Rb-Sr Geochronology, Stable Isotopic Analyses and Geological Significance of the Tianbaoshan Pb-Zn Deposit in Sichuan Province, China
摘要: 四川天宝山铅锌矿床是赋存于震旦系灯影组白云岩中的大型铅锌矿床,一直以来缺乏精确的成矿年龄数据,致使其成矿构造环境存在争议.获取了闪锌矿Rb-Sr年龄,联合H-O、C-O同位素数据,以确定其成矿年代、成矿物质来源及成矿构造环境.闪锌矿Rb-Sr年龄为348.5±7.2 Ma(MSWD=1.10),表明矿床形成于早石炭世.热液矿物δDH2O、δ18O值分别为-19.3‰~-58.1‰、-1.4‰~0.6‰,沿海水与地层有机质反应线分布,并有向雨水线漂移的趋势,说明成矿流体中水是海水与地层有机质反应并加入雨水的混合体.热液方解石δ13C、δ18O值明显分为两群,分别为-1.7‰~-1.6‰、12.9‰~15.2‰和-6.5‰~-4.9‰、19.3‰~20.2‰,暗示成矿流体中C、O可能来源于赋矿围岩溶解作用和有机质脱羧基作用.闪锌矿(87Sr/86Sr)i值为0.710 42 ±0.000 13,高于赋矿围岩Sr同位素值而明显低于基底Sr同位素值,指示成矿物质主要来源于赋矿围岩与基底.结果表明川滇黔地区存在两期铅锌成矿作用,分别形成于晚泥盆世-早石炭世与古特提斯洋张开有关的伸展构造环境和晚三叠世-早侏罗世与古特提斯洋闭合有关的收缩构造环境.Abstract: Tianbaoshan deposit is a large Pb-Zn deposit hosted in the carbonate rocks of the Upper Sinian Dengyin Formation in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou district,China. Due to the lack of accurate age data of the Pb-Zn mineralization,the related regional metallotectonic setting is still controversial. In this study,we used direct Rb-Sr chronometry of sphalerite,and combined H-O and C-O isotopic analyses to constrain the mieralizating age,the possible resources of ore-forming fluids and associated tectonic setting. An effective Rb-Sr sphalerite age of 348.5±7.2 Ma (MSWD=1.10) definitely indicates that the formation of the Tianbaoshan deposit is the Early Carboniferous. The δDH2O and δ18O values of the hydrothermal minerals (-19.3‰—-58.1‰ and 1.4‰-0.6‰,respectively) are plotted in the region of the sea water interacted with organic matter in the crustal water and the drifting to the rainwater line,indicating that the mineralizing hydrothermal fluids are mixed resources derived from interaction between seawater and organic matter of sedimentary rocks,added with meteoric water. The δ13C and δ18O values of hydrothermal calcite are divided into two different groups (-1.7‰—-1.6‰ and 12.9‰-15.2‰,and -6.5‰—-4.9‰ and 19.3‰-20.2‰,respectively),suggesting that C and O compositions of hydrothermal fluids may be derived from the dissolution of host carbonates and decarboxylation of sedimentary organic matters hosted in carbonates. The (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios of sphalerite (0.710 42±0.000 13) are higher than the those of ore-hosting carbonate rocks,whereas distinctly lower than the those of basement rocks,implying that the ore-forming material is mainly derived from the mixture of the host rocks and basement rocks. So this study highlights that there are two independent lead-zinc mineralization events in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou district,in which one occurs in extensional geological environments during the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous related to the opening of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and the other is associated with compressional geological environments from the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic related to the closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,respectively.
图 1 川滇黔地区区域地质简图(a)和主要铅锌矿床分布(b)
Fig. 1. Simplified geologic map of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou district (a) and the distribution of typical Zn-P deposits (b)
图 4 天宝山矿床矿物组构特征
a. I阶段方铅矿闪锌矿组合胶结黄铜矿(Ⅰ)角砾;b. Ⅱ阶段闪锌矿-方铅矿-方解石组合;c. Ⅲ阶段浅色闪锌矿穿插Ⅱ阶段深棕色细粒闪锌矿-深棕色粗粒闪锌矿-方解石;d. Ⅲ阶段方铅矿沿Ⅱ阶段闪锌矿裂隙呈脉状分布;e. Ⅲ阶段方解石胶结Ⅱ阶段闪锌矿角砾、深色白云岩角砾;f. Ⅲ阶段浅色闪锌矿-方解石胶结深色白云岩角砾;g.黄铜矿(Ⅰ)交代黄铁矿(Ⅰ),而被稍晚的方铅矿(Ⅰ)交代;h.方铅矿(Ⅱ)、黄铜矿(Ⅱ)固溶体出溶于闪锌矿(Ⅱ)中;i.方铅矿(Ⅱ)交代闪锌矿(Ⅱ);j.晚阶段方铅矿(Ⅲ)交代早阶段闪锌矿(Ⅱ);k.晚阶段闪锌矿(Ⅱ)-方解石(Ⅱ)交代早阶段黄铁矿(Ⅰ),晚阶段黄铁矿(Ⅲ)沿闪锌矿(Ⅱ)裂隙分布;l.重结晶白云岩(Dol Ⅱ)-闪锌矿(Ⅱ)-方铅矿(Ⅱ)脉沿灯影组白云岩(Ⅰ)裂隙分布.BD.深色白云岩;Cc.方解石;Ccp.黄铜矿;Dol.白云岩;Gn.方铅矿;Sp.闪锌矿
Fig. 4. Field and microscope photograph of different textures from Tianbaoshan Zn-Pb deposit
图 6 天宝山铅锌矿床热液矿物流体包裹体δDV-SMDW和δ18OV-SMDW关系
Fig. 6. δDV-SMDW vs. δ18OV-SMDW of the ore fluids at the Tianbaoshan deposit
图 7 天宝山铅锌矿床热液方解石、深色白云岩及浅色白云岩的δ13C和δ18O关系
Fig. 7. The relation between δ13C and δ18O of the hydrothermal calcite, black dolomite, and light dolomite of the Tianbaoshan deposit
表 1 天宝山铅锌矿床闪锌矿铷锶同位素测试结果
Table 1. Rb-Sr isotope data of sphalerite from the Tianbaoshan deposit
样品编号 样品名 Rb (10-6) Sr (10-6) 87Rb/ 86Sr 87Sr/ 86Sr (1σ) A-1 闪锌矿 0.061 39 1.692 0 0.104 60 0.710 99±0.000 02 A-2 闪锌矿 0.073 12 1.917 0 0.110 00 0.711 06±0.000 03 A-4 闪锌矿 0.466 20 0.985 8 1.365 00 0.717 13±0.000 04 A-5 闪锌矿 0.175 50 0.545 4 0.927 90 0.714 99±0.000 05 A-6 闪锌矿 0.179 20 1.068 0 0.484 00 0.712 87±0.000 03 A-7 闪锌矿 0.061 51 1.349 0 0.131 50 0.711 04±0.000 03 A-10 闪锌矿 0.574 10 1.020 0 1.625 00 0.718 56±0.000 03 表 2 天宝山矿床热液矿物氢氧同位素测试结果
Table 2. The δDH2O and δ18OH2O values of the Tianbaoshan deposit
样品编号 测试矿物 δDH2O(‰) δ18OH2O(‰) 资料来源 B-4 热液方解石 -58.1 -1.4 本文 B-5 热液方解石 -19.3 +0.8 B-6 热液方解石 -27.7 +0.6 -- 闪锌矿 -47.6 -1.7 Zhou et al.(2013a) TBS06 石英 -47.9 -0.5 TBS11 石英 -48.4 +0.1 TBS17-7 石英 -51.2 +3.7 -- 闪锌矿 -47.6 -1.9 王小春(1992) 表 3 天宝山铅锌矿床碳氧同位素测试结果
Table 3. The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of the Tianbaoshan deposit
样品编号 矿物 δ13CPDB(‰) δ18OSMOW(‰) 文献来源 C-6 热液方解石 -1.6 +12.9 本文 C-7 热液方解石 -1.6 +15.2 C-8 热液方解石 -1.7 +15.0 C-9 黑色白云岩 -1.8 +16.6 C-10 浅色白云岩 +1.9 +23.9 TBS03 热液方解石 -6.5 +20.2 Zhou et al.(2013a) TBS07 热液方解石 -5.8 +19.6 TBS09 热液方解石 -4.9 +19.3 -- 闪锌矿流体包裹体中CO2 -6.1 -- 围岩中方解石 +0.02 Wang et al.(2000) 表 4 川滇黔地区MVT铅锌矿床成矿年龄统计
Table 4. Summary of ages for MVT deposits in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou district
矿床名称 控矿构造 测年矿物 方法 年龄(Ma) 参考文献 天宝山 NWW向张性断裂 辉绿岩锆石 SHRIMP U-Pb 早于156 王瑞等(2012) 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 348.2±7.2 本文 大梁子 NWW向张性断裂 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 345.2±3.6 Liu et al.(2018) 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 366.3±7.7 张长青等(2008) 方解石 Sm-Nd 204.4±1.2 吴越(2013) 茂祖 NE向褶皱构造 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 194 鲍淼等(2011) 方解石 Sm-Nd 196±13 Zhou et al.(2013b) 跑马 NWW向褶皱构造 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 200.1±4 蔺志永等(2010) 会泽 NE向断裂构造 粘土矿物 K-Ar 176.5±2.5 张长青等(2005) 方解石 Sm-Nd 225~227 黄智龙等(2004) 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 224.8~226 同源矿物 Rb-Sr 223.5~226 李文博等(2004) 方解石 Sm-Nd 225~228 闪锌矿 Re-Os 252,226,122 韩润生等(2014) 闪锌矿 Re-Os 50~51 毛坪 NE向断裂构造 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 321.7±5.8 沈战武等(2016) 乐红 NW向断裂构造 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 200.9±8.3 张云新等(2014) 天桥 NW向褶皱构造 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 191.9±6.9 Zhou et al.(2013c) 金沙厂 NE向褶皱构造 萤石 Sm-Nd 201.1±6.2 Zhang et al.(2015) 闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 206.8±3.7 Zhou et al.(2015) -
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