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    周喜文 耿元生 郑常青

    周喜文, 耿元生, 郑常青, 2018. 通化地区光华岩群变质岩锆石U-Pb定年及其地质意义. 地球科学, 43(1): 109-126. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.007
    引用本文: 周喜文, 耿元生, 郑常青, 2018. 通化地区光华岩群变质岩锆石U-Pb定年及其地质意义. 地球科学, 43(1): 109-126. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.007
    Zhou Xiwen, Geng Yuansheng, Zheng Changqing, 2018. Zircon U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Rock from Guanghua Group in Tonghua Area and Its Geological Significance. Earth Science, 43(1): 109-126. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.007
    Citation: Zhou Xiwen, Geng Yuansheng, Zheng Changqing, 2018. Zircon U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Rock from Guanghua Group in Tonghua Area and Its Geological Significance. Earth Science, 43(1): 109-126. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.007


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.007

    中国地质调查局项目 121201102000150020-6

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20160201-6

    中国地质调查局项目 1212011121062

    国家自然科学基金项目 41372196


      周喜文(1970-), 男, 研究员, 主要从事前寒武纪地质与变质岩石学方向的研究

    • 中图分类号: P581

    Zircon U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Rock from Guanghua Group in Tonghua Area and Its Geological Significance

    • 摘要: 吉林通化地区光华岩群出露于太古宙TTG片麻岩之中,其形成时代一直存在争议.利用SHRIMP与LA-ICPMS技术,对其代表性岩石样品开展了锆石U-Pb定年分析,包括石榴黑云片岩、黑云二长片麻岩、石榴角闪片岩和侵入光华岩群底部的钾长花岗岩.结果显示,光华岩群4件变质岩石样品尽管位置不同,但碎屑锆石年龄非常接近,207Pb/206Pb谐和年龄集中在2.6~2.5 Ga之间,加权平均值分别为2 529±7 Ma、2 568±4 Ma、2 526±11 Ma和2 530±6 Ma,表明其成岩物质来源于新太古代地体.部分变质岩石记录了2 525±10 Ma、1 926±40 Ma和1 878±16 Ma的变质锆石年龄,表明其既经历了太古代末期的构造热事件改造,又遭受了古元古代晚期碰撞造山事件的扰动.确定侵入光华岩群底部的钾长花岗岩的侵位年龄为2 154±7 Ma,岩石未遭受变形改造,其成因可能与陆内裂谷发育过程有关.


    • 图  1  华北克拉通构造区划图(a)与光华地区地质简图(b)

      图a据Zhao et al.(2005)

      Fig.  1.  Tectonic subdivision of the North China Craton (a) and geological sketch of the Guanghua area (b)

      图  2  光华岩群代表性岩石野外与岩相图片


      Fig.  2.  Field pictures and photomicrographs of representative rock from the Guanghua Group

      图  3  光华岩群代表性岩石锆石阴极发光图像与207Pb/206Pb表观年龄值


      Fig.  3.  Zircon CL images and 207Pb/206Pb ages of representative rock samples from the Guanghua Group

      图  4  样品TH15-2 SHRIMP锆石U-Pb谐和图

      Fig.  4.  Concordia diagram of SHRIMP U-Pb data for zircon from sample TH15-2

      图  5  光华岩群代表性岩石LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb谐和图与年龄分布直方图

      Fig.  5.  Concordia diagrams and age histograms of LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb data for representative rock samples from the Guanghua Group

      表  1  样品TH15-2 SHRIMP锆石U-Pb分析结果

      Table  1.   SHRIMP zircon analytical data for sample TH15-2

      测点号 206Pbc(%) U(10-6) Th(10-6) 232Th/238U 206Pb*(10-6) 207Pb*/206Pb* ±% 207Pb*/235U ±% 206Pb*/238U ±% 误差 年龄(Ma)207Pb/206Pb
      1.1 0.04 573 83 0.15 209 0.162 12 0.32 9.507 1.0 0.425 3 0.98 0.952 2 478 ±5
      2.1 0.11 841 55 0.07 256 0.154 24 0.34 7.525 0.99 0.353 8 0.93 0.939 2 394 ±6
      3.1 0.24 205 65 0.33 84.6 0.167 87 0.60 11.07 1.3 0.478 2 1.2 0.889 2 537 ±10
      4.1 0.11 154 70 0.47 62.8 0.169 10 0.61 11.06 1.4 0.474 2 1.3 0.900 2 549 ±10
      5.1 0.03 333 115 0.36 135 0.166 00 0.37 10.79 1.5 0.471 5 1.4 0.967 2 518 ±6
      6.1 0.07 185 105 0.59 77.2 0.166 89 0.50 11.17 1.5 0.485 6 1.4 0.943 2 527 ±8
      7.1 0.04 260 309 1.23 102 0.165 21 0.43 10.38 1.1 0.455 8 1.0 0.925 2 509 ±7
      8.1 0.07 861 325 0.39 292 0.163 41 0.31 8.884 0.96 0.394 3 0.91 0.947 2 491 ±5
      9.1 0.09 179 76 0.44 71.9 0.167 49 0.52 10.78 1.2 0.466 9 1.1 0.905 2 532 ±9
      10.1 0.12 130 60 0.48 36.4 0.114 37 0.85 5.118 1.5 0.324 6 1.2 0.818 1 870 ±15
      11.1 0.19 68 152 2.31 28.8 0.166 90 0.83 11.34 1.7 0.492 8 1.5 0.871 2 527 ±14
      12.1 0.05 359 199 0.57 104 0.115 07 0.52 5.356 1.1 0.337 6 0.99 0.887 1 881 ±9
      注:表中数据由北京离子探针中心SHRIMP Ⅱ仪器获得;Pbc和Pb*分别代表普通铅和放射成因铅;误差为1σ;普通铅校正用204Pb的实测值.
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2  光华岩群代表性岩石LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb分析结果

      Table  2.   LA-ICPMS zircon analytical data for representative rock samples from the Guanghua Group

      样品点号 Th(10-6) U(10-6) Pb(10-6) Th/U 同位素比值 表观年龄(Ma)
      207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ
      TH14-2-01 139.90 215.47 127.27 0.65 11.371 8 0.211 7 0.486 7 0.007 1 2 552 14 2 554 17 2 556 31
      TH14-2-02 121.42 216.52 132.41 0.56 11.659 3 0.218 3 0.505 8 0.007 4 2 529 15 2 577 18 2 639 32
      TH14-2-03 156.16 119.83 73.91 1.30 10.326 4 0.198 7 0.451 1 0.006 7 2 518 15 2 464 18 2 400 30
      TH14-2-04 117.15 152.03 92.94 0.77 11.372 6 0.214 6 0.486 6 0.007 2 2 552 15 2 554 18 2 556 31
      TH14-2-05 146.74 179.52 112.02 0.82 11.435 7 0.215 6 0.491 3 0.007 2 2 546 15 2 559 18 2 576 31
      TH14-2-06 167.14 206.59 126.95 0.81 11.384 2 0.213 8 0.487 1 0.007 2 2 552 15 2 555 18 2 558 31
      TH14-2-07 254.02 281.90 164.89 0.90 10.538 9 0.197 5 0.460 7 0.006 8 2 516 15 2 483 17 2 442 30
      TH14-2-08 270.57 357.00 212.34 0.76 10.986 1 0.202 8 0.474 5 0.006 9 2 537 14 2 522 17 2 503 30
      TH14-2-09 208.01 229.30 143.06 0.91 11.266 3 0.210 9 0.483 4 0.007 1 2 548 14 2 545 17 2 542 31
      TH14-2-10 126.74 104.55 68.98 1.21 11.250 1 0.217 8 0.485 0 0.007 3 2 540 15 2 544 18 2 549 32
      TH14-2-11 28.70 68.71 37.21 0.42 10.816 6 0.217 7 0.458 6 0.007 0 2 568 16 2 507 19 2 433 31
      TH14-2-12 165.25 241.75 138.58 0.68 10.657 9 0.200 7 0.460 5 0.006 8 2 536 15 2 494 17 2 442 30
      TH14-2-13 104.44 121.53 75.62 0.86 11.369 9 0.218 3 0.487 8 0.007 3 2 548 15 2 554 18 2 561 32
      TH14-2-14 89.69 102.27 65.01 0.88 11.440 8 0.223 4 0.492 5 0.007 4 2 542 15 2 560 18 2 582 32
      TH14-2-15 116.44 146.78 89.01 0.79 11.274 4 0.214 1 0.485 4 0.007 2 2 542 15 2 546 18 2 551 31
      TH14-2-16 197.36 202.29 123.92 0.98 11.390 4 0.214 8 0.488 8 0.007 2 2 547 15 2 556 18 2 565 31
      TH14-2-17 46.80 57.35 32.54 0.82 10.476 1 0.219 7 0.455 6 0.007 1 2 525 17 2 478 19 2 420 32
      TH14-2-18 37.15 197.76 105.84 0.19 11.254 6 0.213 0 0.479 8 0.007 1 2 558 15 2 544 18 2 526 31
      TH14-2-19 111.21 131.01 78.06 0.85 10.950 5 0.210 5 0.475 0 0.007 1 2 529 15 2 519 18 2 505 31
      TH14-2-20 68.04 105.85 64.01 0.64 11.465 1 0.221 9 0.492 2 0.007 4 2 547 15 2 562 18 2 580 32
      TH14-2-21 42.18 67.27 40.63 0.63 11.546 2 0.237 6 0.495 2 0.007 7 2 548 16 2 568 19 2 593 33
      TH14-2-22 193.24 150.43 101.02 1.28 11.475 2 0.219 3 0.491 9 0.007 3 2 549 15 2 563 18 2 579 31
      TH14-2-23 94.73 132.47 81.33 0.72 11.577 4 0.226 4 0.494 4 0.007 4 2 556 15 2 571 18 2 590 32
      TH14-2-24 176.28 247.77 148.52 0.71 11.119 5 0.210 0 0.484 8 0.007 1 2 521 15 2 533 18 2 548 31
      TH14-2-25 134.60 134.89 79.76 1.00 10.671 0 0.210 8 0.475 3 0.007 2 2 485 16 2 495 18 2 507 31
      TH14-2-26 138.24 159.63 97.68 0.87 11.239 6 0.216 9 0.479 6 0.007 1 2 557 15 2 543 18 2 526 31
      TH14-2-27 173.77 188.75 119.38 0.92 11.395 4 0.218 6 0.486 1 0.007 2 2 557 15 2 556 18 2 554 31
      TH14-2-28 130.64 168.06 104.41 0.78 11.600 2 0.225 2 0.496 4 0.007 4 2 552 15 2 573 18 2 598 32
      TH14-2-29 121.00 215.15 127.16 0.56 11.214 7 0.215 9 0.493 2 0.007 3 2 506 15 2 541 18 2 584 32
      TH14-2-30 157.25 197.33 119.50 0.80 11.159 0 0.215 5 0.491 8 0.007 3 2 503 15 2 536 18 2 579 32
      TH14-2-31 75.49 107.19 63.88 0.70 11.126 5 0.221 3 0.481 7 0.007 3 2 533 16 2 534 19 2 535 32
      TH14-2-32 54.45 67.67 42.96 0.80 11.763 5 0.244 8 0.503 3 0.007 8 2 553 16 2 586 19 2 628 34
      TH14-2-33 116.20 157.73 95.30 0.74 11.388 4 0.223 4 0.488 4 0.007 3 2 549 15 2 555 18 2 564 32
      TH14-2-34 69.88 113.61 66.58 0.62 11.042 0 0.219 7 0.488 3 0.007 4 2 497 16 2 527 19 2 563 32
      TH14-2-35 97.55 141.35 88.12 0.69 11.690 3 0.235 9 0.508 2 0.007 8 2 526 16 2 580 19 2 649 33
      TH14-2-36 50.31 68.45 40.47 0.73 11.820 9 0.253 3 0.494 6 0.007 9 2 590 17 2 590 20 2 591 34
      TH14-2-37 59.43 160.94 70.69 0.37 7.697 2 0.167 9 0.396 1 0.006 0 2 238 19 2 196 20 2 151 28
      TH14-2-38 152.72 194.83 118.84 0.78 11.049 6 0.216 4 0.486 6 0.007 3 2 504 15 2 527 18 2 556 31
      TH14-2-39 280.82 301.03 182.43 0.93 10.844 0 0.209 4 0.476 4 0.007 0 2 508 15 2 510 18 2 512 31
      TH14-2-40 79.51 185.98 103.18 0.43 11.330 0 0.224 0 0.484 9 0.007 3 2 552 16 2 551 18 2 549 31
      TH14-2-41 215.30 344.21 194.83 0.63 10.591 3 0.205 1 0.470 4 0.006 9 2 490 15 2 488 18 2 485 30
      TH14-2-42 160.58 197.04 120.05 0.81 11.278 3 0.222 0 0.484 6 0.007 2 2 545 16 2 546 18 2 547 31
      TH14-2-43 56.17 426.54 217.28 0.13 10.325 7 0.199 8 0.470 8 0.006 9 2 445 15 2 464 18 2 487 30
      TH14-2-44 95.95 137.53 79.98 0.70 10.821 6 0.215 3 0.475 8 0.007 1 2 507 16 2 508 18 2 509 31
      TH14-2-45 117.50 156.68 91.40 0.75 11.386 6 0.229 1 0.486 9 0.007 3 2 553 16 2 555 19 2 557 32
      TH14-2-46 197.07 205.09 128.67 0.96 11.023 9 0.218 3 0.485 9 0.007 2 2 502 16 2 525 18 2 553 31
      TH14-2-47 156.15 231.69 133.74 0.67 10.676 6 0.211 3 0.472 6 0.007 0 2 495 16 2 495 18 2 495 31
      TH14-2-48 172.98 215.40 128.53 0.80 10.882 9 0.216 2 0.477 8 0.007 1 2 509 16 2 513 18 2 518 31
      TH14-2-49 105.93 158.09 95.42 0.67 11.185 3 0.224 6 0.498 1 0.007 5 2 485 16 2 539 19 2 606 32
      TH14-2-50 206.66 284.05 165.53 0.73 10.672 0 0.212 1 0.475 1 0.007 1 2 486 16 2 495 18 2 506 31
      TH14-2-51 102.74 104.54 62.79 0.98 11.166 5 0.231 1 0.485 1 0.007 4 2 527 17 2 537 19 2 550 32
      TH14-2-52 99.29 133.12 76.31 0.75 10.869 6 0.223 7 0.476 9 0.007 2 2 510 16 2 512 19 2 514 32
      TH14-2-53 111.16 204.75 121.55 0.54 11.258 3 0.225 7 0.502 3 0.007 5 2 482 16 2 545 19 2 624 32
      TH14-2-54 180.75 230.55 138.93 0.78 11.167 7 0.225 4 0.483 9 0.007 2 2 531 16 2 537 19 2 544 31
      TH14-2-55 173.17 216.67 130.64 0.80 10.975 2 0.222 6 0.482 4 0.007 2 2 507 16 2 521 19 2 538 31
      TH14-2-56 96.34 156.94 92.77 0.61 11.412 5 0.238 4 0.488 9 0.007 5 2 550 17 2 557 19 2 566 32
      TH14-2-57 393.95 361.26 216.10 1.09 10.213 9 0.209 3 0.459 6 0.006 9 2 468 17 2 454 19 2 438 31
      TH14-2-58 122.75 155.02 93.28 0.79 11.142 8 0.231 5 0.481 5 0.007 3 2 536 17 2 535 19 2 534 32
      TH14-2-59 72.52 281.74 143.35 0.26 10.213 6 0.211 0 0.463 3 0.007 0 2 454 17 2 454 19 2 454 31
      TH14-4-01 111.75 139.91 90.77 0.80 12.620 2 0.210 8 0.515 0 0.007 5 2 631 12 2 652 16 2 678 32
      TH14-4-02 61.87 167.79 90.39 0.37 10.574 7 0.176 3 0.472 3 0.006 8 2 480 13 2 486 15 2 493 30
      TH14-4-03 374.09 474.27 202.86 0.79 7.317 0 0.121 2 0.353 5 0.005 1 2 347 13 2 151 15 1 951 24
      TH14-4-04 265.52 449.57 187.14 0.59 7.359 7 0.121 2 0.352 6 0.005 0 2 361 13 2 156 15 1 947 24
      TH14-4-05 100.49 127.14 73.85 0.79 10.284 1 0.179 5 0.458 9 0.006 8 2 482 13 2 461 16 2 435 30
      TH14-4-06 114.80 74.33 53.07 1.54 11.727 1 0.209 4 0.493 3 0.007 4 2 581 13 2 583 17 2 585 32
      TH14-4-07 147.75 231.92 138.28 0.64 11.322 0 0.188 2 0.492 2 0.007 1 2 525 12 2 550 16 2 580 31
      TH14-4-08 108.05 138.37 74.38 0.78 9.735 0 0.166 6 0.436 7 0.006 4 2 473 13 2 410 16 2 336 29
      TH14-4-09 146.49 229.81 144.52 0.64 11.088 3 0.183 7 0.518 7 0.007 4 2 402 13 2 531 15 2 694 32
      TH14-4-10 141.66 224.53 135.08 0.63 11.350 5 0.190 4 0.496 4 0.007 2 2 515 13 2 552 16 2 598 31
      TH14-4-11 380.43 381.45 240.39 1.00 11.014 4 0.181 3 0.484 0 0.006 9 2 508 12 2 524 15 2 545 30
      TH14-4-12 111.27 175.27 105.20 0.63 11.364 6 0.192 6 0.494 9 0.007 2 2 523 13 2 554 16 2 592 31
      TH14-4-13 327.32 432.43 216.65 0.76 8.918 9 0.149 4 0.415 4 0.006 0 2 409 13 2 330 15 2 240 27
      TH14-4-14 107.53 135.65 71.50 0.79 9.538 8 0.166 1 0.427 7 0.006 3 2 474 13 2 391 16 2 295 28
      TH14-4-15 129.62 286.59 139.96 0.45 8.999 9 0.152 3 0.425 7 0.006 1 2 383 13 2 338 15 2 286 28
      TH14-4-16 370.59 555.18 192.24 0.67 5.666 7 0.095 5 0.295 3 0.004 2 2 217 13 1 926 15 1 668 21
      TH14-4-17 81.75 110.01 67.32 0.74 11.556 6 0.200 7 0.497 3 0.007 3 2 543 13 2 569 16 2 602 31
      TH14-4-18 145.03 315.30 179.45 0.46 11.365 4 0.188 4 0.486 4 0.007 0 2 552 12 2 554 15 2 555 30
      TH14-4-19 53.45 60.19 39.46 0.89 12.075 2 0.229 8 0.517 0 0.008 0 2 551 15 2 610 18 2 686 34
      TH14-4-20 61.24 73.26 45.93 0.84 11.796 4 0.223 4 0.498 8 0.007 7 2 572 14 2 588 18 2 609 33
      TH14-4-21 84.90 102.77 62.29 0.83 10.752 1 0.193 2 0.485 9 0.007 2 2 461 14 2 502 17 2 553 31
      TH14-4-22 80.94 152.46 88.77 0.53 11.255 0 0.197 2 0.491 8 0.007 2 2 517 13 2 544 16 2 578 31
      TH14-4-23 107.80 312.64 164.56 0.34 10.298 0 0.174 6 0.462 5 0.006 7 2 471 13 2 462 16 2 450 29
      TH14-4-24 102.71 120.82 69.68 0.85 10.507 5 0.186 0 0.464 9 0.006 9 2 496 13 2 481 16 2 461 30
      TH14-4-25 85.76 138.85 84.53 0.62 11.788 7 0.204 8 0.505 1 0.007 4 2 550 13 2 588 16 2 636 32
      TH14-4-26 76.07 159.14 89.27 0.48 10.978 0 0.189 3 0.480 8 0.007 0 2 513 13 2 521 16 2 531 30
      TH14-4-27 91.52 92.42 57.11 0.99 10.728 7 0.194 2 0.476 7 0.007 1 2 489 14 2 500 17 2 513 31
      TH14-4-28 390.15 525.90 156.28 0.74 5.020 6 0.086 3 0.255 4 0.003 7 2 258 13 1 823 15 1 466 19
      TH14-4-29 113.29 166.66 86.83 0.68 9.957 1 0.173 7 0.431 2 0.006 3 2 532 13 2 431 16 2 311 28
      TH14-4-30 27.59 1124.03 364.01 0.02 5.131 0 0.085 7 0.315 3 0.004 4 1 926 40 1 841 14 1 767 22
      TH14-4-31 239.14 227.14 142.42 1.05 11.006 4 0.189 4 0.480 1 0.006 9 2 520 13 2 524 16 2 528 30
      TH38-2-01 29.50 71.07 40.34 0.42 11.018 8 0.147 9 0.459 7 0.006 2 2 594 19 2 525 12 2 438 27
      TH38-2-02 82.90 172.88 67.13 0.48 7.145 3 0.124 2 0.315 4 0.005 1 2 497 18 2 130 15 1 767 25
      TH38-2-03 247.18 565.21 296.23 0.44 10.429 8 0.191 9 0.436 0 0.008 1 2 591 17 2 474 17 2 333 36
      TH38-2-04 60.42 155.72 89.14 0.39 11.112 2 0.127 5 0.462 9 0.005 5 2 598 18 2 533 11 2 452 24
      TH38-2-05 77.80 171.66 102.14 0.45 11.263 6 0.141 4 0.471 5 0.005 7 2 589 17 2 545 12 2 490 25
      TH38-2-06 149.29 321.13 192.61 0.46 11.599 7 0.157 3 0.494 4 0.006 4 2 558 17 2 573 13 2 590 27
      TH38-2-07 203.35 488.45 276.31 0.42 11.170 7 0.225 6 0.480 2 0.009 7 2 547 18 2 537 19 2 528 42
      TH38-2-08 84.57 208.92 120.64 0.40 10.778 2 0.132 5 0.468 2 0.005 8 2 527 19 2 504 11 2 476 25
      TH38-2-09 102.28 195.70 122.12 0.52 12.042 2 0.185 5 0.498 7 0.007 3 2 607 22 2 608 14 2 608 31
      TH38-2-10 90.13 153.14 89.39 0.59 10.824 0 0.157 6 0.463 0 0.005 2 2 552 21 2 508 14 2 453 23
      TH38-2-11 158.10 477.12 267.30 0.33 11.104 6 0.160 0 0.464 1 0.005 6 2 592 23 2 532 13 2 458 25
      TH38-2-12 26.64 105.66 68.63 0.25 14.401 7 0.295 4 0.543 8 0.010 3 2 765 35 2 777 19 2 799 43
      TH38-2-13 178.24 430.53 259.85 0.41 11.612 5 0.139 0 0.487 7 0.005 9 2 587 19 2 574 11 2 561 26
      TH38-2-14 288.92 460.55 281.08 0.63 11.310 3 0.132 0 0.473 3 0.006 2 2 594 18 2 549 11 2 498 27
      TH38-2-15 40.75 61.43 38.84 0.66 11.503 9 0.161 9 0.484 6 0.006 4 2 583 21 2 565 13 2 547 28
      TH38-2-16 57.21 154.35 90.18 0.37 11.479 0 0.176 0 0.480 2 0.006 9 2 594 24 2 563 14 2 528 30
      TH38-2-17 102.76 200.10 115.40 0.51 10.602 6 0.131 6 0.459 6 0.006 0 2 600 17 2 489 12 2 438 27
      TH38-2-18 178.71 464.34 245.70 0.38 10.584 4 0.222 8 0.455 9 0.008 8 2 543 23 2 487 20 2 422 39
      TH38-2-19 80.21 190.73 113.34 0.42 11.493 4 0.163 5 0.484 0 0.007 0 2 583 20 2 564 13 2 545 30
      TH38-2-20 269.75 512.38 319.41 0.53 11.646 6 0.163 2 0.492 3 0.006 4 2 580 26 2 576 13 2 581 28
      TH38-2-21 30.55 88.14 51.06 0.35 11.378 0 0.161 7 0.479 4 0.006 5 2 581 21 2 555 13 2 525 28
      TH38-2-22 42.15 115.50 69.13 0.36 11.507 9 0.162 6 0.490 6 0.006 2 2 561 23 2 565 13 2 573 27
      TH38-2-23 50.76 130.70 79.14 0.39 11.770 5 0.174 9 0.498 1 0.007 0 2 576 30 2 586 14 2 605 30
      TH38-2-24 48.75 166.81 94.66 0.29 11.123 7 0.265 4 0.463 6 0.009 8 2 606 43 2 534 22 2 455 43
      TH38-2-25 122.61 333.01 201.42 0.37 11.700 0 0.163 4 0.494 7 0.007 6 2 583 27 2 581 13 2 591 33
      TH38-2-26 39.04 201.67 117.21 0.19 12.333 4 0.148 0 0.495 2 0.006 1 2 661 21 2 630 11 2 593 26
      TH38-2-27 165.80 357.35 215.96 0.46 11.319 3 0.186 7 0.485 5 0.007 4 2 550 23 2 550 15 2 551 32
      TH38-2-28 92.67 205.45 120.62 0.45 11.134 9 0.179 3 0.475 9 0.006 8 2 558 26 2 534 15 2 509 30
      TH38-2-29 125.06 228.83 145.10 0.55 11.763 9 0.188 3 0.499 9 0.007 5 2 569 27 2 586 15 2 614 32
      TH38-2-30 58.74 126.87 77.00 0.46 11.454 7 0.173 0 0.484 4 0.007 9 2 583 28 2 561 14 2 546 34
      TH38-2-31 128.30 274.66 152.96 0.47 10.548 5 0.166 4 0.441 8 0.007 3 2 592 22 2 484 15 2 359 32
      TH38-2-32 92.32 205.15 125.22 0.45 11.591 5 0.164 6 0.488 0 0.006 8 2 587 25 2 572 13 2 562 29
      TH38-2-33 100.00 254.69 127.95 0.39 10.145 8 0.238 7 0.433 0 0.009 8 2 558 23 2 448 22 2 319 44
      TH38-2-34 158.02 421.64 255.87 0.37 11.689 8 0.183 9 0.499 9 0.007 3 2 559 26 2 580 15 2 613 31
      TH38-2-35 122.99 280.73 171.72 0.44 11.605 6 0.200 2 0.494 8 0.006 8 2 565 22 2 573 16 2 592 29
      TH38-2-36 80.44 208.34 125.09 0.39 11.690 9 0.146 5 0.486 5 0.006 5 2 609 27 2 580 12 2 556 28
      TH38-2-37 44.00 125.48 76.12 0.35 11.611 4 0.159 3 0.498 9 0.006 7 2 551 24 2 574 13 2 609 29
      TH38-2-38 174.59 73.46 84.48 2.38 9.074 0 0.195 5 0.409 8 0.007 1 2 461 33 2 345 20 2 214 33
      TH38-2-39 70.27 202.30 116.14 0.35 11.104 6 0.197 8 0.483 6 0.007 0 2 527 28 2 532 17 2 543 30
      TH38-2-40 172.29 381.93 239.98 0.45 12.112 3 0.222 7 0.509 9 0.007 1 2 591 34 2 613 17 2 656 30
      TH38-2-41 43.40 319.10 183.89 0.14 12.051 0 0.280 2 0.511 9 0.008 4 2 576 39 2 608 22 2 665 36
      TH38-2-42 49.17 145.28 87.05 0.34 11.669 4 0.261 1 0.501 0 0.007 5 2 567 39 2 578 21 2 618 32
      TH38-2-43 43.32 116.78 67.87 0.37 11.147 4 0.279 7 0.483 9 0.007 2 2 540 45 2 536 23 2 544 31
      TH38-2-44 68.74 169.43 96.62 0.41 10.964 4 0.309 8 0.467 8 0.006 7 2 566 49 2 520 26 2 474 29
      TH38-2-45 70.22 196.64 109.60 0.36 10.571 8 0.328 5 0.461 2 0.007 5 2 531 53 2 486 29 2 445 33
      TH17-5-01 748.10 742.42 347.84 1.01 7.207 2 0.146 9 0.393 2 0.005 8 2 137 17 2 137 18 2 137 27
      TH17-5-02 493.84 839.10 382.17 0.59 7.294 4 0.148 7 0.395 3 0.005 9 2 149 17 2 148 18 2 147 27
      TH17-5-03 271.50 424.61 202.59 0.64 7.599 2 0.156 9 0.407 8 0.006 1 2 165 17 2 185 19 2 205 28
      TH17-5-04 914.50 812.00 356.63 1.13 6.798 1 0.140 7 0.364 5 0.005 5 2 167 17 2 085 18 2 003 26
      TH17-5-05 300.51 423.32 196.72 0.71 7.400 8 0.153 6 0.398 3 0.006 0 2 161 17 2 161 19 2 161 28
      TH17-5-06 376.97 383.76 187.57 0.98 7.566 6 0.157 9 0.402 4 0.006 0 2 181 18 2 181 19 2 180 28
      TH17-5-07 2429.03 1044.44 416.98 2.33 4.866 4 0.101 6 0.288 7 0.004 3 1 989 18 1 796 18 1 635 22
      TH17-5-08 705.55 647.32 321.25 1.09 7.236 6 0.151 3 0.394 0 0.005 9 2 140 18 2 141 19 2 141 27
      TH17-5-09 859.24 1098.18 447.86 0.78 5.994 4 0.125 1 0.344 1 0.005 2 2 047 18 1 975 18 1 906 25
      TH17-5-10 975.21 649.15 323.41 1.50 7.281 6 0.154 0 0.395 2 0.006 0 2 146 18 2 147 19 2 147 28
      TH17-5-11 174.70 228.50 107.36 0.76 7.546 6 0.165 0 0.410 7 0.006 3 2 141 19 2 179 20 2 218 29
      TH17-5-12 189.26 232.27 109.31 0.81 7.373 3 0.159 8 0.397 5 0.006 1 2 158 19 2 158 19 2 158 28
      TH17-5-13 193.04 367.82 171.24 0.52 7.658 7 0.164 4 0.407 5 0.006 2 2 180 18 2 192 19 2 204 28
      TH17-5-14 454.72 691.98 315.58 0.66 7.108 1 0.151 4 0.390 4 0.005 9 2 125 18 2 125 19 2 125 27
      TH17-5-15 172.41 326.23 148.41 0.53 7.400 0 0.159 8 0.397 9 0.006 0 2 162 18 2 161 19 2 159 28
      TH17-5-16 648.75 872.74 406.87 0.74 7.093 4 0.151 9 0.390 1 0.005 9 2 123 18 2 123 19 2 123 27
      TH17-5-17 302.69 362.47 179.47 0.84 7.479 3 0.162 6 0.406 9 0.006 2 2 142 19 2 171 19 2 201 28
      TH17-5-18 131.10 284.97 135.54 0.46 7.885 0 0.173 5 0.421 8 0.006 5 2 171 19 2 218 20 2 269 29
      TH17-5-19 550.28 914.98 328.56 0.60 5.446 1 0.118 0 0.314 2 0.004 8 2 038 19 1 892 19 1 761 23
      TH17-5-20 734.45 935.42 452.06 0.79 7.481 7 0.161 3 0.398 2 0.006 0 2 180 18 2 171 19 2 161 28
      TH17-5-21 686.20 933.48 450.80 0.74 7.594 9 0.165 3 0.408 9 0.006 2 2 160 19 2 184 20 2 210 28
      TH17-5-22 561.94 613.03 307.19 0.92 7.579 9 0.166 1 0.414 8 0.006 3 2 131 19 2 182 20 2 237 29
      TH17-5-23 456.89 460.49 223.95 0.99 7.432 3 0.164 1 0.400 5 0.006 1 2 158 19 2 165 20 2 171 28
      TH17-5-24 183.13 287.76 140.68 0.64 7.742 8 0.172 9 0.416 8 0.006 4 2 160 19 2 202 20 2 246 29
      TH17-5-25 250.36 524.38 245.49 0.48 7.774 9 0.172 2 0.418 6 0.006 4 2 160 19 2 205 20 2 254 29
      TH17-5-26 352.73 573.98 267.97 0.61 7.449 0 0.165 9 0.401 3 0.006 1 2 159 19 2 167 20 2 175 28
      TH17-5-27 464.20 837.88 386.39 0.55 7.473 0 0.166 2 0.402 4 0.006 1 2 159 19 2 170 20 2 180 28
      TH17-5-28 144.39 279.12 117.80 0.52 6.894 0 0.156 5 0.376 2 0.005 8 2 136 20 2 098 20 2 058 27
      TH17-5-29 404.17 568.52 283.52 0.71 7.823 7 0.174 9 0.422 5 0.006 4 2 155 19 2 211 20 2 272 29
      TH17-5-30 377.86 575.49 272.98 0.66 7.519 1 0.168 6 0.407 0 0.006 2 2 151 20 2 175 20 2 201 28
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