Re-Os Isochron Age of Pyrites from Meiling Cu Deposit in the Eastern Tianshan: A Case Study for the Os Isotopic Heterogeneity
摘要: 金属硫化物Re-Os等时线年龄的合理解释是揭示金属矿床成矿时代的关键.通过对新疆东天山梅岭铜矿床开展Re-Os同位素定年研究,结果表明浸染状和脉状矿石中黄铁矿样品在Os浓度和Os同位素比值方面都有很大的变化,这两类样品定义了很好的Re-Os等时线年龄,分别为523±59 Ma和707±99 Ma.由于得到的等时线年龄明显老于它们的实际地质成矿年龄,且187Os/188Os与普通Os的倒数(以1/192Os为例)之间存在着很好的相关性(R2分别为0.997 3和0.994 5),因此这些样品存在着初始Os同位素组成不均一的现象,这些Re-Os等时线是混合等时线,没有地质意义.理论和数学公式推导显示观测到的Re-Os等时相关性是在形成时期没有达到完全的同位素平衡的二元混合的结果,这种同位素扩散不平衡产生的原因主要是在矿床形成时期Os同位素在金属硫化物与硅酸盐矿物之间的同位素扩散存在限制性.回归得到的Os的初始值更偏向于地壳值,表明矿床形成时期的地壳混染可能造成金属硫化物体系中的这种初始Os同位素不均一.因此,将Re-Os同位素体系应用于金属硫化物样品定年时,187Os/188Os与1/192Os之间是否存在相关关系可以作为Re-Os等时线年龄是否具有地质意义的判断标准.Abstract: Interpretations of the Re-Os isochron age of metallic sulfides are crucial to the reconstruction of ore-formation age of metallic deposits. Re-Os dating of pyrites from Meiling Cu deposit in eastern Tianshan, NW China indicates that the disseminated and massive ores show large variations in both Os concentrations and isotopic ratios. Our isotopic data of the two kinds of ores have defined good Re-Os correlations and the isochron ages are 523±59 Ma and 707±99 Ma, respectively. The two isochron ages are both significantly older than the true formation age of the Meiling Cu deposit. Together with the good correlations between 187Os/188Os ratio and the reciprocal of the common Os (i.e., 1/192Os, R2 are 0.997 3 and 0.994 5 for the disseminated and massive ores, respectively), we suggest that the initial Os isotopic compositions of these samples are heterogeneous and the two ages are mixed isochron ages. The mathematical deduction demonstrates that the observed Re-Os isochron correlations are the result of binary mixing without complete isotopic equilibrium at the time of formation, primarily due to limited diffusional exchange of Os isotopes between refractory Os-bearing inclusions and silicate minerals. The initial Os isotopic compositions may approach the value of continental crust. Crustal contamination during the formation of the deposit was responsible for the initial Os isotopic heterogeneity in the metallic sulfide system. It is concluded that whether there is a good Re-Os isochron correlation for samples can be used to constrain the geological meaning of Re-Os isochron ages when the Re-Os isotopic system of metallic sulfides is used to date the formation age of metallic deposit.
Key words:
- metallic sulfide /
- Re-Os isotope /
- initial Os isotope /
- isochron age /
- mixed isochron /
- geochronolgy
图 1 东天山地质概况
Fig. 1. Geological sketch and distribution of the Cu-polymetallic deposits in the eastern Tianshan
图 5 梅岭铜矿床5个浸染状样品等时线图解(a);梅岭铜矿床5个浸染状样品187Os/188Os-1/192Os图解(b); 梅岭铜矿床5个脉状样品等时线图解(c);梅岭铜矿床5个脉状样品187Os/188Os-1/192Os图解(d)
Fig. 5. 187Re/188Os vs.187Os/188Os (a) and inverse of 192Os (b) for pyrite samples from the disseminated ores; 187Re/188Os vs.187Os/188Os (c) and inverse of 192Os (d) for pyrite samples from the vein ores
图 6 Re-Os混合等时线
图据Li et al.(2014).a.k=0,具有不相同187Os/188Os比值的两端元混合过程中Os同位素交换达到了平衡或来自一个Os同位素均一的端元;在这种情况下,获得的等时线为传统意义上的等时线(Ap),初始187Os/188Os线为Ip,等时线年龄(tp)等于岩石形成的真实年龄(t).b.k≠0,具有不相同187Os/188Os比值的两端元混合过程中Os同位素交换没有达到平衡;在这种情况下获得的混合等时线(Ap)和初始混合线(IM)以及真实形成年龄(t).获得的混合等时线的年龄(tp)已经没有地质意义
Fig. 6. Illustration of binary mixing on the Re-Os isochron diagram
图 7 (a) Haynes-Stellite矿床辉钴矿样品等时线图解;(b) Haynes-Stellite矿床辉钴矿样品187Os/188Os与1/192Os图解; (c) Idaho地区4个辉钴矿样品等时线图解;(d) Idaho地区4个辉钴矿样品187Os/188Os与1/192Os图解
Fig. 7. 187Re/188Os vs.187Os/188Os (a) and inverse of 192Os (b) for samples from the Haynes-Stellite deposit; 187Re/188Os vs.187Os/188Os (c) and inverse of 192Os (d) for samples from the Idaho zone
表 1 新疆梅岭铜矿床浸染状矿石黄铁矿Re-Os同位素分析数据
Table 1. Re-Os isotopic data of pyrite samples from the disseminated ores
样品编号 质量(g) Re(10-12) ±2σ(10-12) Os(10-12) ±2σ(10-12) 187Os/188Os ±2σ 187Re/188Os ±2σ 1/192Os TMA(Ma) 16HS0104 0.593 4 2 424 26 15.28 0.16 50.771 1 0.709 5 5 815.45 88.96 1.234 6 520 16HS0107 0.605 2 2 174 116 13.67 0.28 54.922 5 1.540 2 6 244.42 130.37 1.478 2 524 16HS0108 0.605 5 2 718 25 26.53 0.10 8.519 0 0.079 3 1 033.95 10.41 0.194 6 485 16HS0113 0.611 6 3 827 40 23.32 0.10 43.997 2 0.403 9 5 314.68 60.51 0.714 5 493 16HS0115 0.606 0 2 885 29 18.43 0.07 33.558 0 0.298 8 4 043.74 43.77 0.720 5 494 表 2 新疆梅岭铜矿床脉状矿石黄铁矿Re-Os同位素分析数据
Table 2. Re-Os isotopic data of pyrite samples from the vein ores
样品编号 质量(g) Re(10-12) ±2σ(10-12) Os(10-12) ±2σ(10-12) 187Os/188Os ±2σ 187Re/188Os ±2σ 1/192Os TMA(Ma) 16HS0205 0.604 9 3 101 26 19.34 0.10 61.04 0.54 6 911.29 68.82 1.15 526 16HS0205 0.599 3 3 277 26 22.24 0.87 568.31 7.37 53 339.32 2 139.13 8.39 636 16HS0206 0.588 8 2 720 25 20.62 0.68 770.37 5.69 64 493.13 2 214.12 12.23 712 16HS0207 0.578 1 2 867 26 17.90 0.49 151.12 2.58 15 968.23 458.88 2.87 564 16HS0208 0.488 2 5 381 34 34.24 0.09 42.13 0.21 4 905.34 33.30 0.47 511 -
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