Biostratigraphy and Geometric Morphometrics of Conchostracans from the Middle Triassic in Southern Lancangjiang Zone
摘要: 三叠纪火山-沉积岩是南澜沧江带的重要组成部分,长期缺乏可靠的生物地层学研究.首次报道了该地区忙怀组叶肢介化石,包括3个种和1个未定种:Euestheria minuta、Euestheria yipinglangensis、Euestheria dazuensis和Euestheria sp..对保存较好的叶肢介个体进行了8个特征参数的测量,并对叶肢介化石进行了定量和半定量描述.将获得的壳体长度和宽度进行压轴回归(RMA)线性拟合,发现二者具有明显的线性相关性.简单线性测量数据主成分分析和壳体轮廓傅里叶系数主成分分析结果均表明,E.minuta、E. sp.、E.yipinglangensis和E.dazuensis有较大程度的种内变化.结合化石组合和同位素测年结果,认为南澜沧江带忙怀组上部时代已延伸至中三叠世拉丁期.Abstract: The Triassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks are the important components in the geological records of the southern Lancangjiang zone.However, little is known about the biostratigraphic correlation in this area.In this study, three species and one indeterminate species in one genera of conchostracans were recognized for the first time from the Manghuai Formation of the study area, including Euestheria minuta, Euestheria yipinglangensis, Euestheria dazuensis and Euestheria sp..For the purpose of the comparison, quantitative and semi-quantitative descriptions of the specimens, we took eight standard linear measurements from each well-preserved specimen.A reduced major axis (RMA) regression line has been fitted to the scatter of carapace length versus carapace height, showing a significant linear correlation between them.In addition, the principal component analysis of the linear measurements and fourier coefficients for the outlines of the conchostracan specimens indicates a great deal of intraspecific variations among these four species.Finally, it is suggested that the upper part of the Manghuai Formation in the southern Lancangjiang zone is the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) depositions according to the fossils assemblage and isotopic dating evidences.
图 1 南澜沧江带区域地质简图
图a为南澜沧江带三叠纪岩浆岩分布,据Wang et al.(2010)修改;图b为研究区地质简图及剖面位置;图c为陶家村剖面柱状图.图a中231±5 Ma年龄据彭头平等(2006);230.8±2.8 Ma年龄据韦诚等(2016);236.7±2.2 Ma年龄据王硕等(2012);248.5±6.3 Ma年龄据Peng et al.(2008);230±2 Ma年龄据Peng et al.(2013).1.泥岩;2.粉砂质板岩;3.粉砂岩;4.砂岩;5.含砾砂岩;6.砂质砾岩;7.砾岩;8.英安岩;9.火山角砾岩;10.凝灰岩;11.玄武岩;12.同位素年龄;13.叶肢介化石;14.植物化石;15.水平层里;16.平行层理;17.雨痕;18.正粒序层理
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map for the southern Lancangjiang zone
图 2 叶肢介化石线性数据测量示意图
据Scholze and Schneider (2015),Hethke et al.(2016)修改.L.标本的总长,取最前缘和最后缘点之间的直线距离;H.高度,是腹缘最下部点到背缘前后端点水平连线之间的垂直距离;arr.背缘最后端点到后缘最大弯曲点的切线的垂直距离;av.背缘前端点到前缘切线的垂直距离;a.壳体前缘最大弯曲点到背缘前后端点水平连线间的直线距离;b.壳体后缘最大弯曲点到背缘前后端点水平连线间的直线距离;c.腹缘最大弯曲点到前缘最大弯曲点切线之间的垂直距离;Ch.背缘的长度
Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of linear data measurements of the conchostracans
图 6 南澜沧江带中三叠统忙怀组Euestheria minuta(a~f)和英国的Euestheria minuta(g~p)
a.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-49-1;b.右瓣印模,标本号PM301-56-1;c.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-56-3;d.右瓣印模,标本号PM301-58-5;e.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-63-1;f.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-63-2;g~h.右瓣印模;i.左瓣印模;j~k.右瓣;l~m.左瓣;n.右瓣;o.右瓣外模;p.左瓣.图中比例尺均为1 mm
Fig. 6. Euestheria minuta from the Middle Triassic Manghuai Formation, southern Lanchangjiang zone (a-f) and United Kingdom (g-p)
图 7 南澜沧江带中三叠统忙怀组Euestheria dazuensis
a.右瓣,标本号PM301-1;b.左瓣,标本号PM301-3-2;c.左瓣,标本号PM301-18-3;d.左瓣外模,标本号PM301-39;e.右瓣外模,标本号PM301-36-1;f.右瓣,标本号PM301-3-3;g.左瓣,标本号PM301-7-1;h.左瓣,标本号PM301-14-3;i.左瓣,标本号PM301-10.图中比例尺均为1 mm
Fig. 7. Euestheria dazuensis from the Middle Triassic Manghuai Formation, southern Lanchangjiang zone
图 8 南澜沧江带中三叠统忙怀组Euestheria sp.
a.左瓣,标本号PM301-19;b.右瓣,标本号PM301-18-2;c.左瓣外模,标本号PM301-30;d.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-56-2;e.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-43;f.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-55;g.左瓣外模,标本号301-7-7;h.右瓣印模,标本号PM301-38-1;i.左瓣外模,标本号PM301-42-1.图中比例尺均为1 mm
Fig. 8. Euestheria sp.from the Middle Triassic Manghuai Formation, southern Lanchangjiang zone
图 9 南澜沧江带中三叠统忙怀组Euestheria yipinglangensis
a.右瓣,标本号PM301-14-1;b.左瓣印模,标本编号PM301-32;c.左瓣,标本号PM301-52;d.右瓣印模,标本号PM301-7-6;e.右瓣印模,标本号PM301-12;f.右瓣外模,标本号PM301-14-2;g.左瓣,标本号PM301-7-5;h.左瓣印模,标本号PM301-2-2;i.左瓣,标本号PM301-52.图中比例尺均为1 mm
Fig. 9. Euestheria yipinglangensis from the Middle Triassic Manghuai Formation, southern Lanchangjiang zone
表 1 南澜沧江带忙怀组叶肢介化石简单线性测量数据的平均值和标准差
Table 1. Mean and standard deviation for linear measurements of conchostracans from Manghuai Formation in the southern Lancangjiang zone
平均值 a b c arr av Ch H L H/L Ch/L av/a arr/b Euestheria sp. 1.57 2.09 3.24 2.45 1.39 2.65 3.91 6.48 0.61 0.41 0.88 1.17 Euestheria yipinglangensis 1.70 2.18 2.86 1.96 1.11 2.91 4.36 5.98 0.73 0.49 0.64 0.91 Euestheria dazuensis 1.53 2.06 3.40 2.04 0.90 3.46 4.09 6.40 0.64 0.54 0.58 1.02 Euestheria minuta 0.72 0.99 1.58 0.91 0.37 1.92 1.99 3.20 0.62 0.60 0.38 0.93 Euestheria minuta(英国) 0.69 0.90 1.48 0.78 0.38 1.54 1.79 2.70 0.66 0.57 0.43 0.88 标准差 a b c arr av Ch H L H/L Ch/L av/a arr/b Euestheria minuta 0.24 0.21 0.28 0.44 0.45 0.55 0.40 0.58 0.03 0.09 0.24 0.17 Euestheria sp. 0.47 0.39 0.34 0.46 0.39 0.62 0.68 0.80 0.05 0.10 0.13 0.16 Euestheria franconica 0.29 0.45 0.49 0.42 0.38 0.70 0.57 0.91 0.06 0.08 0.17 0.27 Euestheria minuta 0.17 0.14 0.21 0.26 0.09 0.38 0.24 0.41 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.23 Euestheria minuta(英国) 0.10 0.11 0.26 0.15 0.09 0.34 0.23 0.36 0.02 0.07 0.14 0.19 -
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