Lithological Assemblages of Archean Meta-Igneous Rocks in Eastern Hebei-Western Liaoning Provinces of North China Craton, and Their Geodynamic Implications
摘要: 冀东-辽西地区是华北克拉通北部出露面积最大的太古宙变质基底区.经过岩石组合填图和综合研究,将其太古宙变质火成岩分为2.64~2.60 Ga MORB型拉斑玄武质火山岩、2.61~2.52 Ga拉斑玄武质-钙碱性变质火山岩、2.52~2.50 Ga浅变质钙碱性火山岩组合和2.54~2.50 Ga英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质片麻岩、2.54~2.51 Ga闪长质-石英闪长质-英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质片麻岩、2.54~2.51 Ga紫苏花岗闪长质-紫苏花岗质岩石、2.57~2.52 Ga闪长质-石英二长闪长质-花岗闪长质-二长花岗质片麻岩和2.53~2.51 Ga弱片麻状到块状二长花岗质-正长花岗质深成侵入体岩石组合.这些岩石组合从东北部的辽西阜新到西南部的遵化马兰峪地区呈现出条带状时-空分布特征.变质作用研究揭示了青龙-上营-洒河桥-马兰峪为高压麻粒岩带,记录了ITD型PTt轨迹,与NNW-NW向SSE-SE方向逆冲推覆构造相伴生;而三屯营-太平寨高温麻粒岩带,记录了IBC型PTt轨迹,与锦州-兴城-安子岭-界岭口-太平寨-三屯营伸展-底劈构造带相伴生.综合分析表明冀东-辽西太古宙晚期的构造-岩浆活动形成于热造山带型俯冲-弧后伸展到碰撞隆升的侧向增生动力学过程.Abstract: The eastern Hebei-western Liaoning provinces are the largest exposure regions of Archean basement rocks in the northern part of North China Craton. Comprehensive studies including detailed mapping of lithological assemblages reveal that the Archean basement rocks in the study regions can be subdivided into eight different assemblages, i.e., 2.64-2.60 Ga MORB-type metabasaltic rocks; 2.61-2.52 Ga metamorphosed tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic rocks; 2.52-2.50 Ga calc-alkaline volcanic rocks with low metamorphic grade; 2.54-2.50 Ga tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic gneisses; 2.54-2.51 Ga dioritic-quartz dioritic-tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic gneisses; 2.54-2.51 Ga enderbites and charnockites; 2.57-2.52 Ga dioritic-quartz monzodioritic-granodioritic-monzogranitic gneisses; and 2.53-2.51 Ga weakly gneissic to massive monzogranitic to syenogranitic plutonic rocks. The above lithological assemblages show apparently banded spatial distribution patterns from Fuxin area of western Liaoning in the northeast to the Malanyu area of Zunhua in the southwest. Metamorphic studies indicate that high pressure granulites outcropped in the Qinglong-Shangying-Saheqiao areas record typical isothermal decompression (ITD)-type metamorphic P-T-t paths, which are associated with the thrusting structures from NNW-NW to SSE-SE. In contrast, isobaric cooling (IBC)-type metamorphic P-T-t paths are recorded by the high-temperature granulites from Santunying-Taipingzhai areas, which were accompanied by extensional diapiric structures in the Jinzhou-Xingcheng-Anziling-Jiehekou-Taipingzhai-Santunying regions. Accordingly, it is suggested that the Late Archean tectonothermal events in the eastern Hebei-western Liaoning provinces could have been generated under a typical Archean hot orogenic belt, evolving from subduction and back-arc extension to the final collision.
表 1 冀东地区有效变质温度
Table 1. Effectively metamorphic P-T conditions in the eastern Hebei basement region
地点 样品 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 变质温度(℃) 变质压力(103 MPa) 参考文献 洒河桥 JD1523D2内核 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 822 1.50 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 D2边缘 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 808 1.30 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 D010-2 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 753 1.11 刘树文等,1991 马兰峪 JD1547内核 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 816 1.70 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 JD1547边缘 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 797 1.40 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 YC8-16 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 858 1.80 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 YC8-24 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 873 1.60 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 YC223 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 802 1.50 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 YC134 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 819 0.90 Yang and Wei, 2017b 洒河桥 YC8-43D2 石榴石-单斜辉石REE压力计 810 1.80 Yang and Wei, 2017b 马兰峪 M509-1 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 706 1.00 刘树文和林强,1992 石人沟 L6M-1 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 739 0.95 刘树文和林强,1992 上营 348-2 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 860 1.14 刘树文和林强,1992 上营 518-1 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 747 1.00 刘树文和林强,1992 上营 B031-1 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 812 1.15 刘树文等,1991 上营 500-1 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 699 1.00 刘树文和林强,1992 上营 515-4 石榴石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 722 0.96 刘树文和林强,1992 冷嘴头 D020-1 角闪石环带温压计 730 1.02 刘树文等,1991 冷嘴头 D020-1 角闪石环带温压计 710 0.95 刘树文等,1991 冷嘴头 D020-1 角闪石环带温压计 675 0.94 刘树文等,1991 冷嘴头 D020-1 角闪石环带温压计 687 1.04 刘树文等,1991 冷嘴头 D020-1 角闪石环带温压计 642 0.71 刘树文等,1991 太平寨 413-2 石榴石-斜方辉石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 850 1.16 刘树文等,1991 太平寨 T1-5 石榴石-斜方辉石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 841 1.00 刘树文和林强,1992 太平寨 T2-2 石榴石-斜方辉石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 777 1.05 刘树文和林强,1992 太平寨 T1-5 石榴石-斜方辉石-单斜辉石温度-压力计 760 0.95 刘树文和林强,1992 太平寨 T1-5 似剖面方法的温度压力范围 906 1.08 Kwan et al., 2016 太平寨 T1-5 似剖面方法的温度压力范围 880 1.08 Kwan et al., 2016 太平寨 T1-5 似剖面方法的温度压力范围 800 1.00 Kwan et al., 2016 -
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