Seismic Sedimentology in Multiple Sources-Complex Depositional Systems of Chepaizi Uplift, Junggar Basin
摘要: 准噶尔盆地车排子凸起新近系沙湾组为湖盆缓坡多物源、复杂沉积体系沉积,其沉积体系认识争议很大,时空演化难以刻画.准确刻画其沉积体系类型、演化规律和砂体分布特征,是精细刻画单砂体及内部构型等储层的基石,对后期油气开发具有重要指导意义.在岩心、测井、测试分析及地震资料,充分利用相位转换、地层切片等地震沉积学技术方法,对其沉积体系特征进行深入研究.建立研究区精细层序地层格架,将沙湾组划分为2个三级层序、4个四级层序;识别出冲积扇、辫状河、曲流河、曲流河三角洲、扇三角洲及滨浅湖6种沉积体系类型,并确定沉积体系边界及演化规律;建立了多物源冲积扇-辫状河、扇三角洲-曲流河三角洲沉积模式及砂体分布模式.辫状河道、心滩、点坝复合体及冲积扇砂体均钻遇较好油气显示,为重要储集体.此次研究丰富了地震沉积学在湖盆缓坡多物源、多沉积体系类型中的应用.
- 多物源-复杂沉积体系 /
- 地震沉积学 /
- 沉积演化 /
- 沙湾组 /
- 车排子凸起
Abstract: The Neogene Shawan Formation from the Chepaizi uplift of the Junggar basin, has multiple sources and complex depositional systems. It has long been debated about the depositional systems due to limited well and core data. Besides, it is hard to depict the spatial and temporal evolution. The depositional system is the key to depict the single sandbody and its architecture, which has a profound meaning for hydrocarbon exploration. Based on 3D seismic data, core data and well logs, combined with the seismic geomorphology approach, the depositional systems and evolution history of the Neogene Shawan Formation in the Chepaizi uplift of the Junggar Basin were studied in great detail. A sequence stratigraphy framework was established. And, two third-order sequences, namely, sequences NSQ1 and NSQ2 from base to top, and four forth-order sequences were identified from the Shawan Formation. Six depositional systems, namely, braided river, alluvial fan, meandering river, meandering river delta, fan delta and shallow lacustrine systems, were identified. Then, two sedimentary models, namely, alluvial fan-braided river systems and fan delta-meandering river delta systems, were built in the study area. Finally, the prediction model of sand bodies was constructed. There has showed significant indication of oil and gas in the sand bodies of braided rivers, mid-channel bars, point bars, and alluvial fan. So, they are the primary reservoirs in study area. It is proved that seismic sedimentary is a useful approach applied in multiple sources, complex sedimentary systems in gentle slope of lacustrine basin when core data and well data are limited. -
图 1 研究区(a)区域位置图、(b)地层系统和(c)地质构造背景
据杨永利等(2012), 有改动
Fig. 1. Location of the study area (a), stratum system (b) and tectonic background (c)
图 3 研究区沙湾组层序地层格架及沉积解释
a.研究区沙湾组层序地层地震响应特征;b.研究区沙湾组层序-沉积剖面图;位置见图 1a中B-B′剖面
Fig. 3. Sequence stratigraphy framework and sedimentary interpretation of the study area
图 5 研究区C2-5井沙湾组层序、沉积相及岩心描述(井位置见图 1a)
Fig. 5. Sequence, sedimentary facies and cores of Shawan Formation, well # C2-5
图 4 研究区典型岩心照片(岩心井位置见图 1a)
a.多期次叠置灰色块状砂岩,砂岩底部见冲刷面,C10-7,950.70 m;b.上部为灰色块状含砾砂岩,底部见冲刷面,下部为灰色平行层理砂质砾岩,砾石定向排列,C2-5,982.50 m;c.深灰色块状细砂岩,C27-1,1 623.20 m;d.上部为灰白色砂质砾岩,中部为灰白色含砾砂岩,底部为灰绿色泥岩,突变接触,C27-1,1 625.40 m;e.下部为灰绿色泥岩,上部为褐红色泥岩,C27-1,1 618.26 m;f.褐红色砾质泥岩,大小混杂,P400-3,1 036.60 m;g.上部为杂色砂质砾岩,分选磨圆均较差,下部为褐红色泥岩,C40,850.10 m;h.杂色砾岩,砾石大小混杂,P400-4,1 061.20 m;i.灰色细砂岩,C110E,1 410.80 m;j.多期次灰白色细砂岩,砂岩底部见冲刷面,P20,1 737.90 m;k.灰绿色块状泥岩,P20,1 739.80 m;l.白色块状石膏,质较纯,C64,991.20 m
Fig. 4. Typical litholofacies in the study area
图 6 研究区典型粒度累积概率曲线特征(测试井位置见图 1a)
a.C2-5井,样品1、2和3深度分别为976.64 m、978.65 m和983.71 m;b.P400-3井,样品1和2深度分别为1 046.00 m和1 047.93 m;c.样品1为C36井,深度为867.59 m,样品2为C40井,深度为852.24 m
Fig. 6. The characteristics of typical cumulative probability curves in the study area
图 11 研究区沙湾组NSQ1层序典型地层切片及沉积相解释(切片位置见图 3a)
Fig. 11. Typical stratal slices and corresponding sedimentary maps of sequence NSQ1
图 7 研究区C40井沙湾组层序、沉积相及岩心描述(井位置见图 1a)
Fig. 7. Sequence, sedimentary facies and cores of Shawan Formation, well # C40
图 12 研究区沙湾组NSQ2层序典型地层切片及沉积相解释(切片位置见图 3a)
Fig. 12. Typical stratal slices and corresponding sedimentary maps of sequence NSQ2
图 9 地震资料相位转换剖面图
a.原始地震剖面(0°相位);b.90°相位转换剖面(-90°相位);剖面位置见图 1a
Fig. 9. Original phase and 90° phase seismic cross-section of the study area
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