Geochemistry and Its Tectonic Implictions of Metamorphic Rocks of Jiageda Formation in Moerdaoga Area, Inner Mongolia
摘要: 莫尔道嘎地处额尔古纳地块中北段,该区发育一套中低级变质的佳疙瘩组变质岩,如千枚岩、云母片岩和变质砂岩;但是目前其原岩类型、物质来源以及沉积环境尚不明确.基于全岩主微量元素测试和LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,结果表明千枚岩类和云母片岩类总体富Al和K,变质砂岩类总体富Si.岩石轻稀土明显富集,具负铕异常特征,高场强元素相对富集,Sr强烈亏损,Nb、Ta、P、Ti相对亏损.原岩性质及构造环境分析表明,原岩类型主要是杂砂岩和粘土岩,物源以长英质成分为主,并混有少量古老沉积物.它们形成于活动大陆边缘,并存在较多大陆岛弧性质物质,成熟度不高,属于近源沉积.岩石样品中的碎屑锆石多为岩浆成因,且显示了较大的年龄变化,主要集中在新元古代(1.0~0.8 Ga)和古元古代(2.0~1.8 Ga),说明佳疙瘩组的沉积物源时代主要为新元古代和古元古代.Abstract: The Moerdaoga area is situated in the central-northern Erguna block, where a set of low-medium grade metamorphic rocks of Jiageda Formation develops, such as phyllites, mica schists and metamorphic sandstones. However, the origin, source and sedimentary environment of the protolith are not clear yet. The results of the major and trace elements analysis and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating in this study show that phyllite and mica schists are enriched in Al and K and metamorphic sandstones are enriched in Si. These three groups exhibit similarity in trace element geochemistry, with strong enrichment in light REEs and negative Eu anomalies. The primitive mantle-normalized trace element pattern shows strong depletion in Sr. Furthermore, Nb, Ta, P, Ti are relatively depleted, and most high field-strength elements are enriched. The protoliths of the studied samples are mainly sandy sedimentary rocks with a small amount of muddy sedimentary rocks. The sediments show low maturity with moderate chemical weathering. The uppercrust felsic sources with possible old sediment component make a contribution to their provenance. The tectonic discrimination diagrams show that the protoliths were deposited in an active continental margin setting and had a large number of clastic rocks deposited in continental island arc setting. Most detrital zircons are of magmatic origin. The detrital zircon ages show great variations, yet mainly concentrated in Neoproterozoic (1.0-0.8 Ga) and Paleoproterozoic (2.0-1.8 Ga), which suggests that they provided the main sedimentary materials.
Key words:
- Jiageda Formation /
- geochemistry /
- detrital zircon /
- petrology /
- Moerdaoga /
- Inner Mongolia
图 1 研究区地质及构造简图
a.中国东北地区构造简图,据Wu et al.(2007b)修改,①喜桂图-塔源断裂;②贺根山-黑河断裂;③索伦-西拉木伦-长春缝合带;④嘉荫-牡丹江断裂;⑤伊通-依兰断裂;⑥敦化-密山断裂;b.额尔古纳地块佳疙瘩组分布图,据Cui et al.(2015)、Zhao et al.(2016)修改;c.研究区简图,据内蒙古自治区地质调查院(2003)、Zhao et al.(2016)修改
Fig. 1. Geological sketch of the study area and NE China
图 4 研究区变质岩球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分图(a)和原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图(b)
球粒陨石和原始地幔元素值,据Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns (a) and primitive-mantle-normalized trace element spidergrams (b)
图 7 研究区变质岩原岩恢复图解
a.Si-(al+fm)-(c+alk)尼格里参数图解,据Simonen(1953);b.La/Yb-∑REE判别图解,据Gromet et al.(1984);c.A-C-FM判别图解,据王仁民等(1987)
Fig. 7. Classification diagrams of the metamorphic rocks
图 8 研究区变质岩地球化学图解
a.A-CN-K图解,据Nesbitt and Young(1982),图a中虚线为理想风化趋势线,A.Al2O3;CN.CaO*+Na2O;K.K2O);b.Zr/Sc-Th/Sc图解,据McLennan(1993);c.K2O-Rb图解;d.La/Th-Hf图解,据Floyd and Leveridge(1987)
Fig. 8. Geochemistry diagrams of the metamorphic rocks
图 9 研究区变质岩构造环境判别图解
a.K2O/Na2O-SiO2图解,据Roser and Korsch(1986);b.SiO2/Al2O3-K2O/Na2O双变量图解,据Maynard et al.(1982);c.La-Th-Sc图解,据Bhatia and Crook(1986);d.Th-Sc-Zr/10图解,据Bhatia and Crook(1986);PM.被动大陆边缘;ACM.活动大陆边缘;ARC, A1.岛弧;A2.演化岛弧;CIA.大陆岛弧;OIA.大洋岛弧
Fig. 9. Discrimination disgrams of the metamorphic rocks in the study area
表 1 研究区变质岩主量元素(%)和微量元素(10-6)的分析结果
Table 1. Major elements (%) and trace elements (10-6) data for the metamorphic rocks in the study area
送样号 z1519-1 z1541-4 p1-1 p1-3 p1-5 p1-11 p1-12 z1518-1 z1518-4 z1518-5 z1518-6 z1518-7 岩性 千枚岩 千枚岩 千枚岩 千枚岩 千枚岩 千枚岩 千枚岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 SiO2 79.82 69.92 67.05 70.92 73.40 69.56 71.68 61.98 72.18 69.68 73.57 70.32 Al2O3 9.99 15.14 15.20 14.02 13.04 15.27 14.26 18.52 12.02 14.23 10.99 14.67 Fe2O3 1.85 1.28 1.35 1.30 0.90 0.79 2.65 1.40 0.99 0.98 0.85 1.14 FeO 0.82 3.47 5.42 4.05 3.22 3.87 2.00 6.42 5.55 4.87 6.05 4.17 CaO 0.08 0.21 0.47 0.25 0.27 0.20 0.23 0.36 1.00 0.53 1.01 0.33 MgO 1.14 1.51 2.00 1.64 1.33 1.51 1.42 1.66 0.80 1.16 0.88 0.98 K2O 2.24 2.46 2.19 1.87 1.78 2.10 3.12 4.14 2.09 3.55 1.68 3.91 Na2O 0.46 2.07 1.70 2.05 2.72 3.04 0.39 1.12 2.76 1.57 2.07 0.90 TiO2 0.48 0.82 0.72 0.79 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.96 0.55 0.83 0.55 0.79 P2O5 0.08 0.12 0.26 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.09 MnO 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.05 LOI 2.74 2.40 2.84 2.36 1.98 2.25 2.96 2.33 1.10 1.66 1.33 2.06 Total 99.76 99.42 99.24 99.41 99.47 99.42 99.63 99.02 99.19 99.23 99.16 99.40 CIA 76.91 72.37 76.98 73.38 68.08 68.53 79.37 69.40 60.47 69.78 68.90 72.70 ICV 0.72 0.81 0.95 0.89 0.87 0.83 0.76 0.91 1.20 0.99 1.26 0.87 SiO2/Al2O3 7.99 4.62 4.41 5.06 5.63 4.56 5.03 3.35 6.00 4.90 6.69 4.79 K2O/Na2O 4.87 1.19 1.29 0.91 0.65 0.69 8.00 3.70 0.76 2.26 0.81 4.34 DF -6.92 -3.31 -4.58 -4.21 -2.97 -1.94 -5.72 -3.32 -2.33 -3.21 -4.13 -3.91 Cu 26.00 6.40 35.00 11.30 7.69 8.11 7.51 20.30 18.20 22.00 51.60 9.89 Pb 2.97 2.87 4.37 2.74 3.29 2.52 3.48 7.60 9.24 7.78 7.72 6.58 Zn 24.40 28.60 70.00 60.30 51.20 49.00 26.60 67.20 50.50 45.00 70.80 57.10 Cr 43.20 56.60 112.00 59.30 46.20 45.20 51.00 74.20 53.60 65.60 60.30 61.40 Ni 10.50 18.30 30.40 22.70 21.20 21.00 30.00 33.00 20.70 27.90 25.30 25.00 Rb 87.90 86.70 72.20 67.40 61.70 66.30 113.00 241.00 136.00 184.00 103.00 208.00 Mo 1.15 1.02 1.96 1.88 3.51 3.03 3.34 0.74 0.78 0.48 0.36 0.90 Sr 42.60 42.70 48.50 45.80 56.30 64.60 40.70 78.50 90.10 47.50 95.20 38.10 Ba 1520 517 464 307 530 373 1160 678 388 673 399 704 Sc 5.82 7.50 8.35 7.47 7.06 9.28 7.12 16.40 8.96 9.88 7.45 10.00 Nb 10.20 11.60 10.00 11.00 10.20 11.20 11.20 21.10 12.60 16.20 12.10 19.30 Ta 0.71 0.83 0.73 0.79 0.74 0.82 0.80 1.60 0.83 1.14 0.81 1.23 Zr 116 226 173 259 240 199 206 417 348 256 355 272 Hf 3.70 7.14 5.50 7.25 7.20 6.33 6.41 12.80 10.40 8.14 10.50 8.61 Ga 14.00 17.80 18.50 16.40 15.20 18.00 16.60 24.80 15.80 19.00 14.70 20.30 U 1.34 1.61 2.00 2.02 1.72 1.92 2.04 4.70 5.21 3.48 4.29 4.48 Th 7.46 5.80 7.01 7.12 7.12 7.75 7.11 17.00 14.00 12.10 12.80 12.80 La 33.80 26.40 28.70 27.90 28.10 32.80 23.20 46.20 44.10 33.50 46.10 18.10 Ce 58.00 51.20 60.50 59.20 58.80 68.20 46.80 97.40 84.60 67.50 88.20 37.10 Pr 8.64 7.73 8.13 7.85 7.98 9.32 6.06 11.60 10.30 8.63 10.80 4.90 Nd 34.40 31.60 33.50 31.30 32.40 37.90 23.80 44.60 38.30 33.40 40.70 19.70 Sm 6.94 6.28 7.83 5.93 6.69 7.37 5.24 8.68 6.84 6.79 7.39 4.55 Eu 1.61 1.33 1.62 1.58 1.54 1.52 1.42 1.52 1.43 1.21 1.38 0.81 Gd 7.20 5.73 7.94 6.00 6.39 6.67 5.88 8.60 6.99 6.28 7.44 5.01 Tb 1.12 0.88 1.23 0.93 0.98 1.02 0.94 1.40 1.05 1.11 1.07 0.98 Dy 6.60 5.21 6.97 5.38 5.65 5.95 5.47 8.72 6.12 6.55 6.05 6.58 Ho 1.38 1.12 1.38 1.16 1.18 1.26 1.12 1.90 1.28 1.38 1.26 1.52 Er 3.84 3.27 3.76 3.37 3.32 3.52 3.18 5.56 3.56 3.89 3.57 4.50 Tm 0.58 0.51 0.55 0.52 0.51 0.56 0.50 0.88 0.56 0.61 0.55 0.73 Yb 3.76 3.35 3.57 3.45 3.43 3.63 3.30 5.72 3.57 3.98 3.62 5.05 Lu 0.59 0.54 0.54 0.56 0.53 0.58 0.52 0.88 0.57 0.63 0.57 0.78 Y 33.00 24.40 34.90 28.50 28.00 29.70 27.20 46.00 31.60 34.00 31.10 37.20 ∑REE 168.5 145.2 166.2 155.1 157.5 180.3 127.4 243.7 209.3 175.5 218.7 110.3 LREE 143.39 124.54 140.28 133.76 135.51 157.11 106.52 210.00 185.57 151.03 194.57 85.16 HREE 25.07 20.61 25.94 21.37 21.99 23.19 20.91 33.66 23.70 24.43 24.13 25.15 LREE/HREE 5.72 6.04 5.41 6.26 6.16 6.77 5.09 6.24 7.83 6.18 8.06 3.39 LaN/YbN 6.45 5.65 5.77 5.80 5.88 6.48 5.04 5.79 8.86 6.04 9.13 2.57 δEu 0.69 0.67 0.62 0.80 0.71 0.65 0.78 0.53 0.63 0.56 0.56 0.52 δCe 0.81 0.87 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.95 1.00 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 Th/Sc 1.28 0.77 0.84 0.95 1.01 0.84 1.00 1.04 1.56 1.22 1.72 1.28 Zr/Sc 19.93 30.13 20.72 34.67 33.99 21.44 28.93 25.43 38.84 25.91 47.65 27.20 送样号 z1526-1 z1526-2 z1535-1-1 z1535-1-2 z1535-2 z1535-6 z1531-1 p1-16 z1541-3 p1-2 p1-6 p1-7 岩性 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 云母片岩 变质砂岩 变质砂岩 变质粉砂岩 变质粉砂岩 变质粉砂岩 变质粉砂岩 SiO2 64.12 62.22 56.89 55.54 70.14 70.28 69.88 70.55 68.18 74.51 75.37 78.29 Al2O3 17.45 18.80 19.54 20.26 13.88 13.25 12.38 11.38 14.08 11.31 11.78 9.97 Fe2O3 2.57 2.54 1.94 1.66 1.23 0.95 1.18 4.72 0.92 1.05 0.29 0.71 FeO 3.85 3.76 5.85 6.07 3.47 3.45 4.60 3.97 4.60 4.50 3.75 3.20 CaO 0.65 0.68 1.73 1.62 1.21 1.09 0.99 0.26 0.81 0.27 0.23 0.25 MgO 2.16 2.04 2.68 2.80 1.67 1.61 2.25 2.38 1.62 1.57 1.27 1.31 K2O 3.70 4.17 4.80 5.02 3.36 2.33 1.11 1.39 1.93 0.82 1.12 0.84 Na2O 0.78 0.76 1.73 1.71 1.16 2.42 3.27 1.48 2.87 2.86 3.03 2.46 TiO2 1.09 1.15 0.93 0.96 0.78 0.64 1.19 0.65 0.76 0.56 0.69 0.67 P2O5 0.29 0.34 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.10 0.12 0.12 MnO 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.02 LOI 2.72 2.92 2.76 3.18 2.36 3.25 2.22 2.45 3.29 1.78 1.74 1.60 Total 99.41 99.41 99.12 99.10 99.49 99.46 99.31 99.44 99.27 99.39 99.42 99.44 CIA 79.16 79.16 71.97 72.22 72.98 68.24 66.81 76.44 68.50 67.87 66.59 68.11 ICV 0.87 0.83 1.04 1.02 0.96 0.98 1.22 1.35 1.00 1.08 0.92 0.98 SiO2/Al2O3 3.67 3.31 2.91 2.74 5.05 5.30 5.64 6.20 4.84 6.59 6.40 7.85 K2O/Na2O 4.74 5.49 2.77 2.94 2.90 0.96 0.34 0.94 0.67 0.29 0.37 0.34 DF -4.33 -3.53 -1.19 -1.03 -3.79 -2.53 -2.92 -7.10 -2.23 -4.27 -3.22 -4.80 Cu 15.50 13.60 13.40 8.83 7.20 6.18 23.50 7.71 27.20 11.00 12.60 33.90 Pb 15.10 16.00 6.45 6.80 6.30 4.48 7.10 3.19 3.83 2.57 2.86 2.93 Zn 101.00 87.80 61.90 60.30 42.10 42.70 83.80 36.50 42.70 58.80 56.80 57.40 Cr 126.00 142.00 76.80 75.00 69.50 63.00 128 52.2 59.6 38.2 49.7 51.2 Ni 25.30 23.30 48.40 48.00 31.70 30.90 28.6 43.8 31.7 24.3 19.4 17.9 Rb 113.00 120.00 176.00 151.00 101.00 95.80 35.9 48.4 62.8 31.2 42.1 30.9 Mo 0.88 0.87 1.07 1.37 1.09 1.38 1.08 2.44 11.6 1.37 1.33 1.67 Sr 56.20 57.40 116.00 96.70 74.10 105.00 88.6 41.1 75.2 58.5 58.9 50.6 Ba 344 482 502 548 480 518 275 638 242 159 187 282 Sc 7.07 7.86 16.50 17.30 9.11 8.91 10.4 4.76 8.7 3.83 5.68 3.53 Nb 26.00 26.70 12.80 13.10 10.20 10.10 12.9 9.08 9.96 8 10.1 9.48 Ta 1.68 1.68 0.94 0.96 0.76 0.76 0.92 0.64 0.72 0.58 0.73 0.68 Zr 261 258 227 230 208 189 411 237 239 179 254 327 Hf 7.92 7.82 7.18 7.30 6.40 5.96 11.8 7.07 7.16 5.36 7.63 9.45 Ga 22.10 23.40 24.00 24.80 16.00 18.30 15.2 12.4 15.8 11.3 13.4 10.1 U 2.10 2.47 1.91 1.98 1.91 2.28 2.18 1.76 1.5 1.65 1.77 1.98 Th 10.70 12.40 9.13 9.69 7.46 7.69 9.94 6.48 5.73 5.16 6.66 7.51 La 35.90 47.40 30.10 33.40 29.40 25.50 32.20 17.90 40.40 18.00 26.90 24.70 Ce 64.70 89.60 62.70 65.90 58.80 49.00 53.50 35.10 71.00 37.40 55.30 51.30 Pr 8.97 11.40 8.71 9.40 8.10 7.03 9.05 4.45 10.90 4.48 7.30 6.38 Nd 34.30 43.40 35.20 37.90 33.20 28.60 36.20 17.60 44.30 17.80 28.90 24.40 Sm 6.34 7.84 7.26 7.84 6.90 5.99 7.33 4.14 8.78 3.89 5.41 4.84 Eu 1.27 1.51 1.58 1.74 1.30 1.11 1.48 1.14 1.77 0.83 1.15 0.96 Gd 6.23 7.59 7.17 7.85 6.71 5.90 7.14 4.78 7.50 3.90 5.45 5.24 Tb 0.95 1.13 1.13 1.22 1.00 0.96 1.08 0.82 0.96 0.60 0.83 0.80 Dy 5.47 6.38 6.59 6.89 5.96 5.77 6.50 5.17 4.52 3.48 4.80 4.59 Ho 1.15 1.34 1.41 1.40 1.24 1.21 1.40 1.06 0.89 0.72 1.01 0.94 Er 3.23 3.80 4.00 3.90 3.48 3.36 3.93 2.88 2.57 1.90 2.81 2.51 Tm 0.50 0.60 0.63 0.60 0.53 0.50 0.60 0.44 0.40 0.28 0.42 0.36 Yb 3.27 3.90 4.08 3.94 3.57 3.28 4.08 2.89 2.64 1.81 2.76 2.32 Lu 0.50 0.60 0.64 0.63 0.57 0.50 0.65 0.45 0.43 0.28 0.42 0.36 Y 26.00 32.40 33.20 33.40 30.80 29.70 34.60 24.90 21.30 16.70 23.50 22.20 ∑REE 172.8 226.5 171.2 182.6 160.8 138.7 165.1 98.8 197.1 95.4 143.5 129.7 LREE 151.48 201.15 145.55 156.18 137.70 117.23 139.76 80.33 177.15 82.40 124.96 112.58 HREE 21.30 25.34 25.65 26.43 23.06 21.48 25.38 18.49 19.91 12.97 18.50 17.12 LREE/HREE 7.11 7.94 5.67 5.91 5.97 5.46 5.51 4.34 8.90 6.35 6.75 6.58 LaN/YbN 7.87 8.72 5.29 6.08 5.91 5.58 5.66 4.44 10.98 7.13 6.99 7.64 δEu 0.61 0.59 0.66 0.67 0.58 0.56 0.62 0.78 0.65 0.64 0.64 0.58 δCe 0.86 0.92 0.94 0.90 0.92 0.88 0.76 0.94 0.81 0.99 0.95 0.98 Th/Sc 1.51 1.58 0.55 0.56 0.82 0.86 0.96 1.36 0.66 1.35 1.17 2.13 Zr/Sc 36.92 32.82 13.76 13.29 22.83 21.21 39.52 49.79 27.47 46.74 44.72 92.63 注:DF=-0.21 SiO2-0.32Fe2O3T-0.98 MgO+0.55 CaO+1.46 Na2O+0.54 K2O+10.44;Fe2O3T= Fe2O3+1.1FeO;球粒陨石标准化参数据Sun and McDough(1989). 表 2 研究区变质岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年分析结果
Table 2. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating data for the metamorphic rocks in the study area
点号 232Th(10-6) 238U(10-6) Th/U Pb(10-6) 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 年龄(Ma) 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ z1518-4 1 347.00 404.00 0.86 154.00 0.068 67 0.001 11 1.505 42 0.027 46 0.158 82 0.002 01 889 19 933 11 950 11 2 89.30 194.00 0.46 204.00 0.210 82 0.002 97 16.495 53 0.288 97 0.567 19 0.008 69 2 912 13 2 906 17 2 896 36 3 42.30 258.00 0.16 98.20 0.112 44 0.001 52 5.255 18 0.087 18 0.338 19 0.004 22 1 839 14 1 862 14 1 878 20 4 242.00 535.00 0.45 114.00 0.065 18 0.000 97 1.225 77 0.022 27 0.135 94 0.001 64 780 19 812 10 822 9 5 86.20 757.00 0.11 116.60 0.069 50 0.000 95 1.603 50 0.026 92 0.167 10 0.002 23 914 16 972 10 996 12 6 125.00 168.00 0.75 53.40 0.066 08 0.001 31 1.368 23 0.030 62 0.149 93 0.002 04 809 25 875 13 901 11 7 226.00 196.00 1.15 200.00 0.118 95 0.001 86 5.787 06 0.108 99 0.352 38 0.004 75 1 941 16 1 944 16 1 946 23 8 60.70 101.00 0.60 125.00 0.223 94 0.003 75 18.377 09 0.356 99 0.595 15 0.008 54 3 009 15 3 010 19 3 010 35 9 43.10 58.90 0.73 19.10 0.070 95 0.002 12 1.481 14 0.043 77 0.152 99 0.002 52 956 34 923 18 918 14 10 164.00 293.00 0.56 74.60 0.069 48 0.001 33 1.329 20 0.028 84 0.138 32 0.001 79 913 24 859 13 835 10 11 187.00 416.00 0.45 84.40 0.065 07 0.001 10 1.190 13 0.023 66 0.132 58 0.001 99 777 20 796 11 803 11 12 94.30 165.00 0.57 45.00 0.068 70 0.001 23 1.442 24 0.029 70 0.151 78 0.001 88 890 23 907 12 911 11 13 287.00 576.00 0.50 148.00 0.069 72 0.001 02 1.525 43 0.026 61 0.158 26 0.002 05 920 17 941 11 947 11 14 125.00 551.00 0.23 248.00 0.124 45 0.001 64 6.280 92 0.095 87 0.365 78 0.004 99 2 021 12 2 016 13 2 010 24 15 196.00 373.00 0.52 82.80 0.066 12 0.001 07 1.204 45 0.023 05 0.132 10 0.002 08 810 18 803 11 800 12 16 106.00 142.00 0.75 116.00 0.124 88 0.001 80 6.535 16 0.111 21 0.377 91 0.004 89 2 027 14 2 051 15 2 067 23 17 339.00 453.00 0.75 387.00 0.152 09 0.002 23 8.263 54 0.149 15 0.392 03 0.005 66 2 370 14 2 260 16 2 132 26 18 114.00 130.00 0.88 46.70 0.066 30 0.001 64 1.388 07 0.035 72 0.152 03 0.002 41 816 29 884 15 912 13 19 8.49 14.70 0.58 15.50 0.188 92 0.004 47 13.791 36 0.342 54 0.530 49 0.008 83 2 733 21 2 735 24 2 744 37 20 273.00 955.00 0.29 200.00 0.069 88 0.001 05 1.496 26 0.039 16 0.153 95 0.003 34 925 24 929 16 923 19 21 218.00 263.00 0.83 95.00 0.068 73 0.001 14 1.480 40 0.028 53 0.155 46 0.002 14 891 19 922 12 932 12 22 284.00 475.00 0.60 120.00 0.067 12 0.001 12 1.292 21 0.026 55 0.138 61 0.001 82 841 22 842 12 837 10 23 559.00 955.00 0.59 263.00 0.068 43 0.000 90 1.509 78 0.028 10 0.159 32 0.002 54 882 17 934 11 953 14 24 2.86 13.20 0.22 5.56 0.116 89 0.004 03 5.347 79 0.199 56 0.332 03 0.005 88 1 909 42 1 877 32 1 848 28 25 568.00 620.00 0.92 220.00 0.068 79 0.001 08 1.393 76 0.025 86 0.146 66 0.002 19 893 17 886 11 882 12 26 307.00 300.00 1.02 119.00 0.069 11 0.001 14 1.420 77 0.026 87 0.148 60 0.002 00 902 19 898 11 893 11 27 490.00 1 154.00 0.42 788.00 0.141 80 0.002 19 8.219 71 0.168 78 0.418 33 0.006 70 2 249 16 2 256 19 2 253 30 28 314.00 496.00 0.63 136.00 0.069 35 0.001 27 1.331 27 0.026 78 0.138 77 0.001 86 909 21 859 12 838 11 29 359.00 902.00 0.40 213.00 0.071 08 0.001 19 1.596 50 0.029 66 0.162 56 0.002 29 960 18 969 12 971 13 30 423.00 605.00 0.70 406.00 0.109 66 0.004 51 4.874 28 0.177 47 0.322 37 0.006 16 1 794 77 1 798 31 1 801 30 31 85.50 149.00 0.58 42.50 0.071 01 0.001 44 1.597 68 0.035 02 0.163 43 0.002 40 958 23 969 14 976 13 32 103.00 193.00 0.53 145.00 0.141 42 0.002 17 8.256 16 0.156 03 0.421 73 0.005 44 2 245 16 2 260 17 2 268 25 33 94.30 254.00 0.37 56.70 0.070 99 0.001 20 1.615 77 0.031 82 0.165 03 0.002 35 957 19 976 12 985 13 34 753.00 960.00 0.78 281.00 0.065 43 0.000 93 1.231 11 0.021 98 0.136 47 0.002 17 788 17 815 10 825 12 35 184.00 196.00 0.94 76.00 0.070 47 0.001 33 1.592 38 0.036 97 0.163 45 0.002 48 942 24 967 14 976 14 36 356.00 610.00 0.58 148.00 0.066 29 0.001 07 1.231 43 0.025 57 0.134 43 0.002 06 816 21 815 12 813 12 37 122.00 364.00 0.34 90.50 0.076 78 0.001 37 1.999 77 0.042 61 0.188 87 0.002 93 1 115 20 1 115 14 1 115 16 38 47.80 88.70 0.54 23.70 0.071 29 0.001 70 1.550 64 0.043 78 0.157 97 0.002 95 966 29 951 17 945 16 39 96.90 363.00 0.27 143.00 0.108 89 0.002 70 4.652 31 0.096 21 0.309 86 0.004 24 1 781 46 1 759 17 1 740 21 40 240.00 340.00 0.70 108.00 0.070 90 0.001 18 1.571 57 0.034 15 0.160 17 0.002 33 955 22 959 13 958 13 41 368.00 494.00 0.74 167.00 0.070 04 0.000 96 1.607 45 0.027 92 0.165 92 0.002 01 929 18 973 11 990 11 42 935.00 2 488.00 0.38 556.00 0.070 05 0.000 91 1.522 19 0.034 61 0.157 20 0.003 09 930 21 939 14 941 17 43 91.60 216.00 0.42 43.40 0.066 14 0.001 29 1.283 95 0.028 08 0.141 06 0.002 11 811 23 839 12 851 12 44 210.00 330.00 0.64 215.00 0.116 97 0.001 57 5.590 31 0.091 68 0.346 09 0.004 24 1 910 14 1 915 14 1 916 20 45 443.00 239.00 1.85 149.00 0.069 21 0.001 27 1.440 32 0.029 09 0.150 90 0.001 93 905 22 906 12 906 11 46 93.50 117.00 0.80 36.80 0.067 53 0.001 44 1.371 90 0.031 67 0.147 65 0.002 21 854 25 877 14 888 12 47 269.00 301.00 0.89 109.00 0.070 91 0.001 28 1.497 33 0.031 46 0.153 56 0.002 63 955 20 929 13 921 15 48 188.00 392.00 0.48 85.80 0.066 47 0.001 25 1.271 55 0.026 84 0.138 81 0.002 02 821 22 833 12 838 11 49 241.00 154.00 1.57 194.00 0.119 79 0.001 89 6.038 31 0.100 48 0.366 02 0.004 59 1 953 14 1 981 14 2 011 22 50 86.80 163.00 0.53 96.90 0.112 62 0.001 64 5.381 48 0.092 05 0.345 85 0.004 24 1 842 15 1 882 15 1 915 20 51 221.00 280.00 0.79 279.00 0.147 09 0.001 98 9.261 16 0.148 94 0.456 37 0.006 18 2 312 12 2 364 15 2 424 27 52 232.00 396.00 0.59 94.00 0.069 05 0.001 72 1.233 38 0.034 87 0.128 97 0.001 83 900 35 816 16 782 10 53 102.00 114.00 0.90 39.60 0.065 64 0.001 56 1.303 62 0.032 58 0.144 54 0.001 90 795 31 847 14 870 11 54 624.00 505.00 1.24 225.00 0.066 98 0.001 02 1.382 94 0.024 46 0.149 75 0.001 74 837 19 882 10 900 10 55 214.00 192.00 1.11 184.00 0.117 69 0.001 65 5.700 74 0.088 96 0.351 73 0.004 30 1 922 13 1 931 13 1 943 20 56 482.00 631.00 0.76 187.00 0.067 35 0.001 10 1.329 72 0.022 94 0.142 92 0.001 69 849 18 859 10 861 10 57 471.00 872.00 0.54 215.00 0.068 92 0.001 05 1.431 96 0.024 76 0.149 96 0.001 71 896 18 902 10 901 10 z1535-1 1 198.63 547.44 0.36 357.58 0.157 65 0.00268 10.157 59 0.225 70 0.464 44 0.006 60 2 431 20 2 449 21 2 459 29 2 559.69 657.98 0.85 203.80 0.067 40 0.00115 1.369 56 0.025 24 0.147 05 0.001 71 850 20 876 11 884 10 3 262.17 378.43 0.69 111.05 0.069 85 0.00119 1.528 84 0.027 17 0.158 59 0.001 91 924 18 942 11 949 11 4 23.83 47.89 0.50 13.05 0.069 86 0.00386 1.508 16 0.081 30 0.156 58 0.001 92 924 117 934 33 938 11 5 109.61 112.10 0.98 36.59 0.065 98 0.00178 1.262 01 0.035 07 0.138 38 0.001 67 806 38 829 16 835 9 6 399.72 291.60 1.37 123.91 0.064 46 0.001 31 1.283 74 0.027 40 0.143 66 0.001 58 757 27 839 12 865 9 7 141.30 255.53 0.55 64.37 0.069 31 0.001 47 1.493 89 0.031 09 0.156 22 0.002 07 908 22 928 13 936 12 8 210.20 246.56 0.85 80.21 0.070 38 0.001 60 1.375 18 0.031 24 0.140 99 0.001 65 939 28 878 13 850 9 9 402.21 1 277.68 0.31 229.22 0.068 63 0.001 31 1.385 58 0.027 01 0.145 75 0.001 83 888 21 883 11 877 10 10 105.33 157.31 0.67 41.02 0.065 31 0.003 99 1.203 46 0.071 09 0.133 65 0.002 09 784 132 802 33 809 12 11 288.49 187.09 1.54 84.49 0.065 19 0.001 47 1.265 67 0.028 62 0.141 21 0.002 16 780 24 830 13 851 12 12 143.81 108.05 1.33 51.55 0.070 73 0.001 71 1.525 80 0.037 46 0.156 32 0.002 09 950 29 941 15 936 12 13 156.91 157.17 1.00 53.66 0.067 53 0.001 58 1.310 09 0.031 14 0.140 45 0.001 44 854 32 850 14 847 8 14 139.59 261.24 0.53 58.39 0.064 80 0.001 18 1.232 61 0.024 25 0.137 80 0.001 67 768 22 816 11 832 9 15 200.92 401.96 0.50 85.75 0.064 20 0.001 21 1.223 66 0.025 17 0.138 08 0.001 68 748 24 811 11 834 10 16 171.55 308.43 0.56 71.11 0.063 04 0.001 29 1.219 78 0.026 77 0.140 42 0.001 83 710 25 810 12 847 10 17 287.72 354.30 0.81 108.80 0.068 70 0.001 48 1.422 86 0.029 71 0.150 88 0.001 93 890 23 899 12 906 11 18 77.47 77.41 1.00 26.32 0.066 32 0.002 04 1.273 60 0.039 22 0.139 55 0.001 83 816 42 834 18 842 10 19 141.83 187.20 0.76 55.84 0.068 73 0.001 36 1.451 22 0.033 01 0.152 86 0.002 02 891 26 910 14 917 11 20 643.56 533.76 1.21 210.85 0.070 35 0.001 41 1.399 94 0.027 49 0.144 58 0.001 88 939 20 889 12 871 11 21 157.86 116.61 1.35 47.92 0.066 40 0.001 64 1.240 60 0.032 51 0.135 49 0.001 79 819 33 819 15 819 10 22 86.95 328.72 0.26 59.82 0.071 73 0.001 32 1.592 97 0.031 07 0.160 87 0.001 87 978 22 967 12 962 10 23 124.62 172.34 0.72 56.57 0.072 93 0.001 69 1.711 55 0.041 03 0.170 14 0.002 09 1 012 29 1 013 15 1 013 12 24 93.03 95.16 0.98 29.81 0.066 49 0.001 88 1.239 05 0.036 66 0.135 15 0.001 93 822 38 818 17 817 11 25 105.96 100.38 1.06 38.99 0.072 34 0.002 14 1.593 72 0.046 13 0.160 38 0.002 02 996 38 968 18 959 11 26 238.25 257.16 0.93 80.45 0.069 39 0.001 47 1.363 24 0.032 75 0.142 06 0.002 05 910 27 873 14 856 12 27 308.06 550.42 0.56 125.11 0.066 65 0.001 12 1.278 31 0.024 48 0.138 66 0.001 64 827 21 836 11 837 9 28 111.30 118.56 0.94 40.01 0.067 38 0.001 57 1.314 42 0.030 34 0.141 73 0.001 76 850 28 852 13 854 10 29 64.40 74.07 0.87 22.65 0.071 52 0.002 05 1.365 08 0.039 15 0.138 85 0.002 03 972 35 874 17 838 11 30 150.68 289.87 0.52 61.59 0.067 59 0.001 31 1.235 61 0.025 50 0.132 32 0.001 51 856 24 817 12 801 9 31 412.63 410.50 1.01 141.68 0.068 38 0.001 23 1.347 77 0.027 51 0.142 55 0.001 79 880 22 867 12 859 10 32 857.14 521.72 1.64 251.46 0.067 11 0.001 22 1.288 34 0.027 72 0.138 75 0.001 90 841 23 841 12 838 11 33 413.19 802.18 0.52 196.08 0.070 63 0.001 23 1.521 94 0.029 37 0.155 68 0.001 70 947 22 939 12 933 9 34 112.63 130.54 0.86 39.64 0.068 49 0.001 84 1.276 37 0.034 14 0.135 41 0.001 71 883 35 835 15 819 10 35 500.51 1 340.96 0.37 849.27 0.157 76 0.002 66 9.419 32 0.176 01 0.431 67 0.004 93 2 432 17 2 380 17 2 313 22 36 234.21 305.68 0.77 91.64 0.066 18 0.001 38 1.372 74 0.033 28 0.149 62 0.002 05 812 28 877 14 899 12 37 92.50 104.38 0.89 30.08 0.067 12 0.001 87 1.198 63 0.035 09 0.129 11 0.001 73 842 39 800 16 783 10 38 794.56 603.55 1.32 246.87 0.066 83 0.001 10 1.264 93 0.022 16 0.137 03 0.001 57 833 19 830 10 828 9 39 145.06 294.50 0.49 63.37 0.067 89 0.001 28 1.302 19 0.025 92 0.138 87 0.001 60 865 23 847 11 838 9 40 759.79 696.07 1.09 244.48 0.068 87 0.001 14 1.315 97 0.024 66 0.137 98 0.001 60 895 21 853 11 833 9 41 92.98 102.38 0.91 33.46 0.071 15 0.001 86 1.487 94 0.045 43 0.151 20 0.002 65 962 35 925 19 908 15 42 93.89 128.82 0.73 37.02 0.070 85 0.001 78 1.422 50 0.035 02 0.145 98 0.001 80 953 30 898 15 878 10 43 67.85 94.78 0.72 24.70 0.070 49 0.002 45 1.308 93 0.045 04 0.135 08 0.001 92 943 47 850 20 817 11 44 79.26 221.49 0.36 139.54 0.153 24 0.002 81 9.393 47 0.189 13 0.443 10 0.005 96 2 382 17 2 377 18 2 365 27 45 572.22 441.65 1.30 187.12 0.069 15 0.001 49 1.396 73 0.032 03 0.145 89 0.001 85 903 27 888 14 878 10 46 1 009.13 979.53 1.03 319.34 0.066 66 0.001 18 1.220 68 0.023 78 0.132 19 0.001 54 827 22 810 11 800 9 47 194.38 317.83 0.61 273.16 0.166 51 0.002 79 10.556 76 0.197 71 0.457 79 0.005 22 2 523 17 2 485 17 2 430 23 48 220.56 220.92 1.00 73.54 0.066 79 0.001 49 1.259 98 0.029 34 0.136 42 0.001 56 831 30 828 13 824 9 49 139.00 161.15 0.86 54.79 0.069 48 0.001 5 1.473 88 0.033 09 0.153 87 0.001 82 913 27 920 14 923 10 50 122.75 322.98 0.38 67.43 0.067 71 0.001 29 1.386 76 0.028 06 0.148 26 0.001 66 860 24 883 12 891 9 51 563.17 591.71 0.95 200.36 0.065 91 0.001 14 1.298 51 0.025 55 0.142 44 0.001 59 803 23 845 11 858 9 52 27.74 19.40 1.43 9.07 0.066 33 0.003 75 1.231 43 0.066 68 0.137 70 0.002 46 817 83 815 30 832 14 53 500.91 1 297.49 0.39 265.92 0.065 13 0.001 17 1.344 83 0.027 79 0.149 46 0.001 86 779 23 865 12 898 10 54 442.91 252.00 1.76 139.67 0.066 54 0.001 45 1.369 62 0.032 20 0.149 10 0.001 72 823 30 876 14 896 10 55 141.90 170.88 0.83 62.65 0.070 95 0.001 61 1.630 88 0.037 63 0.167 13 0.002 01 956 28 982 15 996 11 56 652.01 688.47 0.95 222.05 0.065 16 0.001 25 1.250 40 0.025 77 0.139 04 0.001 65 780 24 824 12 839 9 57 117.56 1 846.98 0.06 228.47 0.067 58 0.001 03 1.356 36 0.022 98 0.145 35 0.001 55 856 18 870 10 875 9 58 466.36 659.09 0.71 171.07 0.065 65 0.001 12 1.205 28 0.022 34 0.132 90 0.001 47 795 21 803 10 804 8 59 199.43 166.32 1.20 74.31 0.071 62 0.001 75 1.609 26 0.042 56 0.162 98 0.002 39 975 31 974 17 973 13 60 110.99 113.57 0.98 37.67 0.066 16 0.001 78 1.241 74 0.033 47 0.136 20 0.001 52 811 38 820 15 823 9 61 77.72 130.05 0.60 38.04 0.072 52 0.001 91 1.667 66 0.046 07 0.166 78 0.002 20 1 001 35 996 18 994 12 62 140.83 196.76 0.72 57.98 0.070 16 0.001 61 1.450 85 0.037 48 0.149 35 0.002 14 933 30 910 16 897 12 63 384.44 240.41 1.60 127.87 0.068 88 0.001 40 1.423 58 0.028 80 0.149 92 0.001 65 895 24 899 12 901 9 64 146.76 267.68 0.55 75.83 0.070 53 0.001 34 1.621 10 0.032 68 0.166 61 0.002 11 944 22 978 13 993 12 65 29.50 38.49 0.77 10.32 0.063 85 0.002 74 1.145 80 0.047 30 0.131 64 0.001 91 737 63 775 22 797 11 66 569.28 317.93 1.79 160.63 0.066 95 0.001 45 1.220 94 0.029 09 0.132 16 0.001 93 836 27 810 13 800 11 -
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