kozur, 2003)CZ-40 124; 15a~15c.Quadralella robusta Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a CZ-35 016; 16a~16c.Quadralella praelindae(Kozur, 2003)CZ-42 174; 17a~17c.Quadralella praelindae(Kozur, 2003)CZ-42 100; 18a~18c.Quadralella praelindae(Kozur, 2003)CZ-31 026

      Fig.  5.  SEM photos of conodonts from the Ladinian-Carnian strata of Southwest China

      图  6  西南地区拉丁期-卡尼期牙形石图版

      图序中的a为口视, b为侧视, c为反口视;样品编号中CZ代表菜籽塘剖面,NR代表踊跃剖面,TS代表天硕剖面.1a~1c.Quadralella robusta Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a CZ-31 026; 2a~2c.Quadralella robusta Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a NR-7 061; 3a~3c.Quadralella shijiangjunensis(孙作玉, 2006)CZ-36 036; 4a~4c.Quadralella wignalli Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a CZ-36 026; 5a~5c.Quadralella wignalli Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2018a CZ-36 025; 6a~6c.Quadralella yongyueensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2017 CZ-19 022; 7a~7c.Quadralella wanlanensis Zhang, Sun and Lai, 2017 TS-19 068; 8a~8c.Quadralella aff. polygnathiformis magna(Igo, 1989) NR-70 147; 9a~9c.Quadralella aff. polygnathiformis magna(Igo, 1989)NR-72 144; 10a~10c.Quadralella intermedius(Orchard, 2007a)CZ-42 161; 11a~11c.Quadralella aff. zonneveldi(Orchard, 2007a)CZ-42 172; 12a~12c.Quadralella aff. zonneveldi(Orchard, 2007a)CZ-31 087; 13a~13c.Quadralella intermedius(Orchard, 2007a)CZ-31 065; 14a~14c.Quadralella tadpole(Hayashi, 1968)CZ-31 040

      Fig.  6.  SEM photos of conodonts from the Ladinian-Carnian strata of Southwest China

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