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    杨克红 于晓果 初凤友 董彦辉

    杨克红, 于晓果, 初凤友, 董彦辉, 2016. 南海北部甲烷渗漏系统环境变化的碳、氧同位素记录. 地球科学, 41(7): 1206-1215. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.098
    引用本文: 杨克红, 于晓果, 初凤友, 董彦辉, 2016. 南海北部甲烷渗漏系统环境变化的碳、氧同位素记录. 地球科学, 41(7): 1206-1215. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.098
    Yang Kehong, Yu Xiaoguo, Chu Fengyou, Dong Yanhui, 2016. Environmental Changes in Methane Seeps Recorded by Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in the Northern South China Sea. Earth Science, 41(7): 1206-1215. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.098
    Citation: Yang Kehong, Yu Xiaoguo, Chu Fengyou, Dong Yanhui, 2016. Environmental Changes in Methane Seeps Recorded by Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in the Northern South China Sea. Earth Science, 41(7): 1206-1215. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.098


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.098

    国家自然科学基金项目 41476050

    国家自然科学基金项目 41106047


      杨克红(1979-),女,副研究员,博士,主要从事甲烷渗漏系统、海底资源与成矿系统等研究.E-mail: yangkh@sio.org.cn

    • 中图分类号: P736

    Environmental Changes in Methane Seeps Recorded by Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in the Northern South China Sea

    • 摘要: 冷泉碳酸盐岩记录了甲烷渗漏活动和流体组分随时间的变化过程,对示踪冷泉系统沉积环境变化具有非常重要的意义.对南海北部获取的冷泉碳酸盐岩进行了碳、氧同位素剖面研究,并对南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩的碳、氧同位素变化范围进行了统计分析.研究结果及已发表的δ13C和δ18O剖面数据表明,南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩剖面的δ13C和δ18O之间普遍存在相关性,相关系数R2最高可达0.933 1.经统计,南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩样品δ13C和δ18O均具有较大的变化范围,其最大变化分别为34.50×10-3和5.89%(Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite,V-PDB).冷泉碳酸盐岩δ13C和δ18O的相关性特征可能指示了初始流体的变化、后期矿物形成/重结晶作用、渗漏系统较为复杂或者成岩作用等环境变化信息.对不同碳酸盐岩样品来说,δ13C的变化主要由海水的参与程度决定,而δ18O的变化可能与温度和Mg元素参与方解石沉淀的程度有关.


    • 图  1  南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩站位

      Fig.  1.  Stations of cold seep carbonates in the northern South China Sea

      图  2  选取的冷泉碳酸盐岩样品

      Fig.  2.  The studied carbonates samples

      图  3  碳、氧同位素分析取样位置

      Fig.  3.  Sampling locations for carbon and oxygen isotopes analyses

      图  4  碳酸盐岩δ13C和δ18O剖面变化

      Fig.  4.  δ13C and δ18O profiles of the cold seep carbonates

      图  5  南海北部碳酸盐岩全部样品及分层部位δ13C和δ18O的相关性

      Fig.  5.  Relationships between δ13C and δ18O of cold seep carbonates in the northern South China Sea

      图  6  南海北部其他研究样品δ13C和δ18O的相关性

      a.红色位置为碳、氧同位素取样位置,b.标记1~10的白点为碳、氧同位素相关关系研究取样点;碳、氧同位素数据分别来自文献(陈选博和韩喜球, 2013杨克红等, 2013)

      Fig.  6.  Relationships between δ13C and δ18O of other cold seep carbonates in the northern South China Sea

      表  1  冷泉碳酸盐岩取样位置

      Table  1.   Sampling locations of the cold seep carbonates

      S0603118.735 822.140 9655S03A
      S0604118.734 922.140 8638S04F
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      表  3  南海北部各地碳酸盐岩δ13C和δ18O变化特征

      Table  3.   Vary intervals of δ13C and δ18O of cold seep carbonates in the northern South China Sea

      δ13C (10-3, V-PDB)δ18O (10-3, V-PDB)
      TVG1-711.811.21Site12Han et al., 2008
      TVG1-81.560.10Site12Han et al., 2008
      TVG2-19.410.31Site13Han et al., 2008
      TVG2-39.530.62Site13Han et al., 2008
      TVG3-313.180.15Site12Han et al., 2008
      TVG8-C5-23.010.48Site32Han et al., 2008
      TVG-9-C1-11.390.23Site32Han et al., 2008
      TVG9-C40.950.23Site32Han et al., 2008
      TVG11-C2-15.390.74Site32Han et al., 2008
      TVG11-C1-4-10.570.36Site32Han et al., 2008
      TVG13-C1-16.281.48Site24Han et al., 2008
      TVG14-C1-13.640.88Site23Han et al., 2008
      TVG14-C2-31.970.27Site22Han et al., 2008
      Chen6.212.09Site210陈选博和韩喜球, 2013
      A-24.621.56S060336杨克红等, 2013
      HS4DG-11.280.71神狐3Ge and Jiang, 2013
      DS134.50.90东沙西南7Wang et al., 2014
      DS25.001.90东沙西南5Wang et al., 2014
      HS4aDG-13.300.50神狐5Tong et al., 2013
      HS4aDG-211.702.20神狐2Tong et al., 2013
      HS4DG6.402.30神狐6Tong et al., 2013
      E105-13.200.90东沙西南3Tong et al., 2013
      DSGH-27.400.40东沙西南3Tong et al., 2013
      TVG1-18.701.00Site14Tong et al., 2013
      TVG22.400.90Site14Tong et al., 2013
      TVG3-12.400.10Site12Tong et al., 2013
      TVG137.500.70Site23Tong et al., 2013
      TVG14-10.900.10Site22Tong et al., 2013
      TVG14-27.000.30Site23Tong et al., 2013
      TVG14-35.701.30Site22Tong et al., 2013
      TVG61.400.60Site32Tong et al., 2013
      TVG82.100.40Site33Tong et al., 2013
      TVG90.600.40Site32Tong et al., 2013
      TVG110.900.20Site32Tong et al., 2013
      HD30.200.30东沙东北附近3Tong et al., 2013
      HD3141.400.60东沙东北附近2Tong et al., 2013
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      表  2  冷泉碳酸盐岩δ13C和δ18O的统计特征

      Table  2.   Statistics characteristics of δ13C and δ18O about the carbonate samples

      样品δ13C (10-3, V-PDB)δ18O (10-3, V-PDB)分布状态数据个数
      最大值最小值平均值中值最大值最小值平均值中值δ13C (10-3)δ18O (10-3)
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      表  4  世界各地冷泉碳酸盐岩δ13C和δ18O的相关系数R2

      Table  4.   Correlation coefficients R2 between δ13C and δ18O of the cold seep carbonates in the world

      S03A0.331 420本文
      S04F0.933 129本文
      A-20.861 936杨克红等, 2013相关系数R2为本文计算
      Chen0.868 710陈选博和韩喜球, 2013相关系数R2为本文计算
      黑海0.580 015Bahr et al., 2009
      Eel River北部0.957 312Gieskes et al., 2005相关系数R2为本文计算
      冲绳海槽0.778 6/0.297 210/19Sun et al., 2015同一样品两条剖面,原文为R
      日本琉球岛的黑岛丘0.688 9/0.504 1方解石/白云石Takeuchi et al., 2007方解石和白云石分别统计,原文为R
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